The following information from the Registry of the International Uourt of Justice bs csmwicated to the Press: Further tci communiqué No, 64/2 of 3. February 1964, the hour fixed for the opening on Il Masch of the public hearings in the case concerning the Baroelona Tracfion,Light and Power Company Limited (NEW Applicstion: 1962) (~elgium1. spain) (~reliminary0bjec tiom) ia 10.30 a.m. At the beginning of the heaing, ,the Court will install four new Hembers who were elected by the General Assenbly and Seourity Gouncil of the United Nations in October 1963. The Judges concerned are Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, Mr. Luis Padilla Merva, M, Isaac Forster and M. Andr6 Gros. A biogralhical note concerning theae Sudges iei appended to the present communiqué. The Judges ail1 dethe solsu declmation provided for in Articles 20 of the Ststute and 5 of the Rulea of Court. Before heasing oral argument in the case ~oncerningthe Bwcelona Sraction,,Light arid Power Company Limited (~reliminary0b jeotions) the Court will procéed to the installation of M. Enrique C. Armand-Ugon, former President of the Bigh Court of Jus the of bTruguay, and M. Wa1ter.J. Ganehof van der Meersch, Avocat ggnéral tu the Belgim Court of Cassation, Professor at Brussels University, who, in accordance with Article 31 of the S tatute of the Court, have been deslgnated by the Governments of Spain and Belgim sespectlvely to ait a8 judges hoc 'in this case. Biographies of' theae judges are also a?penaed hereto. fhe Parties before the Court will be repreaented as follows: M. Juan M. Castro-Rial, Legal Adviser to the Nidstry of Foreign Affairs ; Advocates and Na-RobertoAga, Professor of International Law Comme1 t af the University cf Rome; M. Paul ~u~~enheirn,Professor of International Law at the University of Geneva;' M. Antohia Malintoppi, Professor of International Law at ,the Univesalty of Caaerino; . M. Paul Reuter, Professor of International Law at the Univemi ty of - Paris y . , Sir Kumphrey Waldock, C.M.G., O.B.E., Q.G., Ghichele Frofessor of,Public International Law, Wversity of Oxford; M. Maarten Boa, Professor of International LarJ at the University of Utrecht; hT, Jorge Carreras, Professor of Procedural Law at the University of famplona; M. Eduardo G, de Enterria, Maftre des requQtes, Conseil. d.kE_+& M. Federico de Cas'tro y Bravo, Legal Adviser, Mini~tryof Foreign Affairs; M. Antonio de Euna ~arega.,. BI. Antonio de Lwia Garcia, Legal Adviser, Minis txy of ~o~ei~nAf f airs ; M. Jose Maria Triaa de Bes , ~e~al'Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Secretflry: M. Maziano Baselga y Nantecbn, First Seoretary a* .the Spanish Ernbassy at The Hague. Agent: MI Yves Devadder, Segal Adviser ta the Minisby of Foreign Affalrs and, Exterml Trsdeg ' Counseli ' hhe Suzanne Baatid, Prof essor at the Paris Faculty of Law and Economics; M* Henri Bolin, Professor emeritus at the Iiaw Faculty of the Free University of Brussels ând Honoracy Professor at the Strasbourg Law Paculty, Advocate at the Brussels Court of Apped ; NI* Georgea Sauser-Hall, Profeasor emesitus of the Univeraities of Geneva and Neuchhtel; M. Jean Van Rp, Professor at the Law Faculty of the Free University of Brussels and Advocate at the Belgian Court of Cassation5 .- . M. Angela Piero Sereni, Profeasor a£ the Bologna Paculty of Law, Member of the Italiw Bar and the PJew York State and Eederal Bara; Sir John Foster, Q.G., Manber of the English . Bar$ Nr. Eli La~tergacht~Member of the Ehgliah Bar and Lecturer at Cambridge Univesaity; m- Assistant Coumel' M* ~fchelWaelbroeck, Lecturer at the Free and Secsetmg: , Unlverslty of Brussela; Expert-Goumel M. Leonards Prieto ~as'tro,Dean emeritus and in Spanish lawt Profeaaor at the Madrid Law Faculty; BI. José Giron Tena, Professor at the Valladolid Lam Fao ul ty . The Hague, 10 Nasch 1964~ SIR MWrll!,illD ZaFRULU lMAN Born February 6th9 1833. Bachelor of Arts onou ours) Punjab University ( 1911) , Bachela~of Lags (~irst Class ~onaurs)University of London (19143, Doctor..of Law3 (honoris causa) Cambridge (1937)~ Barrls-ker-at-Law, LincoJnis Inn, London (1914) . Practlsed as Advocate of Lahore, High Court (Tndia, now ~akistan) , 1914-1935. Member of Punjab Legislative Assembly, 1927-1935. Delegate to Round Table Conferences on Indian Ref orms , London, 1930, 1931 and 1932. Ministes of Education, Health and Lands, India, 1932. Delegate to ' Joint Select Cornittee of.both Houses of Parliament on Indian Cons titutional Bef orme , London, 1933 , Mini s ter OF Railv~yeand Commerce, India, 1935-1938. Kinister of Commerce, Industries and Labour, India, 1938-1939. Minis ter of Law and War Supply , India, 1939-1941. Leader of Indian Delegation to Assembly of League of Nations, December 1939. Jüdge, Supreme Court of India, 1941-1947. India's Minister to China (chmgking) on deputation £rom Supreme Court, 1942. Constitutional Adviser to Hie Bighness the Ruler of Bhopaf , June 1947-Deaember 1947.. Minister O£ Foreign A£ fairs, December 1947-0c5ober 1954. ~udgeof the Intesn~tionalCourt of Justice 1954-1961 to fil1 the wlexpired term of the late Sir Benegal Rau; Vioe-President of the Court9 1958-1961. Permanent Representative' of Pakis tan to. the United Nations, August 1961- February 1964. President of. the General Assembly of the United Nations, 17th Session, 1962-1963. m. LUIS PADILLIiNERVO ". Born in Zamora, Michoach, Mexico, in 1898. Educa tion: Graduated from the Faculty of Law in the National University of Mexico and from George Washington University School of Law, Washington, D.C.; attended the Faculty of Law and Social Science in the University of Buenos Aires, Argentins, and the School of Economics and Political Science in London; Docteur R.C., Université de Toulouse, France, Career: Served se Secretary of Embassy or Charge diAffnires i'n Buends Aires, Washington, D.C., London and Madrid; appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in 1933 and in that capacity has represented his country in the United States, El Salvdor, Costa Rica, Panama, Uruguay and Paraguay, the Netherlands, Denrnark and Cuba; promoted to the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentlary in 1945, and assigne& to London as Repreaentative of Mexico in the Executive Cornittee of the PrepasatOry Commission of the United Nations; Permanent Representative of Nexico to the United Nations from 1946 to 3952; in .the Mexlcm Goverment has hela the Office of Under-Secsetary of Education and Fine Arts, of Assistant Secretary of Labour and Social Prevision, and Secretasy for Foreign Affairs, from 1952 to 1958; in international conferences has held the following commissions: Mexican delegate to the International Labour Conference, Geneva, 1978, to the League of Nations .... Nations Aasembly, Geneva, 1938, and tu the United Nations Conferenoe on Food and Agriculture, Hot Springs, Virginia, 1943; Technical Adviser to the X'iexican delegation in the Inter-American Conference to deal wlth war and Peace Problems, Chap6ltepec, Mexico City, 3.945; Adviser to the Nexican delegation in the Conference for the Organization of the United Nations, San Francisco, April 1945; , Chief Representative of Mexico in the Preparatory Carniesion of the United Nations, London, August 1945; Delegate ta the first part of the first aession of the General Aasembly, London, 1945% Delegate ta the Assembly of UNESCO, London; Repre~entativeof Mexioo in the Executive Comniittee of the Preparatory Commission of UESESGO, Landon; Chief delegate to the last General Bssembly of the League of Natione, Genevap 1946; Representative of Mexico in the Security Corncil of the United Mations, London - New York, 1946; Representative of Mexico in the Atomic Energy Commission to the United Nations, New York,1946; Delegate and Deputy Chairman of the Mexican delegation to the second part of the first session of ths'General Assembly, New Yorkj Chairman of the,Mexican delegation to the first special session of the General Aesembly, April-May 1947; Chairman of the Mexican delegation to the second session of the General Assembly, September- Navember, 1947; Chairman of the Mexican delegation to Ghe aeoond special session of the General Assembly, April-May 1948; First President of the Interim Gomittee (~ittle~asembly) to the United Nations, 1948; Chairman of the Mexican delegation to the third aeselon of the General Assembly (f irst .part), September-Decembes l940; Chairrnan of the Mexican delegation to the thlrd session of the General Asserably (second part), April-May 1949; Bepre~en-bativeof Mexico in the Trusteesbip Comcil, 1947-1949; Yice-President of the Trus tees'nlp Council, 1949; . Chairman of the Mexican delegation to the fourth sesslon of the General Assembly, New York 1949; Chairman of the Mexican delegation te the tenth sessian of the Economic and Social Coucil; Chairman of the Mexican delegation tu the fifth session of the General Assambly, New York, 1950; Member af the Cornmittee of Good Office8 appointed under General Assernblg resolution 498 (v), 1951; Chairmch of the Mexican delegaiion to the sixth eession of the General Assembly, Paris, 1951; President of the sixth seasion of the General Assembly, Paris, 1951; ~hairm& of the Mexican delegation to the seventh session of the General hssembly, New York, 1952: CbaLrman of the Mexkcau delegnfion to the eighth seasion of the General Assembly, New York, 1953; Chairman of the Mexfcan delegation to the Tenth Inter-American Conference, Caracas, 1954; Chairman of the Mexican delegation to the ninth sesaion of the General Assembly, New York, 1954; Chairman of the Mexicsan delegation to the Commemosatian
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