Virtual Hearing and Physical Hearing Cases in Ramanathapuram District Cause List Date:31.08.2021 PRINCIPAL DISTRICT COURT, RAMANATHAPURAM Link:- https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup- join/19%3ameeting_OWFkOGI1NGUtMTk3ZS00ZDk2LThjYjYtOGViZTI1NDVlNDY2%40thread.v2/0? context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d996504a-1f3d-4f64-a8e8-bc185b5a4d25%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a %22c7f2a52b-5645-4dc8-83cf-5bc64fe2aa55%22%7d Sl. Cr.M.P. Type of Cr.No. and Police Name of the Name of the Counsel Section of Law No. No. Petition Station Accused (Tvl) U/s. 341, 294(b), 506(ii) 183/2021, 1 1840/2021 B 307 IPC r/w 25(1)(A) Ukkirapandi A. Manoharan Kadaladi P.S., Arms Act 34/2018 U/s. 147, 148, 341, 2 1855/2021 B Palaninathan K. Muthuduraisamy Elanchempur P.S 294(b), 323, 307 IPC 18/2020 3 1856/2021 B U/s. 397 IPC Palaninathan K. Muthuduraisamy Kovilankulam P.S 21/2020 U/s. 147, 148, 4 1857/2021 B Palaninathan K. Muthuduraisamy Kovilankulam P.S 302 IPC U/s. 5 of Explosive 9/2021, Substance Act 1908, 4(1) Kennadi and 2 5 1910/2021 B Devipattinam M. Ganesha Kamu of Fisheries Act 1897 and others Moraine P.S., 286 IPC U/s. 294(b), 323, 324, 123/2021, 506(ii), 307 IPC and 4 of 6 1933/2021 B Muthuramalingam K. Muthuduraisamy Ilanchempur P.S., W.H. Act and 25(1)(a) Arms Act U/s. 379 IPC and 21(1) 56/2021, Erwadi Mines and Minerals 7 1938/2021 B Selvakumar S.J. Sheik Ibrahim Dharga P.S., (Development & Regulation) Act 203/2021, 8 1943/2021 B B1 Town P.S., U/s. 399 IPC Ibrahim G. Tamilvendan Ramanathapuram 39/2020, Jetty P.S., 9 1743/2021 AB U/s. 436 and 506(ii) IPC Murugan K. Muthuduraisamy Rameswaram 446/2021, U/s.294(b), 323, 324, 427 Muralithasan and 10 1937/2021 AB B. Duraimurugan Abiramam P.S., and 506(ii) IPC 2 others U/s. 294(b), 323, Sethuramu @ 290/2021, 11 1842/2021 AB 506(ii) IPC r/w Sethuraman and 3 R. Silambaraj Mudukulathur P.S., 4 of W.H. Act others U/s. 498(A), 294(b), 506 16/2021 Saranraj and one 12 1859/2021 AB (i) IPC and 4 of TNWH S.J. Sheik Ibrahim AWPS- Paramakudi another Act Nil U/s.7(ii) of Essential Kalidhas and one 13 1915/2021 AB M. Venkadesh Mandapam P.S., Commodities Act 1955 another 303/2021, U/s. 294(b), 324 and Nagoorkani and 14 1917/2021 C K. Muthuduraisamy Saylakudi P.S., 506(ii) IPC one another 585/2021, U/s. 379 IPC and 3 of Rajkumar and 3 15 1940/2021 C T.M. Arunkannan Kenikarai P.S., TNPPDL Act others U/s. 379 IPC and 21(1) Mohamed Bilal @ 147/2021, Mines and Minerals 16 1708/2021 B/T.E Mangaleswaran T. Muneeswaran Devipattinam P.S., (Development and and one another Regulation) Act U/s. 379 IPC and 21(1) 143/2021, Mines and Minerals 17 1709/2021 B/T.E Paulraj T. Muneeswaran Devipattinam P.S., (Development and Regulation) Act U/s. 379 IPC r/w 21(1) 150/2021, Mines and Minerals 18 1757/2021 B/T.E Karthick Raja T.M. Arunkannan Devipattinam P.S., (Development & Regulation) Act 1957 U/s. 147, 294(b), 323, Athiullah @ 187/2021, Erwadi 19 1939/2021 AB/TE 506(i) IPC and 4 of Athikullah Sahib G. Tamilvendan Dharga P.S., TNPWH Act and 11 others U/s. 147, 148, 294(b), 176/2021, Bazar P.S., 20 1758/2021 AB/T.E 323, 324, 336, 427 and Kamal T.M. Arunkannan Ramanathapuram 506(ii) IPC 138/2021, Bazar P.S., U/s. 147, 148, 294(b), 21 1759/2021 AB/T.E Jeyasurya S. Srikanth Ramanathapuram 323, 324 and 506(ii) IPC 128/2021, U/s.294(b), 324 and 22 1776/2021 AB/T.E. Murugavel V. Rajini Thiruppullani P.S., 506(ii) IPC U/s. 294(b), 323, 298/2021, Perumal and 2 23 1833/2021 A.B/T.E 506(ii) IPC and 4 of M. Sakthivel Kenikarai P.S., others W.H. Act Virtual Hearing Cases (Criminal) S. Cr.No. And Police Name of the Name of Counsel for Case No Stage No. Station Petitioner Petitioner/ Accused Tvl CA 8/2021in S.J.Sheik Ibrahim CC 63/2019 DM 105/2014 Kasinathan and 2 1 Arguments Vs Cum JMC, Kadaladi P.S others Public Prosecutor Kadaladi Crl.A. No. 16/2021 54/2013, S.J. Sheik Ibrahim 2 Arguments Kalidoss Emaneswaram P.S., Crl.R.P. No. Iilayadhos Vs K.R.M. Karunaivel Pandian 3 10/2021 in Arguments Private Pradhapa and one Vs MC No. 8/2017 another M.Somasundaram 313/2021, 4 Crl.MP. 1529/2021 Clarification Selvaraj A. Raja Hussain Uchipuli P.S., 150/2021, 5 Crl.MP. 1680/2021 Enquiry Sethupathi K. Ilamaran Devipattinam P.S., 192/2021, 6 Crl.MP. 1748/2021 Enquiry Shanthi A. Manoharan Emaneswaram P.S., 192/2021, 7 Crl.MP. 1751/2021 Enquiry Rahul Anand A. Manoharan Emaneswaram P.S., 215/2021, 8 Crl.MP 1781/2021 Enquiry Ajithu Ayubkhan K.R.M. Karunaivel Pandian Devipattinam P.S., 335/2021, 9 Crl.MP 1782/2021 Enquiry Avul Hameed Yasin K.R.M. Karunaivel Pandian Uchipuli P.S., 59/2021, 10 Crl.MP 1818/2021 Notice Jaseem Sahubic S. Shanmuganathan Devipattinam P.S., 46/2021, 11 Crl.MP1941/2021 Modification Boomirajan V. Sunil Malkothra Devipattinam P.S., Physical Hearing Cases (Criminal) Cr.No. And Police Name of the Name of Counsel for S. No. Case No Stage Station Petitioner Petitioner/ Accused Tvl 1 SC 106/2009 Evidence Kamuthi P.S., Kandasamy A. Manoharan 140/2015, Devarajan and 11 2 SC 19/2017 Evidence Paramakudi Taluk K. Gunasekaran others P.S., 57/2011, Erwadi Murugesan and 4 3 SC 117/2018 Clarification R. Saravanakumar Dharga P.S., others CrlMP 318/2015, Mathavan Magesh 4 SC 120/2018 Ananda Padmanaban Pending Kenikarai P.S., and 7 others A1,A4 & A7- S.J.Sheik Ibrahim, 231/2017, Satham Hussain and A2 & A3- S. 5 SC 60/2019 Trial Kenikarai P.S., 7 others Senthilkumar, A5, A6 & A8- K. Gunasekaran Produce the 140/2018, Muthukumar and one 6 SC 72/2019 R. Senthilkumar Certificate Keelakarai P.S., another 78/2018, 7 SC 82/2019 Arguments Bose S. Shanmuganathan Thiruppullani P.S., 62/2016, Keelakarai 8 SC 185/2019 Evidence Vadivel S.A.S. Allaudeen P.S., 692/2016, Crl.MP Mangalanathadurai 9 SC 5/2020 Bazar P.S., Deva Manoharan Martin Pending and 5 others Ramanathapuram For further 249/2014, Muniyasamay and 8 10 SC 42/2020 K. Muthuduraisamy Proceedings Kamuthi P.S., others 48/2011, Muniyasamy and 11 SC 108/2020 Evidence Siddiq Rahuman Devipattinam P.S., 3 others For further 210/2012, Boominathan and 12 SC 17/2021 R. Ajaykumar Proceedings Uchipuli P.S., 3 others For further 174/2010, Arumugam and 13 SC 34/2021 S.J. Sheik Ibrahim Proceedings Kamuthi P.S., 14 others For further 131/2017, Malaisamy and 2 14 SC 48/2021 K. Gunasekaran Proceedings Keelathooval P.S., others 307/2008, Nasubudeen @ Seeni For further 15 SC 66/2021 B1 Town P.S., Rahuman and one S.J. Sheik Ibrahim Proceedings Ramanathapuram another For Opening 47/2019, Sethupandi and 12 16 SC 83/2021 K. Gunasekaran Prosecution Perunazhi P.S. others Physical Case List (Civil) Plaintiff S. Defendant/ Plaintiff side Respondent/ Defendant Case No Stage /Petitioner No. Respondent Name advocate (Tvl) side Advocate (Tvl) Name R1, R2- Harsatha Hussain R3, R11 to R16, Karuppiyamma R22 to R25 – l and her power Shanmugathammal 1 AS 22/2021 Arguments Backiyam Thirunavukkarasu agent and 24 others R6 – Dineshraj Mr. Arumugan R7 to R10, R20, R21 – J. Uduman R17 to R19 Jeyapaul and 2 2 AS 27/2021 Arguments Sivanandi P. Venkatesan R1 – J. Uduman others E.P. 18/2018 in 3 Enquiry Lakshmi Panchavarnam M. Jeyakodi GWOP 4/2015 The Properietor, Selvarani and 2 Varsha Aqua 4 MCOP 150/2017 Notice Meenadevi R2- V. Jeevanandam others Minerals, Karaikudi Mariyappan Natchiyappan and 5 MCOP 96/2018 Clalrification B. Karthikeyan R3, R4 – V.Jeevanandam and 3 others 6 others Thangalakshmi Mangaleswari and 6 MCOP 16/2019 I.A. pending P. Venkatesan and 3 others ona another HDFC ERGO S.J. Sheik R2- V. 7 MCOP 255/2019 Evidence Lakshmi General Insurance Ibrahim Jeevanandam Co. Ltd Muniyasamy Samir Hussain and 8 MCOP 64/2020 Steps K. Sivakumar R3- K. Anbuchezhiyan and 3 others 2 others Founder Society, Shanmuga valli Accudent Rescue 9 MCOP 42/2021 Amendment and one A. Selvaraj R2- V. Jeevanandam society, another Ramanathapuram I.A. 900/2019 in Await Kalanjiyarani Mathialagan and 4 R1,R2-Exp 10 MCOP 154/2014 Certificate and 2 others others A.Selvaraj R3-R5-Died I.A. 901/2019 in Await Kalanjiyarani Mathialagan and 4 R1,R2-Exp 11 A.Selvaraj MCOP 154/2014 Certificate and 2 others others R3-R5-Died I.A. 166/2021 in Thangalakshmi Mangaleswari and 12 Counter P. Venkadesan R3- Gopal (Inperson) MCOP 16/2019 and 3 others six others The Manager, I.A. 299/2021 in Kumuthavalli IFFCO TOKIO 13 Notice M. Murugesan MCOP 175/2017 and 3 others General Insurance Company, Madurai M. Deva Preethi 14 IDOP 6/2021 Counter Chidhambaram Mary Daafni M. Arputharaj Dinakaran Virtual Case List (Civil) Defendant/ Respondent/ S. Plaintiff / Plaintiff side Case No Stage Respondent Defendant side No. Petitioner Name advocate (Tvl) Name Advocate (Tvl) Nil SPECIAL COURT FOR TRIAL OF CASES UNDER SC/ST ACT 1989, RAMANATHAPURAM Link : https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup- join/19%3ameeting_YTUxNDljNjctMmE4Yy00NzdhLThmYTQtYjRkMWY3ZTY1OTRj%40thread.v2/0? context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d996504a-1f3d-4f64-a8e8-bc185b5a4d25%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a %2206521d08-ce2e-4d78-b734-27486cfd9cbe%22%7d Virtual Hearing Cases Sl.
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