H e m e u America’s Advantage. The main advantage o f the American farmer peeing to lie in the cheapness with whisffi^iobteinaJns -crop, says the Lon­ k REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER. don Economist. It is somewhat surpris­ ing to find that wheat grown in the far 'west stiH.pkys.asimnch..©eight before it PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY .dgn be placed in the English market as the rent qbarge amounts to at home. The average yield of'ah acre of land in Eng- .TOIIN G. HOLMES. JandisThirty bushels, against Thirteen in Berrien ■the' Western, states. The American farm- pr ipugt therefore cultivate two and a half Terms :-S X .50perY ear. acres before he can sell as much produce 3SS-ri.fA.ELE IS aiwascs.-E* as grown on a single acre in England. yOLunv Y TTI JJUMBER Jg ‘ [This, however, he does, .at an incredibly BUCHANAN, MICH., THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1879. gmall outiay. The difference in tillage ia OFFICE.—In Record Building, Oak Street. most striking. • An English farmer, accus­ tomed to drive three or four horses pain­ fully over a stiffelay, can scarcely imagine What Slay Be Done. upon the broad flagging o f the sidewalk. Dangers of W all Street. Wolsey to Cromwell. Business Directory. She had fainted. the ease'with which a light plow runs Wliat might ho (lone if men wore wise— ‘•Brave girl! Who is she?” said a be­ A New York correspondent to one of Through the rich loam o f a western state, our contemporaries thinks there is not a Cromwell, I did not think to shed a tear in northern Minnesota the Red River set- S O C I E T t Wlint glorious doeds, my suiToiing brother, nevolent old gentleman, who had just ap­ 111 all my miseries; hut this infernal LOOK HERE. Would (hoy unite, in love and rigid, better place in the United States to stay Tlement isjust being opened up. A fur­ proached, attempting at the same time to Rheumatism lias forced me to play the woman. i. o. o. r. Spring And coase their scorn for one another? chafe some life into her hands. away from than Wall Street, New York, row maybe drawn;for fifty miles across The reseller tiK-offucs o f RB'bao«n W p e X o.75 are with the exception, perhaps, of Memphis Thus far, hear me, Cromwell, the aRuvial prairie without meeting a hill, Oppression’s heart might he imbued, “ Only Jac. Dubois,” answered quo of hold i i their hall.in Baclianan, on Tuesday ovemnit her former companions, who was already or New Orleans in a yellow fever season. When I am forgotten, as I shall be. a, tree, or a stone. Yaribus estimates o f ot e>Hch w k 'Iv. at 7 oVccfe. Tnurfoat liri-luoa in You can bujr a With kindling drops of loving-kindness. I know five men, says the writer, who jthe cost o f labor, for tillage and harveBt- .good st*ndiu£ at© cotd’nUy snvit«»d to jutoud. surmising what cliauge her absence from Inasmuch as I leave no fortune behind And know ledge pour, from shore to shore, went there to try their luck about a year J ohn Hanvvsk, N. 0 . Ls Roy U. Ba DD, Pec. the factory would occasion iu her partic­ To keep my memory green iu the courts— iing. hs've lately been published. I f these Light on the eyes of mental blindness. ago.^ One was a confidential clerk in a ular work, and hoping to step into her When I am forgotten, Isay, jare correct, an acre o f wheat in America foreign house that operated largely in the SUMMIT LODGE NO. 192, All fraud and warfare, lies and wrongs, place. Aud sleep iu dull, cold marble, where no men­ ican be cultivated for about one-half the street. He was in a good position to get F. A A. h >l.ls n regnlar meetins; every Monday All vice and crime might die together; “Jac. Dubois? Oh, Heaven!” is it Jac?” tion. jexpense in labor of cultivating an acre in evening on or b£ii r© tins full ot tii© moon, in oacli Opening! “ points,” and the understanding was that Of me more must be heard of—see to It, Business Slit And milk and corn, to eacli man horn, (England- We donot, however,placeim- M cried one of the young carpenters, his pail ict'atU. „ _ - He free as warmth in Summer weather. the others should operate upon them, let­ See to it, Cromwell, that my body ’pliffit (reliance on Such .estimates. The H . N Motoey^ M . B .B . IIarpsr, Stg\ being flung from him into the street, and ting him- in for a share of the profits in Is not snatched for base uses. -OF- he bending dowTn and looking into the American farmer, ss a'rule, does his own 'Xlie meanest wretch that ever trod— consideration of the information he should BUCHANAN LODGE NO. 6S. young girl’s face. Cromwell, I charge thee, fling away ambition; ' jwork, or' the greatest pert of it. The Tiie deepest sunk m guilt and sorrow. furnish. These five formed a little ring T & A M. The rgnl-ir communications of this Lodgo By that sin fell the angols, how can man then, iamount o f wages paid in actual money is Might stand erect in self-respect, “ You know her, then?” questioned tho with a cash capital o f about $50.000.— *sr© he’d at Masoai' Uh11» on Fririiy evening on or Tiie image of his maker, hope to win by’t, ; jcomptirati vely small. I f he cultivates fifty before the lull o f the moon in each month. And share tho teeming world to-morrow. old gentleman. They hadn’t the slightest doubt about Much less a fellow of your stamp and style? jacrea o f wheat, and has growing sons, he S eth Smith. W . 51. L P. Alexander. See. “ Yes, sir, I do?” doubling it in six months. They were to IJEW Wlint might be done? This might be done, ‘W ill you care for her? Slie should Love tliyselt lust, and a rich man's Imay manage without any help, except at And more than this, my suffering brother, be on equal ground with the biggest op­ Daughter llrst; cherish those hearts that hats Ihsrvent time, when he hires an extra hand ATTGRMEYS. have immediate attention. You ought to erators so far as “ points” were concerned, Shire than (ho tongue, e’er said or sung— take her to the nearest surgeon.” thee. for a month. If he has no family to as- and no such word as fail could he found sist.him, he w ill probably hire, a hand for E» M. PUMPTON, If men were wise and loved each other. “She shall have it, sir. I will do so. That is to say, cherish a kindred hatred for in the lexicon of their calculations. them, itlio: year at $12 or $15 a . month. In all Attorney a ti Counsellor at Daw, and Solicitor in -FOB —By Charles Mackcu. Ed”—to workman— “get a carriage for Where are they now? The confidential Ch-wnccry. <?Si'e over cob le's Siorv, Rituhanan, me.” And never lose an opportunity to get even; leases-board and wages are included, the Bcrnfti f.Vnn!y ,.SStiL clerk is in a lunatic asylum. One of the Still in thy right hand carry gentle peace, ■lured men sitting down to meals with the A HEROINE IN RAGS. “She is a noble girl said the old gen­ others is a street-ear conductor at $1.75 a And in thy lilp-pocket a seven shooter; tleman, looking down at her. “Who is ffarmer and his family, -We may fairly J. J. VAN RIPER, CARPETS! day. A second is a clerk in au insurance Then if thou fall’s!, O Cromwell, estimate then, the capital.of £12 required she—where does she live? I should like office at $10 a week. A third made his Thou fall’st a thoroughbred I Attorney and CcunseHer at l»aw, a s .! Solicitor in •Tacquclinc Dubois was not French, to call upon her. 'by an English farmer to cultivate proper­ Cbabcery. Collections nisy“ and proceeis promptly though her name would seem to indicato way West towards the Black Hills, and ly a single acre of land will not more than remitted Offiv >,t>vt'r Fitet Ratios »’ It:mk, bu han- “Jacqueline Dubois, No. 920 Spring that such was the case. She was au has not since been heard from. The last suffice to purchase and cultivate the two an, Mich. street. Will you help me put her into of the party of five still hangs around TJic Demand for Sealskins. American working-girl of mixed parent­ tbe carriage?” iand a halt acres which w illyield the same -A N D A- age, her lather being of French extrac­ the street, watching the indications, but Some thirty years ago sealskin was .amount, o f wheat in America. Up to this 33AVIB E. HINMAN, Various offers were made to put the common enough. Boxes were covered tion and her mother a true-horn Ameri­ unable to put up even live dollars in a ippint .neither competitor has a decided Attorney and Counsellor at Law, r.cdSolicitoria Chan­ maimed girl iuto the vehicle. It was suc­ with it, gloves and driving-rugs were cery 'Collodions mode and pn*vt«Is promptly re* can. bucket shop. Their whole capital melted .advantage, and, i f anything, the difference cessfully accomplished, ' and the carriage mitted.
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