FREE V o l . 29, Is s u e 19 w w .caB r R i Ob b O e K a nL l Y i N f e /S n T e wA s T .co E N m SM L a A y N 11– D M a D y I T17 I , O2018 N GOV ’ T SA S FRA D Former Gu ana finance Caribbean art minister, top official charged A rt from hom e: Curator D onna Mason’ s show supporting Caribbean artists w ill go o n d isp lay at the B ro o klyn W aterfro nt A rtist Co alitio n o n May 12. See story o n P ag e By Bert Wilkinson credible domestic and interna- P h o to by Z o e F reilich Eventually, the main opposi- tional allegations of widespread tion People’s Progressive Party corruption, entrenched links (PPP) which had governed Guy- with the criminal underworld, ana between 1992 and 2015 will including local drug kingpins, allege that the administration and of shaking down both local Gu ana may or to be grand marshalof President David Granger is and international investors for systematically bringing crimi- large sums in exchange for state By Nelson A. King Brooklyn on June 3, 2018. Joseph Harmon; Guyana’s nal corruption charges against contracts and other awards. The Guyana Independence The Committee said on Fri- Attorney General Basil Wil- its former cabinet ministers and The party has vehemently Anniversary Celebration Com- day that the parade is part of liams, and other minis- top executives so as to deliber- denied these allegations which mittee (New York) says Geor- Guyana’s 52nd Independence ters; New York Gov. Andrew ately win convictions and crip- had come from western embas- getown, Guyana mayor Patri- celebration in New York, which Cuomo; New York City Mayor ple them from participating in sies, civil society, local media cia Chase-Green will be grand will be held from June 3 – 10. Bill deBlasio; US congressional the 2020 general elections. and a slew of other stakehold- marshal of the annual Guy- Other top invitees include representatives Yvette Clarke The party’s 23-year tenure ers. anese Independence Parade in Guyana’s Minister of State Continued on Page 8 in office had been dogged by Continued on Page 8 The Terrific Twos! Open today at your local branch or at www.ridgewoodbank.com APY* | 22 MONTH CD MINIMUM TO OPEN IS $500 * Annual percentagepercentage YieldYield (APY)(APY) is as of May 1, 2018, and is subject to change without notice. FDIC Regulations apply. The annual percentage yield assumes interest will remain on deposit until maturity. The bank is not responsible for typographical errors. Substantial penalties for early withdrawal. Offer subject to change and early termination without prior notice at any time. © 2018 Ridgewood Savings Bank. 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Ttl Pymts/Resid: ‘18 Rogue: $6,444/$14,817 (36 mo) $6,981/$12,896 (39 mo) $7,518/$12,622(42 mo); ‘18 Sentra: $5,364/$9,804 (36 mo) $5,811/$8,459 (39 mo) $6,258/$8,266(42 mo). For qual buyers. Lease based on 36k mi @ 15¢/mi thereafter. Subject to primary lender approval. Must take delivery from new dlr stock. Transportation fee may apply. Photos for illus purposes only. Not resp for typos. Exp 3 days after pub. DMV#7076824, NYC DCA L c . #698282 2 Caribbean Life, May 11–May 17, 2018 B Gu y a n e s e n d u c t e d n t o H n t e r Co l l e g e H l l f Fa m e By Tangerine Clarke New York Police Department Dep- uty Inspector Rhonda O’Reilly-Bovell received a resounding applause when F ro m left, p hysician assistant R o - she stepped on to the stage at Hunter land O ttley, S haund ell Ag rip p a College to be inducted into the Alumni and P aul Haw ker. S haund ell Ag rip p a Hall of Fame, and presented with a cer- tificate during a May 4 ceremony in the school’s West wing in Manhattan. The Guyanese-American, whose Kingsbrook astounding accomplishment got the attention of the Hall of Fame commit- tee, also had her name unveiled on a Jew ish honorsplaque with six other inductees during the evening that honored the distin- guished alumni. Bovell, the co-founder and president employ ees of the Guyanese American Law Enforce- ment Association (GALIA), said she was humbled to receive such an honor and By Nelson A. King expressed gratitude to her relatives, Kingsbrook Medical Center, a husband, and her mother, whom she teaching hospital in Brooklyn, on said sacrificed so much to send her to May 1 honored over 250 employees New York to fulfill her dreams. from 25 departments for their “dedi- Bovell, who joined the New York Police cated service” at a grand celebra- Department immediately after graduat- F ro m left, Ch air o f the 2018 H all of Fam e co m m ittee, E lizabeth W ilso n A n- tion at the hospital’s Lillian Minkin ing from Hunter College in 1996, is the stey, co m m ittee m em ber, Jam es A m o d eo , ind uctee N Y P D D ep uty Insp ec- Ballroom. first female Guyanese NYPD officer to tor, R h o nd a O ’ R eilly Bo vell, and H u nter Co lleg e P resid ent, Jennifer J. Raab. The employees, who served from make such a rapid transition from her P h o to by Tang erine Clarke five to 40 years, were honored dur- first post as officer in the 100th Pct. to ing the Central Brooklyn hospital’s sergeant in 2002, lieutenant in 2010, “I am proud of the achievement er’s history to win a Truman award. Employee Service Awards ceremony. captain in 2014 and deputy inspector of Deputy Inspector Rhonda O’Reilly While at Hunter, Mahjebin had been One retiree, Michael Barry, was in 2017. Bovell, who is an inspiration to young instrumental in helping to pass legisla- honored for 41 years of service. The NYPD bravest has worked Guyanese. Through hard work and dedi- tion to raise the legal age of marriage for The hospital bestowed certificates throughout the city, above and below cation she rose rapidly through the girls in New York State from 14 to age 17, of appreciation and gold anniversary ground, in Transit district 33, which ranks of the NYPD.” by testifying before the New York State pins on 251 employees.
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