The 97th Annual Meeting of CSJ Program Chair: INOUE, Haruo(15:30~15:55) Room S1 1S1- 15 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Artificial Photosynthesis of Ammonia(RIES, Hokkaido Univ.)○MISAWA, Hiroaki (15:30~15:55) Fourth Building, Section B J11 Chair: INOUE, Haruo(15:55~16:20) 1S1- 16 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Mechanism of water-splitting by photosystem II using the energy of visible light(Grad. Sustainable and Functional Redox Chemistry Sch. Nat. Sci. Technol., Okayama Univ.)○SHEN, Jian-ren(15:55~ ) Thursday, March 16, AM 16:20 (9:30 ~9:35 ) Chair: TAMIAKI, Hitoshi(16:20~16:45) 1S1- 01 Special Program Lecture Opening Remarks(Sch. Mater. & 1S1- 17 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Excited State Chem. Tech., Tokyo Tech.)○INAGI, Shinsuke(09:30~09:35) Molecular Dynamics of Natural and Artificial Photosynthesis(Sch. Sci. Tech., Kwansei Gakuin Univ.)○HASHIMOTO, Hideki(16:20~16:45) Chair: ATOBE, Mahito(9:35 ~10:50) 1S1- 02 Special Program Lecture Polymer Redox Chemistry toward Chair: ISHITANI, Osamu(16:45~17:10) Functional Materials(Sch. Mater. & Chem. Tech., Tokyo Tech.)○INAGI, 1S1- 18 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Recent pro- Shinsuke(09:35~09:50) gress on artificial photosynthesis system based on semiconductor photocata- 1S1- 03 Special Program Lecture Organic Redox Chemistry Enables lysts(Grad. Sch. Eng., Kyoto Univ.)○ABE, Ryu(16:45~17:10) Automated Solution-Phase Synthesis of Oligosaccharides(Grad. Sch. Eng., Tottori Univ.)○NOKAMI, Toshiki(09:50~10:10) (17:10~17:20) 1S1- 04 Special Program Lecture Redox Regulation of Functional 1S1- 19 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Closing re- Dyes and Their Applications to Optoelectronic Devices(Fac. Eng., mark(Grad. Sch. Nat. Sci. Technol., Okayama Univ.)○SHEN, Jian-ren Hiroshima Univ.)○OOYAMA, Yousuke(10:10~10:30) (17:10~17:20) 1S1- 05 Special Program Lecture Molecular Constructions Based on the Concerted Redox Chemistry of Electro-organic and Organometallic Reactions(Grad. Sch. Nat. Sci. Technol., Okayama Univ.)○MITSUDO, Transformative chemistry conducted by Koichi(10:30~10:50) multiple extremes Chair: SUGA, Seiji(10:50~11:50) Sunday, March 19, AM 1S1- 06 Special Program Lecture C-H Functionalizations Based on (9:30 ~9:40 ) Organic Redox Chemistry(Grad. Sch. Eng., Kyoto Univ.)○SHIMIZU, 4S1- 01 Special Program Lecture Outline of the symposium(Fac. Akihiro(10:50~11:10) Sci., Okayama Univ.)○OHKUBO, Takahiro(09:30~09:40) 1S1- 07 Special Program Lecture Carbon-carbon bond formation based on redox chemistry(Grad. Sch. Eng., Osaka Univ.)○AMAYA, Chair: OHKUBO, Takahiro(9:40 ~11:00) Toru(11:10~11:30) 4S1- 02 Special Program Lecture Control/Use of Reaction Nano- 1S1- 08 Special Program Lecture Sustainable Molecular Transfor- space in Metal-Organic Frameworks(Grad. Sch. Fac. Eng., Tokyo Univ. of mation by Bioinspired Catalyst with Unique Redox Property(Grad. Sch. Agri. and Technol.)○KONDO, Atsushi(09:40~10:00) Eng., Kyushu Univ.)○SHIMAKOSHI, Hisashi(11:30~11:50) 4S1- 03 Special Program Lecture Hydrophobic effect in a variety of environments(Okayama Univ. RIIS; Fac. Sci., Okayama Univ.)○KOGA, Chair: ITOH, Toshiyuki(11:50~12:30) Kenichiro(10:00~10:20) 1S1- 09 Special Program Lecture Prospects for Organic Redox 4S1- 04 Special Program Lecture Molecular Assembling Behavior on Chemistry(Grad. Sch. Eng., Kyoto Univ.)○YOSHIDA, Jun-ichi(11:50 Biomimetic Surface under Electrical Perturbation(Grad. Sch. Eng., The Univ. ~12:30) of Tokyo)○ITOH, Yoshimitsu(10:20~10:40) 4S1- 05 Special Program Lecture Self-organizations under various equilibrium/nonequilibrium reaction fields(Fac. Sci., Yamagata Univ.) Frontiers in Artificial Photosynthesis 2017 ○NABIKA, Hideki(10:40~11:00) Thursday, March 16, PM Chair: OGURA, Taku(11:10~12:30) (13:30~13:40) 4S1- 06 Special Program Lecture Stabilizing Water clusters in Super- 1S1- 10 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Opening re- critical CO2 by Molecular Assemblies Having Hydrocarbon Nano-domains mark(Grad. Sch. Urban Environmental Sci., TMU)○INOUE, Haruo (Grad.Sch.Sci.Tech.,HirosakiUniv.)○SAGISAKA, Masanobu; (13:30~13:40) YOSHIZAWA, Atsushi; EASTOE, Julian(11:10~11:30) 4S1- 07 Special Program Lecture Ultrafast dynamics of water at Chair: INAGAKKI, Shinji(13:40~14:05) interfaces visualized by novel interface selective nonlinear spectroscopy 1S1- 11 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Recent inves- (Molecular Spectroscopy Lab., RIKEN)○NIHONYANAGI, Satoshi tigation of light-harvesting processes in photosynthesis(Grad. Sch. Life Sci., (11:30~11:50) Ritsumeikan Univ.)○TAMIAKI, Hitoshi(13:40~14:05) 4S1- 08 Special Program Lecture Characterization of confined liquid between surfaces of various materials(IMRAM, Tohoku Univ.) Chair: YAGI, Masayuki(14:05~14:30) ○KASUYA, Motohiro(11:50~12:10) 1S1- 12 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture New develop- 4S1- 09 Special Program Lecture In situ observation of electroche- ment of water oxidation(Grad. Sch. Urban Environmental Sci., TMU) mical reactions at solid / liquid Interfaces by X-ray Techniques(AMCP, Fazalurahaman Kuttassery; Siby Mathew; Sebastian Nybin Remello; Arun NIMS)○MASUDA, Takuya(12:10~12:30) Thomas; YAMAMOTO, Daisuke; ONUKI, Satomi; NABETANI, Yu; ○ ( ~ ) TACHIBANA, Hiroshi; INOUE, Haruo 14:05 14:30 Molecular science based on single molecular Chair: MAEDA, Kazuhiko(14:30~14:55) chemistry 1S1- 13 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Highly Effi- cient Hydrogen Production by Water Splitting using Visible Light Responsive Sunday, March 19, PM Photocatalyst Materials(Fac. Sci., TUS)○KUDOH, Akihiko(14:30~ (13:30~13:35) 14:55) 4S1- 10 Special Program Lecture Introduction(ISIR, Osaka Univ.)○TANIGUCHI, Masateru(13:30~13:35) Chair: MORIKAWA, Takeshi(14:55~15:20) 1S1- 14 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Visible-light Chair: TANIGUCHI, Masateru(13:35~14:45) CO2 Photoreduction(Sch. Sci., Tokyo Tech.)○ISHITANI, Osamu(14:55 4S1- 11 Special Program Lecture Atomic revel structural control and ~ ) 15:20 catalytic application of inorganic nanoparticles(I2CNER, Kyushu Univ.) 1 The 97th Annual Meeting of CSJ ○YAMAUCHI, Miho(13:35~14:05) sum-frequency generation study on water surface explored by collaboration 4S1- 12 Special Program Lecture Simulation of functional device of experiment and theory (2)(Molecular Spectroscopy Lab., RIKEN; Grad. materials: From single molecule to topological insulating materials(CD- Sch. Sci., Tohoku Univ.)MORITA, Akihiro; ○TAHARA, Tahei(13:45~ FMat, AIST)○NAKAMURA, Hisao(14:05~14:25) 14:00) 4S1- 13 Special Program Lecture Theoretical study on the robust control of single spin on single molecular junctions(MCES, Tokyo Tech.) Chair: MIZUTANI, Yasuhisa(14:00~14:50) ○TADA, Tomofumi(14:25~14:45) 1S2- 12 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Hydrogen- bond structure of biological molecular recognition systems studied by gas- Chair: TADA, Tomofumi(14:55~16:25) phase infrared spectroscopy and anharmonic vibrational calculations (1) 4S1- 14 Special Program Lecture Creation of Single Crystalline (RIKEN, Theoretical Molecular Science Laboratory)○YAGI, Kikyoshi; Oxide Nanowires Based on Spatial Selectivity of Molecules, and thier FUJII, Masaaki(14:00~14:10) applications to Non-volatile Memory and Molecule Sensors(IMCE, 1S2- 13 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Hydrogen- Kyushu Univ.)○YANAGIDA, Takeshi(14:55~15:25) bond structure of biological molecular recognition systems studied by gas- 4S1- 15 Special Program Lecture Real-space investigation of energy phase infrared spectroscopy and anharmonic vibrational calculations (2)(IIR, transfer between two molecules by single-molecule emission/absorption Tokyo Tech.)YAGI, Kikyoshi; ○FUJII, Masaaki(14:10~14:25) spectroscopy(RIKEN SISL)○KIM, Yousoo(15:25~15:45) 1S2- 14 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Target DNA 4S1- 16 Special Program Lecture Single molecular memory(Grad. sequence search mechanism of p53 studied by single-molecule experiments Sch. Sci., Eng., Tokyo Tech.)○KIGUCHI, Manabu(15:45~16:05) and molecular dynamics simulations (1)(IMCB, The Univ. of Tokyo) 4S1- 17 Special Program Lecture Current rectification based on elec- ○KITAO, Akio; KAMAGATA, Kiyoto; TAKAHASHI, Satshi(14:25~ tric field induced deformations of molecular orbitals(Grad. Sch. Eng. Sci., 14:35) Osaka Univ.)○YAMADA, Ryo; ALBRECHT, Ken; OHTO, Tatsuhiko; 1S2- 15 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Target DNA MINODE, Keigo; KIMIHISA, Yamamoto; HIROKAZU, Tada(16:05~ sequence search mechanism of p53 studied by single-molecule experiments 16:25) and molecular dynamics simulations (2)(IMRAM, Tohoku Univ.)KITAO, Akio; ○KAMAGATA, Kiyoto; TAKAHASHI, Satshi(14:35~14:50) Chair: KITAO, Akio(14:50~15:40) Room S2 1S2- 16 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Host Cap- ability and Dynamic Behavior of Polyaromatic Supramolecular Capsules Fourth Building, Section B J24 (Dep. Chem., Sch. Sci., Kyoto Univ.)○HAYASHI, Shigehiko; YOSHIZAWA, Michito(14:50~15:00) 1S2- 17 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Host Cap- ability and Dynamic Behavior of Polyaromatic Supramolecular Capsules (2) Challenges of chemistry to create innovative (IIR, Tokyo Tech.)HAYASHI, Shigehiko; ○YOSHIZAWA, Michito analysis of cell systems (15:00~15:15) 1S2- 18# Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Experimental Thursday, March 16, AM and Theoretical Approach to (Extended Conjugated Unsaturated Hydrocar- (9:30 ~9:35 ) bon)-(Metal Cluster) Hybrid Compounds (1)(Dep. Chem., Sch. Sci., Kyoto 1S2- 01 Special Program Lecture Explanation of the aim(Grad. Univ.)○KURASHIGE, Yuki; MURAHASHI, Tetsuro(15:15~15:25) Sch. Eng., Nagoya Univ.)○KASHIDA, Hiromu; AKIYOSHI, Kazunari 1S2- 19 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Experimental (09:30~09:35)
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