' DIRECTORY. J HERTFORDSHIRE. BERTI~G l'·oRDBtRY. 147 Sir William Ha.rrington, knighted at Royston, 14 Oct. to the extent of nearly £12,000. and on the rebuilding tfu5, and his lady, with a female child at their feet afte1· the fire the dining-hall was erected on the site in an attitude of prayer ; a:bove, on two tablets of previously occupied by some other apartments :· the marble, within a round-headed receS6, is a long and library contains family portraits, including one of Sir eologistic inscription ; · jmmediately opposite is another William Cowper, Lor-d High Chancellor and xst earl altar tomb, with the effigy of a. lady in white marble, (r7r8). The park, containing about goo acres, is ·well babited in a richly embroidered dress and wearing wooded, and watered by the river Mimram or Maran, a ruff and long mantle, with a Latin inscription which enters it at Poplars Green and running ·in ian to Annie, wife of Sir George Calvert, who was easterly direction through the grounds expands at. one knighted at Hampton Court, 29 Sept. x6x7, and died point; into a lake: in the park stands an oak stated by in 1622 ~ there are other memorials to Christopher Uilbert White, in his "Natural History of Selborne,'' to be "Vernon esq. ob. 1652, erected by his wife Elizabeth: "probably the finest and most stately oak now growing in Thomas Keightly esq. and wife, x6so-62; Dr. Jonathan the south-east of England;" the poet Cowper, horn at Browne, dean of Hereford and rector of this parish, ob. Great Berkhamsted, Nov. 15, 1731, was of thi11 family, x5.!3; Rev. Henry Ridley D.D. rector t8x7-30; the Hon. being the son of John Cowperr D. D. rector of· that and Rev. Richard- Godolphin Henry Hastings, rector, d. parish, who was the second son of Sir William Cowper March xo, xo865; Thomas Ellis, gent. ob. x-6o8, and Grace bart. M.P. father of the rst earl. Woolmers, which has (Hawkins) his wife. ob. ·IOI2; Sir Frederick Arthur a well-wooded park of about 350 acres, containing some Gore Ousley bart. M.A.t Mus.Doo. d. x88g, and others l very fine cedars, is the property and residence of Oharles under the chancel arch is an ancient brass inscription Edward Wodebouse esq. ~I.A., J.P. : in the fine dining of the 14th century, in N orman-French, to Phelipe aud room, added to the mansion by Sir F . .A. Gore Ouseley Isabel, daughters of Robert de Louthe, and another of ba.rt. is a fine collection of portraits by Lawrence, the same date t{) Rubert de Louthe and Joane his wife: Hoppner and other celebrated artists. Lord Desborough in '1845 the church was extensively altered and the I~.C.V.O. who is lord of the manor, and Henry William arcade rebuilt in brick, and was subsequently com­ Clinton-Baker esq. of Bayfordbury, Hertford, are the pletely restored during x890-93 at the sole expense of C'hief landowners. The soil is gravel; subsoil, chalk. the 7th ~nd last Earl Cowper K.G. and re-opened in 'Ihe chief crops are Wheat-, barley, oats, clov~r and April, 1891 : -the seats are of oak with carved ends, potatoes. The area is 2,625 acres of land and ·20 of executed by Josef .Mayer, of Ober Ammergau; the desk water; rateable value, £5,324; the population in· :tgn and choir stalls are 'cllso of carved oak, and the pulpit, was 667. , ' lectern, sanctuary rails, sedilioa and piscina of alabaster, as also is the font.: the organ, provided in 1875• was en­ · East End Green is r! miles south-west and Stai:hes larged in 189r: the communion plate d·ates from r675 to Green half a mile west; Col~ Green, 2 miles west, h'as 17o6: the church now ·affords 300 sittings : the church­ a station on the Great Northern railway. The chapel of yard was enlarged in 1893 with land belonging to the t>ase of St. John the Evangelist in this hamlet was glebe: outside the fen.;e on the north side is an enormous enlarged in r8go by the addition of a chancel, ve-stry block of stone, conceived to have been the foundation and mission room, and a new organ has been erected stone of the original church. The regist-er dates from and other improvements made at a total cost of over the year 1679 and is in good condition. 'rhe living is £x,ooo: there are 150 sittings. · · a rectory, with the chapelry of Letty Green annexed, Letty Green is 2 ,miles south-west, near Cole Green ' net yearly value £320, including 42 acres of glebe, with station. residence, in the gift of the Chancellor of the Duchy of Parish Clerk, Jasper George Crawley. Lancaster, and held since 1904 by the Rev. Matthew Post, M. 0. & T. Office. Joseph Shepherd, sub-post- Albert Bayfield M . .A. of Clare College, Cambridge. The master. Letters through Hertford arrive at 7.so· a.m. Mtmorial Hall, built in 1910 in memory of the 7th and & 2.30, 4.50 (to callers only) & 6.45 p.m.; dispatched • last Earl Cowper K.G., P.C. (d. rgos), consists of a a t 9.40 a.m. & 2.30, 4·55· 6 .so & 7.40 p.m. ; sun d ays, large concert ball, club rooms and caretaker's cottage; arrive at a. m. ; dispatched .15 a.m •· there are upwards of xoo members. The charities are- 7 9 Wallinger's, consisting of £s, 1 6z 2J per Cent. Consols, Post Office, Cole Green.-Mrs. Ann Clarke, sub-post· left by will in r7o8 by Waiter W!illinger, of Herting- mistress. Letters arrive from Hertford at 8.r5 a.m.' fordbury and Gray's inn, London, producing £xu yearly, & 4·45 (callers only), 5.20 & 7.10 p.m.; on sundays which is applied to the apprenticing of boys and girls; at 8 a.m.; dispatched at 9·I5 & 10.5 a.m. & 4.40, and a small sum, yearly, left by Grace Ellis, widow, 5· 15 & 7·20 p.m. ; sundays at 8.55 a.m. Hertingford-· in I6Ig, to. be distributed in bread to the poor; New- bury is the nearest money order office. The Railway • man's, of £6oo zf per- Cent. Consols, producing £r4 1 rs. station is the nearest telegraph office for colle-ction & yearly, is applied in aid of the parochial school; Henry Hertingfordbury for. delivery of t~legrams, r! mires Cowper esq. of •rewin Water, gave by will dated distant February 19, 1838, a sum of money, subsequently con- Pillar Letter Box, Letty Green, cleared at g.15 a.m. & verted into £6,o48 17s. 6d. Two and a Half per Cent. 4.30 & 7·I5 p.m. : sundays, B.go a.m .Annuities and £6os rgs. 4d. Reduced., for the purpose Wall Letter Box, Birch Green, cleared at g.3o a.m•· &; of educating poor- children of this parish; the annual 7.30 p.m.; sundays, 9·5 a.m income. from these sources is about £roo. Here ..is a Schools. llomp of ~est for ladies, supported at the cost of Lord Lady Desborough's •rraining (for domestic servants),' and LadJ\ DPsborough. Birch Green, founded in 1876, for ro girls; Mr-s. One mile nol'th-west from the village is Panshanger, Elizabeth Parry, matron ' ·. , ' the seat of Lord Desborough K.C.V.O.; the mansion is Free, Birch Green (mixed) (endowed by the late Henry a. stately -castellated bnildin~ of grey stone, erected in Cowper esq.), built about 1g50, for 2ro children; I80J and subsequent years. by Peter, sth Earl Cowper, average attendance, 120; Arthur H. Spikesman, the picture gallery being added some years later: it master; L. Kinns, Cole Green, correspondent ... contains an extremely valuable collection {)f 'paintings, · upwards of 200 in nnrn ber, chiefly of the Dutch and Railway Stations. Italian schools; the building narrowly escaped destruc- Hertingfordbury, .Arthur Bidnell, station master tion by fire in January, x855, when damage was done Cole Green, Edwin Hawes, station master . P~IVATJo~ "'.RRSIDENTS. Topham Mrs. Elmdene Hertingfordbury Brick Co. 'C1i\1': Desbaronf{h Lord' K.C.V.O. Pansban~ Turner George John, Cole Green ho Skipp, manager) . n-er; & Carltm~, Turf & Travellers' Wodehouse Charles Edward M.A., J.P. Hill Christiana (Mrs.),farmer,Birch~, clubs, London · · Woolmers Home Counties Public House Trust Alien Mrs. Cole Green COMMRRCI.AL. Limited (Mrs. Emily Chaplin, & Bavfi.eld Rev. Matthew .A.lbert M . .A. Avis Brooker, builders manageress), White Horse P.H -1 Rectory · . Avis Arthur, beer retaile:t Home of Rest for Ladies' (Lady D~s- · Burnside Mrs. Amores Burnside E. M. (Miss), lady inspector borough's) (Mrs. Harms, matron) . Cook ,Alfred ~- Red house '· under "The Midwives .Act, r9oz," Hummerstone Charles, tailor · · Godfrey Mrf). Cole Green , .Amores . Hunt Richard. Prince of Wales P.H 1 Gore Mrs. Spencer, The Garth • , ' Campkin William, farmer, Bury farm Kinns Leonard, estate clerk to LOrd Hog~ Stuart James, Leaside cottage Copps James, boot & shoe maker Desborough Leslie Charles F. H. Epcombs · Cra.wley Jasper George, boot maker & Laird John, farmer, Roxford farm ~usg'tave Misses, The Dell · assistant overseer & parish clerk Mardle Edwd. coal merchant, Cole Gri Partridge Robert William, Herting- Fletcher Charles, gardener to C. F. Memorial Hall (E. Swain, caretaker) fordbury park ' H. Leslie esq Mousley Ansel G. clerk of works to Phipps Revc. George M.A. (curate) · Ford Bros. blacksmiths, Coli' Grt>en · Lord Desborough, Cole Green Ritb'Y' John, ~Ioat house ·' Goddard Charles, Cowper Arms P.H. Quenby George, farmer, East End Sambels John P.
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