BANK­OF­AFRICA­GROUP Email:­<[email protected]> NETWORK­BANKS ­ BOA-BENIN­ ­ BOA-MER­ROUGE ­ BOA-SENEGAL­ Avenue Jean-Paul II - 08 BP 0879 - Cotonou - Bénin 10, place Lagarde - BP 88 - Djibouti Résidence Excellence - 4, Av. Léopold Sédar Senghor Phone: (229) 21 31 32 28 - Fax: (229) 21 31 31 17 Phone: (253) 35 30 16 - Fax: (253) 35 16 38 BP 1992 RP - Dakar - Sénégal E-mail: <[email protected]> E-mail: <[email protected]> Phone: (221) 33 849 62 40 - Fax: (221) 33 842 16 67 www.boabenin.com BOA-MADAGASCAR­ E-mail: <[email protected]> www.boasenegal.com ­ BOA-BURKINA­FASO­ 2, place de l’Indépendance 770, Av. du Président Aboubakar Sangoulé Lamizana BP 183 - Antananarivo 101 - Madagascar ­ BOA-TANZANIA­ 01 BP 1319 - Ouagadougou 01 - Burkina Faso Phone: (261) 20 22 391 00 - Fax: (261) 20 22 294 08 NDC Development House, Ohio Street/Kivukoni Front Phone: (226) 50 30 88 70 à 73 - Fax: (226) 50 30 88 74 E-mail: <[email protected]> P.O. Box 3054 - Dar es Salaam - Tanzania E-mail: <[email protected]> www.boa.mg Phone: (255) 22 211 01 04 / 211 12 29 www.boaburkinafaso.com ­ BOA-MALI­ Fax: (255) 22 211 37 40 E-mail: <[email protected]> ­ BOA-CÔTE­D’IVOIRE­­ 418, Avenue de la Marne - BP 2249 - Bozola www.boatanzania.com Angle Av. Terrasson de Fougères et Rue Gourgas Bamako - Mali 01 BP 4132 - Abidjan 01 - Côte d’Ivoire Phone: (223) 20 70 05 00 - Fax: (223) 20 70 05 60 ­ BOA-UGANDA Phone: (225) 20 30 34 00 - Fax: (225) 20 30 34 01 E-mail: <[email protected]> BANK OF AFRICA House - Plot 45 Jinja Road E-mail: <[email protected]> www.boamali.com P.O. Box 2750 - Kampala - Uganda www.boacoteivoire.com ­ BOA-NIGER Phone: (256) 0414 302001 Fax: (256) 0414 230669 ­ BOA-GHANA Immeuble BANK OF AFRICA - NIGER E-mail: <[email protected]> C131/3, Farrar Avenue, Adabraka - P.O. Box C1541 Rue du Gawèye - BP 10973 - Niamey - Niger www.boa-uganda.com Cantonments - Accra - Ghana Phone: (227) 20 73 36 20 / 21 / 20 73 32 46 Phone: (233) 302 249 690 / 682 - (233) 244 338 182 Fax: (227) 20 73 38 18 ­ BCB­ Fax: (233) 302 249 697 E-mail: <[email protected]> BANQUE­DE­CREDIT­DE­BUJUMBURA­ E-mail: <[email protected]> www.boaniger.com Mairie de Bujumbura - Avenue Patrice Lumumba BOA-RDC­ BP 300 - Bujumbura - Burundi ­ BOA-KENYA­ Phone: (257) 22 20 11 11 - Fax: (257) 22 20 11 15 Reinsurance Plaza - Taifa Road - P.O. Box 69562 22, Avenue des Aviateurs - Kinshasa-Gombe - RDC E-mail: <[email protected]> 00400 - Nairobi - Kenya Phone: (243) 99 300 46 00 www.bcb.bi Phone: (254) 20 327 50 00 - Fax: (254) 20 221 41 66 E-mail: <[email protected]> E-mail: <[email protected]> ­ BHB www.boakenya.com BANQUE­DE­L’HABITAT­DU­BÉNIN Boulevard de France - 01 BP 6555 - Cotonou - Bénin Phone: (229) 21 31 24 25 - Fax: (229) 21 31 24 60 E-mail: <[email protected]> GROUP­SUBSIDIARIES ­ ACTIBOURSE ATTICA BOA-FRANCE Boulevard de France - 08 BP 0879 - Cotonou - Bénin Angle Av. Terrasson de Fougères et Rue Gourgas 12, rue de la Paix - 75002 Paris - France Phone: (229) 21 31 53 43 - Fax: (229) 21 31 78 00 01 BP 4132 - Abidjan 01 - Côte d’Ivoire Phone: (33 0) 1 42 96 11 40 - Fax: (33 0) 1 42 96 11 68 E-mail: <[email protected]> E-mail: <[email protected]> BOA-ASSET­MANAGEMENT www.boafrance.com ­ AGORA Angle Av. Terrasson de Fougères et Rue Gourgas ­ EQUIPBAIL-MADAGASCAR Angle Av. Terrasson de Fougères et Rue Gourgas 01 BP 4132 - Abidjan 01 - Côte d’Ivoire 01 BP 4132 - Abidjan 01 - Côte d’Ivoire Phone: (225) 20 30 34 00 - Fax: (225) 20 30 34 01 Immeuble BOA-MADAGASCAR E-mail: <[email protected]> 3, Av. de l’Indépendance - Antananarivo - Madagascar Phone: (261) 20 22 384 66 - Fax: (261) 20 22 370 27 E-mail: <[email protected]> REPRESENTATIVE­OFFICE­IN­PARIS GROUPE­BANK­OF­AFRICA 12, rue de la Paix - 75002 Paris - France Phone: (33) 1 42 96 11 40 - Fax: (33) 1 42 96 11 68 Mobile : (33) 6 84 33 79 39 - E-mail:<[email protected]> 7/2011 - RC : 2001 B 211 TEAM - TAM - TAM Photo cover © Miroslav - Fotolia.com www.bank-of-africa.net BANK­OF­AFRICA­GROUP­ ANNUAL­REPORT­­ 2010 Developing our continent. Pour l’essor de notre continent. Contents The­BANK­OF­AFRICA­Group BANK­OF­AFRICA­-­BENIN Network Banks and Subsidiaries 1 20 Branches in Cotonou. BANK OF AFRICA Group and its Strong points 2-3 17 Regional Branches. Main Products & Services of Group Banks 4-5 Comments from the Group Chairman 6-7 BANK­OF­AFRICA­-­BURKINA­FASO 13 Branches in Ouagadougou. Group Key Figures 8-9 8 Regional Branches. Group Highlights 10 History of the Group 11-15 BANK­OF­AFRICA­-­CÔTE­D’IVOIRE Development of Group Banks 12 Branches in Abidjan. from 2006 to 2010 16-17 8 Regional Branches. The BOA Network Managing Directors 18 BANK­OF­AFRICA­-­GHANA Current Situation and Outlook for the Group 19-26 14 Branches in Accra. 5 Regional Branches. BOA­GROUP­S.A., BOA­Group­holding­ BANK­OF­AFRICA­-­MALI BOA GROUP Members of Board of Directors 28 14 Branches in Bamako. BOA GROUP Report by Board of Directors 29-31 7 Regional Branches and 2 Local Branches. BOA GROUP Report by the Statutory Auditor 32 BANK­OF­AFRICA­-­NIGER BOA GROUP 8 Branches in Niamey. Balance sheet and Profit & loss account 33-35 8 Regional Branches. SYNOPSIS­ of BANK­OF­AFRICA­Group­Companies BANK­OF­AFRICA­-­SENEGAL Synopsis 36 à 78 13 Branches in Dakar. 5 Regional Branches. BANK­OF­AFRICA­Group­ CONSOLIDATED­FINANCIAL­STATEMENTS BANQUE­DE­L’HABITAT­DU­BENIN Report by the Statutory Auditor 1 Branch in Cotonou. on the consolidated financial statements 80-81 Auditors' report on the consolidated financial statements 82 ACTIBOURSE Head Office in Cotonou. Notes to the consolidated accounts 83-89 1 contact in each BOA company. 1 Liaison Office in Abidjan. Consolidated Balance sheet compared for the last two fiscal years 90-91 Consolidated Income statement BOA-ASSET­MANAGEMENT compared for the last two fiscal years 92-94 Head Office in Abidjan. All rights reserved © BOA BANK OF AFRICA - PAYS / RAPPORT ANNUEL 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Network­Banks­and­Subsidiaries BOA­-­FRANCE REPRESENTATIVE­OFFICE 4 Branches in Paris. 1 Branch in Marseille. Head Office in Paris, France. BANK­OF­AFRICA­FOUNDATION Head Office in Bamako. Presence in 11 countries where the Group operates. BANK­OF­AFRICA­-­KENYA 9 Branches in Nairobi. 10 Regional Branches. BANK­OF­AFRICA­-­MER­ROUGE 3 Branches in Djibouti. BANK­OF­AFRICA­-­TANZANIA 10 Branches in Dar es Salaam. 6 Regional Branches. BANK­OF­AFRICA­-­UGANDA 12 Branches in Kampala. 10 Regional Branches. BANK­OF­AFRICA­-­MADAGASCAR 19 Branches in Antananarivo. EQUIPBAIL­-­MADAGASCAR 43 Regional Branches. BANK­OF­AFRICA­-­RDC AGORA 4 Branches in Kinshasa. 1 Regional Branch. AÏSSA BANQUE­DE­CREDIT­DE­BUJUMBURA (BCB) Integrated into BOA network in 2008. 6 Branches in Bujumbura. ATTICA 10 Regional Branches. 1 BANK OF AFRICA GROUP / ANNUAL REPORT 2010 Les­points­fortsBank­Of­AfricaTitre du­Groupe Group GroupTraduction strong points Quality­of­customer­service Dynamic,­accessible­staff Financial­solidity­ Cohesive­network A­wide­range­of­financing­solutions­ Expertise­in­financial­engineering Strong­partners GROUP TURNOVER 2010 ±­310 M€ 2 BANK OF AFRICA GROUP / ANNUAL REPORT 2010 and­its­Strong­points A­strong­network More than 4,000 people at your service. Nearly 300 dedicated operating and service support offices in 15 countries. A continuously expanding fleet of Automated Teller Machines and Electronic Payment Terminals. Close to 1,000,000 bank accounts. A­wide­and­varied­offer Full range of banking and financial services. An attractive range of bank insurance products. Tailored solutions for all financing issues. Successful financial engineering. Strategic­partners,­including: PROPARCO, INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION (IFC - WORLD BANK GROUP), WEST AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (BOAD), NETHERLANDS DEVELOPMENT FINANCE COMPANY (FMO), BELGIUM INVESTMENT COMPANY FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES (BIO), and investment fund AUREOS. A­leading­banking­partner­­ BMCE BANK. Unique­experience­in­Africa Continuous development for almost 30 years. 3 BANK OF AFRICA GROUP / ANNUAL REPORT 2010 Main­Products­&­Services­­ BANK­OF­AFRICA­French­speaking­network­ Assurances Assurance Ambition Assurance Études Assurance Prévoyance Assurance Retraite Comptes Compte Chèque Compte Devises Compte Elite Compte Jeunes Épargne Bons de Caisse Bons du Trésor par Adjudication Compte Épargne Compte Épargne Elite Dépôt à Terme Plan Épargne Ambition Plan Épargne Éducation Plan Épargne Logement Plan Épargne Pèlerinage M-Paiement Airtel Money Orange Money Monétique Carte SÉSAME Carte SÉSAME + Carte SÉSAME ÉPARGNE Carte VISA LIBRA Carte VISA PROXIMA Carte VISA Prépayée TUCANA Cash Advance MASTERCARD Multimédia B-Phone - B-SMS B-Web Packages Pack FONXIONARIA Pack MON BUSINESS Pack SALARIA Prêts Avance Avance Tabaski Découvert Autorisé Microfinance Prêt Collectif Prêt Consommation Prêt Équipement Prêt Étudiant 2iE Prêt Événements Familiaux Prêt Habitation Prêt Immobilier Prêt Informatique Prêt Personnel Prêt Première Installation Prêt Rechargeable Prêt Scolarité Prêt Véhicule Transferts et change Change Manuel Chèques de Voyage T-Cash Transfert Flash Western Union Produits & Services Large choix de produits et services à destination Entreprises des grandes entreprises, PME/PMI, associations, institutions et des professions libérales. 4 BANK OF AFRICA GROUP / ANNUAL REPORT 2010 of­Group­Banks­ BANK­OF­AFRICA­English­speaking­network Accounts Current Account Goodwill Account Remunerated Current Account Salary Account Personal Current Account Wakili Current Account Investment Products Call Deposits
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