MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series H: United Jewish Appeal, 1945-1995. Subseries 4: Administrative Files, 1945-1994. Box Folder 54 1 Study mission. Israel and Europe. 1962. For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website. 3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 AmericanJewishArchives.org ••.. GALA PER F ORMANCE lSRAEL SALUTES THE U. J. A. TJ'.:L·.'.'1. Yl Y . :0.1 .l\:-i:-i .l\l.:Dl'J'O RIL'!\1. :!7.10.02. 8.30 1'.M . :J" ;! iN::l )1in1/'<>;:)i\ J1 'i1i\ ':i .n ' :J..l>:) , ~:i Program -.. MO~HE SH A.HETT Chairman Jewish Agency Executive and Chalirman of the Isr ael National Committee l\10anEC H""I .. ~ Al\1IR Mayor of Tel-Aviv- Jaffa .JOSiEPH l EYEUll C>Fl •' General Chairman of the U. J. A. HElRHEHT J\ . FJ U J ~ B M. Executive Vice Chairman of the U. J. A. , .'i. ROI'\ l\IES K L ' - " Habimah" Theatre JI ~:'\ ., ~1 A. U (} . ' - The " Cameriu Theatre Z .'\DJJ< OY C'l1J J.1>Hl':N C I1 1>H US TJJ •·: ... , ...... n N E t ; r)J.];\l" - I NTER MI SSION - 0 "'I'll I•: V i"l. i\.:'>J ONl i'J " - D"'.'\{ 1 ~G C HOU J> T ill~ "BA.'l'ZO J ~ ET " O H C J J E ~'J'R ;>. ISRAEL NATIONAL COMMITIEE FOR THE CELEBRATION OF THE THI TIADJKOV CllOJll r..tablllhecl In Iara.I In 1964, the cbolr waa n 'hadikoY who Sounded a melody group In Bulg 19 wader the auaplou of the Jaffa.Tel A'i'l'I WOl'b Mr. Jblbak Graslcml, who CIGIH to Ihle CIOWltl'y in 9'8 fJom Bulgaria. la a Music Academy graduate. He has conducted Tari ws orcbe1traa Including lhe Kol larael pop orc:bHtra and lhe Iarael Army THI PADI01'111 An Ieraeb folklore, dance and aong troupe lhe management of Moabe ltsbak Halen aulated by Yona LeYi·El • Troupe members come from Yemen, ~a. others a..-.. Founded In 1111 by members of lh• lnbal and ~ lrOQll. ftlE TAlltlGOUN Thia alHabra troupe waa eetabblbed In 111 bf former members of Army entertainaat QrOUJIS. It la c:Uraatecl br No.dk Polanl, formerly of the Tahlzbatron Troupe. THE l>UDAIM The team ol Ben Amdunky and llrael Guri1 better known aa the Dudaim. hen• been singing 1lnc:e 1958. The two Sabra baya performed in various night clubs In tarae! and abroad. THE '"IADOBITB" OBC11Bi1'1A It• etgbt amateur mueiclcma are Mtden fJom the Northern Nege'I JClb. buts Gnlm. Eatablllbed in 1951, the oro1'"tra • e1 ln tcm lmitatlona. It plays at Kibbutz weddings, Ill Sabra mem being full·llm• farmers. THE CAllM01' DAllClll Ealabllabed In 1951, Ihle all«lbra aance all over the U. S., Central and South Amerloa, Alrlocr. Dlreotor Jonathan Carmon graduated from 1tudled dcmclng with Gertrud• ICrauu and Mia Ait1X111:1Y' ln Parla and London. THIS LAND BY A . ASHMAN Read by Allmon Mellldn of the HabJma Matloul Tbeatret Y 0 EL One caa burr the dead, we barfed llOU. wl••a. llrothen. lllat-. But bow CIClll you aallouly bury a U.tq Mcly, a body UT!ng ad bale, lrellh ad tbrl.tq! BeccnaH "Yarlda" la now a Ji'rlq body. (Pointing towards the .Wage). Tbe Heida are green. the meyarda Ill bloom, the boUH8 uat - lor Goer• •ake, wby didn't you agrH? Wbat did we cult of you? A little r••t and a piece of bread from lhl• lmad of youn - why didn't you agree t (J.ecma aga!ut one of the tomJmon.. ). YOEL "Abraham Om Father'', you say? Abraham made a bvnt offeriq of a ram wblle I burned my son, my only son. His lllaac bad conunted ad went to the altar of hi• own free will. Had he r..i.tecl. hacl be fought, -who Jaaowe whether Abraham Om FatJ\er could bne o.. rcome the patemal pity Ill his heart? Bat I did fut that. I cweraame my pity, I tldDed my heart bato •lone, Into a fllat roclr. My oblld. my .., 1unr you .._.. death and J pushed you to die allar Q8alMt .,._ wUL CllUI .., ella1l I gel up and walk away from ure -. ..an nt... YOEL Here la ou ot Dcaol'• ...... Tiie Jatk• hOYt tam It wltb tbelr t..ab. Y 0 EL 0 holy shoe, relic ol cm huaoceat ad pure 11ac:rUlce, throw youneU down before the Bternol'1 TbrODI, ~ aplut all the vat ... fall down before th• HeaweaJr Host. aow *- tile tootb11DCD'b oa your sldnl Jew11, faokall are tearing at tU bolt rellCe ol Pf ·~I Tomonow they'll com• to the abandoned bouea tom~ ._ lllibD: fomb•ton• will be llCldt•ed all ner the plain - - GIUl_;I01& ~~ -Ghat "Alnbam Om Pcdber'°t Did Abraham Our Patber mdffi' ~~iit.: 181Pl' Wily did be fO• I aak mpelf. HDe shoula't baY• gop-. Be ·~ my wodt Ure. AbraJuall Our Palller did. be •polled It... YOBL No. no, we •ould not bcne vl••n In. UoWD him tlWi WClf' huger - we leaTe; hunger M1b.i.ta1 - we mtunu we lea.• - we nblm- We Mould ha.e been obstinate, •tood om ground ••en agcdut His wUL Tbe Lord would hoe t-pered Ria fud9111eat ••- qalml Kia wW. (1)ecldlng) Mo, Juclltb. we can't... we may not leawe bem, come back Jewa. come back! (Tuma baok). YOEL (gaalng beaTeDward8) We won't oHy You In tbla matter! We always obered You. You could alwaya lmpoH Your will OD 118. But tlWi time - ao. We won't lea.e, •••n for a wbllel U you need us - we are llerel U you daa't need WI - we •till won't budge! You want to oi•• us llfet - Da lt here. You want to end our days? This la the place to do IL lil1 u. •ulaT• u. destroy wi. l:nat - here. We won't mo.. from berel (Might 19 falling. Tb• sl•Jlll of tbOH returaln9 can be bearcl la tb• c1ar1m... u ocm a bubl• of •olons "Let'• go baelr. let'• go baald" Tb• meres .. ad BU th• llPCICI• and blend with the melody "When tbe Loni rehlm•d WI to Zion we walbd like la. a dream". The melody c:ulmlnat• la. aa apotbeoele OJlleulng lmmlgratloaa aad oreatlY• work. n encll • a aolemn. throbbing chord), ,1Mt1D ,,,. mun ..:i111·~ nwn w·u nuw11 , 1954 mmJ niou mnpnn .1g•"N"J1 ,g .n '1w nmom nNJnJ mn11nn .0•1m 52 'J9'1 n'1J'11n n'1npnn 10•m n"ll1PH 1l1l ,n•i.mJn 1943 mwl n~H D'Jn ,'JN'~l pmr• in ,mrmn ·1111. '1w i11•Jn mmm 1nn ,nmw nmnm '1D mr1 Dl'n 1Dl TNm n11•om1 ..,.nJ m1mm ~iw• ll"J1=PD" mgnnmill :11n l1ITY' nmn m11m '1J>O 11nn ,111!1'719'1 n'°1H1W' n1m'1 mwl niou .f1Mn ,,.,., m:>u .tn•n •MJl•n npn'm •1J11 .:innJ'm •11 m1• JM:nln 111111'1111 'mD npm "J•1n n•1Jn .1961 ll"'nU"\I'\" •111a "DDJ miita 106t mm mou n11mn .f.1M ~ ,'1\¥ m11n'1 ·Dr .111nlr'Jn n11mn ,•a•N1ni1,. i mJ 11D'1 o•JJ1Tn .1~1U '1N1ar1 •1101ntJN rn•1J ,0•1n1n in! .f1M'1"l"1'Dl l'"lto ,1958 TND D'J1UI i1'1''1 'J11DllJl orrmD91nD ,1951·:i niou .•ngJn JJJl 1J1wn .o•JJ r1::i11 •:im·no o·mn a·o nnim ni1n1nn •1Jn .l'llPil no•on:i nD'91D .T'l nmnm'1 D"111n nmn mmmn .o•nmn nur;1mn •91111 i1Tl'19 •1J111 ,f1Mil .,..,. ,o•nm on u•:io•o nDl1N miu .f1Ni1 .,.,, .1951 mml n1011 .n•'7Niw· ·nnn npn1 01111 n•:nunn nan•N .rt'D111n n11•1nN ,m1J•nn n11•1nN ,n•1Jn mJ1H 'Jn1J 1111•1 in'1 ,f1Nl •N'111n 190 n•J 110 .11n1:> tmP npmn -r1in1 '1nm .n11•1gN .1nn'1l1 0"19l D7mDil ,m1u::i1H rrm t>1N111' i11n1l "1!H niw i1\?n 'ii::ii::i ui:i , ,,,,, 1'l'11:"1':i nu:llo:i n?m:i , ,,,, ,,nJ ,J"T1n H>'-:J':lK-?n l'l'i'Y tiiti 'lli11,Nl1 'l1'P :J ":iiK::i nimitl:l:i n 111:i•;i n':lll:l:i , ,,,, 1n,,1!J .N \11l1i1 :l":iiit::i n1ni1u~:i n 1im•:i l'l':l.~l:l:i ,,,,, po J 1 " , , '.l \?.)I 0 , "l., , i1 11 ., i1 p ll ' J N 1 '.l 1 ~ .> M1llll "O'J l l)Y!lil. np;i'J .. o • '1 1 ~ J, n ;i. -iljJO~il - ·0 1 JllJY!l i1 .. npn'J "O'N,l"lil,, • 11 )) , J,, 11 17 i1 ., 25TH ANNIVERS ARY OF THE UNITED JEWISH APPEA L OF AMERICA ... I s n .,"-EL S;'\L VTES THE v . J. A . THE ARAB REFUGEES BACKGROUND • NATURE OF PROBLEM PROJECTED SOLUTION Summary of the Problem Addresses at the Sixteenth Session of the U.N. General Assembly by Her Excellency MRS. GOLDA MEIR, Minister for foreign Affairs of Israel, and His Excellency AMBASSADOR MICHAEL COMAY, Chairman of the Israel Delegation and Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations PUBLISHIED BY ISRAEL OFFICE OF INFORMATION, NEW YORK CONTENTS Page SUMMARY 3 Thr Historical Perspective U.N. Rc$olution of 1947 01 igin of Refugee Ptoblcm Why the Problem Persists Scope of Problem Abandoned Property Israel's Contribution to a Solution The Solution MRS. MEIR'S ADDRESS 9 AMBASSADOR COMAY'S ADDRESS 19 APPENDIX "A": THE PEAOE RESOLUTION 32 APPENDIX "B": RECENT ARAB THREATS AGAINST ISRAEL '.\9 SUMMARY In the pages that follow, we have summarized, in abbreviated form, the two addresses forming the body of this pamphlet - to provide the reader with a concise review of the various aspects of the Arab refugee problem : its back­ ground, the nature of the problem, and the pro­ jected solution.
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