Night Greek Cheerleaders he tireek, all Greek, lad it osIll Deadline tor freloinen in latutraatioural Mt Ii - !ady at tiic till. tonight return applicati )))) s tor lireok Night. Al.- tenter's rcusular omit tun alternate posi- dent from 14 loo soill he held tions as Freshoelon ( herriendris at Ow Cctitcr. 285 S. 111.30 is tottas at pin. i.J. st. .tpplication should lie n-- *viol et ihe es ening %sill iiighlights turned to the ( ollege I iii said, Ly Dr. slides. dancing and 1,, a Oho. us here additional information is crane. cateut a au ailable. meivording too Itood ISio- e Is ( lob 5011 assit 'atteiug. tireck elsignani. a toolool000r oot the (rents - miller sew. preparations. man class mild. it, ,,,iiimIttee. %tag SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE 1. The vele the Point it 50 .11111b.,`, SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1962 No. 33 .0, but it will e body,* nit. it diseaser to s" Shaw satyr Will be up. locations as Chancellor's Aide Same Time, Same Locations Opinions Varied Lpasgfl near campus 'I be: nor-ace For Polio Immunization Sunday 275 L SJS Today Fr.leurientary Visits It) KEITH TAKAHASHI termed as superior to the earlier Salk vaccine? On Senate Plan et St Ethd Keene, assistant chan- academic policies by orgiumni, The KC.). Polar The Sabin vaccine contains tamed live viruses is C. Manse! siege 1.:Unn are aimed at Type So yooi California state col- faculty councils, resembling fly URI' CHALLBE114. for significant powers to be stipu- cellor of the a r, II polio. The target date, Sunday is K.O. Polio which create antibodies, which are the body', , bled for the state senate. leges, will visit the campus today commended pattern. What tilla Day. natural defenders against disease. .'. II the San Jose State a recommended set of pattern will eventually be will ile- Intestinal immunity to polio is given by the oers agree on their stigges.1 Dr. Larsen urged the S.IS fac- to discuss The objective is to protect 3,500,000 Bay Area for college faculty pentl, to a great extent, on the Sabin vaccine as contrasted with the bloodstream ,.,,n, for the state-wide senate ally to approve Item Foe ,the guide lines residents against the crippling disease. con- senate shall have delegated pow.- councils with interested faculty various faculty reartions to the immunity of Salk vaccine. plan? After several meetings An army of thousands of private physicians distrib- proposed guide lines The Salk vaccine, given by needle is a "lc He: orning the plan's structural study .ersi on the questionnaire members. and more than 100,000 lay volunteers will man DRNER Keene will meet with vit us" vaccine. It, too, can protect for a oh., hy, the Phase II committee, the' uted by the Phase II committee Chancellor public and clinics to administer Type II Sabin oral mdividual views are still wide- and, also, to push tor immediate s795 faculty council representatives but constant boosters are needed. vaccine. assignment of powers to the ini- administrators in the morning and One of the distinct advantages according 1., -perad and tenaciously defended. V,75 Clinics in the San Jose area will be located at yesterday's open faculty ses- Hated plan. with the general faculty at 3:30 State Board KG. Polio officials is that the Sabin vaccini At the S142. same sites an the September 23 campaign. keeps a person from becoming a polio carrier. -am, the discussion among the few This afterntain at 330 in S142. S: Its Rtn. in The hours for obtaining immunization have been Type III polio vaccine was originally sched- otencling centered on the ques- Dr. Manse! Keene a representa- Dr. Keene is Chancellor Glenn set for 11 a.m. to? p.m. poll.. ion shall the proposed senate live from the chancellor's office. i!95 Dumke's assistant in charge of uled to be given Sunday. Instead, Type II o Consi der will be on hand tel discuss the Clinics located claw to campus are: Horace vaccine will be administered. nave delegated Powers? faculty and staff affairs for the Winn Elementary School, 275 E. Santa Clara, Sunday's vaccine, Type II, has been thorough - However. much of the difference faculty senate matter with all various state colleges. He is now lust -lb Elementars So -I I, 275 Margaret Sot. triginated in the definition of the interested faculty members. making visits to all the colleges ly tested and licensed by the U.S. Public Health( ,,asic term, power, which was Another view receiving both de- purpose of getting reac- Salary Hike iund Roosevelt -Junior High School, fell E. santa Service. It has also been unqualifiedly approved for the Chiron, by the California State Department and Healy h -haded in meaning from definitive tense and dispute expressed that tions to a preliminary set of guide Sabin's County ( ,ifithority to the right to appmve if the senate will have only the prepared by his staff. SACRAMENTO i CPA 'rho W'lly has Di.. Allo.rt oral vaccine I.teen and Health lines , power to advise, it will have no California State Employe's Asso- ,a- disapprove. The guide lines for faculty coun- power, and. therefore. there is no ciation today asked the states OPPOsiN/. V IF:Ws: cils were prepared after an exten- use for such an organization. Personnel Board to recommend Dr Dean P. ;.,,,fessor t," survey of existing patterns of Rebuttal to this statement fY 5 per cent pay increase for alt Business Education litical science, held to the participation on the vari- faculty ... that the nature of the state boiled down to an observance by campuses. Dr. G. A. McCallum. state employes effective next July ous U.F. Crusade at SJS -enate would allow it only an Dr. Burton R. Bra-ill, professor Those affected will include staff, ITS head of the Biological Science De- aculty Members of political science. Who said. "If and faculties of California Stai, ,clvisory position because of the ne Costs paament, was loaned to the Chan - 1 vcere on the Board of Trustees, or Brand I ultimate veto power of the chan- cellar's staff to make this survey. dimes. wouldn't delegate anything to 'Lint Prices To CBEA Meet cellor's office. I Board of Trustees hopes Wilmer Morse, CSEA special Short of Goal The $3,000 a new (untried. group except per- counsel, also asked the board to I We will never get delegated that all the state colleges will 1 Six member of the SJS business I - haps an office key:' appropriate salary adjustment San Jose State College's faculty the distriblution of IBM-type pay- powers and I'm not sure we want 111. CO. broaden the base of faculty par- j 'educationeducation department faculty will SPECIFIC POWERS funds for occupational groups that and employees are $3,000 short of roll deduct ion pledge carets them." said Professor rresap. room Campy. at the formulation of ---- the fall conference of the their projected goal of $13,000 for through various departmental sub- '1"i-int the question is: on what Several factilty members point- have fallen more than 5 per cent California Business Education As- th & Keyes chai: men. ed out that a desire for delegation behind prevailing rates in industry this year's United Fund Crusade, Oar sociation (Bay Area Section) to- issues will we have advis1’Y of riowers raffles no weight un- and other government employ- according to Pierce Davies, as- United Fund, this year, Davies morrow at Foothillpower? are sociate professor of journalism. said, "Has much burger quotas be- Strongly opposing the less specific areas of authority Friday Is I-Day! ment. will be Dr. Edwin ,k. advisoryAttending Davies serves as chairman of the cause we are coming closer to status acceptance was Dr. Charles enumerated in a request. State employes received a 6 per Swanson, department head. Dr. schools division of the central meeting the community needs. A M. Larsen, assistant professor of A motion was made suggesting TER oent pay raise April 1, hut Morse James M. Thompson, Dr. Richarcl that faculty council pre- Shots Given Today county area running from Sunny- while ago, even when the quota mathematics and member of the the S.159 said the Personnel Board's figures Dale, Dr. Thomas I.. Foster, Dr. to the chancel- vale to Los Gatos-Saratoga, and was met, the funds collected were S.TS faculty council. who argued pare a resolution indicate that state salaries are 2.4 Alvin C. Beckett, and Dr. Gerald asking for specific LS including San Jose and Milpitas. still too few to meet the needs of W. Maxwell, lor's office Per cent behind pay for compar- of powers in the sev- Davies chairman at SJS, Dr. the community." delegation it., At Health Center able services in business and in- Purpose of the meet is the noun- tral areas of state-wide college Theodore Balgooyan, assistant pro- Clara county's projected , jon for dustry. mate people in Geology Professor T011ay is immunization day the Bay Sect Int erest. delivery on fessor of drama, has supervised quota is nearly $1.7 million. parking Canning. j "The question the board must CBEA state offices, and 10 show Professor Alden Smith. faculty es I 'Be exchange Despite the temporary shortage consider is how far behind state liusiness teachers how to incorp- council chairman and moderator salaries will fall during the fiscal ..:ite economics in their courses Slated To Appear Y 3.5283 nf influenza vaccine, the Student .f the discussion. received an in- Health Service will give immuniza- year which begins July, 1963," I rovide their students with a lecisive showing of hands on the in- Bro wn Cites Progress tions for smallpox, diphtheria, tet- Morse said.
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