E1008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 5, 2001 relay team that had won the race. King re- Over the years, the Michigan State Associa- treating clinical depression at early stages we ceived a gold medal for his effort on the win- tion have graciously made donations to Chil- could head off debilitating physical illnesses ning U. S. 400-meter relay quartet.’’ dren’s Hospital of Michigan, the United Negro and reduce the elderly suicide rate, which is Following the Olympic Games, the foursome College Fund, and many other charities. They higher than that of any other age group. The set a New World record. In a meet with the have also given over $30,000 to other hos- Wellness Act would eliminate the cost-sharing British Empire, the U. S. team of King, Andy pitals, as well as the Michigan Kidney Founda- on existing prevention services to encourage Stanfield, Thane Baker and Bobby Morrow set tion. more people to use them. Most importantly, it a new world mark of 1:23.8 for the 880 yard Children have always been a focal point of would add a ‘‘fast-track’’ process by which relay. The old mark was 1:24. the Elks, as the Michigan State Association Congress could regularly add those prevention According to Leamon King, when he first ar- has shown through their dedication to scho- services that were scientifically proven to be rived in Melbourne, he ran on grass and set lastic achievement. The Elks regularly con- effective to Medicare. a grass record. It appeared as though every tribute to literacy programs, oratorical con- Every day, scientists discover new early de- time he ran, he would break a record. tests, and other programs designed to pre- tection, disease prevention, and health pro- Bakersfield Californian Staff Writer Kevin senting our young people with a public forum, motion tools, and those tools aren’t just for Eubanks stated ‘‘King’s omission from the 100 and a chance to shine. young people—research shows that lifestyle meter team certainly didn’t affect his moment I would like to recognize the leaders of the changes can increase life expectancy and in the spot light. The news that the world’s Michigan State Association: Mr. Alfred Bell, quality of living for people of all ages. Unfortu- fastest man was not competing in the 100 State President, and Mrs. Julia M. Ford, Michi- nately, the Medicare program, which was cre- meter race was received as something of a gan State President of the Daughters of Elks. ated in 1965, has not kept up with these excit- shock by the rest of the sporting world.’’ For It is through their leadership that the Elks ing advances in health promotion. Medicare his outstanding attributes as an athlete, serve as such a tremendous group of people. provides state-of-the-art care to sick people, Leamon King served as Grand Marshall for Mr. Speaker, as a member of several civic but does little to keep them well. the Delano Cinco de Mayo Parade, was in- organizations, I know very well that groups As a result, last year Medicare spent over ducted into the University of California, Berk- such as the Elks work diligently to improve the $35 billion providing acute care to people with ley Hall of fame, and the Bob Elias Hall of quality of life for all those they come into con- heart disease, $6 billion treating people who Fame in Bakersfield, California. tact with. I am honored that the Michigan had strokes, over $5 billion treating lung dis- During the past twenty-nine years, Leamon State Association have chosen Flint as the ease, and $2 billion treating severe depres- King served as an educator in the Delano site of their 75h Annual Convention. I ask my sion. While these expenditures can’t be elimi- area. Mr. King taught for two years in colleagues in the 107th Congress to join me in nated, we believe there is significant scientific Richgrove prior to transferring to the Delano congratulating the Elks and wish them contin- evidence that health promotion and early de- Union School District where he served as edu- ued success. tection could substantially reduce them. cator for the past twenty-seven years. Mr. f Representative Foley and I are pleased to King taught the sixth grade at both Terrace El- be joined in this effort by our colleagues BOB ementary School and Almond Tree Middle REINTRODUCTION OF THE GRAHAM, OLYMPIA SNOWE, and JIM JEFFORDS School. During his tenure as an educator for MEDICARE WELLNESS ACT OF 2001 in the other body. We hope Congress will the Delano Union School District, Mr. Leamon move quickly to pass this bipartisan, bicameral King proved to be an extraordinary educator HON. SANDER M. LEVIN bill which has been endorsed by over 20 and was highly respected. This educator OF MICHIGAN groups ranging from the American Cancer So- served as an excellent example for his peers, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ciety and the American Heart Association to the National Council on Aging. as well as our youth. Tuesday, June 5, 2001 On his sixty-fifth birthday this year, during When you think about it, it’s not surprising Black History Month, the Delano Union School Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to that The Medicare Wellness Act has such District named in Leamon’s honor the athletic join with my colleague, Mark Foley, in reintro- broad support. Better health care for seniors. facilities at Almond Tree Middle School, which ducing The Medicare Wellness Act, which Cost savings for Medicare. Who would oppose include the school gym and outside athletic fa- would modernize Medicare by adding com- that? cilities, including a track and basketball courts. mon-sense health promotion and early detec- f tion services to Medicare’s basic benefit pack- Leamon King will be missed by family, CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 1836, age and removing financial disincentives to friends, colleagues, and the community. I offer ECONOMIC GROWTH AND TAX use current preventative care services. my condolences to Leamon’s family. And we RELIEF RECONCILIATION ACT OF I’m pleased that we were able to enact a say to Leamon, ‘‘goodbye, we miss you, we 2001 know God will bless and watch over you.’’ few of the provisions in last year’s Medicare f Wellness Act as part of the Beneficiary Im- SPEECH OF provement and Protection Act, and I hope this HONORING MICHIGAN ELKS will be the year that Congress finishes the job HON. BOB ETHERIDGE ANNUAL STATE CONVENTION by creating a permanent, fact-based process OF NORTH CAROLINA for adding preventative care services to Medi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. DALE E. KILDEE care as science proves that they are effective. Friday, May 25, 2001 OF MICHIGAN It doesn’t make any sense that, for example, Mr. ETHERIDGE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Medicare will pay to treat someone who has a in strong opposition to the Republican tax bill. heart attack but won’t pay to prevent the heart Tuesday, June 5, 2001 Unfortunately, this bill is a missed opportunity, attack by screening for high blood pressure and it represents misplaced priorities. Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to and elevated cholesterol. The Medicare Sadly Mr. Speaker, this bill is very much a recognize the Michigan State Association of Wellness Act would rationalize the program by missed opportunity. The White House and the the Improved Benevolent Protective Order of adding basic preventative services to Medi- Republican Leadership have utterly failed to Elks of the World. On June 12–17, Elks from care’s benefit package. It would also create an deliver on the President’s promise of a bipar- all over Michigan will gather in my hometown incentive for beneficiaries to use the services tisan process that puts accomplishment for the of Flint for their 75th Annual State Convention. by eliminating cost-sharing and deductibles for American people above gamesmanship by Attorney Benjamin Franklin Howard in Cin- preventative care services, just as most pri- Washington politicians. cinnati, Ohio founded the Improved Benevo- vate insurance plans have done. More importantly, this bill falls to provide for lent Protective Order of Elks of the World in The bill would add cholesterol screening, America’s priorities. We must pay down the 1898. Its purpose remains to promote and en- high blood pressure testing, hearing and vision national debt to remove that burden from our hance the welfare of its members and the testing, and expanded osteoporosis screening children and grandchildren and cut interest communities they come from through the spirit to Medicare’s list of covered services. It would rates for items like cars and homes. This Re- of benevolence and inculcation in all its mem- also add coverage of health promotion serv- publican tax package will return us to the days bers. The order of Elkdom is best known for ices like medical nutrition therapy for people of big deficits, high interest rates, high unem- a century of give over $2.5 million in scholar- with heart disease and smoking cessation ployment and a struggling economy. ships to youth of all races and cultures help. It would allow us to test a depression I support and have voted for balanced tax throughout the United States. screening benefit to see if by detecting and relief as part of a comprehensive economic VerDate 11<MAY>2000 05:24 Jun 06, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05JN8.035 pfrm04 PsN: E05PT1 June 5, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1009 plan that will restore America’s prosperity so Miss Madeline Malone.
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