2102 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MARCH 17 Willie J . Mixson Jeremiah D. Shanahan Harry L. Lottes Charles C. Samis Malcoln G . Moncrief, James F. Shea George T. P. Lovelace James Sanzo SENATE Jr. Frank .J. Sheppard Kenneth A. Lund Valdemar Schmidt, Jr. Arthur M. Moran John C. Shoden Jan Mason Charles C. Schwartz MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1947 Frank P. Moran Edward W. Shugert Lyle B. Matthews, Jr. Frank A. Shook, Jr. Robert E. Munkirs Jack C. Smith Raymond McArthur Jack R. Sloan <Legislative day of Wednesday, February Frederick A. Murchall Joseph Smith James C. McFerran III Jerry B. Smlth 19, 1947) . John J. Murphy Mercer R. Smith John R. McGuigan Richard E. Smith Anthony R. Nollet Nathan R. Smith Harold G. McRay James B. Soper The Senate met -at 12 o'clock meridian, Kirt W. Norton Ralph A. Soderberg Maxmillian W. Miesse Alfred V. Soupios on the expiration of the recess. William H. Nuckols, Daniel A: Somerville Harry A. Moore Alan M. Stewart The Chaplain, Rev. Peter Marshall, Jr. Melvin D. Sonnebot'n Edwin G. Nelson John D. Stith D. D., offered the following prayer: Robert E. O'Hare Parks J . Stallings Arthur W. Newendorp William D. Stone Frank J. O'Hara,-Jr. Theodore A. Stawicki Richard B. Newport David G . Swinford Lord Jesus, we turn in confidence unto Roy E. Oliver Bernard J. Stender "J" "P" Nixon John G. Theros Thee, since Thou wast tem,pted in all James R. O'Moore John Stepanovicb Keith D. Nolan . Frank C. Thomas Virgin D . Olson Roger B. "'I'homps.on points-like as we are, and yet without sin. William T. O'Neal Franlc P. Stivers, Jr. WilliamROurand,Jr. McDonald D. Tweed Help us, that we may obtain victory over Mackub!n T. Owens Russel H. Stoneman Thurman Owens Hiel L ...!an Campen our temptations. We feel ashamed that Will S. Patee, Jr. Victor Stoyanow Harvey M. Patton· John Padach, Jr. Harry Van Hunilik we have so little power in our lives, and Lesley V. Stran~tman James Payette Douglas D. ·Petty, Jr .. Carl M. Viner · so often fall ·at the same old burdles. Edward K. Pedersen Sedley N. Stuart Eugene V. Pointer Stanley B. Voth Richard H. Tabor Sometimes we . grow discouraged and Robert R. Peebles· Ernest E. Poor Done C . Wa1·.e filled with doubts when ·we see so little John S. Perrin Jack W. Temple William T . Porter Stephen G. Warren Robert Peskl.:ski Franklin C. Thomas, John G. Prestridge James R . Weaver evidence of growth in grace, in faith, and George L. Peters Jr. James R. Priddy Paul T. Wiedenkeller in spiritual perception. Paul R. Piana Richard S ~ Togerson. Dwain L. Redalen Robert G. Wllliams · We know that we are not what we Clarence E. Placke Lyle V. Tope . Alvin R. Rieder George L. Wineriter ought to be; and we know that we are William D. Porter Bernard L. Turner David Riley Robert E. Woerner not yet what we will be; but we thank James A. Pounds 3d John A. Wachter John P. Roden Ralph C. Wood . Thee that we are not ·what we once were. · Lawrence H. Pratt Guy L. Wade · Elmer W. Rothen- Vance L. Yount, Jr. Robert Wade For whatever progress Thou hast made William R. Quinn bu ~· ger Clarence. F. Zingheim with us we give Thee thanks, and by Thy J ames H, Reeder ·Robert C. W alk~r Ro.bert R. Roy John W. Zuber James H. Reid, Jr. i:merson A. Walker John W. Ruhsam grace we are kept from despair. Help Charles M. Wallace, Jr. us to remember that th-ey that wait upon James H. Rinehart To be com~issioned warrant .offiC!er.s Eugene S. Roane, Jr. William A. Weir the Lord ~- shall renew their strength. Eddie L. Robinson Sheppard Werner George K. Acker· Burt A. Lewis, Jr. May we wait and "• be made strong. Murray 0. Roe Howard A. Westphall Jack A. Bingham Albert L. Litka Through Jesus· Christ· our Lord. Amen. William H. Roley Leo T . White Jack R. Bishop William H. Meadors Robert L. Rose James L. Whit aker Arthur H. Bourne Herbert L. Merwin THE JOURNAL Robert J. Rossi Frank E. Wilson Frederick Bove Adam A. Metz Arthur E. Buckner Alfred N. Milbert On ·req.u ... st of Jt.tr. WHiTE, and by Arthw· L. Rourke Robert L.· Willis unanimous consent, the reading of the Roger M, Sanders Donald G : Wood, Jr. Vinczrit J. Buettner Robert A. Morehead Richard J. Schening Warren R. Yeung Edward E. B1,1rt Philip ~. Murphy Journal of the proceedings of Friday, RolDert F. Scott Elmer J. Zorn James w. Campbell Charles E. Neus March 14, 1947, was dispensed with, and Jack V. Canzonieri Benjamin F. Osborne the Journal was approved. To be a first Lie1ttenant John A. Clayton Edtl F. Peel · MESSAGES FROM 'ry{E PRESIDENT Everette H. Vaughan Sidney W. Cooley Haakon B. Rasmussen Alfred T. Coon Robert B. Reynolds Messages in writing from the Presi­ To be second lieutenant s James D. Connolly Merle G. Richard . dent of the United States were commu­ Frederick S. Aldridge Daniel G. Felding Lawrence R. Darner Roy H. Roark nicated to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one Philip R. Anderson Francis E. Finch William A. Davis John F. Russell James Antink Billie L. Fletcher Sloan M. Diaz John L. Seifert of his se_cretaries. John G. Babasanian Harold R. Foltz James P. Drummond Levi B. Silvernail, Sr. MESSAGE F?.OM THE HOUSE-ENROLLED Gene M. Badgley David Foos, Jr. James R. Einum Richard w. Sinclair BlLLS SIGNED John E. Barnett Martin I. Frederick, George F .' Elliott Benjamin S. Singleton Lyman A. Bates Jr. Chester H. Fritts Dorsie R. Smith A messagt:: from the House · o.L Repre­ Louis D. Baughman Owen V: Gallentine George M. Garner Elmer H. Sorley sentatives, by Mr. -Maurer, one of its John W. Beebe J ames E. Gibbons Wilbur P. Gorsuch Elwyn M. Stimson reading clerks. announced that the William c. Benton Hobson J. Gifford John E. Halliwill James G. G. Tnylm: Speaker had-affixed his signature to the Carl L. Billnitzer ·Jack Glenn Rayburn B. Harper Paul N. Taylor · following enrolled bills, and they were Wallace D. Blatt Jerome L. Goebel George E. Hynes Harry G. Torbett signed by the President pro tempore: Thomas E. Bourke, Jr. William F. Goggin Eric E. Isaacson James W. Tuma James W . .Bre.yshay John L. Greene George D. Johnson Fred Turner S. 220. An act to authorize the Secretary 0f George A. Brigham Edmund K. Griswold· Carl W. King Charles W. Walker the Navy to convey to American Telephone Edwin B. Bucholz Raymond F. Hargrove James L. Knott Hugh L. Wehrly · & Telegraph Co. an easement for communi­ Clifford W. Bucking- Carl, 0. H. Haroldson Alfred G. Kohler John F. Wheeler cation purposes in certain lands situated in ham Robert G. Han-is Frank R. Leech, Jr. Peter J. Wilgus Virginia and Maryland; and James M. Burris William S. Harris Henry J. Lendo William L. Woodruff S. 221. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to grant and convey to the Vir­ William K. Byrd Robert M. Healy The below-named ofticer to be a second Earl W. Cassidy John L. Hei·ndon ginia Electric & Power Co. a perpetual ease­ lieutenant in the United States Marine ment Jn two strips of land comprising por­ Armon ChristophersonGene M. Hoover Corps to correct spelling of his surname, Matthew A. Clary, Jr. Gerald G. Hoover tions of the Norfollt J:'Tavy Yard, Portsmouth, Nenefee, Melville M., as previously nomi­ Va., and for other purposes. Louis Conti Louis T. Iglehart, Jr. nated and confirmed: Clement T. Corcoran Wayne R. Johnson Melville M. Menefee INVITATION FOR REPRESENTATIVES OF Oliver w. Curtis Thomas J. Johnston, SENATE TO VffiiT tZECHOSLOVAKIA Thomas J. Cushman, Jr. TO BE SECOND LIEUTENANTS IN THE MARINE CORPS Jr. William G. Joslyn FROM JUNE 5, 1946 The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Armand G. Daddazio George T. Keys Bertram H. Curwen, Jr. Chair desires to make an announcement. Alexander P. Davidson, John M. Kusiak Paul Mazzuca, Jr. On February 11, 1947, the State Depart­ Jr. Charles A. Labbo Stewart B. McCarty, Jr. ment submitted to the Senate a com­ Eldon E. Davidson John Ladutko Grady P. Mitchell, Jr. munication from the distinguished Am­ Charles F. Dekeyser William H. Lanagan, bassador from Czechoslovakia transmit­ Armond H. Delalio Jr · HOUSE COMMITTEE ON POST OFFICE AND CIVIL ting a generous inyitation to the Senate John S. Dewey Harold V. Larson SERVICE Ernest R. Doyle, Jr. John H. Lavoy from the National Constitutional Assem­ Charles J. Dyer James Leffers The full committee will meet Monday, bly of the Czechoslovak Republic to send Kenneth T. Dykes Julius 0. Lemcke March 17, at 10 a. m., in room 213, House a delegation to visit Czechoslovakia. George M. Faser William E. Lesage Office Building, to continue hearings on The invitation was referred to the Fred J . Fees, Jr. Harry M. Lindberg H . R. 2408. Senate Foreign Relations Committee. 1947 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 2103 The committee has instructed me to ex­ Committee To Investigate the National from Idaho [Mr. TAYLOR] are detained press the deep appreciation of the Sen­ Defense Program may have a brief on public business. ate for this gracious expression of good executive session this afternoon during The Senator from Oklahoma [Mr. will and to assure the Government of the session of the Senate. THOMAS] is absent because of a death in Czechoslovakia of its deep anxiety to The PRESIDENT pro tempm:e. Is his family. embrace every opportunity further to there objection? The Chair hears none, The Senator from Louisiana [Mr·.
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