
July 16, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 159, Pt. 8 11493 Mr. NOLAN. Mr. Speaker, first I’d General aviation fosters a robust the Fort Myers airport, over the beautiful like to thank Representative POMPEO workforce of engineers, manufacturers, beaches and the big blue Gulf—can appre- for sponsoring this important legisla- maintenance professionals, and pilots, ciate why so many retired Air Force and airline tion. And of course, thanks to our and it is within the FAA’s power to en- pilots move to Florida and continue to take to Chairman SHUSTER and Ranking Mem- sure the success and sustainability of the skies. ber RAHALL and to both my Democratic this important industry. They can do Unfortunately, the burdens placed on small and Republican colleagues on the com- this by modernizing the regulatory re- aircraft manufacturers and owners stop them mittee for bringing this Small Aircraft quirements to improve safety, decrease from enjoying flying. When government bu- Revitalization Act to the floor of the cost, and set new standards for compli- reaucrats become more focused on their own Congress in such an expeditious and bi- ance in testing, just as H.R. 1848 re- job security than the safety of pilots, it is time partisan manner. quires. for a change. This important legislation will Mr. Speaker, by streamlining and Mr. Speaker, I’m a small business- save pilots money and time while ensuring modernizing the rules and regulations man. I can tell you this is good for safety in our skies and it deserves your sup- that govern our small aircraft indus- jobs, it’s good for the economy, and, port. try, we’ll be encouraging the invest- most importantly, it’s good for Amer- Mr. POMPEO. Mr. Speaker, I submit this ment necessary to generate thousands ica. letter of support from the International Asso- of new American jobs. Ms. TITUS. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 ciation of Machinists on H.R. 1848, the Small minute to the gentleman from Georgia b 1715 Aircraft Revitalization Act. (Mr. BARROW). INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF What this legislation does, in effect, Mr. BARROW of Georgia. I thank the MACHINISTS AND AEROSPACE WORKERS, is put together a regulatory regime gentlelady for yielding me the time. Upper Marlboro, MD, July 16, 2013. that will be specifically tailored for the Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support DEAR REPRESENTATIVE: As the largest small aircraft industry that will allow of H.R. 1848, the Small Airplane Revi- union in the general aviation industry, the the industry to develop performance talization Act of 2013. This bill im- International Association of Machinists and and outcome-based ways of achieving proves safety, lowers costs, and stimu- Aerospace Workers (IAM) strongly supports the Small Airplane Revitalization Act of important safety standards. It allows lates private sector innovation, all them to put together consensus regula- 2013, H.R. 1848. This bipartisan legislation while cutting red tape. will provide much needed support to an often tions that are developed by industry, We need to do everything we can to over looked, but important sector of the U.S. government regulators, and private keep our economy growing. For the aerospace industry. nonprofit associations, and enables the last year and a half, representatives After an extensive review of the current industry to unleash technologies of the from the Federal Aviation Administra- regulatory structure that garnered input future, creating jobs. tion and the aviation industry have from government and industry experts, the I’m so proud of Cirrus Aircraft in my worked together to make recommenda- Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Aviation Rulemaking Committee developed district in Duluth, Minnesota. They’ve tions for regulations that will keep us developed a parachute that is attached the recommendations that form the basis for safe in the sky and grow our economy H.R. 1848. Under this legislation, the FAA to the airplane and, like a skydiver, if back on the ground. This bill adopts will modernize the regulatory structure for the airplane stalls in the sky, you can those recommendations. small, certified aircraft—commonly referred pull a ripcord and parachute the plane I’m proud to stand with the bipar- to as Part 23 Aircraft by the end of 2015. down to safety. tisan group of Congressmen who have Modernizing the existing cumbersome regu- These are the kinds of technologies helped bring this bill to the floor latory structure and process will have the that have the potential to be released today, including Mr. POMPEO, Mr. beneficial effect of improving safety while stimulating much needed investment. through this legislation. What it does, LIPINSKI, Mr. ROKITA, Mr. NOLAN, and in short, is enable the designers, engi- I urge your support of this important legis- my cochair of the General Aviation lation. It will make general aviation safer neers, manufacturers, creators, and Task Force, Mr. GRAVES. This bill fol- and help grow an industry that has been a skilled workers to release all their bril- lows in the tradition of the General source of good paying American jobs. liance, creating the best, safest air- Aviation Caucus in the House to work If you have any questions, please contact plane technologies going forward into together in a bipartisan fashion. That’s Legislative Director Hasan Solomon. the future. the way things should be done around Sincerely, So I applaud the committee and my here, and this bill is proof that good R. THOMAS BUFFENBARGER, colleagues in Congress for bringing this things can happen when Republicans International President. forward in such an expeditious manner, and Democrats work together. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The and I strongly urge all my colleagues I encourage all my colleagues to sup- question is on the motion offered by to support this important piece of leg- port this legislation. the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. islation. Ms. TITUS. Mr. Speaker, I yield back PETRI) that the House suspend the Mr. PETRI. Mr. Speaker, I yield such the balance of my time. rules and pass the bill, H.R. 1848, as time as he may consume to the gen- Mr. PETRI. Mr. Speaker, in closing, I amended. tleman from the 25th District of Texas, would like to reiterate that this bill is The question was taken. Representative ROGER WILLIAMS. about good government, about creating The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, the a regulatory environment that im- opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being general aviation industry is a vital proves safety at a fraction of the cost, in the affirmative, the ayes have it. part of the economy in Texas’ 25th Dis- and ultimately about helping to revi- Mr. POMPEO. Mr. Speaker, on that I trict. Between the Dallas/Fort Worth talize an American industry. demand the yeas and nays. International Airport and Austin- I strongly urge all of my colleagues The yeas and nays were ordered. Bergstrom Airport, there are dozens of to support this bill, and I yield back The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- smaller regional airports. the balance of my time. ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- Passing H.R. 1848 is not only impor- Mr. RADEL. Mr. Speaker, thank you for the ceedings on this motion will be post- tant to those in general aviation, it is opportunity to speak on this important legisla- poned. vital. As my colleagues have men- tion that will get the FAA out of the way for f tioned, this industry includes nearly small aircraft owners and manufactures. 600,000 pilots, employs 1.3 million peo- In my home state of Florida, general avia- DOUGLAS A. MUNRO COAST ple, and contributes approximately $150 tion is a booming industry. We have 130 pub- GUARD HEADQUARTERS BUILDING billion annually to the U.S. economy. lic-use airports, nearly 52,000 pilots, and more Mr. PETRI. Mr. Speaker, I move to But because the current regulations than 25,000 general aviation aircraft. South- suspend the rules and pass the bill are overly strict and dated, our econ- west Florida, my home, is an especially pop- (H.R. 2611) to designate the head- omy and workforce is struggling. ular area for small aircraft. Anyone flying into quarters building of the Coast Guard VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:18 Dec 27, 2017 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR13\H16JY3.000 H16JY3 nshattuck on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with BOUND RECORD 11494 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 159, Pt. 8 July 16, 2013 on the campus located at 2701 Martin Munro saved hundreds of marines, and ice to his country and his unique status Luther King, Jr., Avenue Southeast in he should be honored and remembered. as the only member of the U.S. Coast the District of Columbia as the ‘‘Doug- I think it’s appropriate to ensure that Guard to win the Medal of Honor en- las A. Munro Coast Guard Head- he will always be remembered by nam- sures that it is particularly fitting to quarters Building’’, and for other pur- ing the United States Coast Guard name the new U.S. Coast Guard head- poses. headquarters in his honor. quarters the Douglas A. Munro Coast The Clerk read the title of the bill. Therefore, I support the passage of Guard Headquarters Building. The text of the bill is as follows: this legislation, and I reserve the bal- I urge my colleagues to support this H.R. 2611 ance of my time. measure, and I want to say in closing, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I thank Mr. Speaker, that we honor Signalman resentatives of the United States of America in the gentleman for his remarks.
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