HI·TECH (800) 677-8942 I (303) 680-5159 www.hitechcontrols.con CONTROLS, INC. Click or Call for a Quotel • "Hybrid" Torque Specifications ­ S rint/BSP and Pro-Fit/NPTF --l ......."' 'Hybrid' Torque Specifications - (Sprint - BSP Fittings assembled into female NPTF ports) <au lion: Mating material and female parls may be too soft for high torque values. {heck material hardness to ovoid Slripping, galling or (foss-threading. This table is ONLY a guide for "hybrid" siluatiom; that require inteHhonging thread Iypes to ouommodote tubing requirements. T1wilOO Size MiWn.m ToltpJel'l:U AW:itun IClqJe VWe Sprint N. fl-l.lI$ N. h-lbs 1/8" • 10 0.1 10.0 1.' 1/4" • 4.0 1.9 20.0 14,8 3/8" 27.0 10.0 54.0 40.0 1/2" 27.0 100 67.0 ~O • Hrllll! TOIq1N "loti III rlMll Tbllocf ~III QlIIIlVIll Illhl lorqilt WIlIII for (1lOIIa~OlII1l ~ (ISP Inale II ISP ftlnale). ·Hybrid" TOfque SpecificationS - (Profit - NPTF Fittings assembled into female BSP portS) (llulilln: Mating malelial and female parIs may be too soh for high la/que values. {heck material hardness ra avaid stripping, galling ar Closs·rhleading. This rable is ONLY a guide for "hybrid" silualians lhat require intmhonging rhreod Iypes 10 ouommadare tubing requilemenrs. ihleod Size Miifun ltll~ VIM Moxirun 'onp VtU Sprint N. fl-lbs N. fl-Lbs 1/8" • 0.1 10.0 - I' 1.' w 1/4 • 4.' 1.9 20.0 14.8 3/8" • I.' 3.1 20.0 14.8 1/2" 21.0 20.0 54,0 40.0 c< lit " ,tI,,,,, ," "Il' " .." ....1, ..1 I, ......" ."l.., "",, 179 "MOnO at "j"" ,.. l,,,,,,j I" 1,;"",,1 ..,1""1,,, "j ,,, '" ...",,, f" .." ""."""I,."" - HI·TECH (800) 677-8942 I (303) 680-5159 www.hitechcontrols.com CONTROLS, INC. Click or Call for a Quotel TECHNICAL DATA - CORROSION RESISTANCE OF ELECTROLESS NICKEL PLATING Comolli IilIilgs <We Poted 1JI 0t1tlnel:s Ii s..a IJ" (ITic:rons). LIGEND: t V«y ~(J(1ory JeIlb, JIlte Ii relllO'l'tllliom «(M!asm 1m rim 2.5 lOOMS pel yel'I. B: IMJ JeSlM. JOlt 01 rel'llCMll hom (ooosion less _12.5 miclOOl pel yeDI. (: 10 !Ie deddel! ., each COle M.Udy, roTe d remMJI FJOOl (OIlosOlless rim 25 rriallllS pel yell. 0: APDIion MIl fe(<mnefdeclfor long ~, JIlII 0/ r~ from (ooO\ion more rim 25 mKlOOI pel yeDI. Temperature Tempefolufl TempefQture Subsroll(1 (OlKenlTDlion• lltgrm ( RMlonu Su/r$10ntf Conuntrotion• DegrmC RMlo1l[1 Substance (oncentrotioll• DegreesC ResistOll<l , A b.lOl , "'eric A£i:I .70 ...... ':t,"", '00 .... 100 ...., .... 100 54 AI °E 1lies 8aIi" 26' , 100 20 __ .200 A ki:i:WelWGlei " "E.dloosl ee: ClxdItiYe" 54' A _. ...... A 100 •B Ferlous (hIoride """,. , =ClIOOnareP~omle _. ...... A .uriun DDi!.e ..... ......"" , FIIiM Niliole _. ...., , POIllS.Si.rn ¥ate '·50 ...... A -, Fellous~ -, PClhlS1Un~ ..... B """,. , _. ...... , ......... ...... ......-, ~:~ 31 ......-, , 100 ...... A ~ -'"........ArnIrooi:Kn=HyO:oxile •e .. ..... , 100 @boil:'IllpM11 A ArnnxO.rn Nilrole ......'" -, FJUiI ge ...... A A Amj~"" 100 -, • .. 100 ..... A ..SMr Chlonle _. ......"""" , 100 -, [how ...... .... A ...- 95 A "'"Amfunam>Gasoline 100 • 100 A So&.m BictrbInlte ...... , IkIUn Chbile -,"'" • ""... ....-, , _e...... _. .... A 8tJi.m l/yIaQle '"'·50 -,60 • '" , SomCJmio """""_. A JD •A ....""'" '"JD , Some,.... s , ....-, ....-,~60 ..Benli Acid , 10 , H3 A ..... ...... Somt'" 100 -, -'"....""'"""-'" 2·100 ...... , JD A =~ 100 .......... • "".... '" 100 ...... """, .......... A ..... •, ..11l:.1: ...... ,• . ....., .... [ .... ....., Il«(kid ..... ....., ....."" 100 ...... --Som_ """, • .....'"'" 100 ...... , lol:li: Acil- BS .... A• ==.... """"". m A• '" 100 25 LocticAUj 1050 ...... [ Steoo1 Coo:Iensme 80 A ..-.;~"" 100 •A _. ...... , S1mA£i:l ...... ....., A CllkiJm 0bi:Ie ..... ........., Leo:Ilf!llate ...... 20 ....., [ 60 •A ""'.- 100 ....., • SOlD [ ~0I0rlle"""~ .... [ {oki.m NiMle ...... A """"" • """"'" "" """,. .... [ """""""'"(lJbon Iilxile """""100.. ...... , _am> '·50 • """"~'"'" "'.. ...... (trbon lellOdlbile ~l -, • 100 @boin!l A '·50 .....-,, "ID ....., , 100 ...... , 100 •B '" 80 ...., , ""'" 100 @~poiIlt , ='""''''-~ ....., """"'" 100 , ""''''''" 100 A 100 ...... • """"~OIISAcil'" ,<0 ....., , (\rorri( Acid Metlryl ~"" [ -, ""'.... 2·100 , """ Chlcrile 100 • """" '" 100 ...... .... ~ Gn:Acil S ......"""" A ...... 100 9S • ["~ -, 100 A .... 100 ....., • -...,... 100 9S • e~. .... -~ .......... A _ 100 so • ......"'" 100 • [ .... (ewer Chloride _. ...... , Nio:k.e1 0II0rine ....., • -"""'"un. _. ...... • C.-Nitrole , ...... ....., [ 100 ,• .... [ """'" ~:ram> .... """2·30.. ...... ""_.Nilrit Acid 2·100 ....., , 100 31 ~ol"""" 100 ...... A ~Acil 100 ....., ...., ....., • Dlhbo Ethyleoe 100 @~poW1t 10 ....., ,• W~ 100 ....., • OdDo E!hynoI 100 ...... A• """• be, ....., ...... ....., •B 100 A ....., • ""am>li\( IfIhO!t _. ....., , .... ...~ A 100 ....., • =",,'. .... "" """'" DmlctiIe Woter 80 A ....'" 100 • - 100 A 100 • .... -~ .....-,, i'.M""'" 100 .... 100 • '''' 100 .... A• ~'" 0100 ......" 0-10%(• '..... """ ....., 1().8()% B c< ~ 'It co.,," """" ,II ",.t It ..., ••"1,,,; j,..."", '·11,,, "'," 180 Tlo .. ,,,..,,, '" ."'.". t" 1.,,,,,,,1 ."10"',,.. uj """ ...,,\1, ,,, "I,,, '1, 1"",1 "llo, HI·TECH (800) 677-8942 I (303) 680-5159 www.hitechcontrols con CONTROLS, INC. Click or Call for a Quotel • TECHNICAL DATA - CORROSION RESISTANCE OF ELECTROLESS NICKEL PLATING FOR VARIOUS fOODS ---0 (1J1lOll'i JirIi'qs Ole ~ed at a~ of s-a IJll (rrivonsl. .. lEGEI/O: ....... - VefYsaTisfoctory 191, fole rJ lefI'o:l'lU from COI101ion less ttm 1.5 miutlm pel ytIlJ. T - UseluI~, ICI. rJ lemo'>'d hom {OI1osiol1less ttm 12.5 mons ..... ~~ - 10 be deOOed in eodJ CIM n:hWJy, (DIe of tellJJ'od frOOl (OlJO' litIIless ttm 25 ,nutw!lO pel yell. - - Appkotion nor r«orrrnended for b'I!l periods, role rJ letI'IOYd from I. 1 ronosicwlll"llle Ihoo 25 rriuons per 1U. Penetrolion I> I" pH Volume T~lnme 'enelrotion Volume"" Test rlllHl (miaons,l Sublranle Value (Ml) (HR'i) (mkrGllS/yr) Subs!anle (Ml) (HR5) ,I Apple Juice 3.1 .50 1702 1.2 At:om 1", ;00 5570 '.1 500 1102 HpH ~~. 150 3910 1.6 Aceri( Acid. 500 1616 13.1 =' 5.1 5~ Cooned (om '.1 150 1702 " (HXOOH (2 TM) I> 3.5 1681 .50 '.3 '00 "'.1 ""'-5% (A12S04) 3 """'Co••""...'" '.1 '50 1702 ,.1 i C......... ;00 1681 '.3 ...... ;00 3624"" 12.6 (omed PoTGIOeS 5.8 350 1681 U 21N NH40ll I> 3.8 150 3910 ... Asort,i( Ad:l, ;00 2660 16.7 ~81orl1 100 312/502 I 111% (4H&05 (3 ltStS@95de11eesO • Asorti: kid, ;00 4990 Ch:xoote Candy 150 1681 5" (6H606 ••• Co:boo lioDIe .50 4891 4.3 Coffee 5.3 700 1129 '.B 5% Fw ' Coli. '.8 100 312/554 4) (. tesli@95de!lrees{) Gtriki:l, ;00 2660 14.1 Cooked Onions "0 1102 ,.. 5% C6H807 .50 1702 '.5 ~WllIer, 100 111 """"" ... '.3 300 lH8/1633 '.1 (2 ~ @95delFees{) l~esrs @2degrees{) lleiorial WlI\ef, 900 m6/S089 I.' Gin (21M) 7.5 150 3910 0.02 (lMlkm%tem) (",qle JW;e 800 1702 1.8 Oea, ;00 5510 '.1 ""JW;e 3.1• '00 1702 '.5 ~8~ 1.3 800 1702 I . Wale" 900 m6/S089 0.05 (~ """ ... 'SO 1702 lH 8.0 pH tesrs) ..... 3SO 1702 '.1 I"", ;00 383' ,.5 Margarine"""'" (2 deg:ees C) 100 1633 ..,.... 3.7 1681 '.1 I.octk"ki:l, ;00 1337 1.3 '00 16581 ,. 85" C3H603 .50'" 1248/1633 '.04 .50 2599/2618 12.6 ""'"(21M@2deg:ees{) ••• ~~(2tesrs) "" lSO 1702 '.3 PoIOSSixn CcrlKn3Ie. ~SO 2302 '.1 ......"" 150 1681 ,. 25% K2C02 ...... 1337~78 .SO 1702 Sa5ne Water 1 """'PteIed 1omJl1leS... '.1 '00 1681 0.5 26" iidj (21M) ",""W.. '" 1198/3335 ,.I P'unJW;e IIXXl 1702 I ~()% 5.5 350 1681 '.3 (;lb (21M) '" ........... "'... 300 124B/1633 ,.• so.. 1198 ,.5 '- (21es1s@2degieesC) 5" Nell. 6.3 pH 5.8 ISO 3910 0.1 SeaWoteI, '"SOD 1272 ~i;SaybmOl1 30 (rj) 1681 Altha!, 8.2 pH (21tS1S) Sl:otdJ~e'I"" 5.3 150 3910 1.8 SocM.m 8i:lIbxiate, SOD 3839 ••• 5.1 '00 1681 1.8 2% NoOC03 5'" """" 3.5 ISO 1681 "t:~. ;00 5041 '.1 ""Sjxrish....00ve<i 3.7 150 1702 '.3••• 1. 1.' 750 1729 '.1 'SO ." '.5 I. 1.' 100 312/55. "t:r· (4 tesrs C 95 deo1ees {) • Soci.m lIihate, 574 11 lecp.i1 (2 tests) U ISO 3910 ,.• ~2% lIaN02 '" !aIooto Juice (2 tesrsJ t2 710 1321ic1336 0.5 SocM.m Nillate, 1198 IOlOOla Soup 15' 101 0.5 47%~03 1omllo Soup 3 100 SOl '.1 WCle1, '"4SO '04 7.' (21eslS@9Sdeo1ees() 7~1(02, 3.9 pH (2 tesrs) iK4ica!1'uKh .50 1702 1.3 Vegelrtk 011 1729 Vegelttie Soup lSO 1702 1.1 <.... 1.' '" 1m 7 VW 8.1 '"150 3910 c< flo " ....r '''''''' ,i, "Il'" "" ....11 ....,.""'" ."l.., "',,. a... ,,,j,m oro ."""j for 1.4,,,,,.r ..,II""'" "j '" '" "'"ilo f., "" ",10 ,,,,,,I ..if;, 181 ~ HI·TECH (800) 677-8942 I (303) 680-5159 www.hitechcontrols.com CONTROLS, INC. Click or Call for a Quotel General Pipe Thread Identification Guide ,... ~ 00 00 LJ-'-.'-L­ NPTF Fema\tl NPSM NPTF Male "email' JIC 31· FIaI1l Female IPT or NPT Pipe Threod llC 37-degree Flore The NPTF (lPT) mole will mole with the NPTF or NPSM female. The Jle 37° II00e mole will mote with a J1( female only. The lie The NPIF (lPT) mole hos lapered threods and 030° inverted male has straight threads and a 37° flare seat. The lie female has seol. The NPTF female hos tapered threods and no seot. The seol slroightthreods and a 37° flCie seat. The seal is mode on the 37° lo~es ploce bV deformaTion of the threods. The NPSM lemale hos flare seal. straight threods end a 30° inverted seot. The seol rokes ploce on the 30° seoL 1,1 :.~ .­0' ...'0= , . -'--.,. 'S' SAE 4S-degree Flore SAE Stroight Threod O-Ring Boss The SA( 45° f10re mele will more with on SAE 45° flore female The o'ring boss mole will mote with on o'ring boss female only. only. The SAE mole hos stroighllhreods and 0 45° flare seol. The The female is genelOlly found on equipment ports. The mole has SA! female hos straightlhreads and 0 45° flore seol.
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