For Office use only OFFICE DIRECTORY 2007 Office of the District Magistrate & Collector, Burdwan Website: http://bardhaman.gov.in Contents Sl No Offices Pages Burdwan District Administration 1 District Magistrate Office 1 2 Sub Divisions 4 3 Blocks 5 4 Police 7 5 Judiciary 10 6 Zilla Parishad 11 7 Panchayat Samities 12 8 Land and Land Reforms 13 9 Health 15 10 Public Health Engineering 18 11 Public Works Department 19 12 Irrigation 19 13 Agriculture 19 14 Labour 20 15 Commercial Tax 20 16 Other District Officials 20 17 Central Government Officials 21 18 WBSEB 22 19 BSNL 22 20 Industries 23 Public Utility Services 21 Emergency 25 22 Fire Services 25 23 Railway 26 24 Airport 27 25 Educational Institutions 27 a. University 28 b. Colleges 28 Sl No Offices Pages c. Schools 30 Political Representatives 26 MP s 32 27 MLA s 32 28 ZP Members 34 Local Self Government (Urban) 35 29 Corporations Local self Government (Urban) 35 30 Municipalities 31 Office Number of Political Parties 36 32 Important Association 36 a. Bus Association 36 b. Rice Mill Association 37 Miscellaneous 33 BDA 38 34 Municipal Directorate 38 Media 38 35 (Print & Electronic) 36 Government Printing Press 39 37 Bank 39 38 Guest Houses 40 39 Other Organizations 41 Offices of Government of West Bengal Secretaries and Directors to 43 40 Government of WB 41 DMs of West Bengal 49 42 SPs of West Bengal 50 Important Police Officials including 51 43 Police Control Room 44 PSC, WB 52 45 Human Rights Commission, WB 53 Sl No Offices Pages 46 Vigilance Commission, WB 53 47 State Election Commission, WB 53 48 CEO’s office 53 49 Regional Passport Office 54 Offices of Government of India Secretaries and Directors to 55 Government of India e-mail of District Officials 50 DM Office 60 51 ZP 60 52 SDOs 61 53 BDOs 61 54 Important Websites 63 Burdwan District Administration STD( 0342) District Magistrate Office Residence Mobile Office / Fax DM 2662428 2625700/ 9434050500 2625702 2625703 2661899 ADM(G) 2662364 2624666 9434039813 2663225 ADM (ZP) 2662400 2662405 2662400 ADM (Dev) 2663335 2625220 9434238470 2663335 ADM (LA) 2662443 2662346 9434002685 2662443 ADM (LR) & 2533348 2663355 9434199700 DL&LRO, Burdwan 2530641 2533348 ADM (Asansol) 0341- 2253010 9434080664 2253010 2253019 CEO, ADDA 0341- 2253010 9434080664 2205374 0343- 2562349 PO cum BCWO 2663178 - 2663178 Sp. Land Acq. Officer 2665204 9433544975 2665204 RTO, Burdwan 2569519 9433382448 2662451 1 District Magistrate Office Residence Mobile Office / Fax DP&RDO 2560834 2624125 9434167757 2560834 DPLO 2663355 2625761 9434199193 2668566 District Manager, SC, 2567706 2625928 9434165266 ST (Dev. & Finance) 2567706 Corporation DYO 2663059 2663059 Senior DC 2662347 9434386461 O/C Election 2568843 2625778 9434238312 2664218 NDC 2662393 9332127012 DPO(ICDS) 2663381 9434604230 DSWO 2662408 9434148775 Extn. 132 O/C Civil Suit 2561526 Public Grievance Cell 2550854 Treasury Officer-I 2568069 2625398 9932641339 2568069 Treasury Officer-II 2668987 02324- 9832729368 468511 District Compensation 2531441 0341- - Officer 2213151 Asstt. Director Bureau 2568600 9434097038 of Applied Economist & Statistics Dist. Mass Education 2663401 9433333285 Officer 2 District Magistrate Office Residence Mobile Office / Fax Supt. Excise 2662838 2625686 2662368 9434245088 2662434 Supt. Excise(West) 0341- 2282988 DPO, SSM 0342- 2625928 9434165266 22568799 District Relief Officer 2550373 9831432760 2550373 1077 Toll Free DIO,NIC 2662582 2624790 9232719099 DICO 2634814 9434022512 Telephone Bhavan 2560555 Press Corner Burdwan Collectorate 2662408 to PBX 2662412 3 Sub-Divisions Office Residence Mobile /Fax SDO, Burdwan 0342- 2625644 9434026875 Sadar (North) 2662353/ 2662353 SDO, Burdwan 0342- 2625689 9434050276 2663319 Sadar (South) 2663319 SDO, Asansol 0341- 2252276 9434008900 2252222 2252223 O/C, Election, 0341- 9434477174 Asansol 2253245 SDO, Durgapur 0343- 2546105 9434050350 2545141 / 2548135 2562851 O/C, Election, 0343- 9434245690 Durgapur 2546680 SDO, Kalna 03454- 255024 9434029169 255028 256372 O/C, Election, 03454- 9474108294 Kalna 256918 SDO, Katwa 03453- 255551 9333610140 255550 257800 O/C, Election, 03453- 9434326668 Katwa 257956 4 Blocks Office Residence Mobile /Fax Andal 0341-2373448 9434373637 2373448 Ausgram-I 03452-255056 255056 9434386465 255056 Ausgram-II 0343-2517226 2517226 9932672943 2517226 Barabani 0341-2772218 2772647 9434688779 2772218 Bhatar 0342-2322235 9434345723 2322235 Burdwan-I 0342-2622577 9434166235 2622080 Burdwan-II 0342-2586243 9434194202 2586243 Durgapur- 0341-2670600 9434161674 Faridpur 2670736 Galsi-I 0343-2512244 / 2512244 9434162050 2512556 2512556 Galsi-II 0342-2450243 9434165265 2450243 Jamalpur 03451-288251 288515 9434144841 288515 5 Blocks Office Residence Mobile /Fax Jamuria 0341-2667047 2667047 9434967485 2667047 Kalna-I 03454-255150 255150 9474190431 255150 Kalna-II 03454-241226 9732169678 241266 Kanksa 0343-2524504 9434503368 2525415 Katwa-I 03453-255253 255308 9434534490 257927 Katwa-II 03453-244238 244555 9732187826 244430 Ketugram-I 03453-273231 273231 9836118167 273231 Ketugram-II 03453-240260 256465 9434235829 270260 Khandoghosh 03451-253310 9434155059 253310 Memari-I 0342-2250204 2250853 9732056471 2250204 Memari-II 0342-2700271 2710092 9434238422 2710092 6 Blocks Office Residence Mobile /Fax Mongolkote 03453-266222 266333 266333 Monteshwar 0342-2750522 2750278 9474367061 2750522 Pandabeswar 0341-2677321 9434176487 2677321 Purbasthali-I 03472-240335 9332423029 240225 Purbasthali-II 03453-248248 248248 9732935936 248248 Raina-I 03451-260222 9434227322 260222 Raina-II 03451-251226 9434838626 251226 Raniganj 0341-2444301 9434218943 2444301 Salanpur 0341-2530243 2532576 9434140528 2530243 Police Office Residence Mobile SP 0342- 2624400 9434022933 2662495 ASP (HQ) 0342- 2625710 9434199634 2662394 7 Police Office Residence Mobile DSP (DIB) 0342- 2545505 9434254646 2646964 DSP (Hq.) 0342- 2663851 9474173107 2663402 DSP 0342- 2563851 (Law & Order) 2563403 DSP 0342- 2545986 (Enforcement) 2663168 Burdwan Police 0342- Line PBX 2647491 / 2545166 ASP, Asansol 0341- 2252232 9433767070 2252640 DSP, Asansol 0341- 2253896 2252408 ASP, Durgapur 0343- 2563369 9434198548 2562762 SDPO, Durgapur 0343- 2563831 9434192444 2564067 SDPO, Katwa 03453- 255020 9333739510 255020 SDPO, Kalna 03454- 255062 9434036565 255086 OCs and ICs Number Police Stations PS Telephone No. Mobile Andal 0341-2373378 9434163448 Asansol (South) 0341-2202225 9332059088 Asansol (North) 0341-2270149 9434743236 Ausgram 03452-254213 9830428103 8 Police Stations PS Telephone No. Mobile Barabani 0341-2772268 9434156441 Bhatar 0342-2322223 9434310812 Budbud 0343-2512257 9932825938 Burdwan Sadar 0342-2664466 / 9434198225 2664467 Chaittaranjan 0341-2525368 9434070678 Coke Oven 0343-2555060 9434200285 Durgapur 0343-2564081 9832456491 / 9433259432 Durgapur Newtown 0343-2502242 9434216001 Durgapur-Faridpur 0343-2545085 9832156491 / 9433259432 Galsi 0342-2450238 9434122571 Hirapur 0341-2231547 / 9434013067 2230247 Jamalpur 03451-288225 9434310817 Jamuria 0341-2455440 9434004627 Kalna 03454-255040 9434023338 Kalyanpur (Phanri) 0341-2253323 Kanksa 0343-2524244 9434189408 Katwa 03453-255023 9832150639 / 9434011478 Ketugram 03453-272224 9433305592 Khandoghosh 03451-262260 9434635926 Kulti 0341-2515555 9434345171 Loudaha 0341-2670866 9434124389 Madhabdihi 03451-251230 9434124389 Memari 0342-2250232 / 9434124390 2260600 Mongolkote 03453-266228 9434743792 9 Police Stations PS Telephone No. Mobile Monteswar 0342-2750523 9732032826 Pandabeswar 0341-2677336 9434312555 Purbasthali 03454-264500 9434360186 Raina 03451-260230 9434215894 Raniganj 0341-2444230 9434236705 Salanpur 0341-2531118 9732179772 / 9830145240 Judiciary Office Residence Mobile District Judge, 0342- 0342- Burdwan 2662500 / 2566382 / 2663393 2562382 Chief Judicial 0342- 9474363833 Magistrate, 2563395 Burdwan Dy. Director PP 0342- 9434237584 2662408 to 12 Extn 155 Public Prosecutor 0342- 2646712 9433011126 2568857 / 2662408 ext- 401 Govt. Pleader 0342- 2532773 9434359305 2662408 to 12 Extn 400 Register, Judge 2664395 9433483322 Court, Burdwan 10 STD( 0342) Zilla Parishad, Office Residence Mobile / Bardhaman Fax Sabhadhipati, ZP 2662401 0342- 9434018556 (ext- 200 / 2625587 201) 03451- 2663327 260208 Sahakari 2664671 9434215790 Sabhadhipati, ZP 2663327 Additional 2662400 2662405 9434026882 Executive Officer, ZP Secretary , ZP 2664671 2625211 9434333986 2663327 District Engineer, 2662405 / 9434002697 ZP (PBX) 2662406 ( ext- 205) Karmadhakshya, 2662405/06 9146- 9434026879 Purta (ext- 226) 265790 Karmadhakshya, 2662404/06 0342- Food ( ext- 215) 2650610 Karmadhakshya, 2662404/06 9434670246 Krishi Karmadhakshya, 2662404/06 9434332354 Janaswasthya PD DRDC 2662469 9434022415 2665196 Dy PD DRDC 2662469 9434312005 ( Monitoring) 11 Zilla Parishad, Office Residence Mobile / Bardhaman Fax Dy Project Director 2665196 9474376174 DRDC ( Agri) PBX 2662405 /2662406 2569282 Panchayat Samity Telephone No. Fax Sabhapati Mobile Andal 0343-2373278 - 9434332068 Ausgram-I 03452-255167 - 9434238313 Ausgram-II 0343-2517377 - 9434688466 Barabani 0341-2772218 0341- 9434679322 2772218 Bhatar 0342-2322273 - 9434660825 Burdwan-I 0342-2622479 0342- 9332129548 2622080 Burdwan-II 0342-2586656 - 9732064832 Durgapur-Faridpur 0343-2670405 - 9434476149 Galsi-I 0343-2512241 0343- 9434476043 2512556 Galsi-II 0342-2450205 - 9932704131 Jamalpur 03451-288289 - 9832282538 Jamuria 0341-2667050 - 9732122710 Kalna-I 03454-255928 - 9434226474 Kalna-II 03454-241250 - 9434469492 Kanksa 0343-2524269 - 9434235330 Katwa-I 03453-255527 - 258610 (R) Katwa-II 03453-244430 - 9474110223
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