Geophysical Abstracts October-December 1953 (Numbers 14805-15026) GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 1002-D Geophysical Abstracts 155 October-December 1953 (Numbers 14805-15026) By MARY C. RABBITT, S. T. VESSELOWSKY and OTHERS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 1002-D Abstracts of current literature pertaining to the physics of the solid earth and geophysical exploration UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON i 1954 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Douglas McKay, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY W. E. Wrather, Director For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. - Prfce 25 cents (single copy). Subscription" price, $1.00 a year; 35 1 cents additional for foreign mailing. The printing of this publication has been approved by the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, May 11,1951. CONTENTS Page General information.______________________________________________ 179 Abstractors._-______________-___________-___-___--___-___--_-_ 179 List of journals._______________________________________________ 179 Gravity..-------------------------------------------------__--- 182 General and theoretical papers, including those on isostasy________ 182 Instruments and methods of observation_________________________ 182 Methods of analysis and interpretation.._________________________ 183 Observations of gravity and gravity surveys______________________ 185 Magnetism-_____________--_-_-__---_-_----_-----____-__---_____ 187 Magnetic field of the earth____________________________________ 187 Magnetic properties of rocks and minerals___________-________-___ 189 Instruments and methods of observation.________________________ 190 Methods of analysis and interpretation.__________________________ 191 Magnetic observations and surveys._____________________________ 192 Electricity-------------------------------------_________________ 193 General and theoretical studies._________________________________ 193 Instruments and methods of observation_________________________ 194 Electrical surveys and well logging_____________________________ 197 Seismology _______________________________________________________ 197 Elastic waves.________________________________________________ 197 Instruments and methods of observation.________________________ 200 Methods of analysis of earthquake observations ___________________ 204 Methods of analysis of seismic survey data _______________________ 204 Observations of seismic waves_____-__-__-_-________________--_-_ 206 Earthquake occurrences and effects---_----------__---_-___------ 209 Seismic surveys_______-___-____--_--___--_-_-_______-_-___-___ 211 Microseisms __________________________________________________ 213 Radioactivity.____________________________________________________ 213 Instruments and methods of observation___________________._____ 213 Isotope studies and age determinations.__________________________ 215 Radioactivity of rocks, waters, air_______________________________ 219 Heat---------------------------------_-------___---_-_______ 220 General and theoretical studies-_________________________________ 220 Observed temperatures in the crust and heat flow________________ 221 Volcanology. _-----_------------_--------------_-______________ 222 Tectonophysics_ __-__-____----___-_______-___________________----__ 225 Forces in the earth and orogenesis_______________________________ 225 Elastic constants and strength of rocks____________________________ 234 Internal constitution of the earth ___________________________________ 234 General geophysical exploration_____________________________________ 237 Miscellaneous patents._____________________________________________ 238 Index._______________________________________________________ 239 m GEOPHYSICAL ABSTRACTS 155, OCTOBER-DECEMBER 1953 By MARY C. BABBITT, S. T. VESSELOWSKY, and others. GENERAL INFORMATION Geophysical Abstracts attempts to provide informative abstracts of published material on the physics of the solid earth, the application of physical methods and techniques to geologic problems, and geo­ physical exploration. Belated material of interest to individual geophysicists will also be found in other abstracting journals such as the Bibliography of Seismology, Chemical Abstracts, Meteorological Abstracts, Nuclear Science Abstracts, and Physics Abstracts. The form of the bibliographic reference is believed to be self- explanatory. A list of abbreviations of journal titles was given in Geophysical Abstracts 152, 153, and 154. Additions to that list are given below. Unless specifically indicated otherwise, the language in which the article is written is the same as that given in the title. The system of transliteration used by the United States Board on Geo­ graphic Names is employed for transliteration of Bussian names and titles. Translations of author's abstracts are indicated as "Author's Abstract" followed by the initials of the translator. Geographic names included within brackets are those recommended by the Board of Geographic Names. ABSTRACTORS Geophysical Abstracts are prepared and compiled under the direc­ tion of Mary C. Babbitt with the assistance of S. T. Vesselowsky and Dorothy B. Vitaliano. Patent information is compiled by Louis C. Pakiser, Jr. Other abstracts are prepared by the following i P. Edward Byerly, Roland G. Henderson, F. W. Stead, and Isidore Zietz. LIST OF JOURNALS The following list gives the full titles of journals referred to in this issue of the Abstracts and not included in previous lists. The spon­ soring organization and place of publication are given where they are not part of the journal title. 179 180 GEOPHYSICAL ABSTRACTS 155, OCTOBER-DECEMBER 1953 Abbreviation Publication Adv. Sci___________________ Advancement of Science. British As­ sociation for the Advancement of Science. London. Agricultura (Madrid)__________ Agricultura. Francisco Jime'nez Ctt- ende, Madrid. Am. Antiquity________________ American Antiquity. Society for American Archeology. Menasha, Wis. Am. Mineralogist______________ American Mineralogist. Mineralogical Society of America. Menasha, Wis. Ann. Rev. Nuclear Sci___________ Annual Review of Nuclear Science. Annual Reviews, Inc. in cooperation with National Research Council. Stanford, Calif. California Univ. Geol. Sci. Pubs_____ University of California. Publications in Geological Sciences. Berkeley. Ciel et Terre________________ Ciel et Terre. Societe Beige d'Astron- omie, de Me"teorologie et du Physique du Globe. Uccle, Belgium. Ciencia (Mexico)_____________ Ciencia. Mexico, D. F. Glowny Inst. Naftowego Prace_____ Glowny Instytut Naftowego Prace, Katowice, Poland. Hallische Mon_______________ Hallische Monographien. Max Nie- meyer Verlag, Halle/Saale. Inst. Royal Colonial Beige Mem____ Institut Royal Colonial Beige, Mem- oires. Brussels. Inst. tech. batiment et travaux publics Institut technique du batiment et des Annales. travaux publics, Annales. Paris. Internat. Conf. (3d) Soil Mechanics and Third International Conference on Soil Foundation Eng Proc. Mechanics and Foundation Engi­ neering Proceedings. Zurich and Lausanne. Nafta ____________________ Nafta. Instytut Naftowy (Petroleum Institute). Krakow, Poland. Naturh. Ver. Rheinlande u. Westfalens Verhandlungen des Naturhistorisches Verb. Vereins der Rheinlande und West­ falens. Bonn. Rev. Sci___________________ Revue Scientifique. Paris. Schweizer. mineralog. petrog. Mitt__ Schweizerische mineralogische tmd petrographische Mitteilungen. Ver­ lag Leeman. Zurich. Schweizer. naturf. Gesell. Verh_____ Verhandlungen der schweizerischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft. Aarau, Switzerland. Sindicato Nac. Engenheiros Ge6grafos Sindicato Nacional dos Engenheiros Pubs. GeSgrafos, Publicagoes. Coimbra, Portugal. South African Jour. Sci_________ South African Journal of Science. South African Association for the Advancement of Science. Johannes­ burg. LIST OF JOURNALS 181 Abbreviation Publication Southwestern Jour. Anthropology___ Southwestern Journal of Anthropol­ ogy. University of New Mexico. Albuquerque. Umschau __________ _ ____ Die Umschau. Frankfurt am Main. U. S. Civil Aeronautics Administration U. S. Civil Aeronautics Administra- Tech. Devel. Kept. tion, Technical Development Report. Washington, D. C. Zeitschr. Naturforschung________ Zeitschrift fiir Naturforschung. Tubingen, Germany. GRAVITT GENERAL AND THEORETICAL PAPERS INCLUDING THOSE ON ISOSTASY 14805. Castro, Honorato de. Gravitacito [Gravitation]: Petroleos Mexicanos, 2a epoca, tomo 1, no. 9, p. 672-678; no. 10, p. 760-763,1953. Hill's recent "radiant universe" theory attributes gravitational phenomena to "basic radiation" which exists in all space, whether or not it is occupied by material bodies. Castro demonstrates that the attraction of the moon by the earth is not equal to that exercised by the moon on the earth, because the moon absorbs less of the radiation than the earth. The "radiant universe" hypo­ thesis was suggested by the 17th century scientist LeSage. 8. T. V, 14806. Marussi, Antonio. Sulla divergenza del campo gravimetrico [The divergence of gravitational field]: Geofisica Pura e Appl., v. 25, p. 1-5, 1953. In some modern procedures for the study of gravity anomalies, the divergence of the surface gradient of gravity (second differential parameter of Beltrami) on a level surface is considered. Such divergence is connected with the ge­ ometrical and dynamical elements of the field by simple relations, in particular with the second derivatives of gravity along the lines of force. In the present paper the general formulae
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