1156 FAR WORCESTERSHIRE. [PO"ST OFf'lCE FARMERS continued. Powick James, Sapey court, Sapey ReynoldsS.Knighton-on-Teme,Tenhury Petforrl Thomas, Hill fields, Dodder- Pitchard, Worcester ReynoldsT.Kni~hton.on-Teme,Tenbury hill, Droitwich Powick James, Wood end, Wichenford, Reynolds Wm. Moor green, Moseley Petford WilIiam, Owl hill, Stol1rport Worcester Reynolds William, St.John's,Worcester Petty John, Darlingscott, ShiJ,ston Powick Mrs. Mary, Allsetts,Cotberidge, Rhoades Joseph, Northwood, Bewdley Phelpots S. Sapey Pitchard, Worcester Worcester Ri~e William James, Inkford, Redditcb Phelps Charles, Brpdon, Tewkesbllry Powick Samuel, Shrawley, Stourport Richards John, Hasbury, Halesowen Phelps Samuel, Birlingham, Pershore Powis Benjamin, Lindddge, Tenbury Richards Joseph, Inkberrow, Redditch PhelpsThos. WeUand,Upton-on-Severn Powles William, Ombel'8ley, Droitwich Richartls J. W. Astwood bank, Redditch Phelps WilIiam, Dirlin~ham, Pershore Pratt John, Lickhill, Stourport Richardson Thos. Inkberrow, Redditrh Phillipps John, Wickhamtord, Evesham Pratt Mrs. William, Ahberley,Stourport RichardsonW. Welland,Upton-on-Sevrn Phillips David, Morton green, Castle Pratt William, Hei~htington, Bewd/ey Ricketts MissL.Gt.Comberton,Pershore Morton, Tf'wkesbury Preece J.Coal yd. Belbrou!Zbton, Strbdge Ridg'ley Thomas, Uomsley, Ha/esowen PhillipsDavid,Wellanri,Upton-on-Sevrn Preston Geo. &,Alfd. Moor grn. Moseley Righton Daniel, Netherton, Elmley Phillips Edmund, King-ton, Wurcester Preston Richard, Cropthorne, Pershore castle, Persbore PhillipsJas.Sandlin ho. Leigh,Worcester Price Mrs. Amelia, Eastham, Tenbury Rig-bton Fredk.Hayway farm,Brnadway Pbillips James, Sutton, Tenbury PriceB.Aston,Knighton-on-Teme,Tnhry Righton S. Blockley, Moreton-in-Marsh PhillipsJohn, Ryall ct. Ripple, Worestr PriceChas.Norton-by-Bredon,Tewksbry Ri~hton Thomas, Broadway Phillips Mrs.Mary,Cakemore,Halesown Price Thomas, Cutsdean, Winrbcomb Riley John, Newbridge, Yardley Phillips Samuel, Bockelton, Tenbury Price N. Redmarley d'Abitot, Gloncester RimellJ.TheGrove,l:lt.John's,Worcester Pbillips Miss Sarah, Hampton, Evesham Price SamI. Upper HowlIell, Gt. Malvern Rimell William, Bretforton, Evesham Phillips Thoma"!, Broadwa"!, Worcester Price Thos.PUddleford,Eastham,Tenbry Rimell Wm.Brockamin,Leigh,Worcestr PhillipsT.Hp.Quinton,Bockelton,Tnbry Price Thomas, Eastbam, Tenbury Risbridge Henry, Romsley, Halesowen Phillips WilIial11, Staunton, Gloucester Price Wm.Beech la. Quinton, Birrnnghm RobertsAllred John, Manor house,Bret- Philpot Francis, Mamble, Bewdley Price WiIliam, Omber.ley, Droitwich forton, Evesham Philps Rt. Hadley, Om bersley,Droitwicb Price WiI1iam, Broom hill, Belbrough- Roberts Arthur, Overbury, Tew keshury Phipps J. Norton-by-Kempsey,Worcstr ton, Stourbridg-e Roberts Mrs.Ellther, LiJldridge,Tenbury Phipps Miss Lucy, Shalton, Great Com- Price Wm. Sallens, Bockelton, Tenbury RobertsJames,Westmancote,Tewkesbry berton, Pershore Priest Mrs. Elizabeth, Stoney bridge, Roberts John, Hazeybrook, Tenbury Phipps William, Cold harbour, Hind- Fail'field, Stollrbridg-e Roberta John, Pool house, Tenhury lip, Worcester Pritchard A.Black ho.Eastham,Tenbury Roberts J ohn,jun. Berring-ton, Tenbury Phipps William, Woodmancot, Defford Pritchard Edwin, Kempsey, Worcester RobertsThos. Teddon,Bayton, Bewdley Chapel, Per~hore Pritchard Mrs.Geo.YewTree cot.Tenbry Roberts WilIiam, Outwood, Chadtlesley Pike Mrs. Elizh. Mitton, Tewkesbury Pritchard Wm. Berring-ton g-rll.Tenbury Corbett, Kidderminster Pike John Lyford, Pirton, Worcester ProctorR.Windmill hl.StoultoJl,Worcstr Robins John, Eldersfield, Tewkesbury Pike William, Hermitage, Gloucester Proctor Mrs. Thos. Inkberrow,Rpdditch Robins Mrs. Witton, Droitwich Pinson John WiIliam, Sutton, Tenbury Prosser Benj. Offt>rton, Hindlip,Worcstr Robinson George, Summertield house, Pitcher Georg'e, Nunnery farm,Worcstr Prothero Henry, Wharton, Hartlebury, Harllebury, Kidderminster Pitcher W.G.LittleComberton,Pershore Kidderminster Robin~on Mrs. Mary, Heath, Redmarley Pitt James, Siving-ton, Acton Beau- Proudman Rt. Larford,Astley,Stourport D'Abitot, GloucelOter champ, Worcester Pugh Edward, Dormston, Worcester Robinson William, Bury court, Red- Pitt Mrs. Jane, Birts street, Birts Pugh Henry, BUllish, 8tourport marley D'Abitot, Gloucester Morton, Tewkesbury Pugh James, Crossway green, Hartle- Robinson William, Staunton,Gloucester Pitt Thomas, Ombersley, Droitwich bury, Kidderminster Roe M.Astwood, Dodderhill, Droitwich Pitt Thomas, Wolverley, Kidderminster Pugh John, Bury l!:nd town, Wichen- ROg'ers Alfred,The Birch, Shelsley Beau- Poole George, Chaseley, Tewkesbury ford, Worcester champ, Worcester Poola John, Heil!;hting-ton, Bewdley Pugh J. Dodenhill, Lindridge, Tenbur)" RogersArnld.Horsham,Martley,Worcst PootonJ.TheCollins,KyreParvll,Tenbry Pug-h J oseph, Little Bannets, Kyre RogersFredk. Rock moor,Rock,Bewdley Pope D.South end, Mathon,Gt.Malvern Parva, Tenbury Rog-ers J. BroughtonHackett,Worcester Pope Edmund, Forty green, Hanley Pugh S. Fish st.Birt's1Vforton,Tewksbry Rogers J.(trustees of),Martley,WOlCfstr Castle, Worcester Pugh WiIliam, Hanley Child, Tenbury Rogers J. Court ho. Martley, Woreester Pope Edward, CastleMorton,Tewkesbry Pllg-h William, Wicbenford, Worcester Roger5 SamI.HamptonCharles,Tenbury Pope Mrs. Elizabeth, Pendock, Twksbry Pullen Charles. Bengeworth, Evesham Rogers Thomas, Himbleton, Droitwich Pope W. Orchard house, Peopleton, Purser Jonathan, Abberton, Pershore Rog-ers William Taylor, The Wood row, Pershore PurserR.Astonl\lagJla,Moretn.-in-Mr~h CatsbiIl, Bromsgrove Pope Wm. The Hill, Berrow, Ledbury Quarrall Thomas Joseph, Brown heath, Rog-ers Wm. T. Wood row, Broms~rove PopelwellJas. CalltleMorton,Tewkesbry Martin Hussingtree, Worcester Rollason Joseph, Catshill, Bromsgrove Porter Georg-e, Knightwick, Worcester Quarrell WiIliam Chance, sen. Leigh RooksbyRd. TheStanks,Upton-on-Senn Porter Samuel, Brick hall, Knightwick, Sinton, Great Malvern RoperG.Lower house,Sllckley,Worcestr Worcester Quiney Rd.Silver st. Wythall. Reddilch RoperGeorge, SapeyPitchard,Worcester PotterJames, Frog Mill farm, Frankle~', Quinney Richard, Long Bridg'e farm, Roper John, Himbleton, Droitwich Birmingham Lickey, Bromsgrove Rose J. Ridgeway,lJodderhill,})roitwich Potter John, Goodrest, Halesowen Quinny G.Finch end,Finstall,Bromsgrve Rose Major, Illey, Halesowen PotterJ.Fairfield,Helbroughton,Strbdge Rabone Chas.Acock'sGrn. Birming-ham Ro~e Major, Warstone farm, Frankley, Potter Thomas, Darling-scott, Shipston RainbowJ.Church st.Shipston-on-Stollr Birmingham Potts J oseph, Old wood, Tenbury RandellChas.ChadburyNorton,Evesham Rosser R. Clifton,Sevem Stoke,Worcstr Pound James, Lydatbs, Tenbury RandleMrs. A. Sytchampton, Stourport Rowney Fredk. Inkberrow, Redditcb Ponnd J obn, Haresbrook, Tenhury Randle Mrs.Ann, Waresley, Hartlebury, RowneyH.Forehill,Alvechurch,Reddtch Ponnd P. Birchley, Bockelton, Tenbnry Kidderminster Roxburgh Alexander, Danemoor, WeI- Pountney T.C.Bittell,Alvechrch.Redtch RandleJames, Hartlebury,Kidderminstr land, Upton-on-Severn Powell Benjamin, Hill court, Welland, Randle J as.8en.Hartlebury,Kiddermnstr Royston Danl. FarForest,Rock,Bewdley Upton-on-Severn Randle Joseph, Yielding' tree. Chaddts- Rudge Charles, Web heath, Redditclt PoweIl David, South end, Mathon, ley Corbett, Kidderminster Rudge Edwd. Holly bed, Castle MonoD Great Mnlvern Handle Thos. Sytchnmpton, Stourport RudgeR. Bentley Pauneefoot,Broms!O'ov PowellE.Chimney pk.Eastham,Tenbury Rann J .OldConntry,Mathon,Gt.Malvrn Rudge Thomas, Frankley, Birmin!!halll Powell Edward, Long-don, Te'."kesbury Rayer Albert, Bush)e~", Tewkesbury Rudge WiIliam, Web heath, Redditeh Powell George, H artlebury,Klddrmnstr RayerThos.&Alht.Longdon,Tewkesbury RUdge W.BentleyPallneefoot,Bromsgro Powell James, Cwm's wood, Edvin Rayer John, Long-don, Tewkesbury Rumney Thomas, Astley, Stourport Loach, Bromyard Rayer Thomas, Moor court, Pendock RusseIlF.Alderminster,Stratfrd.-on-Avn Powell Jo~Wl, Wick, Worcester ReaBenjamin,SapeyPitchard,Worcester Russell Jallles, Newland grange, Ne"- Powell J.H.Upper ct.Lulsley,Worcester Rea Edward (exors. of), Rock,Bewdley land, Great Malvern Powell Nicholal', Aston Mag-na, Block- Reachill G.Fox hill,Alvechurch,Reddtch RussellReuben,Doll pool,Pershoreroad, ley, Moreton-in-the-Marsh Read John, Deff'ord Chapel, Pershore Northfield, Birming-ham Powell Richard, Lang-Iey, Birmingham ReadW.Libbery,GraftonFlyfrd.Worestr Ru~son J .Low.Berrow,Callow hl.Rditch Powell WiIliam, Cobley hill, Bentley Reader Jas. Portway, Beoley, Redtlitch RU8son Joseph, Warwick Hall farlll, Pauncefoot, Brom~g-rove Reading Thomas,Alvechurch,Redditch Finstall, Bromsgrove Power William, Rochford, Tenbury Reynolds & Alien, Cleave house, Pen- RutterD.Nargrove'send,Bayton,Bwdly Powers Benjamin, Beoley, Redditch dock, Tewkf'sbury Sadler Richard, Barisey, Evesham Powers John, Alcester Lane end, King's Reynolds J olileph Crescens, Paxford, Salmon John, Armscott, Sbipston Heath, Birmingham Blockley, Moreton-in-MarsB SandersB.Commoo,Kempsey,Worcester.
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