II AFP Ministry or ***"*•§ Agricullurure Fisheries and Food Agricultural Land Classification Extension to Southorpe Quarry Nr Peterborough, Cambridgeshire Legend Quality Area (ha) Grade 1 1 Excellent nil Grade 2 1 Very Good nil Grade 3a 1 Good 2.6 Grade 3h Moderate 12.7 Grade 4 Poor 8.9 Grade 5 1 Very Poor nil * Agricultural land nil nol surveyed Other land 1.4 Roundarv at survey urea Total atiricuhurnl land area 24.2 Total survey area 25.6 • .Mot leseui wilbin sutvev tea SCBI« - 1:10.000 100 Ann L JL _L _L_ _L J Melm Further dciiils contiincd at MAFF (1988) Agnculturil Liad CIissifiotioB itf England and Wales Revised guidelines and criteria for gridinft ibc quality of iuriculiural land. Miff (publjcationil. Loodun SE99 7TP. The bfonnaiioD ii accurjic ai base map scale but any enlartfcnieiit would be miilcadiu^. Reproduction in whult or in part by any means ik prdhihileJ without the prior permiiisinn uf MAFF. Surveyed and drawn by ihe R«ourct Planning Team. ADAS Staturnry Unit, Huniingdun. Based on rhc 1980 Ordnince Survey i:io 000 tnap with the permission ov.' y Sutjfo',i n Wo of the (jintrollcr uf Her MafestyV Siationery Office. IJnauthoriwd Teprrvductinn infringer Crown copyright and may lead to proi^ecurion or o civil proceedings. MAFF Licence No: GD272361 Source niap<itl: TFOOSr. f)(i ^ ,'/ o Reference no: |1 /97 © Crown Copyright Reaerved 1997 Fi:^ MAFT Ministryof g"**-L Agriculturure Fisheries and Food Agricultural Land Classification Extension to Southorpe Quarry Nr Peterborough, Cambridgeshire Sample Point Map Legend Location of soil pit Location of auger sample point Boundary of survey area Agricultural land not surveyed Other land Scio - 1:10.000 100 ZOO .wo 400 600 _1_ _J_ _l_ _L _J Fuflhtfr ilcliiils t:iinliiined in M.^KK (I9BS) .\gricultural Lanti Classiricalion III Hn^land anJ Wales - Revised guidelines jnJ criteria ftir grading the quality of agricultural land. Maff Ipubllcationsl. London SH99 711*. the information is accurate at base mpp .scale hut any enlfirgemeni would be misleading. Reptnduciion in whole ot in part by anr means is prohibited arithout the prior permission of .M.AFF. Surveyed and drairn bv rhe Resource Planning Teim, ADAS Statutorv Unit, HuDtingdun. Based on the 19)10 (.)rdnance Survey 1:10 000 map srith the permission of the Conttoller of Her Majestv's Stationery Office. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil ptoceedings. MAFF Licence No: GD272361 Source mapljl: TFOOSE Reference no: II /97 O Crown Copytigbi Rcacivcd liK)6 m^^fP Ministryof Agriculture Fisheries and Food Agricultural Land Classification Extension to Southorpe Quarry Nr Peterborough, Cambridgeshire Soil Resources Map Legend Refer to separate schedule for details of soil map units Boundary of C7 survey area Agricultural land not surveyed Other land Scale - klU.tKW i» vm •ino 1 _L_ _L Further details coniaiaed in MAFF U988) Agrioiliural Land Classification uf England and W;ilcs - Revised guideliaea jnd cnlerti fur gradiDg the tjiiality of agricultural land Wifi (puhlicationjl, l.iindiin SE99 7TP. The informaiton is accurate at hue map scale hut any enlargement would be RiisleadiRtj. Reprndiiction in whole or in pan hy any menns it- prnhihtled wirhnut the prior permi^^inn nf M.AFF. Surveyed and drawn hy rhe Resource Planning Team. FRCA, Camhridge, Rased on the 1980 Ordnance Survey 1;|0 000 niap with the permi«ion nf the Controller nf Her Maiesry's Srarinnerv Office. Unauthorised reproducrion infringes Crown copyright and may lend to prowcution or civil proceedings, MAFF Licence No: OD2723AI Source map<sl: TFOOSG Reference no: |l /97 ® Crown Copyright Retcrved 1997 .
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