ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT VOLUME 1 MAIN TEXT AND FIGURES SAPPHIRE QAC HOLDINGS S.E.N.C QUEENS ARCADE, CARDIFF ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT VOLUME 1 MAIN TEXT AND FIGURES On behalf of: Sapphire QAC Holdings S.E.N.C In respect of: Queens Arcade, Cardiff Date: July 2021 Reference: JP/3578CA/R002 Author: JP DPP Planning Sophia House 28 Cathedral Road Cardiff CF11 9LJ Tel: 029 2066 0265 E-mail [email protected] www.dppukltd.com CARDIFF LEEDS LONDON MANCHESTER NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE Sapphire QAC Holdings S.E.N.C Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................. 4 2.0 THE APPLICATION SITE AND SURROUNDINGS .................................. 5 3.0 THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ........................................................ 6 4.0 CONSIDERATION OF ALTERNATIVES .................................................. 7 5.0 THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT PROCESS ................... 8 6.0 EIA STAGES AND ASSESSMENT .......................................................... 9 7.0 SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND HUMAN HEALTH .......................................10 8.0 TOWNSCAPE AND VISUAL IMPACT ..................................................11 9.0 CULTURAL HERITAGE (INCLUDING ARCHAEOLOGY) .......................12 Queens Arcade, Cardiff 3 Sapphire QAC Holdings S.E.N.C 1.0 Introduction SEE MAIN ES DOCUMENT Queens Arcade, Cardiff 4 Sapphire QAC Holdings S.E.N.C 2.0 The Application Site and Surroundings SEE MAIN ES DOCUMENT Queens Arcade, Cardiff 5 Sapphire QAC Holdings S.E.N.C 3.0 THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT SEE MAIN ES DOCUMENT Queens Arcade, Cardiff 6 Sapphire QAC Holdings S.E.N.C 4.0 CONSIDERATION OF ALTERNATIVES SEE MAIN ES DOCUMENT Queens Arcade, Cardiff 7 Sapphire QAC Holdings S.E.N.C 5.0 The Environmental Impact Assessment Process SEE MAIN ES DOCUMENT Queens Arcade, Cardiff 8 Sapphire QAC Holdings S.E.N.C 6.0 EIA Stages and Assessment SEE MAIN ES DOCUMENT Queens Arcade, Cardiff 9 Sapphire QAC Holdings S.E.N.C 7.0 Socio-Economic and Human Health SEE MAIN ES DOCUMENT Queens Arcade, Cardiff 10 Sapphire QAC Holdings S.E.N.C 8.0 Townscape and Visual Impact SEE MAIN ES DOCUMENT Queens Arcade, Cardiff 11 Sapphire QAC Holdings S.E.N.C 9.0 Cultural Heritage (including Archaeology) Introduction This chapter of the ES considers the likely effects of the proposed development on the archaeological and heritage resource of the environs of the site (historic assets). This chapter has been prepared by Cotswold Archaeology. This chapter describes the assessment methodology, the baseline conditions currently existing within the site and its environs, the likely environmental direct and indirect impacts of the proposed development, the mitigation measures required to prevent, reduce or offset any significant adverse effects and the likely residual effects after those measures have been employed. This chapter is informed and underpinned by a detailed Heritage Desk-Based Assessment (Cotswold Archaeology 2021) which is included in Appendix 9.1 of this document and which should be referred to for the detail summarised in this chapter. Regulatory and Policy Context This heritage assessment has been undertaken in the context of relevant planning policies, guidance documents and legislative instruments. These are summarised below: Legislation and regulation • Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 (UK Parliament 1979) was instated to provide for the investigation, preservation and recording of matters of archaeological or historical interest and for the regulation of operations or activities which may affect these matters. The Act also provides for the maintenance of a schedule of archaeological remains of the highest significance, i.e. of national interest, affording them statutory protection. • Historic Environment Act Wales 2016 An Act passed by the National Assembly for Wales on 9 February 2016 which became law on 21 March 2016. The Act amends previous legislation and contains stand-alone provisions for matters such as historic place names and historic environment records. • Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act (1990) Act of Parliament placing a duty upon the Local Planning Authority (or, as the case may be, the Secretary of State) to afford due consideration to the preservation of Listed Buildings and their settings (under Section 66(1)), and Conservation Areas (under Section 72(2)), in determining planning applications. Queens Arcade, Cardiff 12 Sapphire QAC Holdings S.E.N.C National Planning Policy • Planning Policy Wales (Edition 10, November 2018) Provides the Welsh Government’s planning policies and describes how these are expected to be applied within the planning system. The Historic Environment is the subject of Chapter 6 (page 123). Local Planning Policy (Cardiff Council Local Plan 2006-2026 and Supplementary Planning Documents ‘SPD’) • Policy KP17: ‘Cardiff’s distinctive heritage assets will be protected, managed and enhanced. In particular the character and setting of its Scheduled Ancient Monuments; Listed Buildings; Registered Historic Landscapes, Parks and Gardens; Conservation Areas; Locally Listed Buildings and other features of local interest which positively contribute to the distinctiveness of the city’. • SPD Archaeology and Archaeologically Sensitive Areas (2018) • SPD Tall Buildings Design Guide (2017) Technical Standards and Guidance • Technical Advice Note (TAN) 24: The Historic Environment The TAN provides guidance on how aspects of the historic environment should be considered. It has replaced the former Welsh Office Circulars 60/96, 61/96 and 1/98. • CADW Guidance – Conservation Principles for the Sustainable Management of the Historic Environment in Wales (2011) This guidance provides information on the determination of significance according to the industry standard approach on assessing heritage value in Wales. This approach considers heritage significance to derive from a combination of discrete heritage values: i) evidential (archaeological) value, ii) historic (illustrative and associative) value, iii) aesthetic value, iv) communal value, amongst others. • CADW Guidance – Setting of Historic Assets in Wales (2017) This provides guidance as to the best practice approach and methodology for the assessment of the contribution of setting to the significance of historic assets and the principles used to assess the potential impact of development within their settings. • CADW Guidance – Heritage Impact Assessment in Wales (2019) Provides guidance on best practice approaches to the assessment of impact and how to write heritage impact statements. The methodology for the assessment of development effects has been partly informed by The Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, Volume 11, Section 3, ‘Part 2: Cultural Heritage’ (Highways Agency document referred to as HA 208/07), which provides the most recent, suitable and widely acknowledged guidance on heritage impact assessment (Highways Agency 2007). However only relevant aspects of that guidance have been used as it has been established within the Screening and Scoping process between DPPUK Ltd and the Local Planning Authority that in the absence of Queens Arcade, Cardiff 13 Sapphire QAC Holdings S.E.N.C more up to date and relevant guidance a bespoke methodology would be utilised that relied on a descriptive and qualitative presentation of the findings regarding effect and impact. This allows for a more transparent and accessible articulation of the nature of any impact and harm. Scope The aim of this chapter is to address the likely significant effects of the proposed development on the cultural heritage resource, including archaeological remains, built heritage and historic landscape. In accordance with EIA legislation and guidance, the assessment of the significant effects will include the following stages: • Identification of cultural heritage receptors which are sensitive to the development, both within the site and in the wider landscape; • Assessment of the significance of heritage assets likely to be affected; • Assessment of the proposed development and the likely significant effects of the proposal; • Description of the mitigation measures if any; and • Concluding assessment of the residual effects, taking into account the proposed mitigation. The section presented below explains in detail the methodology employed by Cotswold Archaeology in order to meet the abovementioned criteria. It is based on a narrative and qualitative approach, which is used to describe the receptors affected in line with the current legislation, planning policy and guidance. The Scope and Methodology of this ES chapter has been agreed as part of a Screening and Scoping Request produced by DPPUK Ltd in December 2020 and agreed by the Local Planning Authority in March 2021. Methodology This ES chapter is informed by the Queens Arcade, Cardiff Heritage Desk-Based Assessment (2021) (HDBA) produced by Cotswold Archaeology (Appendix 9.1). Baseline Methodology This assessment aims to establish the known cultural heritage resource within the site and its environs, and the significance of any cultural heritage assets. The assessment also seeks to establish the archaeological potential within the site through the examination of available resources. Queens Arcade, Cardiff 14 Sapphire QAC Holdings S.E.N.C The baseline survey involved the consultation of readily available archaeological and historic information from documentary and cartographic sources. The major repositories
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