The Indian Police Journal The Indian Police Journal The Indian Police Journal Nov - Dec, 2018 Editorial Board Contents Dr. A.P. Maheshwari, IPS 1. From the Chairman, Editorial Board ii DG, BPR&D Chairman 2. From the Director’s Desk vi Shri Sheel Vardhan Singh, IPS 3. Indian Police : The Sentinels of Peace vii Addl. Director, Intelligence Bureau 4. Prime Minister dedicates National Police Memorial to the Nation 2 Spl. Editor 5. Towards a More Secure Nation 6 Shri V.H. Deshmukh, IPS 6. Hot Springs: Saga of Heroism 14 ADG, BPR&D Member 7. The Story of Hot Springs 20 Shri Manoj Yadava, IPS 8. Honouring Our Martyrs : More than Cenotaphs are Needed 34 Addl. Director, Intelligence Bureau 9. A Pilgrimage to the Home of Brave 44 Member 10. Police Martyrs : A Statistical Study 50 Dr. Nirmal Kumar Azad, IPS IG (SPD), BPR&D 11. Life of Policemen 58 Member 12. Police Martyrdom: Through the Decades 62 Shri Sumit Chaturvedi, IPS 13. National Police Memorial Complex 74 Dy. Director Intelligence Bureau 14. A Memorial in Stone 76 Member 15. The Making of the Monument 86 Shri S.K. Upadhyay DIG (SPD) BPR&D 16. The National Police Museum : A Dream Come True 96 Member 17. Making the Last Man Stakeholder 102 Shri R.N. Meena Editor, BPR&D 18. From the Archives 106 From the Chairman, Editorial Board From a Policeman’s Heart Society which honours its heroes produces more heroes! he Martyr’s Memorial standing, proud and strong, at an altitude of 16000 Dr. A.P. Maheshwari, IPS '*%35 ' Tft. at the Hot Springs in Ladakh, is a constant reminder to celebrate the great VDFULʐFH RI WKH SHUVRQQHO RI &53) DQG ,7%) /HK,WLVDVDJDRIEUDYHU\GDWLQJEDFNWRVW of October 1959 which brought the Nation WRJHWKHURQDKLJKHUSHGHVWDORIYDOXHVWKDW DUHVRLPSHUDWLYHWRNHHSWKHQDWLRQVWURQJ DQG VDIH 7KH PHPRULDO DOVR HPEOHPDWLVHV WKH VDFULʐFH ZKLFK DOPRVW WRXFKHV RQ WKH spiritual echelons, making our heroes the emissaries of Godliness. :KDW PDNHV WKH 3ROLFH )RUFHV XQLTXH LV that its members take an oath to make the VXSUHPH VDFULʐFH RQ WKH DOWDU RI GXW\ DQG remain committed accordingly, during the HQWLUHFRXUVHRIWKHLUVHUYLFH$VSHUWKHGDWD UHOHDVHGXSWRPRUHWKDQ SROLFH SHUVRQQHO KDYH PDGH WKLV 6XSUHPH 6DFULʐFHLQVHUYLFHRIWKH1DWLRQ$QDYHUDJH UDWHRYHUDSHULRGRIWLPHPD\QRWEHWUXO\ UHʑHFWLYHRIWKHLQFLGHQFHRIDWWULWLRQRQWKLV “One crowded hour FRXQW KRZHYHU LQ UHFHQW \HDUV WKH QXPEHU of glorious life RI WKRVH ZKR KDYH DWWDLQHG PDUW\UGRP KDV is worth an age without a name. EHHQ DURXQG SHU DQQXP ,Q DQ ” era of proxy war, where direct war across geographic boundaries has become a remote possibility, the challenges of policing, call for a calibrated and specialised response from SROLFH DJHQFLHV 7KH ORZ LQWHQVLW\ FRQʑLFW ]RQHV KDYH DOVR PDGH LW LPSHUDWLYH WR generate cogent counter responses. Despite ii the best of capacity building, the +RQşEOH3ULPH0LQLVWHU6KUL1DUHQGUD LQLWLDO ŞVXUSULVHDGYDQWDJHş ZLWK DQ Modi, in his address to all the Directors DGYHUVDU\ VWLOO IHWFKHV FDVXDOWLHV *HQHUDO DW *XZDKDWL LQ 1RYHPEHU IURP WKH ʐJKWLQJ SROLFH IRUFHV KDGUDLVHGWZRUHOHYDQWLVVXHV $UPHGZDUZLWKLQWKHLQWHUQDOKXPDQ )LUVWEHLQJPDNLQJWKHSROLFHIRUFHV terrain of the country necessitates 60$57 DQG VHFRQG H[WROOLQJ WKH DQDOWRJHWKHUGLʏHUHQWVWUDWHJ\7KXV dignity of our heroes who had made WKHJUDYLW\RIWKHULVNLVQRWWKHQDWXUH WKHVXSUHPHVDFULʐFHRIOD\LQJGRZQ of the threat per se, but the lack of WKHLU OLYHV 60$57 SROLFH LQLWLDWLYHV RXU FDSDFLW\ WR WDFNOH WKH VDPH ,W would not only mitigate the capacity is pertinent to raise this point here, GHʐFLWV RU PDNH WKH IRUFHV PRUH as real obeisance to the martyrs not competent to negotiate the risks, but only means to remember and glorify DOVRJHQHUDWHSRVLWLYHV\QHUJ\ZLWKLQ National Police Memorial them and take on the responsibility RXU FLYLO VRFLHW\ E\ EULQJLQJ WKHP to look after their families, but also operationally as well as emotionally WR HʏHFWLYHO\ KDQGOH DQG FXUE WKH closer. Hence, our real homage to future risks in terms of our capacity our Martyrs would rightly culminate GHʐFLWV:HPXVWDGGUHVVWKLVLVVXH if we were to work with a sincere LQ D KROLVWLF PDQQHU 7KH OHDGHUV RI consideration in these domains. WKHSROLFHIRUFHVKDYHWRSURDFWLYHO\ )XUWKHU +RQşEOH 30 KDG QRW RQO\ predict the policing challenges UHTXHVWHGDOOWKHIRUFHVWRGRFXPHQW DPLGVWWKHHQYLURQPHQWDOG\QDPLVP WKH UHOHYDQW GHWDLOV RI RXU PDUW\UV WKDW KDV DFTXLUHG JHRPHWULFDO but also to make these details progression, and accordingly build capacities in terms of the necessary Thus the gravity of the risk is WRROV WHFKQLTXHV DQG VXSSRUW not the nature of the threat V\VWHPVDQGDQHʏHFWLYHVXSHUYLVRU\ per se, but the lack of our climate. capacity to tackle the same. It 7KH RSSRUWXQLW\ FRVW RI VXFK is pertinent to raise this point VDFULʐFHVFDQQHYHUEHHYDOXDWHGDV here, as real obeisance to the WKH\KDYHDQHQRUPRXVYDOXHLQWHUPV martyrs not only means to RI RXU QDWLRQDO VHFXULW\ +RZHYHU remember and glorify them WKHVDFULʐFHVWKDWFRXOGEHDYRLGHG and take on the responsibility owing to better risk management call to look after their families, but for a deliberation as those martyred EUDYH KHDUWV FRXOG KDYH RWKHUZLVH DOVRWRHljHFWLYHO\KDQGOHDQG contributed so much more in nation curb the future risks in terms of building. RXUFDSDFLW\GHNJFLWV iii DYDLODEOHRQWKHZHEVLWHVRIYDULRXV GLUHFWLRQV WR DFKLHYH WKH GHVLUHG IRUFHV$OOWKHVFKRROVZKHUH0DUW\UV outcomes. had studied, too, were approached $VZHFRPPHPRUDWHWKHWK\HDURI to place a photo and citation of the the course changing saga of supreme VDFULʐFH RI WKHLU DOXPQL 1RPLQHHV VDFULʐFH DW +RW 6SULQJV ZH QHHG WR RI UHVSHFWLYH IRUFHV ZHUH DVNHG WR WDNH D KROLVWLF YLHZ ,W LV D VXEMHFW YLVLWDQQXDOO\DQGKROGDSURJUDPPH matter which needs to be delicately there. Such multipronged scheme handled with utmost sincerity and ZRXOG GHʐQLWHO\ IHWFK WKH GHVLUHG JHQXLQH FRQFHUQ :KHQ D VXUYH\ UHVXOWV ,W QRW RQO\ ZRXOG LPSUHVV UHYHDOVWKDWPDMRULW\RIWKHQDWLRQV the students to tread a path of pride, during the World Wars did not face EUDYHU\ DQG VDFULʐFH EXW ZRXOG GHYDVWDWLRQ EHFDXVH RI H[WHUQDO DOVR HQWKUDO WKH VHOIHVWHHP RI WKH aggression but due to their weak families of martyrs. internal security, then the underlining Hon’ble Home Minister, with the ZLVGRPLVWRKDYHDUHORRNDVLQFHUH VXSSRUWRIWKH0+$KDVWDNHQDVWHS rethink on the type of policing that IXUWKHU WR ODXQFK D ZHEVLWH Ş%KDUDW LVWKHQHHGRIWKHKRXU,IZHFDQQRW Ke Veer’, where the community can HYROYH D YLDEOH IRUPDW RI SROLFLQJ DOVRMRLQKDQGVZLWKWKH*RYHUQPHQW WKHQ WKH VDFULʐFH RI RXU PDUW\UV in looking after the families of our would stand eclipsed to that extent. PDUW\UVLQWHUPVRIʐQDQFLDOVXSSRUW +RZHYHU ZH PXVW UHPDLQ SURXG RI $V RQ GDWH ŞQRW OHVV WKDQ D FURUH the fact that the Nation adores its VKRXOGEHWKHʐQDQFLDODVVLVWDQFHWR +HURHVZKRKDYHPDGHWKHVXSUHPH the family of a martyr’ is the motto. VDFULʐFH 7KHUH LV DQG ZLOO QHYHU EH What is important is, not the amount any dearth of courageous men and RIWKHʐQDQFLDODLGH[WHQGHGEXWWKH women in uniform. VSLULWDQGWKHYLVLRQ,QWLPHVWRFRPH :H PXVW DOVR PRWLYDWH RXU \RXWK it would grow further in terms of E\LQVWLOOLQJLQWKHPWKHULJKWYDOXHV context as well as content. 7KH QDWLRQZLGH ODXQFK RI WKH +RZHYHU LW LV IHOW WKDW PHUH 6WXGHQW 3ROLFH &DGHW 3URJUDPPH E\ ʐQDQFLDO VXSSRUW ZRXOG QRW EH the Union Home Minister, with the enough. Domestic empowerment, VXSSRUW RI WKH 0+$ %35 ' DQG DOO VNLOO JHQHUDWLRQ UHHPSOR\PHQW WKH6WDWHVZRXOGGHʐQLWHO\SURYLGHD education of the next of kin etc. stable platform to realise our dreams VWLOO UHPDLQ YLDEOH YHFWRUV \HW WR EH RI D VWURQJ ,QWHUQDO 6HFXULW\ JULG LQ HʏHFWLYHO\ PDQDJHG $FFRUGLQJO\ the country with the best of synergy WKH IRUFHV KDYH GUDZQ FRQGXFLYH OHYHOVEHWZHHQ3HRSOHDQGWKH3ROLFH SODQV DQG YLDEOH VFKHPHV LQ WKHVH $ QHR 3ROLFH FXOWXUH PXVW HPHUJH iv ZLWK D VHUYLFH RULHQWHG DQG SHRSOH IULHQGO\ 3ROLFH :H PXVW EUHDN WKH A neo Police culture must VHOIFUHDWHG VLORV DQG XQEXUGHQ emerge with a service oriented RXUVHOYHVRIWKHOHJDFLHVZKLFKPDNH people friendly Police. We XVUHGXQGDQWDQGRXWRIFRQWH[W7KH must break the self-created VDFULʐFH RI RXU PDUW\UV KDV WR EH silos and unburden ourselves HYHQO\PDWFKHGZLWKWKHVDFULʐFHZH of the legacies which make us FDQPDNHDVFRQVFLHQWLRXVFRSV$QG redundant and out of context. WKDWZRXOGEHWKHEHʐWWLQJWULEXWHWR 7KHVDFULNJFHRIRXUPDUW\UV RXUKHURHVRXU0DUW\UV has to be evenly matched with :LWKWKHVHSURJUHVVLYHSHUVSHFWLYHV WKHVDFULNJFHZHFDQPDNHDV DQG LQWHJUDWLYH HPRWLRQDOLWLHV WKH conscientious cops. And that HSLWRPH RI EUDYHU\ DQG VDFULʐFH RI ZRXOGEHWKHEHNJWWLQJWULEXWH National Police Memorial ,QGLDQ SROLFH IRUFHV KDV IRXQG QHZ to our heroes - our Martyrs! JULGV WUDYHUVLQJ D YHU\ RVFLOODWLQJ trajectory from Ladakh to New Delhi. 7KH FRXQWU\şV FDSLWDO WRZQ QRZ stands adorned with the National *XMDUDW E\ +RQşEOH 3ULPH 0LQLVWHU 3ROLFH 0HPRULDO DW &KDQDN\DSXUL ,Q RI ,QGLD GXULQJ '*3,*3 &RQIHUHQFH LWV ZRPE OLHV WKH LQWULQVLF SURʐOLQJ XQGHUWKH*UDFHRIWKHWDOOHVW of all the police organisations who PHPRULDO RI WKH ,URQ 0DQ RI WKH dynamically nurture all their members 1DWLRQWKHYLVLRQDU\DQGDUFKLWHFWRI WRFRQWULEXWHWKHLUEHVWLQWKHVHUYLFH ,QGLDQ3ROLFH6DUGDU3DWHO of the Nation and gracefully earn 7KRVH ZKR KDYH ODLG GRZQ WKHLU WKHLUWLWOHDVŞ6HQWLQHOVRI3HDFHş OLYHV IRU WKH 1DWLRQ KDYH QRW RQO\ 7KLV VSHFLDO LVVXH RI ,3- IURP WKH left eternal imprints on the timelines %35 'PDUNVDQHZOHDILQWKHDQQDOV EXW KDYH DOVR OHIW EHKLQG RQ XV DQ RI,QGLDQ3ROLFHHPEUDFLQJWKLVJUHDW onerous duty to draw a road map that PLOHVWRQH 7KLV GRFXPHQW ZRXOG can further enrich our destiny. EH IRUPDOO\ UHOHDVHG DW .HYDGL\D LQ Salute to our Martyrs. Dr. A P. Maheshwari v From the Director’s Desk 7KH1DWLRQDO3ROLFH0HPRULDOV\PEROL]HVWKHYDORXUDQGVSLULWRIVDFULʐFH
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