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Let there they neglected their salvation they, like He was seen looking through it back- be no fear, doubt, or anxiety as to the the five foolish virgins, will be found ward at a group of youngsters playing victory that awaits us. The Lord ex- wanting. The doctor will testify that nearby. Finally his uncle asked him pects us to be in the world, but He many patients have died because they why he was looking through the has prayed that we will be kept from were neglectful of their health and did wrong end of the telescope. "Well," he its evil. Provision has been made for very little to help themselves in the said sheepishly, "I like to look at every need. Let us, then, claim the early stages of illness. Just so with Chuck Wilson this way 'cause it makes promise of God and look through the many Christians. There are many spir- him look smaller. He's always pushing telescope from the large end of courage itual deaths because there has been a me around, and because he's always rather than the small end of fear. daily neglect of the soul. pushing me around, and because he's The servant of the Lord has said: The third danger that we must avoid bigger than I, I've never had the nerve "For every trial, God has provided is indifference. Every Christian has a to stand up to him. If I keep looking help. Those who surrender their responsibility toward his fellow men. at him like this, seeing him so small, lives to His guidance and to His serv- Those who are saved are to serve. pretty soon I'll get up enough nerve ice will never be placed in a position Paul said he felt himself a debtor to to lick the tar out of him." for which He has not made provision." his fellow men. It is God's plan that Fear, doubt, and anxiety have a way —Ministry of Healing, p. 248. those who are saved by His grace are of magnifying obstacles to a far great- There are three grave dangers that in turn to help save others. Christ has er size than they really are. Courage we must be prepared to meet as we go said that we are to be as a light in the and confidence reduce them to a mini- down across the plains and into the world. Again He said we are to be mum. It is all a matter of which end valleys of life. One is overconfidence. His witnesses. It is the plan of heaven of the telescope we look through—the The Christian life demands alertness for man to help save a lost world. large end of courage or the small end and watchfulness. Paul has warned, Each of us has been given a work to of fear. "Wherefore let him that thinketh he perform. "This world is a sinking As we progress into the new year standeth take heed lest he fall" (I Cor. vessel," Moody exclaimed in a sermon we will find the same problems and 10:12). It matters not who we are, how on the second advent of Christ, "and temptations confronting us as before. long we have been in the church, or God has given me a lifeboat saying, The devil will be more active than how much we have accomplished, we `Moody, save all you can!' " The great ever to cause us trouble, and will try, are subject to falling. We do not of evangelist's life was offered on the if possible, to discourage us. But, thank our own strength gain perfection. We altar labeled "OTHERS," and it is little God, help has been promised us. Just must recognize the limitations of the wonder that when he died his last as Christ descended from the Mount flesh and realize that an all-sufficiency words were, "Earth is receding, heaven of Transfiguration to be with His dis- is found in Christ. We are counseled is drawing near." ciples, so He will descend to the val- by the Lord to "hold fast till I come." If we are to evade the danger of leys to be with us. Let us not attempt Let us, then, not take eternal life for indifference, we must be possessed of to join battle with the enemy alone. granted. It is imperative that we daily a passion for the souls of men. We With courage, confidence, and faith walk humbly before our Lord and must not remain in our "cieled let us be conscious of the presence of trust in Him. houses," surrounded by the creature our Saviour and claim His promise, The second great danger is neglect. comforts of this age, indifferent and 2 ATLANTIC' UNION GLEAN ER oblivious to the ne s of a dying world. United States. May I urge each mem- A Seventh-day Adventist Church God is depending pon us to bear to ber to sacrificially give of the means and School in Old Jerusalem the world the goo news of salvation. that God has entrusted to his hands Our religion must e militant, not pas- as the offering is taken for Faith for The Thirteenth Sabbath Overflow Offering for the first quarter of 1961 sive; our experien radiant, not dull; Today on February 11. goes to the Middle East Division. The and our labors fr tful, not sterile. W. J. HACKETT, President Atlantic Union Conference projects that will be sponsored are as Let us determi to meet the reali- follows: ties of the new ye , accomplishing the (1) A new church and school in Jerusalem work that the Ma er has delegated to Special Notice (2) A Mercy Orphanage in Cairo (3) us and pressing t battle to the very A number of letters have been re- New industry, Middle East College gates, knowing t t soon victory will Sometimes the first quarter's over- ceived at the GLEANER office requesting come to us thro h our Lord Jesus the Prophetic Guidance Course and flow is less than the fourth quarter's Christ. we have had to forward them (along overflow. Let each one of us give as with the money enclosed) to Glendale, much or more, for this coming Thir- California. Will you please mail your teenth Sabbath, as we did for last Faith for Toda Annual Offering request or application form for this Thirteenth Sabbath. The Middle East mission field is a difficult field to work. A powerful, ne medium is now at course directly to: Our missionaries make a tremendous the command of eventh-day Advent- Prophetic Guidance School personal sacrifice. Shall we not deter- ists for bringing the message to the Box 200 mine to support them by our prayers homes of the pe le. Eight out of ten Glendale 5, California and liberal offerings? Plan now for homes in the Uni d States of America in the future and not to the GLEANER your largest Thirteenth Sabbath Offer- now have televisi n receivers. Seventh- office? We will appreciate it if you will ing. day Adventists h e the distinction of do this. having conducte a religious telecast Then, too, the brethren in the Mid- continually for e longest period of dle East are providing a beautiful time of any relig us organization. But The Prophetic Guidance Course little memento for those who give $10 Of all the church bodies in the world little by little in ads are being made or more. The wording on this me- today, the Seventh-day Adventist on free televisio time, as more and mento is as follows: "I helped to build church is the one blessed with special more religious ganizations seek the our church in Jerusalem." It has on it inspirational messages to prepare the facilities of tele sion stations to put a cross with a very thin strip of olive members for a place in God's kingdom. their programs o the air. Each week, wood and pressed flowers front the These messages have guided these peo- television as wel as radio stations are Garden of Gethsemane. I am sure ple into a more complete understand- being subjected o pressures from a many will want to get one to keep in ing of God's Word. They have guided variety of sourc Some have already us from our earliest beginnings as a yielded to this p ssure and have with- very insignificant people to a world drawn our prog ms from the air. We Atlantic Union Gleaner movement heralding the everlasting Official organ of the Atlantic Union Confer- thank God that here are still friendly gospel to nearly every nation, kindred, ence of Seventh-day Adventists, South Lancas- station manager who let us know that ter.
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