HORSE ANNUAL Hands-on Healing Massage begins with gentle strokes for a sedating Manual therapies for improving equine effect, followed by deeper strokes as the horse relaxes. health are gaining in popularity. Here are some of those most commonly used on horses. by Karin Apfel dotal. However, in animals this is fairly applicable) need the most attention. ith their roots convincing evidence, since the placebo Magdalena Smrdelj, a Toronto, in ancient affect that can occur in people is not Ontario-based veterinarian who uses eastern medi- possible. In other words, you can’t the complementary therapies of chiro- cine, many of make a horse think he feels better practic, massage and acupuncture in the “hands-on” because he had a “treatment”. He feels her practice, puts it this way, “It’s very therapies have or performs better or heals quicker relational and interactive between Wbeen poorly understood and, until because the treatment was effective in practitioner and patient, with the ener- about 20 or so years ago, poorly some way. gy of positive intent included as part of received by the western world. There are many different approach- the treatment, and calling the horse to However, now, along with a growing es and variations in terminology, how- engage in its own treatment, rather interest in holistic approaches to ever, the hands-on techniques all have than a mechanical one-way exercise, improving health, there is greater one aspect in common. Practitioners where the practitioner performs a ther- acceptance of a wide variety of thera- will observe the horse’s responses to apeutic act on the patient.” pies for people and animals. While sci- treatment during the treatment, which In addition, bodywork practitioners entific study is ongoing, most of the will tell them what areas of the body take a holistic view of treatment. evidence for these therapies is anec- (and which meridians and points if Smrdelj says, “The holistic approach is 52 2008 CANADIAN HORSE ANNUAL www.horse-canada.com simply a ‘let’s stand back and look at massage to the area of injury. What number of different types of strokes, the large picture’ approach to an works for one horse may not work at each with a specific application. imbalance, disease or condition in the all for another.” Sports massage is designed to specif- body. This approach takes into account ically improve athletic performance. many of the factors the body is influ- Massage These therapists primarily aim to enced by, such as nutrition, environ- Massage involves the use of the increase the efficiency of limb move- mental stressors, level of activity and hands, fingers and even the elbow, to ment and stimulate circulation. Post- exercise, and more. The term ‘holistic’ manipulate the soft tissues. Its goals exercise it is used to remove lactic acid does not imply any particular mode of include the promotion of tissue from the muscles and reduce pain. therapy, but can include any modality drainage, muscle relaxation, and pain Scientific studies on massage have that takes a whole-body approach. relief. Massage can loosen and stretch shown few measurable results, but Certainly, conventional medicine can dense connective tissue, has a sedative human athletes report an increase in be applied holistically if the practition- effect on the central nervous system relaxation and an improved ability to er is taking into account the factors and can enhance lymphatic and blood cope with physical exertion after mas- mentioned above, and is not just circulatory activity. Massage can be sage. One study did show improve- focused on the symptom at hand.” used with stretching exercises to ment in range of motion and a thermo- Many practitioners combine tech- regain or maintain normal range of graphic study indicated increases in niques depending on the horse’s needs motion of a joint. After an injury, mas- skin temperature after massage to or recommend treatment by practition- sage can help align new connective tis- areas overlying muscle spasm, so sci- ers in other fields. Says Sidonia sue by providing appropriate tensile ence is starting to ‘validate’ the bene- McIntyre of Equine Rehab.ca, who forces. This reduces muscle shortening fits of massage. Ann Turner of Wits teaches massage courses around the due to scarring and adhesions (oblique End Farm, an equine rehabilitation country, “As each horse’s issues vary, it collagen fibres that become binding to centre in Abbotsford, BC, finds she is important to be able to adapt the the connective tissue). There are a gets “amazing results with changes in Learn Equine Massage Therapy Become a Certified Equine Massage Therapist Classes are forming in many locations across Canada. Please consult our website for I teach an intensive four day course in which you can learn how to a course near you. competently do a full body equine massage, along with many stretches. Book work includes anatomy, massage theory, principles of massage, Vertebral realignment and joint hydrotherapy, common injuries, acute to chronic massage, safety play classes are also available protocol, effects of massage on the varying systems, the skeletal for you to learn how to adjust system, 30 major muscles and conformation. your own horse. You can learn how to effectively relieve muscle strains and spasms from injuries to help your horse attain its full athletic potential, or give pain relief for an older equine friend. No matter what your discipline, equine massage will make a noticeable difference in the way your horse moves, along with reaching out to strengthen your bond with your horse. We spend approximately twenty hours in the barn for hands-on-time. You will be working on a horse the very first day! Please Visit or website at: www.equinerehab.ca For more information please call Sidonia at: 1-888-EQUINE2 (378-4632) www.horse-canada.com 2008 CANADIAN HORSE ANNUAL 53 temperament, movement and perform- giving extra attention where indicated, tion and ease of body movement ance.” thereby treating the whole horse.” through the repetition of non-habitual Olstrom treats mostly event horses and motor patterns. For animals, Acupressure and Shiatsu often hears “that they get their fastest Tellington-Jones uses this concept in Similar in some ways to massage, cross-country times ever after a mas- ground exercises to develop coordina- acupressure involves pressure on the sage – the horses have so much more tion and confidence. She also devel- skin. The pressure is directed at specif- energy. They are also more supple for oped her own series of bodywork ic points to activate the body’s own the dressage phase. We have found “touches” named TTouch to assist in repair processes. Shiatsu is the that a massage three to seven days relaxation and awareness. Although Japanese form of acupressure. “Shi” is before the event provides the best there is very little pressure involved, the Japanese word for finger and results.” sensory nerves in the skin are stimulat- “atzu” means pressure. A more western view of this therapy ed and a cascade of physiological Shiatsu is primarily about affecting is that the meridians correspond to events (similar to those in acupres- the life energy, or Ki, rather than the neural structures. The acupoints are sure) takes place. The touches are muscles or bones. (see sidebar) loci with an increased number of capil- based on circular movements of the Healthy, flowing Ki creates tone and laries, nerves, mast cells and lymphat- fingers and hands all over the body. elasticity. These areas do not need ics with a thinner layer of skin above The intent is to activate the function of adjusting. The acupoints in the meridi- so they can be easily affected by pres- the cells and awaken “cellular intelli- ans where no tone is found are the sure. The pain relief and relaxation gence” according to the TTouch web- best places for pressure. The horse will effects of acupressure (as well as site. The TTouch is done on the entire often indicate with his body language acupuncture) are explained by Mimi body, and each circular TTouch is com- if it needs more attention to a point or Porter in her book The New Equine plete within itself. Therefore, it is not a move away. The acupoints are the Sports Therapy: “Acupressure inhibits necessary to understand anatomy to be same as the points for acupuncture the transmission of pain signals to the successful in speeding up the healing and lie along the meridians that corre- brain through two mechanisms. When of injuries or ailments, or changing spond to various body organs and tis- superficial stimulation such as finger undesirable habits or behaviour. sues that are regulated by Ki. Where pressure is perceived by the brain’s TTouch can be performed by anyone the energy flow is “blocked” due to recognition centers, a “gate” is closed who has learned the techniques. injury or illness, pressure (or stimula- to other sensations. Acupressure mas- tion by needles in acupuncture) on sage requires accurate location of Reiki these points help unblock the channels acupuncture points. Stimulating these Reiki is a Japanese technique for and maintain the energy flow. Says points releases endorphins and other stress reduction and relaxation that Laurie Olstrom of Hands On Equine chemical catalysts for pain relief. This also promotes healing. It is based on Massage in Surrey, BC, “A shiatsu prac- relief is long-lasting and can relax the the idea that we are more likely to get titioner treats all along the meridians, whole body.” sick or feel stress if our life force ener- gy, or Ki, is low. The person performing TTouch The most difficult concept for westerners to Linda Tellington-Jones comprehend is that some therapies work not developed the technique just on the physical body, but also are said to that has come to be called affect the flow of energy in the body, variously TTEAM (Tellington Touch known as Qi or Chi (in Chinese), Ki (in Equine Awareness Method Japanese) or Prana (in Sanskrit).
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