Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC September 1964 Daily Egyptian 1964 9-23-1964 The aiD ly Egyptian, September 23, 1964 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_September1964 Volume 46, Issue 2 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, September 23, 1964." (Sep 1964). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1964 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in September 1964 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. f)~ Buses Begin Student Service Todoy r\ student bus servic"" spon­ hourly from 7:16 a.m., begin­ ;.;tudenr gon~rnmem officials sored by the Student Council, ning at East i\lain and ~orth and him'self will determine begins operation on campus Wall streets, until 5:05 p.m. how this schedule suits the and in Carbondale this Runs are also made from the student body, and make neces­ morning. Bus service to VTI Universitv Center at 9:28 and sary changes. began Tuesday. 9:56 p.m.- on Monday through r\ complete schedule of the The campus run of the bus Thursday. Each run takes 10 present campus and the Car­ service offers 15 trips daily minutes. bondale routes is available EGYPTIAN Monday through Friday from This is onlv a shake-down at the Student Activities office 7:35 a.m. through 9:20 p.m. schedule, according to B. D. in the Universitv Center. StHditlfM 9tliA4i4 1(1fiq.,,,~ Brses will make scheduled Hudgens. director of Auxiliary Riders on either of these stops at Sm311 Group Housing F.nterorises. and will probably Extra Carbandal~, IIlinoi~ Extra routes pay a iO cent fare. and at Thompson Point. Only be changed within a few weeks The inter-campus service morning runs will operate on to better meet student needs. to VTI, which is free to stu- Volume 46 Wednesday, S~pt~mber 23, 1964 Number 2 Saturday. Hudgens said that PatMicken, The Carbondale run is made student body preSident, other (Continued on Page 8) On-Campus Living Quarters Oversold OJficials Expect Drop-Outs Library* Room* To Stay Open To Take Care oj. Overflow By Ric Cox Overselling is considered a standard procedure among Until Midnight University housing officials housing officials at univer­ Morris Library will pro­ acknowledge that they have siEies across rhe nation. It vide a "late-hours" study over-sold the space in is done to make certain that room this fall for students University housing by about all available universityhous­ who need a place to study 10 per cent. ing is used. after the library closes. However, tbey are counting It is anticipated that the sit­ Ferris S. Randall, acting on drop - outs. accidents and uation will result in the place­ librarian, said the room will even homesickness to take ment of these students be in the northeast corner of care of the overflow. in temporary quarters until the library basement, the permanent space can be former location of the Text­ Student Council provided. book Service. Already there are stud .. :.~" Tentative plans call for the Meets Thursday living in the basement c room being open until midnight of the Thompson Point ! but Randall indicated that the The first meeting of the dence halls and. in Sf I' hours are subject to change Student Council has been set halls, students are livi. after a £rial period. for 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the the six to a room in fv'. - The "late-hours" room may University Center Ballroom. man rooms. be entered through either the "I invit<! all students, new An estimated 1~'0 students foyer at the library's main or old, to attend,'· Pat Micken, have been ov~rassigned to ihe entrance or a set of outside student body president said. Thompson Point Residence stairs at the northeast corner '" hope that responsible stu­ Halls, while lo! extra girls have of the library. dents will help me achieve the been assigned to Woody Hall. The room will be equipped best smdent government this according to figures released with tables, chairs and a few school has ever seen." by the Housing Office. gl;;!neral reference book s, The campus radio station Despite the fact that five Randall said. In addition, the is expected to be a main or six overassignments were two-hour reserve books also carry-over issue from last made at each of the houses will be kept in the same area. year's council. It was approved at Small Group Housing, of­ by the council and by a large ficials are predicting that not Tryout Dates Set number of students who signed aU of the rooms will be filled. a petition asking that it be The duration of the use of For 'Boy Friend' LINES TO LEARNING - Several thousand freshmen have been established. The station would the temporary quarters has getting their first lesson in college life this week - the path to reach the campus living areas been estimated by housing of­ Singers, dan~ers and actors knowledge is frequently stalled b:v long lines. This one at the on a closed circuit and would are needed for "The ficials as from a "few days" SIU Arena is typical of the lines they'll face before they graduate. be operated solely by students. to as much as four to six Boy Friend." first production Also to be acted on at the of the 1964-65 theater season weeks. "For Rent" Signs Still Up first meeting will be the coun­ Figures on the housing sit­ at S[U. cil's approval of at least eight Tryouts will be held at 7:30 uation will not be released student appointments. Plans until next week. The number p.m. Monday and Tuesday in Off-Campus Housing Picture for the election this fall of the Southern Playhouse. Jim of overassignments is based academic unit senators will on the number of students who Bob Stephenson, associate also be discussed. professor of theater, will di­ Bright Now and for Future have signed contracts. One vacancy in rhe council Housing officials explained rect the mUSical, a spoof of The off campus housing pic­ of the ordinance until the Car­ must be filled this fall be­ the 1920s. ture looks "pretty good," ac­ bondale Planning Commission the problem of over-assi~,n­ cause of the transfer of Ken­ ments arises each fall be- Copies of the play are now cording to Anita Kuo, super­ has time to decide if the zon­ neth A. Boden, senator, out­ on two-hour reserve at Mor­ Visor of off-campus housing. ing ordinance should be in-town. to another school. (Continued on Page 8) ris Library. Persons in­ Mrs. KlIO's judgment came changed. terested in trying out are in spite of an expected en­ In the meantime. residents urged to read the play first, rollment increase of 1,500 of Carbondale will be allowed Katherine Dunham, Dancer, over last fall. to rent rooms to students Thomas Easterly. city, providing the total number To Be SIU Artist-in-Residence Gus Bode building and zoning adminis­ does not exceed five. trator said. "Information filed The future for off-campus A world-famous dancer and graph 2uother Met production, for building permits jn(iicates housing was brightened when choreographer. Katherine Robert E. Mueller, chairman eight residence hall projects Easterly told University of­ Dunham. has accepted an ap­ of the Department of Music. for 1.185 single smdents and ficials that an estimated $6 pointment as arti st - in - res­ said. 65 one and two-bedroom million in off-campus con­ idence at SIU to work in the apartments will be completed struction plus plans still on opera. "Faust," to be pro­ in time for the start of fall the drawing board should pro­ duced by Southern's Depart­ term this year." Vide housing for an additional ment of MusiC in February. This, according to Mrs. 0,.'500 students. Miss Dunham will be on Kuo, has absorbed most oftht· This invo'ves off-campus campus 11 weeks during the increased enrollment. residenc<! halls for single stu­ fall and winter quarters and Mrs. Kuo estimates that dents and small apartments will work with another figure there are now 50 vacancies fur married students, attend­ in the Metropolitan Opera, for women and 100 for men ing SIU ill greater numbers Marjorie Lawrence, director off-c::mpus. each year because of the ex­ of the opera and a former Met City Any. Edward Helton panding Graduate S.:hool soprano. who has been re­ caused a good deal of concern program. search professor of music at in the housing office at the Off-campus housingaccom­ SIll since 1960. first of th:is month when he modated about 42 per cent of announced his opinion that SIU's enrollment in the spring Miss Dunham. now in Rome persons living in areas quarter, according to Albin J. choreographing a section Gus has one bit of advice zoned specifically for one­ Y okie. housing director, and of the film "The Bible" being for new freshmen: Bolt your family dwellings could not on-campus housing served 25 produced by John Huston, last beanie and beware of bicycles. legally rent rooms in their per cent. Eighteen per cent year designed the dance num­ "Pedestrians only" signs are homes to students. commuted from their homes. bers for the Metropolitan Op­ ;~~!<r However. Helton announced and 13 per cent found lodging era's production of "Aida" 1 about as effective as Prohibi­ tion in the 1920s. a moratorium on enforcement in nearby towns.
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