Email [email protected] Website http://www.nkrcc.org.uk MINUTES - SUBJECT TO APPROVAL For the meeting held on Monday 16th April 2018 at 7.30pm at Lairhillock School, Netherley, Aberdeenshire. Present Henry Irvine-Fortescue (HIF) Chair Elected Councillors in attendance Rod Farquhar (RF) Councillor Colin Pike, Aberdeenshire Council (CP) Mandi Dorward (MD) Councillor Alison Evison, Aberdeenshire Council (AE) Laureen Canessa (LA) Avril Tulloch (AT) Susan Astell (SA) 6 members of the public in attendance Welcome and Introductions HIF welcomed all to the meeting 1 Apologies Bob McKinney (BM) and Cllr Ian Mollison (IM) 2 Police Report The quarterly police report for Kincardine and Mearns will be issued week commencing 4th June 2018. The Kincardine and Mearns Community Policing team, have a dedicated email address, which you can forward your concerns onto for an officer's attention. Please get in touch by emailing us at [email protected] 3 Previous Minutes • Minutes of the ordinary meeting in March were proposed by AT and seconded by RF. Matters outstanding: • NKRCC will continue to use Mark Chinery of Zincweb to assist with the update and introduction of new email address. Lynne Beard and MD continuing to work together updating the website & social media sites. Action – MD & Lynne Beard to update emails and advertise on website 4 Matters Arising Schools • Today is the start of the new term, which lasts 12 weeks, finishing at the end of the first week in July. • Banchory Devenick School notice board was empty when MD went to visit. An email has been sent with minutes and an agenda and also an invite to attend a meeting for funding request. Action – MD to chase Website, Facebook & Media • The NKRCC facebook page and website are updated frequently. Roads • Information on the closure at B979 Ury roundabout was not received by NKRCC from the Roads Department at Aberdeenshire Council. Not many people are adhering to the closures. Action – MD to chase Roads department for information to advertise closures on Facebook & Website • HIF attended an update meeting for the AWPR on the 27th of March at the Town House. The presentation included numerous impressive aerial photographs showing the progress of the bypass. A new opening date of Autumn 2018 has been publicised. The old roads are estimated to be de-trunked on the 1st April 2019. • Concerns were voiced with regards to flooding at the Dee crossing. • It was noted that numerous potholes have been filled recently within the ward, but there are still plenty to do. Broadband • There is nothing happening at the moment. Cables laid weeks ago and new boxes appeared, however nothing has been connected. Perhaps the ongoing Diona works at the Muchalls Bridge may spurn things on. 5 Planning Validated April APP/2018/0396 Alhamra, Blairs Extension to existing car port Expiry for comment 15/04/18 Statutory determination 22/05/18 APP/2018/0801 Mansefield House, Ardoe Alteration and extension to dwelling house Expiry for comment 10/05/18 Statutory determination 11/06/18 Decisions made April APP/2018/0405 10 Altries Wood, Maryculter Erection of Garden Room/Store and car port Amendment to previously approved APP/2017/0754 Garden shed reduced in size. Decision: approved APP/2018/0271 Stoneyhill, Netherley Alteration and extension to dwelling house Note: I ½ storey extension, new dormer and internal alterations. Decision: approved APP/2018/0245 The Lounge at Chapelton (Hume Square) Installation of 3 external lights on beauty salon Decision: approved APP/2017/3255 Pinewood Charleston, Portlethen Erection of dwelling house and formation of sunken garden Expiry for comment 01/03/18 Statutory determination 31/03/18 Note: Erection of new home for key worker associated with (waste) transfer station. Vacant site with previously occupied building. Decision: refused – Site lies within the Greenbelt and application was not considered to comply with any of the specified exemptions that would comply with Policy R1 Special Rural Areas of the 2017 Local Development Plan • Comer Homes have submitted a site, with supporting Masterplan, for consideration within the next Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan (LDP 2021). The site, to be known as Royal Devenick Park, incorporates the same site boundary as that associated with the previous Banchory/Leggart proposal. Whilst Comer’s land ownership extends to approximately 1,145 acres, it has been very important to them to ensure that due consideration be given to not only the characteristics of the site and its setting next to the River Dee, but importantly the comments raised by the local community previously. The first phase would see 289 new homes and apartments carefully developed in Aberdeenshire around the previous Leggart Terrace development. The proposals would also provide open space, local facilities and associated infrastructure, where appropriate, that would embrace the development whilst respecting the sites unique setting. These proposals could be delivered within the life of the forthcoming Plan. A copy of the masterplan is to be submitted to NKRCC and Comer would welcome the opportunity to come to our meeting to provide an overview on the proposals and answer questions. Comer see these proposals as very much at the early stages, and welcome feedback and would like to set up a Community Liaison Group (CLG) that will provide an opportunity for local stakeholders to raise issues and key points directly with Comer Homes and their project team on an ongoing basis, as well as helping to inform and shape the proposals and would suggest, if amenable, that three members of the Community Council are represented on the group. Action : MD to forward masterplan to RF • Approximately 500 bids have been submitted to Aberdeenshire Council, Calls for Sites, to be included in the Local Development Plan 2021 (LDP2021). The bids will be advertised on a web link, which should be available week commencing 16th April 2018. A two day seminar will be held on the 19-20th June to which representatives of the Community Council will be welcome to attend to make early comment on the bids received, • A Main Issues Report & Consultation period has been launched in conjunction with the Aberdeen City & Shire Strategic Development Plan. The report and supporting documents can be viewed online at from Monday 12th March – Monday 21st May. Representations may be made by letter, email or by completing a Response Form no later than 12pm on Monday 21st May. http://www.aberdeencityandshire.sdpa.gov.uk/CurrebtWork/CurrentConsultations.aspx 6 Finance & 400 Club • In the absence of BM, the Lottery was unable to be drawn. There will be a double draw made at the next meeting. Action – BM • The current balance for the Bank of Scotland account is £1,570.93, with £135 ear-marked for Lottery prizes. All 3 cheques of the substantial grants awarded last month have been honoured, hence the substantial change from last month's totals • No further funding requests have been received. Banchory Devenick School may require assistance with away day transport costs. HIF encouraged others to request funding. • The sum of £240 has been received from Aberdeenshire Council for the notice board for Lairhillock School and we have managed to source someone to install. Action – BM to submit a request for remuneration and arrange a date and time to install. 7 Correspondence & Licensing Applications • Owing to time constraints at the March meeting, the full correspondence list was not discussed and was covered this evening. • It would be interesting to view the bid, made by David Morrish, who attended March’s meeting, for the low cost housing at Cairnieburn, in the LDP2021. • Stonehaven is now twinned with Acheres. • No progress with the issues at Fernieslack (motor repair business trading from council house). Emails are continuing to be sent to all relevant authorities, but nothing happening. Residents are contacting Pauline McEwan and Ryan Adam of Aberdeenshire Council. This is causing a negative impact within the community. Concerns were raised that that local residents were being pushed to the limits and bad feeling may boil over as this has been happening for numerous years. Cllr Pike reassured residents that although things moved incredibly slowly, they were still in the system. Action - AE to speak with Aberdeenshire Council. • A flowchart detailing the timetable for the entire election process of Community Councils was reviewed. This would only require implementation if there were more candidates than vacant seats on the community council. This is not the case within NKRCC. • Crynoch Burn is running brown and frothy at varying times. Sepa has been informed. 8 AOCB • Community Council Training by PAS (Planning Aid Scotland), understanding the Scottish planning system & how to be effective as a Community Councillor is available. Action – MD to register an interest and circulate details • The Community Council get together, for all three CC’s in the North Kincardine Ward – NKRCC, Portlethen and District Community Council and Newtonhill, Muchalls and Cammachmore Community Council, hosted by NKRCC will take place on Thursday, 17th May 2018 at 7.30pm at Lairhillock School. MD is on holiday so AT will organise the refreshments. Action – MD to invite CC’s, Local Councillors & Area Manager. Action – AT &HIF to organise refreshments • SDV/NKRCC Plant Sale & Coffee Morning will take place on Saturday 19th May 2018 at Corbie Hall. Muckyboots & Maryculter Driving for the Disabled are in contact and have arranged the coffee morning. Set-up is from 5 until 6.30pm the evening before and any plant offerings should be delivered then to allow pricing. Help is required from 9am on Saturday. SA will collect tickets at the door. AT, LC and HIF all confirmed attendance. As it is the same day at the Royal Wedding, the big screen will be showing the events live from Windsor.
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