SOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION LIFELINE/TRIBAL LINK UP ADVERTISING/OUTREACH ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2015 Company: West River Telecommunications Address: 101 Main St W Hazen, ND 58545 Telephone number: 701-748-2211 Company contact: Ranae Schmidt Study Area Code: 36528 Lifeline/Tribal Link Up Advertising/Outreach Activities: X Advertise in media of general distribution.* (See attached advertisement(s).) X Letter to existing and new customers regarding the availability of Lifeline/ Tribal Link Up.* (See attached letter.) X Company's Lifeline/Tribal Link Up information in directory. X Company's Lifeline/Tribal Link Up information available on Company website. ((www.companywebsiteaddress.com) X Company's information posted on USAC website. X Other (describe): FYI Document – Welcome Packet *Required approves purchase of new motor grader the building. but not sure how yet. The AIRPORT HANGAR PROJECT - Moved Scientific, repairs-186.30; Gienger Sales, retirement·50.00; SDW'tNA, travel-160.00; Covncil gave Albers another week to byYellowBoy, second byCoxand carried, supplies·l02.00; Great Western Bank, Smiths Fire Extinguishers, fire rernove tlie steps and 4 weeks to remove to approve pay request no. 6 to North payroll taxes-11,814.27; Greggs Drilling extinguishers-6,201.0"2; Thorstenson ereof, the asbestos. Star Construction, Inc. in the amount &Excavating, repairs·9,197.58; Hawkins, Trucking, softball fields·l3,904.40 ;US .mon STEP INCREASE - Moved by Yellow of $48,701.13 for the airport hangar chemical·6,567.00; Heartland Waste, Post Office, postage-294.00; Venture )outh Boy, second by O'Connell and carried, to project. solid waste collection-16,485.00; High Comm, utilitles-424.09 ;Wellmark Blue !City approve a step increase for Police Officer HOUSING STUDY - Michele Harrison, Point Networks, computer-1,515.49; Cross/Blue Shield, healthins.-18,176.75. OPM. Ashton Norder moving from $17.90 per MEDCO, was present to request support Ingram, books-154.15 ;Justin Jungwirth, Salaries: Administration·2370.92; f:ficer hour to $18.12 per hour effective August from the City Council for a grant through travel-74.00; Library Director, City Administrator·l991.27; Police 25, 2014. SDHousi•"' 'T'h<> ar~ntwmllrl n::ivfnrhalf Steve 1 oettv cash-50.38 ;M&M Electric, Department-22523.19; Street d the NEW BUSINESS: ofthec(" ~s-539.03; Department-4100.80; Library·2730.74; ~sent: 2015 APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE in the c Mitchell Auditorium-1112.00; 24/7·227.57; rlson. -Moved by Carlson, second byYell ow Boy of hous ce·396.00; Water Department·7704.93; Sewer y. and carried, to approve the l st reading of moved ttal, prof Department·3019.08; and Airport - Ordinance No. 934, 2015 Appropriations and car esources, 12Z4.00. otion Ordinance. roxicology There being no further business to :land MOTOR GRADER - A representative ho¥~A{ .odenburg come before t1le counc'il, the meeting from Butler Cat was present to discuss Mov1 )0.00; SD adjourned at 6:19 PM on a motion by with the Council a bid from Beadle O'Conn es·707.00; Carlson, second by Cox and carried. cond Countyforanewmotorgrader. The City's Dame l ;SD Dept Heather Beck. Finance Officer ·e the current grader is a 1983 and has been City fol 592.00 ;SD Jamie Dietterle, Mayor gular increasinglyin need of expensive repairs. Distrib1 ices·40.00; Published once at the total approximate Jecial The City has capital outlay of $101),000 Mov, 11,424.16; cost of $52.12. to go towards street equipment. After andcaI nent Plan, -091014 some discussion and questions from the Jordan: Council and Street Department's Dwight Lutztol DING Baumann, moved by Carlson, seconcfby lbers, Yellow Boy and carried, to approve the Se~ATI ~roblems Happen F·A·S-T! ss on purchase of a 2015 Caterpillar 140M3 Mov1 tated AWD motor grader off Beadle County bid and ca semen! is in need.ot-repair·:Sal~~~~~~~i.Watemr~9fi~]~e.n:i tilize of$279,799.00. bills fo~ ur .niost .complete and.affordable solution. ·SafeBaSement.ofterS A fl a re .than other1mn11Jystems. FREE •Office 1 Busin CllON,RAnON.ANPr.!DIS!U.RE'~~POR!S. 1~11.111m·1 !k~~, l Cashn i Gove1 ! Cente ~Link, I ~Group. ---i-i·. l mow1ng/contract labor-8,980.00; Disc i Go Tech, supplies-120.70; Eisemann l Building Proi:iucts, supplies-86.00; [Fillers Bakery, supplies·3L32; Fisher icle of title shall send written notification /""" within thirty (30) days to the removal+ --- -- -- -- ---- -- ------------------------------ -- --------- " agency: noted above, and the Division of N d H·e/ p • MotorVehiclesat445E.Capitol,Pierre, ee p ay1ng fior SD 57501·3100. Ifthe owner fails to claim Visit our and remove the vehicle within thir~ (30) bedaysaftermailingofthisnotice, issued to the removal agency. 1i11ewm Phone Servi"ce ."'t' Local Office in: I declare and affirm under the penalties ofperjury: that this informationhas been exam1nei:l. by me, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, is in all things true and correct. I hereby attest that this vehicle was towed from its abandoned location and 'ound that notice is being sent to the registered 29218 owner of record and any lienholder(s} of. 8 and record within the required forty· five (45) daytime frame. for information ·36-9) NOTE: When towed from private tedor property, written permission from hicle, landowner must be submitted. on telephone 1 scrap Bob Beyer .. I.·· ~ency AuthonzedRepresentativeforRemoval assistance mthe Agency · t.The Published once at the totalapprox.imate ·Voice_~ Data ··~·wi'feleSS • Monitorinrl/seCui'ity ·. -~ :,;JA;~ :rmay cost of $21.41. programs­ '~ I scrap -091014 1~lder Lifeline & ., , I Link"UP I rnformed!- I I WRT is an equal cesin your local newspaper. I opportunity provider ..;;, .. ---------- _- _, ---------------------------------------~'•''V';,;·::,;~:: Homecured Boneless Mini Hams ................... 3.419 lb. Homecured Canadian Bacon ......................... 3.49 lb. Smoked Porl.: Hocks ........................................ 2:.49 lb. All Beef Summer Sausage (5 lb. Sticl18) ........... 3.,99 Jb. Homemade Hot Dogs (All Meat) ........................ 3~99· lb. 6 •Mobridge Tribune - September 24, 2014 MEET TIIE STAFF OF MOBR.IDGE-IPOU:,OCK rllGH §cHOOIL Keith Mayer Philip Russe!JI Math Metal fabrication Kristi Moser Samantha Merkel Loxie Shillingstad Marty Looyenga Rh0nda Frederick­ Librarian PE, health Language arts Science Special education IF"""',.,,,;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,,.,,,,,.,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,;,,;;,;;,;;;;;;;,,,,,,.,"il ~;t~~r.~"~I 1 Mobridge Garden Club · Not Pictured: Brian Helm, technology coordi­ nator, Bonnie Gemar, data coordinator, Pearl Haux, Foll Croff Fair food service manager. Saturday, October 11, 2014 New & Returning Vendors!! Hours 9 to 4 • Lunch Will Be Served Scherr-Howe Event Center - Mobridge •••• "'{.... ~~"' ..... ~~·"(*-'~--·' Yourr "KE,:Y" To Real Esti:tt.e Servi1c;e• MOBRIDGE REGIONAL HOSPITAL 1012 1st Avenue W .-: MObridge Ranch style house with two bedrooms up and two IS OFFERING AN down. Large kitchen with Oak Cabinetry, dining • room, living room has lots of natural light, patio door to back 416 sq fl cedar deck. Lower level has &MT COURSE family room, utility room complete with new Whirl­ (Emergency Medical Technician) pool washer and dryer to stay, lots of storage, bath and two bedrooms. Back yard has beautiful shade trees and is completely fenced. Yard has asprinkler INFORMATIONAL MEETING system. Detached 16 x 24 garage. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25TH AT 6:30 P.M. MRH Education Training Conference Room ,:::-,._ Visit our website at L:.I www.k,eyage.n~y.com LT..'ofi'tl JohN BAdGley, MANAqiNq BnokEn 210 E. GAANd CrwssiNG • MobRidqE •84j-:J664 • 800-889-29jl ------, Need Help Paying for Phone Service? WRT I> an equal Qppo<tunity provider _____,.J Custer State Park Roundup is an experience of a life.time. I'll be there, and I Buffalo Roundup invite you to be there, too. 2014 Memory Lane A column by Gov. Dennis Continued from Daugaard: When I was a young boy, I Page 6 always looked forward to the cowboy films at the theater. Homecoming queen and king My friends and I loved the are; Margaret Pleinis, Deloris rugged, silent cowboy s,tars. We Reinbold, Gladys Rott, Victor wouldn'thavebeencaughtdead Vesely, Larry Klingman, and using the word "romance," but Dwight Moritz, all seniors. looking back, I can see that we 70 YEARS AGO were captivated by the romance Pfc Orville Hepperle was oftheWildWest, withitscowboy seriously wounded in action heroes, untamed prairies, recently , according to a bucking horses, wagon trains, telegram received from the Plains Indians and, of course, War department by his parents massive herds of magnificent last week. No information was buffalo. What an incredible received by his parents, Mr. animal·- strong as an Olympic and Mrs. John Hepperle, other weightlifter, fast as a champion than the wire that he had been sprinter and exuding danger and wounded and that information mystery. would follow. Morethan125yearsago,long In a closed deal last week, before South Dakota became a Everett Baggerly purchased, the 1o. state, buffalo roamed the prairies Guilford Young garage, operated in numbers almost beyond belief. in the C.D. Monroe building and I read somewhere that an Army. took over the operation of that officer who led a company of business the first of this week. cavalrythroughthestat'ein1871 Mr. Baggerly assisted with told of camping on the plains and the management of the business being surrounded by a herd of when it was taken over by Mr. buffalo so large that it took five Young and has been helping full days for all of the animals to since that time with the harvest move past the soldiers' camp. of the crop on their farm. One estimate put the size of Old Jack frost just missed that herd at 4 million bU:ffalo. keeping a prearranged date in Imagine that, if you can. Corson county Wednesday night By the time South Dakota whenthemercurydroppedto35 became a state, Nov. 2, 1889, afterthesltiesclearedfollowinga the buffalo had all but been dayofrain.
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