AGREEMENT for the Period January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2019 betwe 11 THE ESSEX TERMINAL RAILWAY COMPANY and THE TEAMSTERS CANADA RAIL CONFERENCE ring Rates of Pay and Rules for Conductors and Brakemen 13800 (04) TEAMSTERS CANADA RAIL CONFERENCE TABLE OF CONTENTS RU Rats of y ........................................ Benefits RULE Hours f v,Jork, Period nd Rest Breaks .......... RULE 4 Assignments .......................................... 8 RULE 5 Job Des r ions / Crews ............................ 10 RULE 6 Advertisement of Positions .......................... 11 RULE Filling of Positions ................................ 12 RULE 8 re Board ......................................... 15 RULE 9 Promotions .......................................... 18 RULE 10 Seniority ........................................... 18 RULE 11 Held Off on ny Business . 9 RULE 12 Jury Duty ........................................... 19 RULE 13 Run Around .......................................... 2 0 RULE 14 nvestigations and scipline ....................... 20 RULE 1 Grievance Procedure 1 RULE 16 Holidays ............................................ 24 RULE 17 Vacation 5 RULE 18 Leave f Absen .................................... 29 RULE 19 Union ............................................... 2 9 RULE 20 Miscellaneous ....................................... 30 RULE 21 Agreement ........................................... 30 Appendix "A" .................................................. 32 Appendix "B" .................................................. 33 Appendix "C" .................................................. 34 Appendix "D" .................................................. 35 Appendix "E" .................................................. 37 - 1 - AGREEMENT betwe n THE ESSEX TERMINAL RAILWAY COMPANY and THE TEAMSTERS CANADA RAIL CONFERENCE for Conductors and Brakemen THE TEAMSTERS CANADA RAIL CONFERENCE acknowledges that it is the exclusive function of the Company to operate and manage its business in all respects and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Union acknowledges that, subject to the express provisions of this reement, it is the ri t of the Company to: ( 1) hire, direct, layoff, promo e, suspend, dis ipline and discharge employees for ust cause, subject o the ri t of a seniority employee to lo e a grievance as hereinafter provi ( ) ma ntain order, dis line and effi i y; ( 3) make and alter, from time to time, rules and re lations 0 be observed he employees, which ru es and regula i s shall not be inconsis ent with the express prov s ons of this reement; and ( 4) dete ne the location of buildings and equ pment, the s hedules of crews, the methods and means of operation. Without restricting or limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Company retains all rights not specifically relinquished or modified by this Agreement. The Company agrees that it will exercise its rights in a fair and equitable manner. Essex Terminal Railway Company acknowledges the regularly constituted Committee of The Teamsters Canada Rail Conference to be the bargaining representatives on behalf of the Conductors and the Brakemen. The right to make and interpret contracts, rules, rates of pay and working Agreements for Conductors and Brakemen shall be vested in the Company and those representatives. The word "Conductor" or "Brakeman" as used hereinafter shall be understood to mean any employee holding seniority under this Agreement. - L" - BR.Jl...YEMEN JANUARY 1, 2017 - DECEMBER 31, 2019 RULE 1 Rates of RULE 1.1 f r ho r irst of each sum payments of $750 will be paid on the first pay of January 2017 and 2018 to employees hired prior to 2008 falling under this agreement who have worked in any department for more than 50 of the 52 weeks preceding January 1st. Employees may only rece this pa under one collective agreement. oyees on a WSIB approved wor la injury working modifi duties will be paid at 85 of rates. An employee will be considered to be on modified duties if t are unable to perform the essentia du ies of their regular job. The ny agrees that the "Existing loyeeu ra e structure will apply to employees hired prior to January 1, 2008 where they are the successful applicant for posit ions under other collective agreements. RULE 1.2 Shift Differentials: Shift differentials will be paid at 50 cents per hour to all employees whose regularly assigned shifts commence between the hours of 14:30 hours and 22:29 hours, and 55 cents per hour paid for those commencing their shifts between 22:30 hours and 06:29 hours. The shift differential will be paid on t worked only, and overtime shall not be calculated on the shift differential nor shall the shift differential be paid for absence from duty such as vacations, general holidays, etc. RULE 1.3 Pa s: The Company will continue to issue pay cheques every second Thursday. RULE 2 Benefits RULE 2.1 Master Po ic Cla made under the following terns are governed respe mast r policy. - 3 - RULE 2.2 1/ / or ye share of the RULE 2.3 Life Insurance: The program prov $ 0,000 coverage w th t e ny paying all pr urns. loyees wi l be permitted to rchase additi l group coverage on a voluntary basis at their own expense in $5,000 uni ts, max $100,000 additional. RULE 2.4 Accidental Death and Dismemberment: The will pay the p um cost 50, 0 of coverage. RULE 2.5 Extended Health Care: An 80%-20% co-pay plan will be purchased for each employee and their ndants. oyees wil contribute $10 h towards the cos of the r benefits with the pay ng t balance of the p um. A pay direct drug card will be p ded to the members. (Allows rma y o submit cla ele tronically. pay only port o no red the Drug re- rsement vd 11 be l ed st of t lowest pri interchangeable Coverage for non-generic drugs will be prov d only when me cally necessary. RULE 2.6 Dental Plan: Employees will receive an 80 -20 co­ pay preventative plan which includes chec s, cleaning, fillings, extractions, x-rays, root canals, periodontal and endodontic services to a tnaximum of $1200 per family member per year. The insurance will be maintained at prior year ODA levels during this contract. RULE 2.7 Vision Plan: The Company agrees to pay $17 5 per eligible family member every two (2) years upon presentation of satisfactory evidence that the employee or family member has purchased glasses prescribed by a qualified physician. The benefit may be used toward the cost of eye exam. RULE 2.8 Clothing Allowance: Employees will be provided with a $160/year safety boot and or work-wear clothing allowance at the option of the employee on submission of suitable proof of purchase. - 4 - B~lL"\.E}fEN COLLECTI\i'"E ;.._,~,"""-'''"'-" JA.NU~.RY 1, 2017 - DECEM3ER 31 2019 RULE 2.9 e of i s I' RULE 2 .10 Condi tior1s for If for an re s other than r a luntary lE:ave of absE:n an is unable ~o perform t ir normal or assi du y ror a period anger than three (3) months, the ny paid or loyee paid ica and dental benefits descr will be suspended as of first day of the f urth month. Benefits other than dental and medical will be s in accordance with p sions of the Insurance Contra t. in the case of a work stoppage, a voluntary leave of absence or layoff, benefits will be continued for a further six (6) months with the y and the employee sharing the st of the premium equally, provided the employee has paid their portion of the premium to the Company prior to the first of the month for which coverage app ies. on layoff for three (3) months or long r to work a total of thirty (30) tours of y without subsequent interruption of 3 months or more befor benefit overage or y p um contr tion is reinstated. RULE 2.11 Retirees: For employees retiring after ten (10) years of cumulative service a $3,000 retiring allowance will be provided by the RULE 2 .11.1 Employees age sixty-three to sixty-five ( 63 65)retiring with pension after fifteen (15) years or more of continuous service, the Company will provide extended heal th care, 8 0 %-2 0 co-pay. No extended Heal th Care benefit is provided for retirees after age sixty-five (65). RULE 2 .12 Bereavement: Upon the death of an employee's spouse, ch ld, parent, brother, sister, step-parent, father-in-law, mother-in-law, grandparent or grandchild, the employee shall be entitled to three (3) consecutive calendar days bereavement without loss of pay. Time off may be adjusted to cover the actual date of the funeral service. RULE 2 .12 .1 It is the intent of this Rule to provide for the granting of leave from work on the occasion of a death as aforesaid, and for the payment of their regular wages for that period to the employee to whom leave is granted, (provided the employee has not less than six months' cumulative compensated - 5 - CONDUCTORS BRAY£MEN COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT JA.''1UARY 2017 - DECEMBER 31, 2019 i • e o ask RULE 3 Hours of Work, Meal Period and Rest Breaks RULE 3.1 finition of Work ek: hirty-f Ve o rt ( 3 -------------- w 11 tut a week's work. RULE 3.2 for Out larly assigned crews shall gnated pons for going on and off duty. RULE 3.2.1 In the event a regularly assi crew is ca lled without 24 hours' notice, assi Brakemen/ onductors wi 1 be paid the bulletined hours of the assignment. RULE 3.2.2 An unassi Conductor/Brakeman cancell after reporting for duty where no service is performed wil be paid two ( ) hours at schedul rates and will hold their position on t Spare/Rot ry rd. f any work is performed, they will be paid schedul hours of the assi and their position wi pla d n the bottom of the re/Rotary Board.
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