INDEX TO VOLUME II. Aasvogel Kop and Farm, 214, 231, Alexandersfontein, 37, 54, 58, 64, 233-4- 66, 68, 92. Abandonment of convoy at Waterval Alexandra Berg, 224-5. Drift, 77-9. Aliwal North, 157, 213, 231, 246, 301, Abdy, Major A. J., 562-3, 565. 304, 312-14, 318 ; bridge at, 246, Abon's Dam and Farm, 33, 36-7, 64, 258. 73. 80. Alleman's Drift (Orange river), 255. Abraham's Kraal, 186, 189, 208, Allen, Major E., 312-13. 213-19, 227, 231 ; see also Driefon- Allen, Major-General R. E., 320. iein, Battle of ; Boers concentrate Allenby, Major E. H. H., 18, 234-5. at, 210. Aller Park, 540. Abraham's Kraal Drift (Modder river), Altham, Major E. A., 39-40. 213. : Acton Homes, H7. Ambuscades at 361 ; a Court, Lieut.-Colonel C, 379, 382. at Korn Spruit, 281-2, 288, 294. Acton Homes, 339, 347, 350-1, 360, Ammunition, 154, 163, 166, 168, 178, 362, 364-5, 372-3,AngloBoerWar.com573, 575. 224, 257, 375-6 ; expended at road, Acton Homes 368, 534. Kimberley, 43, 49-50, 59 ; at Spion Adye, Colonel J., 182, 212. Kop, 371 ; at the Tugela Heights, Aerial tramway, over the Tugela, 438, 466, 492 ; at Vaal Krantz, 418 ; 494. at Wepener, 318 ; in Ladysmith, Africander families, in Kimberley, 57. 539. 583- Ainsworth, Lieut. W. J., 289. Ammunition columns. See Regular Airlie, Lieut.-Colonel D. S. W., The Units. Earl of, 26. Amphlett, Major C. G., 259-60, 275-9, Albrecht, Major R., 101. 285, 287. Albrecht, Trooper H., 566, (awarded Anderton, Lieut. T., 468, 503. the Victoria Cross) 570. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Aldershot, 535. See Regular Units. Alderson, Lieut.-Colonel E. A. H., Armistice, at Hart's Hill, 492, 501-2 24. 27, 33, 93-4, 158, 181, 190, 194, 583 ; at Kimberley, 57 ; at Lady 201-2, 212, 215, 217-18, 232-5, smith, 541, 571 ; at Spion Kop, 401 275, 280, 284-5, 289-91, 3^1-2. Cronje asks for, 148. Alderson' s Mounted Infantry. See Armoured trains, 47, 55-6, 58, 60 Infantry, Mounted. captured at Kraaipan, 47. Aldworth, Lieut.-Col. W., 129, 138-40. Arms, Boers', how obtained, 206 Alexander, Lieut.-Colonel The Hon. W. collection of, 257, 260-1, 301. P., 24, 222. Army. See British Army. VOL. II. 42* 66o THE WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA. Army Corps, ist, arrival of, 239. Barkly West, 90, 332. Army Headquarters, 12-13, 21, 28-30, Barton, Major-General G., C.B., 403, 75-6, 80, 87, 115, 189, 190-1, 211, 423-4, 429, 436-7. 439-4L 446. 448. 214, 220, 227-8, 234 ; composition 450-1, 453-4. 459. 462-3, 470. 474. of the forces at, March 13th, 241. 480, 493, 503, 505-6, 508, 510-15, Army Medical Corps, Royal. See 519-21, 523-5. Regular Units. Bastard's Nek, 251. Army organisation, objects of, 11 1-12. Bastion Hill, 346-51, 357, 366-73, Army Service Corps. See Regular 377- Units. Basutoland, 157, 213, 259, 261, 263, Artillery, Royal. See Regular Units. 304. 3i«- Artillery in action, concealment and Bates, Major A., 45. dispersion, use of, inefficiency of Batson, Major H., 427. such methods, 418. Bayly, Major A. W. L., 499. Arundel, 89, 152, 250, 252-4. Beaconsfield, 41, 51-2, 60. Ashburner, Lieut. L. F., 289. Beaconsfield Town Guard. See Colo- Ashmore, Lieut. E. B., 288. nial Units. E., Asiatics in Kimberley, 65 ; in Lady- Bearcroft, Captain J. R.N., 90, smith, 538. 92, 147, 198. Assembly of troops for relief of Kim- Bechuanaland, 44-5. berley, February 8th, 4. Beit, Mr. A., 315. Atkinson, Sergeant A. (awarded the Bell Spruit, 535. Victoria Cross), 124. Bell's Kop, 533, 548-9- Australian contingents : Horse, New Belmont, 11, 59, 135. South Wales, (Queensland, South Benaudheidsfontein, 54. Australia,AngloBoerWar.comVictoria, West Aus- Berkefeld filters, 577, 579. tralia. See Colonial Units. Berkshire regiment, Royal. See Regu- lar Units. Baberspan, 214-18, 223. Besters Kraal, 312-13. Baden-Powell, Colonel R. S. S., 44. Bester's Valley, 535, 543, 555-6. 565, Bainbridge, Major E. G. T., 329, 331. 571- Bainbridge, Captain N., 277-9, 281. Bethanie, 256, 303, 308-9, 311-12, Bainbridge's Mounted Infantry. See 320. Infantry, Mounted. Bethel commando. See Commandos. Bain's Vlei, 209-10, 213, 230. Bethlehem commando. See Com- Balance of power in South Africa, mandos. changed February nth-March 15th, Bethulie, 213, 231, 236, 249, 254, 00- 1 2 7- 1900, 240. 256-8, 263-4, 3 . 3'2. 3 Balloon at Paardeberg, 168, 173. Bethulie bridge, 165, 180, 248-9, 258. Bethulie commando. See Commandos. Banfield, Lieut. -Col. R. J. F., 130, 134. Bank's Drift (Modder river), 109, 116, Bethune, Lieut.-Colonel E. C, 341-2, 122, 129, 161. 354, 385, 406, 426, 429, 441, 493, Bank's Drift Farm, 158, 168-9. 504. Bannatine-Allason, Major R., 26. Bethune's Mounted Infantry. See Barbed wire fences, 41, 51, 94, 160, Colonial Units. C. A. B., 223, 235 489, 578. Bewicke-Copley, Major R. Barker, Colonel J. C, 120. 428, 476. , INDEX. 661 Beyers, Commandant, 445. Boat, ferry, on Tugela, 343, 354, 458. Bezuidenhout Pass, 184. Boats, James' collapsible, 120, 126, Biggarsberg, 184-5, I 88, 238, 242, 163. 338. Boers : activity of, renewal of, after fall Biltong, 579. of Bloemfontein, 265-6 ; Binnie, Mr., 579. assault the Platrand at Ladysmith, Bird river, action at, 245. 557-70 ; begin movement on Kim- Birkbeck, Major V. M., 245. berley, 47 ; casualties of, 56, 59, 95, Blaauwbank (Natal), 338. 160, 170, 178, 203. 229, 251, 333, Blaauwbank Drift, 20-1. 361, 411, 477, 521, 570-1 ; condi- tion of, in Cronje's Blaauwboschpan Farm, 25, 28, 79. laager, 170-1 ; Blaauwkrantz river, 421, 431, 436, counter-attack by, at Klip Kraal 439, 441, 462, 503, 507. Drift, 86 ; at Thaba Mountain, 330 ; Black Watch, The. See Regular demoralisation of, 208, 241-2, 304 ; Units. depression of, 5, 207, 265 ; deserters Blankenburg's Vlei, 37. from, 79, 109, 152, 164, 187, 189, Blewitt, Major W. E., 562. 210 ; discipline among, want of, Bloemfontein, 4, 7, 10, 16, 29, 38, 166, 168 ; effect of Sannah's Post on, of, 59, 68, 81, 93, 95-6, 99, 106-7, 298-9 ; entrenchments at Paarde- 135, 146. 154-5. 157. 161, 164, berg, 102 ; at Poplar Grove, 187 ; 166, 171, 173, 180, 185-6, 188-92, at Tugela Heights, 435 ; furloughs 203, 208-10, 212, 215, 218, 222-4, granted to, by De Wet, 241-2 ; of, 228, 247, 254-7, 308, 311-12, 314, horses of, 1 , 36, 98 ; inactivity at Ladysmith, ; after success 318, 319-21, 325-7, 332, 575 ; 544, 572 advance on, from Paardeberg, 213- at Stormberg, 244 ; Intelligence ; British halt at, Department of, see Intelligence 14, 231 AngloBoerWar.com243, 274- ; of 313 ; capture of railway plant investment Kimberley by, 54, at, 237 ; cavalry action outside, 57, 66 ; of Ladysmith by, 531-85 ; 235-6 : conference at, 42 ; Cronje moral of, at Poplar Grove, 187 ; Roberts offers, supposed to be aiming for, 79, 83, passes to, Lord 260 ; 88, 97, no; preparations for de- plan of campaign of, included early of, fence by Boers, 210, 213 ; pro- attack on Kimberley, 42, 44 ; inhabitants of, position of, at Paardeberg, 109-10 clamation to 234 ; ; railway re-opened to Cape Town, at Poplar Grove, 185-7 '• around 258 ; scheme for French to move on, Kimberley, 54 ; around Ladysmith ; surrender of, ; the ; at Karee Siding, 164, 171 238 539-40 270 ; occupation of, 230-40 ; water supply at Sannah's Post, 2S1-99 ; at at, 241, 259, 281. Spion Kop, 344-402 ; at Vaal Bloemfontein commando. See Com- Krantz, 403-22 ; on the Tugela, mandos. 424, 530 ; proclamations by, 188, Bloemhof commando. See Com- 266-7 raids of, in Natal, i 184, 532 ; mandos. rearguard, actions of, 82, 90, 103, Bloemspruit Farm, 236, 295, 303. 201-2, 228, 520, 526 ; reasons of, Bloy's Farm, for not holding Spion 434, 445. 449-50, 452. Kop, 383-4 ; 454, 460, 462. retreat of, from Bloemfontein, 237, Blundell-Hollinshead-Blundell, Lieut. 241 ; from Driefontein, 230 ; from D. H., 477, 479, 481-3. Ladysmith, 583-4 ; from Magers- — 662 THE WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA. Boers : retreat of continued. Boshof commando. See Commandos. fontein, 81, 96; from Pieters Hill, Boshof road, 92-3, 208. 514; from South-east Cape Colony, Bosjespan Farm, 32, 79, 87, 108, 213, 245, 246-8, 259, 263-4; from 181. South-east Orange Free State, 324 ; Botha, General Louis, 188, 238, 242, to, responsibility for supply 266 ; 265, 348, 399, 413, 424-5. 433- Steyn and Kruger attempt to revive, 455-7. 470, 502, 504. 188 ; strength and dispositions of, Botha, Petrus, 56. 14, 59, 89, 94, 146, 165, 187-90, Botha, Commandant Philip, 136, 211, 230-1, 249, 259, 265, 316, 414, 168-71, 189. 539-40 ; surprise of (Acton Homes), Bothashoek Farm, 99, 140. Bowen, S., 361 ; tactics of, at Spion Kop, 384 ; Major R. 564, 567. telegrams from, 10-11, 17, 167, Bowles, Colonel H., 124. 170-1, 185, 210-11, 218, 314, 317. Bowman's Farm, 457-8, 460. 425, 455, 470; transport of, pro- Boyes, Major-General J. E., 320. perty of burghers, 108 ; War Coun- Brabant, Brig. -General E. Y., C.M.G., cils of, see Krijgsraad ; women 165, 241, 244-6, 301-4, 312-13. and children of, in laagers, 1, 98, 318-20, 324, 327, 332. 107, 162, 171 ; wounded, 162. Brabant's Horse. See Colonial Units. Boesman's Kop, 259, 261, 276-81, Brabazon, Major-General J. P., C.B., 283-93.
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