,~II!l!ii!!i ,i1'"""!!illiWt!I!i1'ii!liit!iiflii'"!I!i",iifllilllil" i! if!! ' "I! II i1mll!!il! "" 'ii!iIi,IIiit""""liillillj"Lqnmmllliiili,F iii,Ii!!! , tiil !i!!iii!illi!!!!!immmmnlllIIUI!IIIIIII The Risen Prince of Peace Where is the faith of our fathers Who faced the battle strife, Secure in a hope undaunted And a God-directed life? That faith that faced the torture Of the sword, the fire, the rod; Where is the faith of our fathers In the g.reat, eternal God? Where is the faith of our fathers In Jesus who calmed the sea, And walked the angry waters That lashed so fearfully? The Christ who healed the lepers And made the blind to see; Where is the faith of our fathers In Jesus of Galilee? Down through the countless ages Comes a great and solemn cry, "Beware, ye blinded people Lest the Holy One pass by!" And a voice cries from the darkness Where the nations l'age and rave. "There is no God in Heaven, No hope beyond the grave!" Hark ye! countless millions. PaURe in your headlong- flight, Wait for the voice of prophecy Th:'lt calls to vou through the night. "A light shall shine in darkness And every knee bend low; Thoug-h your sins may be as scarlet I will make them white as snow." There in the scented garden Where the waxen lilies sway; There in the rosy splendor Of a perfect, new born day, Christ rose o'er Death triumphant His power shall never cease. The perfected faith of our fathel's Is the ri."en Prince of Peace. ELLA BROOKS BOLKCOM II "!Iii' jjit!ii'l!I~iil" Ii iilmwIlillflllilD_lUIlitillil!i!! "mmmrrmWllllln::r:::ulLl,m iii II ,,'r"'"'mmmnrt'j"!!'JI" iI' 'lim '''!!!ill'''' 1i"f1ii'ii!!lit !i!llilll'4 PRAYER of power for good in the world. Yet all these The Pur!lose of Prayer beautiful pictures of useful ministry have (By A. B. Stanberry) their local coloring. The purpose of prayer in God',:;:plan for us The prayer life is not only one of the essen- cannot be over estimated. He who clothes the tial elements in all these useful ministrations, lily and cares for the span'ow is always in- but it adds to the picture the beautiful tints tently interested in the success and security of of universality. We can preach, sing, live, all His children. Nothing so transforms human and give only where we are; but the fervent, nature as fellow,ship with God in intercessory effectual prayer of one righteous man ma~' prayer. It seeks divine wisdom amI waits di- take the wings of the spirit. and visit ~he ob- vine instruction. CommlUli,on with God clears ject of its ministration in any state or nation, the mind and secures divine aid. Field anrl home in any case or condition, at an~7hour of the interests require only their part of time and day or night, without permission, passport 01' effort. Prayer is the ballast of the soul; it price, and there minister to its .,piritual, and keeps it from rolling and tumbling in the sea temporal needs. We may visit our loved 0nes at of life. Prayer forgets self in service for oth- home or abroad with many answered prayers. ers. To live in the constant spirit and habit of All may not be able to preach, sing, or give, prayer is the greatest achievement of the yet anyone, any time, any where, can pray Christian life. It is paramount in the prepara- for any man anywhere, every man ev- tion of each child of God to fill his place and ery where. The Christian closet is God's power perform his part in the world. house. The secret, family and public altars are The Ministry of Prayer his great transforming stations. In these are The ministry of prayer opens the door of generated the power that makes possinle the opportunity for work to every Christian. All efficient ministry of prayer. pure thoughts and holy aspirations come from The Mystery of P1'Illyer God. They are reborn in us in some solitary Prayer is the only medium by which we can place in secret communion with their Author. prevail in the spirit world. Self denial and self There is one great inlet of power: "Ye ~hall aba.ndonment are scriptural prerequisities to receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come spiritual understanding. To be taught of the upon you." There are five great outlets--oUl' Lord, self must be dethroned and Christ en- life, what we are: our lips, what we say; our throned. The Word of God reveals this mystery, service, what we do; our money, what we loose, and the prayer of faith lays hold of the prom- and our prayers, the only medimn through ises and prevails. The spirit of worldlineEs will which the universal needs of the 'NorId may be never be broken by harsh criticisms or strong touched, and our only direct point of contact words of censure. The powerlessness of the with God. And how we appreciate these sacred church can never be cured by the outward ap- forms of holy ministry. These constitute the plication of any antidote. The trouble is an in- vital breath of Christian experience, ternal one. God looks on the heart. Tears of joy steal down our cheeks when we When we learn that the root of our trouble gtand in holy awe before the pictures of the lies in a lack of a deep and sweet communion great accomplishments of the transforming and close relationship with God that "endues power of the ministry of the Gospel. We are with power from on high," and how to ·'tarry," most glad for its purifying- effects in the hearts in a large measure the mystery and place of of men and nations. And the mighty ministry prayer in the Christian life will have been solv- of sacred song calms the storm-tossed soul, ed. If the lack of prayer lies at the root of oUr and softens the hardest hearts. The personal trouble, there is no remedy but prayer. The re- lives of saints and martyrs have ministered to medy is apparent to the most cassual observer. the world an example of suffering, service and and the result seem sure and simple. There and sacrifice too eloquent for words to utter, must be some mystery. Only a careful study of The marvelous ministry of Gospel-givmg to the teachings and life of Christ in the light of worthy causes, and for the upkeep and exten- the Holy Spirit can reveal this mystery. Prayer ~ion of God's kingdom, have been g}'eat outlets calls into action all the resources of the mind and soyl. We see the ease of omnipotence in able spirit their prayers touched the throne of the miracles of Jesus, wonderful and marvelous God and the hearts of men. Their affections set as they were, but of His prayers it is saici, on things above, their prayers ~ubmitting all "He offered up prayers and supplications with things to heaven's standards, t~':::J' could easily strong cryings and tears." Real prayer is wrest- seek the judgment of God, and 1ive i.n the un- ling in agony with breaking hearts and weep- seen. The self-denying, cross-lie",ring Chris- ing eyes, until the ans,ver is assUi'ed. To time- tian, who is willing to suffer with Christ with- serving, pleasure loving pec~le, it is a great my- out the gate; to take the little that remains in stery why all those who have shared in Christ's the cup of tribulation that Jesus drank with dy- intercessions and triumphs, have also tasted ing pains, has the promise of reigning with Him anguish and pain. They have wrestled against and understands .something about the mystery principalities and powers; contended with the and constant need of prayer. world's rulers of satan's kingdom; and grappled The Mastery of Prayer with spiritual forces in the heavenly spbere. Prayer is the deciding factor in a spiritual Prayer is not a peace offering, but a passion; conflict. Eai"th is the scene of thl:=;battlefield. not a compromise, but a sending forth judg- Here Christ fought every battle through. He ment to victory. Satan fears prayer, therefore was tempted in all points like as we are, yet he keeps his shop running overtime, turnillg out without sin; and now He is able to succor all prayerless sermons, prayerless songs, prayer- that are tempted. He was a complete victor, and less work and a prayerless religion, that is both as the Captain of our salvation, will lead thase passsioniess and powerless. Prayer turns the who will fully give themselves up to Goa, and eyes inward, not seeking man's approval but freely give themselves over to prayer, on to GDd's. Human nature has always been prone to certain victory. IndiVIdual mastery of our prob- seek an uppercrust religion that meets the de- lems through prevailing prayer, is the Bible mand of public sentiment and public opinion. way of giving God a new spot in the con- There is no such thing. "One is your Master, tested territory on which to erect the hanner and all ye are brethren." The carnal disposition of victnry-a new footing on the enemie~' soil. to bring the divine religion of Christ down to Prayer is a war measure. Our adversary, the the human plane is unscriptural. "For he hath devil, as a roaring lion, walks about seeking raised us up together and made us to sit to- whom he may devour.
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