Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 6-2-1961 The Ledger and Times, June 2, 1961 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, June 2, 1961" (1961). The Ledger & Times. 5075. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/5075 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1. I on I Selected As A Beat All Rnund Kentucky Community Newspaper 11111111111111MINIMMIIII The Newspaper Largest Circulation In With The The City Largest Circulation Circulation In The County 55 IN OUR 82nd YEAR .'nited Press International Murray, Ky., Friday Afternoon, June 2, 1961 MURRAY POPULATION 10 100 Vol. LXXXII No. 1 79 .1 KENNEDY-DE GAULLE AGREE ON BERLIN Dairies Plan To Credibility Summer Term Promote June As Reaffirm Stand To Remain In DE New Change In Of Witnesses els Registration The Dairy Month Berlin In Spite Of Threats Representatives of dairies in itiov By MERRIMAN SMITH the defense Is Questioned Set Western Kentucky with their in- forces of Europe." June I nil.* 12 Intrrnat ionAl vited guests from newspapers and Standing bareheaded in the rain, 1-24 is Proposed PARIS MD —President Kennedy the President spoke to the chief radio stations met yesterday in said today he and French Presi- DETROIT illPfl — Defense at- officers of Supreme Allied Head- Paducah where the program for dent Charles de Gaulle agreed that torney Albert Summer today at- "June quarters Europe. At his side stood FRANKFORT, Ky. (UPEI —There Ky., then northwesterly through Registration for the Summer Is Dairy Month" was ex- Soviet force of pressure should tacked the credibility of prosecu- piained. U.S. Air Force Gen. Lauris Nor- was a new turn today in the dis- extreme western Kentucky a n d Seaton at Murray State College not be allowed to drive the West- tion witnesses a g a ins t Gordon Dairies will promote this stad, supreme Allied commander. o.te over t h e route Interstate the Paducah area into southern will! begin Monday, June 12. at an- ern allies out of Berlin. Watson as Watson's murder-con- nual event this ,year "I hope in the years ahead that fthway .24 pill _follow through 820 the „SruJent Union more than "1 _think neitber Penerals Des • - • - spiracy trial moved- toward 'a they tirmally ! sTursrnmrrirmat alliance wIlt haVe western Kentucky, with disclosure The new proposal from Indiana Building Dr. Donald B. Hunter, Gaulle nor I wbuld feel it ap- greater strength and force than it !registrar, has announced. Classes Dairy princesses from the var- propriate to have our statutory by Commissioner of Highways would route the road on more of In final arguments to the jury, ever: has had, and I assure you will begin June 13. ious counties were presented to rights in Berlin changed by force Henry Ward that he has received a north-south line through Ken- Summer singled out Herbert Jones that the United States intends to The eight-week session will end those present. or threat of force," the President a new proposal from Indiana of- tucky, from Hopkinsville to Hen- brother of one of three Tennessee do its full part," Kennedy said. Aug. 4. Miss Marinell Myers, daughter told a press luncheon at the Chail- ficials. derson, to join Interstate 64 some- men serving life terms for the Kennedy began his day with the, In addition to the regular sche- of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Myers of lot Palace. Previous proposals have gener- where north of Evansville, Ind. actual slaying of Parvin Lassiter, visit to SHAPE headquarters at dule of classes, several short cour- Lynn Grove route one will re- Kennedy stopped short of a flat ally been to carry the road from This route would more or less for special attack. Fontainebleau, just outside Paris, ses, workshops, and special in- present Calloway County as its declaration that the United States Nashville, Tenn., to Hopkinsville, parallel existing U.S. 41. testimony for the prose- and then returned to the Elysee Jones' stitutes have been scheduled for dairy Princess. would fight to hold the allied po- Ward said he had received i had directly linked Watson Palace in the capital for his final cution the summer. The meeting was sponsored by sition in the former German cap- telegram from Rex M. Whitton, conspiracy to kill Lassiter. conference with President Charles wilts". These include: the ,,paducah Graded Milk Produc- ital. administrator of United States Bu- Salmi:her said Jones was testi- de Gaulle. Charles Summer Science Institute for ers Assonation. He said, in response to a ques- Sixty Five reau of Public Roads, saying that of a "revenge" motive Tuttle Prepare Final'Statement . fying out High School Teachers: jointly spon- tion, it would not be "expedient Indiana favored that route. since Watson tad once fired him The two prcsidents met in pri- sored by Murray State and the at this time" to go into details of He said Whitton did not indicate a job, and also to aid his Charles Tuttle Is vate for a- half hour and then from National Sziene Foundation. the his and Be GaUlle's position on Graduate At that any priority was being given imprisoned brother. called in their chief advisers to Graduate Of KMI institute is planned to bring sec- Berlin. to the Indiana proposal, suggest- Summer referred the jury to Trip Planned, approve a final statement on the Anders school science teachers up- Notes Major Issues ing that the two earlier plans were Jones' testimony that he would accomplishments of Ken ned y's A Second Lieutenant in t he to-date on recent developmeata in Kennedy spotlighted the Laos still under consideration. lie to help himself and also that visit. Murray High ROTC unit at the Kentucky Mili- science and to offer new and crisis and the deadlock in the Of these, one would run from he w ould consider committing Demonstration Kennedy called Secretary of tary Institute, Charles Henry Tut- shallensing courses in the field Geneva nuclear test ban talks as Nashville to Cairo, Ill., roughly by murder for money. State Dean Rusk in from Wash- tle, son of Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Tut- in which they teach. major issues to be discussed dur- way of Murray, Mayfield and Pa- He also told the jury that Jones ington, U.S. Ambassador Llewel- tle, 303 South 13th Street, Murray, Sciense and Mathematic ing his weekend meetings in Vi- ducah. a criminal record. lyn E. Thompson from Moscow Sixty-five membeers of the grad- has was a member of the 116th grad- ing Prngram for High School Stu- Test Farms enna with Soviet Premier Nikita The other would follow along case was expected to go to and roving U.S. Ambassador Av- Ing class of 1P61 of Murray The uating class on May 28. dents' also jointly sponsored by Khrushchev. - the west side of Barkley Lake jury late today or Saturday. erell Harriman from Geneva to High School received their diplo- the During his three years at K.M.I. the college and the NSF, this pro- He said if any progress could by way of Hopkinsville. Princeton Watson and Mrs. Nelle Lassiter meet with him tonight. mas at commencement exercises Charles was a member of the gram is for intelligent high school be made on these two issues that and Paducah. Charleston and Cape went on trial seven weeks ago on Twenty-two Senior 4-11 Mem- They and other aides will help at the school last night. Exactly School Choir. He was awarded a students who do not have have the would "make the tr i p worth- Girardeau in Missouri also have of plothing the April, 1959, bers girls and boyss who him ou'line the final strategy for fifty years ago last ntght the first charges yearly Honor Roll Bar, two Sem- Proper curriculum or facilities to while." been mentioned as western term- of Mrs. Lassiter's husband mathe2lhave been selected to represent two days of talks with Khrushchev class was graduated from Murray slaying ester Honor Roll Bars, eleven develop their science and Kennedy, when asked why he inals. a Royal Oak used car eleven UK-TVA Test Demonstra- starting Saturday in Vienna. High School as an accredited high Parvin, Monthly Honor Roll Bars, two matacal abilities- was meeting w ith Khurshchev, Ward said he has invited George lion Farm Program Counties in school. dealer. Merit Bars, two Good Conduct Sludy beyond the Master's De- said that the prime purpose was Foster, director of the Indiana Lassiter, a 39-year old for- West Kentucky attended a meet- Nancy McCuiston played the Mrs. Bars, *Sharpshooter's Medal, two Or* the college will begin ils "Wake lalm understand" as fut, highway department, to attend • model, was ordered commit- ing at Benton Thursday night. processional and recessional. The mer Activities Bars. and a Military new program. as designed by the ly as possible the American point 9c four-state conference Aug. 21 to ted to a mental hospital midway June 1, to make plans for their invocational was given by Kenneth Wreath. Kentucky Council on Higher Edu- of view. He said that while it was Kiwanis Club study the alternate routes for 1-24. trial when a panel trip. Parents and leaders also at- irsch and the Senior Girls En- through the cation, for study beyond the mast- important for the United States to He said the new proposal for psychiatrists ruled She was not tended the meeting and enjoyed, Illiftble sang "Climb Every Mount- of er's.
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