Supersymmetric Particle Searches

Supersymmetric Particle Searches

Citation: M. Tanabashi et al. (Particle Data Group), Phys. Rev. D 98, 030001 (2018) and 2019 update Supersymmetric Particle Searches m m The exclusion of particle masses within a mass range ( 1, 2) m −m will be denoted with the notation “none 1 2” in the VALUE column of the following Listings. The latest unpublished results are described in the “Supersymmetry: Experiment” review. See the related review(s): Supersymmetry, Part I (Theory) Supersymmetry, Part II (Experiment) CONTENTS: χ0 (Lightest Neutralino) mass limit e1 Accelerator limits for stable χ0 − e1 Bounds on χ0 from dark matter searches − e1 χ0-p elastic cross section − 1 eSpin-dependent interactions Spin-independent interactions Other bounds on χ0 from astrophysics and cosmology − e1 Unstable χ0 (Lightest Neutralino) mass limit − e1 χ0, χ0, χ0 (Neutralinos) mass limits e2 e3 e4 χ±, χ± (Charginos) mass limits e1 e2 Long-lived χ± (Chargino) mass limit ν (Sneutrino)e mass limit Chargede sleptons R-parity conserving e (Selectron) mass limit − R-partiy violating e e(Selectron) mass limit − R-parity conservinge µ (Smuon) mass limit − R-parity violating µ e(Smuon) mass limit − R-parity conservinge τ (Stau) mass limit − R-parity violating τ e(Stau) mass limit − Long-lived ℓ (Slepton)e mass limit − e q (Squark) mass limit e R-parity conserving q (Squark) mass limit − R-parity violating q e(Squark) mass limit − Long-lived q (Squark) masse limit b (Sbottom)e mass limit e R-parity conserving b (Sbottom) mass limit − e R-parity violating b (Sbottom) mass limit − e t (Stop) mass limit e R-parity conserving t (Stop) mass limit − R-parity violating t (Stop)e mass limit − Heavy g (Gluino) mass limite R-paritye conserving heavy g (Gluino) mass limit − R-parity violating heavy g e(Gluino) mass limit − Long-lived g (Gluino) mass limite Light G (Gravitino)e mass limits from collider experiments e Supersymmetry miscellaneous results HTTP://PDG.LBL.GOV Page 1 Created: 8/2/2019 16:43 Citation: M. Tanabashi et al. (Particle Data Group), Phys. Rev. D 98, 030001 (2018) and 2019 update Most of the results shown below, unless stated otherwise, are based on the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), as described in the Note on Supersymmetry. Unless otherwise indicated, this includes the assumption of common gaugino and scalar masses at the scale of Grand Unification (GUT), and use of the resulting relations in the spectrum and decay branching ratios. Unless otherwise indicated, it is also assumed that R-parity (R) is conserved and that: 0 1) The χ1 is the lighest supersymmetric particle (LSP) e 2) m = m , where fL,R refer to the scalar partners of left- fL fR e ande right-handede fermions. Limits involving different assumptions are identified in the Comments or in the Footnotes. We summarize here the nota- tions used in this Chapter to characterize some of the most common deviations from the MSSM (for further details, see the Note on Supersymmetry). Theories with R-parity violation (R6 ) are characterized c ′ c by a superpotential of the form: λijkLiLjek + λijkLiQjdk + ′′ c c c λ ijkui djdk, where i, j, k are generation indices. The presence of any of these couplings is often identified in the following by the symbols LLE, LQD, and UDD. Mass limits in the presence of R6 will often refer to “direct” and “indirect” decays. Direct refers to R6 decays of the particle in consideration. Indi- rect refers to cases where R6 appears in the decays of the LSP. 0 The LSP need not be the χ1. In several models, moste notably in theories with so-called Gauge Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking (GMSB), the grav- itino (G) is the LSP. It is usually much lighter than any other e massive particle in the spectrum, and mG is then neglected in all decay processes involving gravitinos.e In these scenarios, particles other than the neutralino are sometimes considered as the next-to-lighest supersymmetric particle (NLSP), and are HTTP://PDG.LBL.GOV Page 2 Created: 8/2/2019 16:43 Citation: M. Tanabashi et al. (Particle Data Group), Phys. Rev. D 98, 030001 (2018) and 2019 update assumed to decay to their even-R partner plus G. If the lifetime e is short enough for the decay to take place within the detector, G is assumed to be undetected and to give rise to missing e energy (E6 ) or missing transverse energy (E6 T ) signatures. When needed, specific assumptions on the eigenstate con- tent of χ0 and χ± states are indicated, using the notation γ e e e (photino), H (higgsino), W (wino), and Z (zino) to signal that e f e the limit of pure states was used. The terms gaugino is also used, to generically indicate wino-like charginos and zino-like neutralinos. In the listings we have made use of the following abbre- viations for simplified models employed by the experimental collaborations in supersymmetry searches published in the past year. Simplified Models Table 0 Tglu1A: gluino pair production withg ˜ → qq¯χ˜1. 0 Tglu1B: gluino pair production withg ˜ → qq′χ˜1±,χ ˜1± → W ±χ˜1. Tglu1C: gluino pair production with a 2/3 probability of having a 0 g˜ → qq′χ˜1±,χ ˜1± → W ±χ˜1 decay and a 1/3 probability of 0 0 0 having ag ˜ → qqχ˜2,χ ˜2 → Z±χ˜1 decay. ¯ Tglu1D: gluino pair production with one gluino decaying to qq′χ˜1± with ˜ 0 χ˜1± → W ± + G, and the other gluino decaying to qq¯χ˜1 with 0 ˜ χ˜1 → γ + G. 0 Tglu1E: gluino pair production withg ˜ → qq′χ˜1±,χ ˜1± → W ±χ˜2 and 0 0 χ˜ → Z±χ˜ where m ± = (m˜g + m 0)/2, m 0 = (m ± + 2 1 χ˜1 χ˜1 χ˜2 χ˜1 m 0 )/2. χ˜1 0 Tglu1F: gluino pair production withg ˜ → qq′χ˜1± org ˜ → qqχ˜2 with equal branching ratios, whereχ ˜1± decays through an intermediate 0 0 scalar tau lepton or sneutrino to τνχ˜1 and whereχ ˜2 decays through an intermediate scalar tau lepton or sneutrino to + 0 0 τ τ −χ˜ or νν¯χ˜ ; the mass hierarchy is such that m ± ∼ 1 1 χ1 m 0 =(m˜g + m 0 )/2 and mτ,˜ ν˜ =(m ± + m 0)/2. χ˜2 χ1 χ˜1 χ˜1 0 0 Tglu1G: gluino pair production withg ˜ → qq¯χ˜2, andχ ˜2 decaying + 0 through an intermediate slepton or sneutrino to ℓ ℓ−χ˜1 or νν¯χ˜0 where m 0 =(m + m 0 )/2 and m =(m 0 + m 0 )/2. 1 χ˜2 ˜g χ˜1 ˜ℓ,ν˜ χ˜2 χ˜1 0 0 0 0( ) Tglu1H: gluino pair production withg ˜ → qq¯χ˜2, andχ ˜2 → χ˜1Z ∗ . HTTP://PDG.LBL.GOV Page 3 Created: 8/2/2019 16:43 Citation: M. Tanabashi et al. (Particle Data Group), Phys. Rev. D 98, 030001 (2018) and 2019 update 0 0 0 Tglu1I: gluino pair production withg ˜ → qq¯χ˜2, andχ ˜2 → χ˜1H. 0 0 Tglu1J: gluino pair production withg ˜ → qq¯χ˜2, and BR(˜χ2 → 0 0( ) 0 0 χ˜1Z ∗ ) = BR(˜χ2 → χ˜1H)=0.5. ¯ 0 Tglu2A: gluino pair production withg ˜ → bbχ˜1. ¯ 0 Tglu3A: gluino pair production withg ˜ → ttχ˜1. Tglu3B: gluino pair production withg ˜ → t¯t˜ where t˜ decays exclusively 0 to tχ˜1. Tglu3C: gluino pair production withg ˜ → t¯t˜ where t˜ decays exclusively 0 to cχ˜1. ¯ 0 Tglu3D: gluino pair production withg ˜ → tbχ˜1± withχ ˜1± → W ±χ˜1. Tglu3E: gluino pair production where the gluino decays 25% of the ¯ 0 ¯ 0 time throughg ˜ → ttχ˜1, 25% of the time throughg ˜ → bbχ˜1 ¯ 0 and 50% of the time throughg ˜ → tbχ˜1± withχ ˜1± → W ±χ˜1 ¯ Tglu4A: gluino pair production with one gluino decaying to qq′χ˜1± with ˜ 0 χ˜1± → W ± + G, and the other gluino decaying to qq¯χ˜1 with 0 ˜ χ˜1 → γ + G. 0 Tglu4B: gluino pair production with gluinos decaying to qq¯χ˜1 and 0 ˜ χ˜1 → γ + G. 0 Tglu4C: gluino pair production with gluinos decaying tog ˜ → qq¯χ˜1 and 0 ˜ χ˜1 → Z + G. Tglu1RPV: gluino pair production with gluinos decaying tog ˜ → qiqjqk via λijk′′ . 0 Tglu2RPV: gluino pair production with gluinos decaying tog ˜ → qq¯χ˜1, 0 + withχ ˜1 → [ℓ ℓ′−ν(λijk); ℓ±qq′/νqq′(λijk′ ); qq′q′′(λijk′′ )]. ———————— 0 Tsqk1: squark pair production withq ˜ → qχ˜1. 0 0 0 Tsqk2: squark pair production withq ˜ → qχ˜2 andχ ˜2 → Z +χ ˜1. 0 Tsqk3: squark pair production withq ˜ → q′χ˜1±,χ ˜1± → W ±χ˜1 (like Tglu1B but for squarks) 0 Tsqk4: squark pair production with squarks decaying to qχ˜1 and 0 ˜ χ˜1 → γ + G. Tsqk4A: squark pair production with one squark decaying to qχ˜1± with ˜ 0 χ˜1± → W ± + G, and the other squark decaying to qχ˜1 with 0 ˜ χ˜1 → γ + G. 0 Tsqk4B: squark pair production with squarks decaying to qχ˜1 and 0 ˜ χ˜1 → γ + G. ———————— ˜ 0 Tstop1: stop pair production with t → tχ˜1. ˜ 0 Tstop2: stop pair production with t → bχ˜1± withχ ˜1± → W ±χ˜1. ˜ 0 Tstop3: stop pair production with the four-body decay t → bff ′χ˜1 where f represents a lepton or a quark. ˜ 0 Tstop4: stop pair production with t → cχ˜1. Tstop5: stop pair production with t˜→ bν¯τ˜ withτ ˜ → τG˜. HTTP://PDG.LBL.GOV Page 4 Created: 8/2/2019 16:43 Citation: M. Tanabashi et al. (Particle Data Group), Phys. Rev. D 98, 030001 (2018) and 2019 update ˜ 0 0 0 Tstop6: stop pair production with t → t +χ ˜2, whereχ ˜2 → Z +χ ˜1 or 0 H +χ ˜1 each with Br=50%.

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