University's Student Newspaper 3, Issue 21 - Friday n April, 2003 Lend Your Ears to a Good Cause • Rebecca Barnes The concert was co-sponsored by Tri-Beta, Press Staff Writer The Society of Physics Students and the Office of Alumni and Parent Relations. All proceeds from f I Iwo blue-jean clad guys. Two acoustic gui- the event went to benefit the modernization of a tars. One 'night of great music. The much- health clinic in Limbe, Haiti. A hyped Storyhill folk duo played to a full house Chris Cunningham and John Hermanson Wednesday night. An attentive crowd in Viking Hall make up Storyhill. The stylings of the duo could welcomed the acoustic partnership. Over 200 at- perhaps be described as a smooth blend of Simon tended the show, a mix of students and non-North & Garfunkle, James Taylor and John Mayer. While Parkers. the vocals themselves were soothing and harmoni- "I really enjoyed their mellow sound," said ous, the duo accented their performance with gui- Aubrey Orat, "it reminded me of a male Indigo tar and the occasional harmonica accompaniment. Girls." The popularity of the duo was apparent from Cunningham and Hermanson are both natives the attendance and the receptive recognition of their of Montana. They attended St Olaf College in Min- set. Seth Awes described the set as, "Chillin' acous- nesota where they began their musical partnership tic stories from Storyhill." over a decade ago. Following college the duo em- Storyhill performed many songs off their new barked on a three-year grass roots tour, which sub- CD, Dovetail, including "Cupid's Dance" and sequently generated a fan base. Storyhill, formerly "Angle." This engagement at North Park was just known as Chris & Johnny, has released 11 CD's one stop of their two-week tour across the Midwest since it's debut CD in 1989. Both Cunningham and to promote Dovetail. Other planned stops include Hermanson have pursued solo careers as well. More Twin Cities, Fargo ND, Duluth MN, Decorah IA, information on Storyhill can be found at: and Madison WI. www.storyhill.com. Photo courtesy Lindsey Post A week of worship North Park hosts Swedish Gospel Choir for rousing chapel, records services for first-ever worship CD • Megan Gilmore way the core and defining pas- volved in expressing their "love of the worship experience on it will be exciting to be re- Press Layout Editor sion of students on this cam- for God and their passion to campus. For about six weeks corded with her band. "We're pus," Mark Olson, Dean of En- live a life of discipleship and planning and extra rehearsals going to have a tangible repre- Have you ever recorded a pro- rollment and Director of service." have been happening in prepa- sentation of what we've been fessional CD? Church Relations, said. The CD is being pro- ration for the recording ses- working on all year," she said. Not many North Park stu- Olson has been instru- duced as a collaboration be- sions. The project will serve dents could answer that ques- two main functions - an admis- tion affirmatively, but anyone sions tool and a way for stu- who is was in Chapel on Thurs- dents to carry their worship ex- day, or who attends College perience from this year with Life on Sunday, will soon be them. Primarily, it will be used able to be a part of the "yes" as a tool for prospective stu- group. dents to get a feel for the wor- This week North Park ship experience on campus if worship services are being au- they are not able to attend a ser- dio recorded as a part of the vice while here. It will also be first-ever North Park worship distributed at CHIC (a Cov- CD. According to Rich enant youth conference) this Johnson, University Ministries summer. Worship Coordinator, this "Not every student makes project is an exciting opportu- a campus visit before making a nity to give North Parkers, and decision, and many are not here others, their weekly worship when they can attend Chapel or experience to take with them. College Life," Olson said. During Thursday's "This CD will give such stu- Chapel service the Gospel dents a feel for the worship life Choir helped to lead the con- at North Park, something that I gregation in a worship celebra- think is a critical part of the tion that was recorded for this campus community. project. On Sunday evening Photo courtesy Paul Johnson "A North Park worship both College Life bands will The Swedish Gospel Choir led the congregation in worship during Tuesday's CD will be a great gift for pro- lead students in worship, and Chapel service. This service kicked off a sort of "Worship Celebration Week" spective students, and it will the audience will also be re- which will commence on Sunday night with the last recording session for help set us apart from other corded to give the CD the "live" the first-ever NPU worship CD. schools," Olson continued. "I feel. know of only one other college "We hope that both of mental in getting this project tween the Admissions Depart- Junior Natalie Rivera, that has done anything like this. these services are celebrations off the ground, along with the ment and University Minis- one of the worship leaders in- ... [It] has the potential to help of what" we've been experienc- University Ministries team and tries. A professional team of volved with this project, is very new students prepare to enter ing all year," Johnson said. the College Life worship producers and technicians are excited about the possible im- into the life of the campus." "I believe that the under- bands. Both he and Johnson being brought in to record and pact of the experience. Though In addition to being made graduate worship life at North stress that this is an opportunity master this production, so that it has been a lot of extra plan- Park expresses in a profound for the entire campus to be in- it will be a good representation ning and work, Rivera says that See "Worship," page 5 Page 2 North Park Friday, n April 2003 OPINION tfic COHC& Seeing through a dirty windshield • Jltron ZiTik everyday essentials. Nobody, little, private jokes and preju- ready filled with hardship. The when we fail not to simply say, across the world makes light of dices about cultures we really apostle Paul says it best in Ro- "You don't like it?" "Too bad." r • Tie leaderiif the loss of innocent lives on 9- have no clue about. mans 12:19-21. So what can I do to help or to a ful nation 11-01. However, there are Terrorist acts such as 911 |l)Do not take revenge, my pursue the best possible solu- JL so much about all of the those who argue that just be- and the new dangers we now friends, but leave room for tions to all of these problems? great advances the United cause it happened to United face shouldn't merely be wake God's wrath, for it is written: To the best of my abilities, I States has made over the last States citizens on their own up calls for our national secu- "It is mine to avenge; I will re- believe that I can strive to open year in the war on terrorism and soil, that these deaths are more rity and a time for Americans pay, says the Lord. 20On the my eyes to be more aware of on how much our country has important than the millions of to feel a sense of camaraderie contrary: "If your enemy is and understand the rest of the bonded together in wake of hor- people who have died and are as we heal and rebuild what hungry, feed him; if he is world (and neighborhood) rible tragedies like 911 and this struggling to survive as a result emotional and physical scars thirsty, give him something to around me. 1 can be more vo- new challenge, war with Iraq. of some American policy we receive. It is a chance for drink. In doing this, you will cal about trying to make sure It is too bad that it takes such a aimed at a government or po- Americans to begin to under- heap burning coals on his head. that no more evil comes out of tragic loss of human life, on litical faction that often-times stand that we live in a world full 2'Do not be overcome by evil, this situation through igno- such a large scale, to catalyze affects the innocent civilians of horrifying circumstances but overcome evil with good. rance, prejudice and ven- our nation into being actively more than the intended targets. and standards that we will I know that the de- geance. Most of all, I can pray more aware of the hardships We mourn those who never have to experience. It is cisions made by our country's that God will give our leaders and terrible acts going on in the have died and grieve with those an opportunity for the United leaders are extremely difficult the wisdom that they need to rest of the world. The Ameri- who have lost loved ones, but States to take up a position of and based on more information navigate the United Sates can public is too comfortable the simple truth is that most leadership that shows compas- than I have available. I do not through perilous times and and ignorant in their own bliss- people in America, today, con- sion and understanding to the envy them the weight of keep on doing, in my small ful existence of big houses, nice tinue on in their routine lives world instead of forcing Ameri- choices that affect millions of world, what I believe is good, cars, and trendy clothes to see and not a whole lot has changed can policies and ways of doing people's lives.
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