f~YnrkvilleDirec"iory,~ II L- ~.~ .._. 1876-77• . N .• _ -.--- ii ,~ MEAKIN & CO., I: II ~ry 'llllds and ~Illthin!ll ! I ---fn'~- --~ -r~--:-­ r ; I II I THE I 11··lftllUll I ([itR !lank.f ~.ntmtl, Bub !l"l!a1lhnBbian ~Bnk. Incorporated 1888. Incorporated 1864. , --:0:-- i 'CAPITAL $4,000,000. --:0:-- ~al.Tings iltpartmtnt, 262 tangt ~t., atafanta. --:0:-- ROBERT .JAFIfRAY. .TAl\I~S FLEMING. i This Institution has ~ened an 0il¥ ~t the above address, where ! DepoHits of $5 and upward.i-: will be received, and Interest at the rate of . FIVE PER CENT, per nnnum wi}N)e allowed "thereon, subject to withdrawal WITHOUT NOTICE OR REBATE OF INTEREST. The rat. of SIX PER CENT. will be allowed on Deposits of $100 and over. remaining on Special Deposit for not leRs than SIX MONTHS. A ~eDeral i Banking business will also be done at this Office. I STERLING DRAFTS on ENGLAND, and GOLD and CURRENCY DRAFTS on , NEW YORK, bought and sold. I OFFICE HOlJRS: Daily: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. to 1 p.III.; 7 p.m. to 9 p.lII. Any further information req uirea will be furnished on spplicatioD to the AGENT or either of the LOCAL DIREcTnRs. A~DR~W GREEN, Agent. I ADVEBTIBEMBNTS. 1 Z OJ - :0 ~ 0 ...t- OO. ... '" IMPROVED DRY HOP YEAST. The II TWIN BROTHERS," after many years successful business in the Dominion, are desirous of expressing their sincere thanks to their customel'S and the ¥h~~;!~:rP.:.i~~a;~i~e to the unexampled preference Elhown for their Yeast, During the last few years Canada has been inundated with various brands of so­ called yeast, amongst -which we may enumerate: Mrs. Churchill's Yeast, 1 Dead and Buried The Diamond Yeast, ~ACKNOWLEDGEuDH SUPERIORITY The Dominion Yeast, ) The Star Yeast, <fc. T"UV'in B;~;;' Yeast All these worthless Trade Marks nrc :!owbankrllpt and their offspring out of the Ma.rket; the superior qualities of the" Twin Brot}J.ers'" Yeast having completely killed them, The Country knows them no more. The little remaining on store· keeper's hands is so much rubbish, and we warn all against it. Our Agents are now going through the country, taking up Old Stock, and replacing it with II Twin Brothers'" Latest Improvement. The Yeast we are now ~~r~L~ni~:H,k;tJt;h'£"~~~·th~~u~ric~~~O';;~k~~ct'lfet~{:,;E1~~s~~~~ LIGHTEST BREAD ever known. For sixteen years the" Twin Brothers'" Dry Hop Yeast has enjoyed the }g~~~:~~~~~~~d~~a~~h~~i;~~~!r :~:i~t:CU~!,O~dahr~::l~o;jj~-!~~ ~~~~:::fg~~ At the late World's Fair in Vienna it received the Gold Medal and honorable mention from the Committee. \ We ask everyone to give it a. fair trial, feeling assured that when once properly used, no household will be without it. Ask your Grocer for it a.nd see tha.t he gives it to you FRESH. MA.NUFACTURED BY THE Waterloo Yeast Company, T. L. BUCKLEE, MAN AGER, TORONTO. 2 ADVElITISltMEN'IS. I •• MANUFACTURER OF XXX ALES AND PORTER DBALER IN Jo.olp &f Domeatle a.,., YORKVILLE, ONT. ADVERTISEMEN~S. a ---:0:-- CAPITAL $1,000,000. ---:0:--- ---:0:--- BOARD OF DIRECTORS. S. NORDHEIMER, Esq. President. WILLIAM ALEXANDER, Esq. - Vice-President. EDW.J.RD GURNEY, ;r'llhtiOT, Esq. I BENU.MIN LYMAN, Esq. WILLIAM G.J.LBR.J.ITH, Esq. JOHN S. PL.J.YF.J.IR, Esq . .PI-eBident Oorn E:r;chainge. GEO. W. TORR.J.NOE, Esq. H. S. STRATHY, Cashier. ---:0:--- The Bank is prepared to open current accounts with responsible parties at the Head Office or any of its Branches. It issues Drafts for any amount, negotiable at any Town where there is a Bank, in England, Ireland, Scotland, or the United States-in Sterling Money, Gold, or United States Currency. It discounts approved business notes and drafts at current rates. It allows Interest on Deposits at the following rates:- FOUB PEB CENT. PEB ANNUM, payable on demand, as required from time to time. FIVE PER CENT. PER ANNUM, subject to 15 days' notice. tllX PEB CENT. PER ANNUM, subject to three months' notice. ---:0:--­ AGENTS. LONDON,ENGL.J.ND, • The City Bank, Th ..eadneedle St.. eet. NEW YORK, _..~.-,m,et"ican Eoochange National Bank .. C.J.N.J.D.J., • Bank of AContT'eal, and its Branohes. ---:0:--- Collections made in all parts of Canada and the United States. ---:0:--- Gold and Currency Drafts on New York Bought and Sold. ---:0:--- OFFICE HOURS, 10 to 3. SATURDAYS, 10 to I, and 8 to 9. 4 ADVERTIBEYE~TS. LEONARD PEARS, MANUFACTURER OF The Advertiser is able to supply Builders and others with Bricks of the very best quality, in large or small quantities. ~ll Otaet~ ptorrtptly atteItaea to. ORDERS FROM A DISTANCE CAREFULLY DESPATCHED. L. P. TOOK THE FIRS'!' PRIZE FOR BRICKS AT THE PROVIN· CIAL FAIR, OTTAWA, IN 1875. PRICES AS MODERATE AS ANY OTHER FIRM IN THE TRADE. @Bll(f}N1!;2BD tiN» @FFll(f}N. 120 Davenport Road,. YORKVILLE. ADVERTISEMENTS. 5 YORKVILLE CICAR :EMPORIUM! 46 YONGE STREET, YORKVILLE,. Opposite William Street. A. F_ EEZLEY, KA.NUFACTURER AND DEALER IN CleARS, TOBACCOS And SlDokers' Sundries. 'OiscoVer1,' '~IPlt' an~ , Rose~ale' ~ran~s of Cigars . A SPECIALITY. Manu.:Cactory. 24 JanJ.es Street, Yorkville. 328 Yonge ..St., Toronto. CITIZENS OF YORKVILLE! Awake to the fact that you can g~t GREATER BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND S.HOES AT DOLMAGE~S Than at any other house in the city. 6 ADVERTISEMENTS. T. FISHER, <txprt~~ & ~urniturt ~ an ~ropririor, 62 Yonge St., YorkVille, 539 Yonge St. Toronto, Horses and waggons kept for the Removal of Furniture, Pianos, Trunks and Bag­ gage of every description to and from all parts of the city on reason- able terms. N.B.-Parties having trunks or baggage going by trains or boats would oblige by leaving orders two hours in advance. Wimhmt ImGld!!11fl\ HOUSE AND LAND AGENT Office--·52 Yonge Street, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, YORKVILLE. Parties having property for sale or to rent or those who wish to purchase property in Yorkville, Toron'to, or in the County of York, would do well to examine his lists. ADVERTISEMENTS. 1[0ro1{10 'avings ianh~ (ESTABLISHED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT JUNE 3, 1854. Pr.. ideM: Vic ..President. Han. FRANK SMITH, Senator. EUGENE O'KEEFE, Esq. Office--72 Church Street, Next St. Andrew's Church, "DEPOSITS received from TWENTY CENTS and upwards; invested in Government and other first-class Securities. Interest allowed thereon at the rate of Five per cent.; on Special Deposits at the rate of Six per cent. per annum. OFFIOE HOURS: 9 a. m. to 4 p.m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 2 p. m., and 7 to 9 p. m. JAMES MASON, Manager. 8 ADVERTISEj[ENT~. [nter~rise ~tore, COR. EAST AND BLEEKER STS. The undersigned begs leave to notify his friends and the public generally that he has put in a stock in his commodious new brick store at the above address, of choice TEAS AND GROCERIES \ of all kinds, and also a number of sundry articles which are required in a house; and as a store of this kind is so much needed, I intend keeping a full assortment of goods, equal, if not superior to any store on Yonge Street; which will enable customers in the above locality who may favour me, to get a first-class article at home, at low prices. My Teas I offer as a specialty, and have in stock a large stock of as fine flavored Teas as there are in the Dominion, and at as LO"'\V" PRICES. Hoping by strict attention to business, and by keeping in each case a first-class article, to merit your patronage, I remain, Your humble servant, McBEAN. TORONTO, August, 1876. w. ADVEBnSEHBR'fS .. 9 GEO. SCOTT, (Established l8S9.) DEALER IN PASTRY AND FAMI LY FLOUR, BUTTER, EGGS, HONEY, ETC., OATS, BRAN, ETC. No Liquors or Tobaccos kept. 40 Yonge Street • • Yorkville. JOliN fIJ~8W88~ TIN & COPPER SMITH, Calvanized Iron Worker, Cotlliceillg, ~oofillg all8. ~avettougltil1g. CHAIN, LOG AND IRON ftTKPS FITTED UP AT SHORT NOTICE. ALSO-BELL HANGING, PLUMBING AND GENERAL JOBBING. = Yonge Street, Yorkville. 10 ADVERTISEMENTS. BUILDERS &CONTRACTORS 3i~ & llQJ4! lrQq' I~\ YORKVILLE. SLOANE & PURVES' DIRECTORY OF THE VILLAGE ~ YORKVILLE, OONTAINING AN Alphabetical List of the Householders, A CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF SUBSCRIBERS AND ADVERTISERS, A MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY, Together with a full and comprehensive de8cription and hi8torical sketch of the Village. PRICEl 7~ CENTS. SLOJ,.NE fi PURVES, PUBLISHERS, 39 &: 41 Melinda Street, Toronto. TORONTO: LOVELL BBOTHEBB, GENEBAL PBINTERS, 39 & 41 MELINDA STREET, TOBONTO. 1876. PREFACE. A great want having been felt and frequently expressed, both by residents of the village and many merchants in the City ·of Toronto, for a complete Directory of Yorkville, the publishers, at some risk to themselves, undertook to bring out a work of the kind desired. To the Merchants, Manufacturers, and other inhabitants of Yorkville, the publishers take this opportunity of returning their most sincere thanks for the patronage they have received, and also to the inhabitants generally for the courtesy and assistance they have met with during their canvass for infor­ mation. In particular they are happy to record their sense of gratftude for the assistance received from W. H. Archer, Esq., TORONTO, 1st September, 1876. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Advertisements .........•................................... 1-16, 54-56 Alphabetical Directory ................................. '" 17-47 Business Directory........................................ 47 Description of yorkville ............ : .................... 14-15 Index to Advertisers ...................................... 13 Miscellaneous Directory ................................. 5'1 Preface ...................................................... 12 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS.
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