provincial libmv g31oo Daily Edition No. 1235 NELSON, BRITISH COLUMBIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1902 Eleventh Year __ were also thrown from their horses POLICE WORK IN 1901. start. The strong wind on Sunday MR. M'LEAN but received only slight injuries. TO EXAMINE THE UNLUCKY blew his sloop into McNeill's bay, AGAINST THE Trooper McLennan, of Kingston, was There Were 237 Arrests Made—Depart­ Where the Santa Clara is stranded | SATISFIED also thrown from his horse and bis WRECKAGE ment Complemented. NEGAUNEE and the sailors on the bark took bim SPECULATOR sknll waB fractured, but he will re­ An interesting meeting of the board off just as a big wave washed over the cover. Trooper Mayne was thrown of police commissioners waa beld yes­ little Oaft carrrying a trunk load of from his horse and had ribs broken. opium over board. A diver has been _ terday afternoon at which a resolution Several other troopers also slightly /More Than a Dozen Miners engaged to recover the trunk and MUSt Pay MOfe CaStl When Public Ownership Now Defi­ Revenue Gutter Will Investi­ commendatory of Chief of Police injured. .Im vis and the police department, was contents, Carlson was oue of a r'ng nitely In the Municipal gate Recent Loss Suf­ Are Killed by a in smuggling opium und Buying Land From adopted and a detailed report of the engageil A BANKER DIES SUDDENLY. work of the department for tbe year Cave-In. selling whiskey to Indians C. P. R. Arena. Peterhoro, Jan. 7.—Robert C. Mc- fered read and adopted. Mayor Fletcher A GORGEOUSPAUENT. Han is, manager of the Canadian Bank was in the chair and Alderman Seious of Commerce here, died suddenly last nnd H. B. Cameron present. Chinese Court Enters Pekin With Justice Gwynne Passes Away evening. Indians Report Much Drift It was moved by Commissioner Thousands of Tons of Rock Northern Pacific Sorry It C micron-. and sreonded by Com mi a Pomp and Show. at an Advanced WEARING PROCESS CONTINUES. Ashore at Neah sioner Selous that the following reso­ Now Fills up the Pekin, Jan. 7.—The Imperial court Withdrew From Mani­ lution be adopted: entered the Forbidden City at 7.10 Several Captures of Small Bodies of Age. Bay. Resolved, That this >ward aeiire9 to Shaft. o'clock this evening. It was the most toba. Boers. express its appreciation of the satis­ brilliant scene Pekin ever witnessed. London, Jan. 7.—Lord Kitchener, factory services rendered by tbe mem­ Tbe proceession consisted of a thous­ telegraphing from Johannesburg, on bers of tbe police force and to convey Port Townsend, Jan. 7.—The U. S. to the chief of police the thanks of Negaunee, Mich., Jan. 7.—The most and gorgeously attired noblemen Winnipeg, Jan. 7.—It is announced Toronto, Jan. 7.—"Public owner­ Monday, Jan. flth, reports the occur­ revenue cutter Grant sailed this room­ the board for the verv efficient man­ distressing accident occurring in this mounted upon glittering caparisoned here that tbe C. P. R. will in future ship, the new gospel" is the captain rence of a number of skirmishes i n ner in which he has discharged bis ing for an extended cruise along the country for years oocurred at the horses. The emperor, the empress demand a one-sixth cash payment for under which W. P. MoLean. M. P , various parts of the war fields The duties and the clerk of tbe board is shores of the straits of Juan de Fuca Nagaunee mine today at noon when by dowager, Prince Chun and several all land sold to persons who do not comments on the Toronto mayoralty most serious were at Amersfontein on directed to forward a copy of tbis and also along the coast south of Cipe resolution to the chief. a eave-in, tbe lives of from 13 to 17 princesses were borpe in yellow propose to Bettle upon it. bnt rather results. Mr. McLean says he is satis­ Jan. 3rd and ith, when Major W. B. Flattery to examine the large amount miners are thought to bave been lost. chairs, the esoort carrying hundreds who purchase for speculation. It has fied with having introduced that ques­ Plumoier and Col. J.S. Pens were in The resolution was unanimously of wreckage reported along the beach of gay banners and silk umbrellas. hitherto been the practice to charge as tion into the municipal arena and Contact with Commandant Christian adopted. The cave-In was at tbe bottom of during the past two weeks. It is be­ tbe old shaft. Had it occurred an The troops of General Yuan Shi the first payment one-tenth of the pur­ considers the 9,000 votes cast for him Botha's aud Commandant Opperman's Chief- of Police Jarvis was present Kai, governor of Pe Chi LI, proceded lieved tbat many vessels have met chase price, but this privilege, in a magnificent beginning. commands. They drove the Boers and reported verbally on some routine hour sooner abont 150 men would have the emperor. The foreign community with disaster during the continued future, will be allowed only to actual As the result of a collision of two from their positions after consider­ matters not contained in his report. been killed. The names of the deal assembled on top of the Chen gate. gales whioh have prevailed since The emperor and empress dowager settlers. electric cars at the corner of Bloor able fighting during which the Somer­ The annual report submitted was as so far as known are: Wm. Wiliams, December 25th aud tbe Indians daily entered the temple in the gate and The provincial land department has street and Dovercourt road last night set Light infantry Buffered severely. follow.s: married; John Sullivan, single; John i-urned incense. The dowagei empreBs bring reports to Neah Bay of new during the yoar just closed disposed six persons were more or less severely Major Valentine and 18 men were To the Police Comirossioners: Pascoe, single; John Pearce, married ; upon emerging from '.be temple saw wheckages coming ashore south of the foreigners peering down and of 151,079 acres of land. Of this 92,147 injuied. The failure of the brakes to killed and five officers and 23 men Sirs,—I have the bonor to submit Jacob Ilunlalla, married. Thus far 3ape Flattery. Captain Tozier, of the but one body bas been taken out, that bowed. A double row of soldiers, acres were Manitoba and Northwest­ act properly on Bloor and MoCaul were wounded. The Boers left nine this, my report, for the year 1901. kn.eling, lined the four mile route. Grant, will make a tour of investiga­ of Hunlalla and one man was rescued ern lands. This shows a very large street oar was the cause of the men dead on thc field. Col. Enbran- The cases brought before tbe Police Pekin, Jnn. 7.—The re-entrance of tion for the purpose of ascerta'ning if increase over 1900, when only 25,642 collision. der surprised Field Cornet Louis' Magistrate were as follows: alive, lt is thought the other bodies the Chinese emperor Into Pekin today possible the names of the vesels from acres were disposed ot. The remark­ Smallpox has broken out in a settle­ laager at Waterval on Jan. r>th, kill­ Assault, aggravated, 1; assanlt, 15; can not be reached within 24 hours. was the most remarkable episode in which tbe reported wreckage came. assault and robbery, 8; assault, inde­ The miner rescued is Dominico Basso, the annals of the dynasty. The ably fine weather continued through­ ment of Dowleit69 in Stephen town- ing five men and capturing 20. Lord spectacular phases of the return of the The steamer Alice Gertrude arriving cent, 1; breach of bylaws, 40; carry­ an Italian. Basso describes tbe disas­ out the entire west nnd the demand Bhip, Huron county, and the health Kitchener mentions other minor sur­ from Neah bay todBy reports last court -xceeded expectations. The for farm lands continues unabated. officials been given *nuch trouble as prises and captures Gen. French re­ night's storni down the strait as being ing concealed weapons, 2; drunken­ ter in tbe mine as follows: cortege was a sort of glorified lord- mayor's show and was a bewildering Manitoba'B remarkable progress Is the people refuse to aoeept the assist­ ports that tbe Boers in Cape Colony of great violence and off Cape Flattery ness, 108; damage to property, 3; dis­ We were seated around the pump at the wind reached almost the velocity orderly conduct, 28; fraud, 1; gam­ tbe bottom of the shaft, when without barbaric exhibition of oriental tin­ said to b» attracting the attention ot ance of physicians. are so reduced in number as to require selled splendor. of a hurricane driving vessels in the the Northern Pacific and it is believed The Evening Telegram's London only an elaborate police system to vioinity of Cape Flattery out to sea. bling, 9; insanity, 2; non-support. 2; any warning thousands of tons of ore obstructing peace officer, 1; pointing came down. I remembered no mure to be, in certain quarters, the desire cable says: "Sir Charles llilke, at a keep them in check, Vessels in tbe straits south shelter in, RAILWAY TO PYRAMID HABItOK. The week's total Poit Argeles and Clallam bay. of that road to again enter the pro­ meeting of the Shipmaster's sooiety, of Boer casualties revolver, 1; possession of stolen prop­ until ) heard the sound of picks and are 30 killed, 9 vince, made a speech referring to the ad­ wounded, 261 made erty, 9; theft, 10; ; vagrancy, 52.
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