All the NeJs of All the Pointes • .• * * Every Thursday Morning rosse olnte ews COlnplete News Coverage of All the Pointes l-Jom~ of the News VOLUME 22-NO. 23 Entered as Second ClaM Matter at the Posl QUlce at Detroit, Mlch. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN. JUNE 8, 196 I 7C Per Copy HOO Per Year 28 PAGES - THREE SECTIONS _ SECTION I ------------------------------------------------------------~. Hiah Schoo! >oJ of the ~..iManyScholarships'Five Seeking 'WEEK , ! As Compi/ed by the Board Posts Grosse POitl/e News Won by Students As Trustees Thursday, June 1 AFTER HOURS of specula- Estimated 35,000 Voters tion, the official radio for the Of GPHS'61 Class Eligible to Ballot; Polls Dominican Republic confirmed Open 7 a,m. to 8 p.m. reports that Generalissimo Ra. fael Trujillo was assassinated Expect Some 500 Members of Graduates This Month Electors of the Grosse Tuesday night. The annonnce- To be Accepted by Colleges Scattered Pointe School District will ment said that the dictator for 31 years was slain while stroll- All Over the Country go to the polls on Monda~r, ing with a strong fOI'ce of body- June 12 to fiII two offices guards on the Avenue George Despite the increasing difficulty of gaining admis- on the Board of Education. Washington, a seafront boule- sion to t.he Nation's colleges, 66 members of the 1961 The two successful candi- vard, A later broadcast said class at Grosse Pointe High School have already received dates, of the five who are that a group rather thau a single acceptances to 43 out-of-state institutions and 395 stu- running, will serve four- man Was responsible for the at- dents have been approved for admission to colleges in year terms, tack, but said that further de- the state. Many of these students have qualified for tails would be withheld until scholarship aid. Candidates include Robert Weber, incumbent and present an investigation was completed, High School college enroll.; president, and Edward J. Pon- ment counsellors state that 344 * * * gracz, B, Courtney Rankin, IN PARIS, President Ken- of the students planning to re- main in Michigan will study in George R. Wallace, and 1\1. Ber- nedy assured French President GPHS Wins nice Zilly (.:\Irs, G. Sam). Charles de Gaulle that United public colleges and universities, States troops would meet any The other 50 will study in pri- Mr, Weber. of 992 Lake threat to Europe's safety with vate schools. Of these students, BeL Crotvn Shore road, is self-employed in "whatever response is needed." 109 received acceptances from .nvestment and real estate and The two. leaders announced more than one 1\lichigan insti- Once Again is executive C:irector of a sav- that they had come to complete tution. ings and loan association. He is agreement on the West Berlin Other studenls who have not currently serving his second issue, indicating a tough U. S, yet decided which colleges they Coveted Sweepstakes Tro- term on the Board of Education position when Mr. Kennedy wish to attend will probably phy Will Remain in Local (seven years) during which time meets Soviet Premier Nikita bring the number of 1961 grad_ Showcase at Least he has been president of the Khrushchev later this week. uates entering institutions of board for Ihree years and treas- While her husband was dis- higher learning in the fall to Another Year urer for two years, cussing affairs of state, the considerably higher than the By Dan Hall Former Board lIIember glamorous Mrs, Kennedy made . zeru;hip Award is the highest award and honor that 503 wnose plans are determined, The sweepstakes trophy, a hit with Parisians who turned can be bestowed on a student in the. High School band according to school officials, It I\lr. Pongracz, 782 Notre ou~ in dro~'es wherever she and orchestra. From left to right in the picture: Recog- is usual for two-thirds or three- symbol of BCL sports su- Dame, is a former member of Went. the school board which he nition Awards to JEANNE JEFFREY, MARGERY fourths of a Grosse Pointe grad- premacy, will reside at * * uating class to enter college, least one more year in its served as vice president. l-Ie was Frldar,* June 2 HOMFELD, KAREN HOHMANN, JOHN ECKERT, on the Building Committee for Best Orchestra Citizenship Award Winner: FRANCES This year there are more than fashionable showcase at 11 FAST-MOVING thunderstorms 700 graduating seniors and the Gros::;e Pointe Boulevard. Brownell Junior High School GUICE and the Best Band Citizenship Award winner: moved through Detroit yester- percentage will probably be The tarnished., battered old and on the Committee on In- day, bringing heavy rain, high GARY OSIUS. Recognition Awards: JOHN MAZER, somewhat highcr than usual. 'veteran of countless BCL surance Revision. He was P-TA president of Maire Elementary winds, and hail to the area. The RICHARD FIREMUTH, NANCY RECTOR and BAR- Hold Honors Assembly battlc:; has rested at the storm struck shortly after 4 BARA HUSK. and of Pierce Junior High. Mr. At an honors assembly held Grosse Pointe add I' e s s Pongracz is a jewelry store p,m" washing out a TIger base- I in the High School last week, longer than rival schools ball game wIth Kansas City, owner and watchmaker. All-Pointe it was revealed that' 34 scholar_ care to remember. and bringing traffic on all ex- Woods Officials, Residents GPHS Gives ships have been offered by 19 1\£1'. Rankin, 345 Ringe road, pressways to a halt within institutions to members of the Although the baseball and is a Detroit attorney. He came minutes. The Weather Bureau Net Tourney tennis results have not yet be- to Grosse Pointe in 1948 from issued a tornado warning for In ~as.sle Over Construction Diplo1nas to 1961 class, This is a parliallist- come official, Grosse Pointe has ing which does not include already amassed enough points the East. 1\£1'. Rankin r~centlY the area south of Dett oit. Thre~ completed eight years as Execu~ hours later, when an all-clear Dllte~ Set scholarships offered by local to mathematicaIIy eliminate aTI Of School 011 Church Land' 700 June 15 groups and organizations. possibility of a rival school tive Commitee Member of na- was posted, the storms had sub- tional Yale Alumni Board and One student, Wayne Wilner, giving t!Ie~trophy a new home. Eided and no injuries had been has been particularly interested Annual Event Gets Under Ciiy Says ,Building Conforms to Local Specifications was offered scholarships by four (Continued on Page 13) reported, Traditional Graduation Ex- leading universities including in its committee on Enrollment Way at Neighborhood arid Objectors Would Have to Go to Court and Scholarships, He is a mem- * * * ercises . Start at 8: 15; California Institute of Techno- FORMER President E i s e n - Club June 24; ..New to Get Possible Recourse logy. Michigan, MIT, and Brown. ber of Kerby School PTA and howeI' told Rep u b lic an s in Class for Veterans Honors to be Award- Wayne is reported to have de_ Pointers Win works for the Cub Scouts. Washington that a balanced Eleven Woods resident~ who have complained to ed to Leaders cided to attend linT. Mr. Wallace. of 1418 Bucking. budget is nothing to scoff at . 'the Council that construction of a girls' high school on Other students who have been Scholarships ham, is district sales manager of and said Democratic proposals . Tenn~s play~rs from -the the property of Our Lady Star of the Sea Church is in offered more than one scholar . a railroad and has lived in Commencement exercises ship are Larry Engelhart, Har- indicate a reckless spending flv.e Pomt~s WIll be ,sharp- violation of zoning ordinances, were told by Wood~ Grosse Pointe five and one-half for the class of '61 of Grosse vard and Stanford; Dave Vee_ The. Student Aid Foundation spree which worries millions of enmg theIr g~es m the Attorney Julius L. Berns on June 5 that. the building of l\lichigan announced on Sun- years. He has served on the Pointe High School nendaal, Brown and Western Americans. In his first speech ~ext two weeks m'prepara., conforms to lawful specifications and the only remain- will day, June 4. the awarding of Executive Council of Defer since he left the White House tlOn for. the FIf.th All ing recourse is in the courts. begin at 8:15 o'clock on :Michigan; Paul Papich, the Uni- e i g II t four-year scholarships P-TA, was a Group Captain of on January 20, Mr. Eisenhower Grosse Pomte TennIS Tour- I th C't' . th 1 <!'~--- _ Thursday, June 15. The 'versity of Michigan and 'Wayne; provided by the Katherine Tuck Trade Teams Unit of 1959 Torch declared that "government by Th n e 1 Y s VIew. e on y audience will witness the and William Walker. l\Iichigan Fund of Detroit. Drive, and chainnan of the ne:ment. e tournament remaining question is whether a driveway building permit is is- processional of more than State and Michigan Tech. big brother" was not the way to The Martha Dwight Douglas Railroad Community of Greater WIll be played from June 24 contemplated d l' i v e way and sued for this location, . • Reed College offered a schol- further domestic problems in 700 d t Scholarship of S3,500 a year Detroit in 1959, the nation. to July 4 on the courts of fence on Morningside drive Left unacted upon is are. gra ua mg s e n 1 0 I' S arship to Jan COnlvay which she marching to the traditional will accept although she also .,....ent to' Neal II.
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