Advent Prose arranged by Peter Foggitt Rorate, coeli, desuper, et nubes pluant iustum; Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour aperiatur terra, et germinet Salvatorem. down righteousness; let the earth open and send forth a Saviour. Ne irascáris Dómine, ne ultra memíneris Be not wroth very sore, O Lord, iniquitátis: neither remember iniquity forever: ecce cívitas Sancti facta est desérta: Thy holy cities are a wilderness, Sion desérta facta est: Jerúsalem desoláta est: Sion is a wilderness, Jerusalem a desolation: domus sanctificatiónis tuæ et glóriæ tuæ, Our holy and our beautiful house, where our ubi laudavérunt te patres nostri. fathers praisèd thee. Peccávimus et facti sumus tamquam immúndus We have sinned, and are as an unclean thing, nos, and we all do fade as a leaf: et cecídimus quasi fólium univérsi: and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us et iniquitátes nostræ quasi ventus abstulérunt nos: away; abscondísti fáciem tuam a nobis, thou hast hid thy face from us: et allisisti nos in manu iniquitátis nostræ. and hast consumed us, because of our iniquities. Vide Domine afflictiónem pópuli tui, Behold, O Lord, the affliction of thy people, and et mitte quem missúrus es: send forth Him who is to come: emítte Agnum dominatórem terræ, send forth the Lamb, the ruler of the earth, de Petra desérti ad montem fíliæ Sion: from the Rock of the desert, to the mount of ut áuferat ipse jugum captivitátis nostræ. daughter Sion: that he may take away the yoke of our captivity. Consolámini, consolámini, pópule meus: cito Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, véniet salus tua: my salvation shall not tarry: quare mæróre consúmeris, quia innovávit te I have blotted out as a thick cloud thy dolor? transgressions: Salvábo te, noli timére, ego enim sum Dóminus Fear not, for I will save thee: for I am the Lord Deus tuus, thy God, Sanctus Israel, Redémptor tuus. the Holy One of Israel, thy Redeemer. “I wonder as I wander” from Songs of the Hill Folk, words and melody collected by John Jacob Niles, arranged by Benjamin Britten I wonder as I wander out under the sky How Jesus our Saviour did come for to die For poor or’n’ry people like you and like I, I wonder as I wander out under the sky. When Mary birthed Jesus ‘twas in a cow stall With wise men and shepherds and farmers and all, On high from God’s heaven the stars’ light did fall And the promise of the ages it did then recall. If Jesus has wanted for any wee thing, A star in the sky or a bird on the wing Or all of God’s angels in Heav’n for to sing, He surely could’ve had it for he was the King! I wonder as I wander out under the sky How Jesus our Saviour did come for to die For poor or’n’ry people like you and like I, I wonder as I wander out under the sky. from Hugo Wolf’s Spanisches Liederbuch – Geistliche Lieder (Spanish Songbook – Sacred Songs) “Nun wandre, Maria” (Journey on, now, Mary), No 3 Ocaña, translated Paul Heyse DER HEILIGE JOSEPH SINGT ST JOSEPH SINGS Nun wandre, Maria, Journey on, now, Mary, Nun wandre nur fort. Keep journeying. Schon krähen die Hähne, The cocks are crowing, Und nah ist der Ort. And the place is near. Nun wandre, Geliebte, Journey on, beloved, Du Kleinod mein, My jewel, Und balde wir werden And soon we shall In Bethlehem sein. Be in Bethlehem. Dann ruhest du fein Then you shall rest well Und schlummerst dort. And slumber there. Schon krähen die Hähne The cocks are crowing, Und nah ist der Ort. And the place is near. Wohl seh ich, Herrin, I will see, my lady, Die Kraft dir schwinden; That your strength is failing; Kann deine Schmerzen, I can hardly, alas, Ach, kaum verwinden. Bear your agony. Getrost! Wohl finden Courage! We shall find Wir Herberg dort. Some shelter there. Schon krähen die Hähne The cocks are crowing, Und nah ist der Ort. And the place is near. Wär erst bestanden If only your hour of pain Dein Stündlein, Marie, Were over, O Mary, Die gute Botschaft, I should handsomely reward Gut lohnt ich sie. The happy tidings. Das Eselein hie This little ass here Gäb ich drum fort! I’d gladly give away! Schon krähen die Hähne The cocks are crowing, Und nah ist der Ort. Come! The place is near. Translation © Richard Stokes “Die ihr schwebet um diese Palmen” (You, who hover about these palms), No 4 Lope de Vega, translated Emanuel Geibel Die ihr schwebet You who hover Um diese Palmen About these palms In Nacht und Wind, In night and wind, Ihr heilgen Engel, You holy angels, Stillet die Wipfel! Silence the tree-tops! Es schlummert mein Kind. My child is sleeping. Ihr Palmen von Bethlehem You palms of Bethlehem Im Windesbrausen, In the raging wind, Wie mögt ihr heute Why do you bluster So zornig sausen! So angrily today! O rauscht nicht also! Oh roar not so! Schweiget, neiget Be still, lean Euch leis und lind; Calmly and gently over us; Stillet die Wipfel! Silence the tree-tops! Es schlummert mein Kind. My child is sleeping. Der Himmelsknabe The heavenly babe Duldet Beschwerde, Suffers distress, Ach, wie so müd er ward Ah, how weary He has grown Vom Leid der Erde. With the sorrows of this world. Ach nun im Schlaf ihm Ah, now that in sleep Leise gesänftigt His pains Die Qual zerrinnt, Are gently eased, Stillet die Wipfel! Silence the tree-tops! Es schlummert mein Kind. My child is sleeping. Grimmige Kälte Fierce cold Sauset hernieder, Blows down on us, Womit nur deck ich With what shall I cover Des Kindleins Glieder! My little child’s limbs? O all ihr Engel, O all you angels Die ihr geflügelt Who wing your way Wandelt im Wind, On the winds, Stillet die Wipfel! Silence the tree-tops! Es schlummert mein kind. My child is sleeping. Translation © Richard Stokes Pastorcito Santo (Holy Shepherd Boy), Lope de Vega set by Joaquin Rodrigo Zagalejo de perlas Pearl-bright shepherd boy, hijo del alba, son of the dawn, ¿dónde vais que hace frío where are you bound in such cold tan de mañana? so early in the morning? Como sois lucero Since you are the morning star del alba mía of my dawn, a traer el día to bring in the day nacéis primero; you are the first to appear; pastor y cordero, shepherd and lamb, sin choza ni lana, without hut or fleece, ¿dónde vais que hace frío where are you bound in such cold tan de mañana? so early in the morning? Perlas en los ojos, With pearls in your eyes risa en la boca, and laughter on your lips, a placer y enojos pleasure and anger las almas provoca; you bring to our souls; cabellitos rojos, little shock of russet hair, boca de grana, scarlet mouth, ¿dónde vais que hace frío where are you bound in such cold tan de mañana? so early in the morning? ¿Qué tenéis que hacer What must you do, pastorcito Santo, holy little shepherd, madrugando tanto? to rise so early? Lo dais a entender You let it be known, aunque vais a ver even though you go forth disguised disfrazado el alma. to see our souls. ¿Dónde vais que hace frío Where are you bound in such cold tan de mañana? so early in the morning? English © Jacqueline Cockburn from Diez villancicos españolas texts anon. set by Joaquin Nin Villancico Vasco Basque Carol Ator, ator mutil etxera, Come, come home child, Gastaña zimelak jatera To eat soft chestnuts Gabon gaba ospatuteko To celebrate Christmas night Aitaren ta amaren onduan; With your mother and father; Ikusiko dok aita bareka You will see father laugh Amabe guztiz kontentuz. And mother too will be very happy. Villancico Castellano Castillian Carol San José era carpintero, carpintero, ¡Ay ! Saint Joseph was a carpenter Y la Virgen lavandera, lavandera, ¡Ay ! And the Virgin was a laundress. El Niño bajó del cielo The Child came down from Heaven En una noche lunera. On a moonlit night. San José era carpintero, carpintero, ¡Ay ! Saint Joseph was a carpenter. San José era carpintero, carpintero, ¡Ay ! Saint Joseph was a carpenter Y la Virgen lavandera, lavandera, ¡Ay ! And the Virgin was a laundress. El Niño vino del aire The Child came from the air, Camino del paraiso. The Road to Paradise. San José era carpintero, carpintero, ¡Ay ! Saint Joseph was a carpenter. Villancico de Córdoba Carol of Cordoba Madre en la puerta hay un Niño Mother, in the doorway is a Child Más bello que flor de lirio. More beautiful than the lily, Cubierto de blanco lino Covered with white linen Madre el Niño tiene frío. Mother, the Child is cld. Que venga a la lumbre y se calentará Come to the fireplace ¡Ay ! que en esta tierra And warm yourself. Ya no hay caridad. Ay, in this world there is no charity. Villancico Andaluz Andalucian Carol Campana sobre campana A bell above a bell Y sobre campana una; And above a bell one more; Asómate a esa ventana Come up to that window Verás un Niño en la cuna. You will see a Child in a manger. Belén, campanas de Belén Bethlehem, bells of Bethlehem Que los angeles tocan That the angels ring ¿Que nuevas me traés? What news do you bring me? Recogido tu rebaño Gathering up your flock, ¿A dónde vas, pastorcito? Where are you going, dear shepeherd? Voy a llevar al Portal I'm going to take to the stable Requesón manteca y vino.
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