THE PLYMOUTH MAIL VOL. 46, No. 15 PLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1932 $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE A- the result of a fall early , place, many of tin- nearby communities also being covered. Then an onlv three days left yesterday morning when be slipped Tin- Mail urges tla» careful sho|i|H*vs who an- fdreixl to watch the ti. buy 1932 license plates, today, First National Officials Grati­ on a rug in bis home on Penniman Publishers Take Steps To dollars these days, read every ail in the juijier. Theft- i««sometliing for Will Discuss Matters Of j ininoirow. Saturday Eebmaiy 27th. Question of Becoming City fied Over Progress Being avenue, (leorge Lee. Plymouth's every one. cbuhii'g lor the father, the son. the mother, tin- daughter ami next Monday. February 29th. oldest native bom citizen, is in Assist Michigan Land needed household articles, needed supplies, offered at tremendously Interest To Every Up For Discussion On Made Tin* Plymouth Brunch of the De­ Highland Park hospital win-re lie Owners reduced prices. Ex-Service Man partment ot' Stan* located in the Mardv&j is receiving treatment for a frac­ Read every ad. it will au-an dollars saved to you. Following is the t'liatuber of Commen-e office in —r— X- official.-- of ihe First National tured hip l»oue. Latest ri*|niit< frotii At a n(eeting of the executive I list of Plymouth merchants who will on Friday and Saturday of this A meeting at which all military I the Mayflowet Hotel Building is Village officials have called bank are highly elated over the the hospital srate that lie Is rest­ eommltJee- of the Michigan Press week, make special dollar day offers to the fast growing Plymouth 1 and naval veterans are Invited to open every day but Sunday from another mass meeting of taxiw.vers success of the plan that became ing easily but it will la- several Association hold in Lansing last .shopping family: attend will be held Monday eve­ I eight A. M. until five-thirty P. M.. and voters of the community to lw effective two weeks ago providing : liefore the extent of his injury Friday, the newspaper publishers Rtxl & White Stores. Grant Stiaipsop, imrlier; Eckles Coal & Supply: ning. February 29tli, at Jewell aud but to hell* out during the last held on Tuesday evening. March for additional security for its i will be definitely known. of the state decided to inaugurate Buyers Haunted Shack: Willoughby Bros.; Draper Jewelry: Paul Blaich Hall at 8:00 p. m. S for the purjwsc of discussing depositors and assuring safety for 1 minute rush. Mr. Moore, manager Mr. lav Will be Sil years <>1<I next an energetic campaign in ltehalf of Hayward: Dodge Drug Store: Harold Jolliffe: Community Drug I Coffee ami doughnuts for all will of ilie local branch, announces that again the advisability of Plymouth the future. June. lb- was ix>rn in Plymouth and Michigan property owners for re- Store: Blutik Bros.; Woodworth’s: Simons; Goldstein Department , 1m* served and several speakers adopting city form of government. “We have opened up many new the office will remain ojien until enjoys the distinction of lieing the ducts] taxation and greater econ­ store: Kroger's; Plymouth Purity Market: Michigan Federal Utili­ i will explain the principles and ob­ sevcu p. in. tomorrow, Saturday. For this meeting. Village Presi accounts, both savings and com- j oldest resident of the community omy in the ojK-ratitm of public af- ties: Plymouth Motor Sales: L. L. Ball. Photgrapher: Blake Fisher, jects of the uew organization nrcrcial and we ttelieve now that I February 27tli. Mr. Moore asks dent Roliert Mimmack aud other vbo born here. He luus been j fairs. The association has invited-, shoe Repair: Esther Style Sltoppe which is being formed with the in- that everyone intending to purchase village officials have invited tin* onr bank is in snch a condition a mcmlter of the Plymouth Rock The lx*ague of Michigan Home I tention of keeping informed on /that its future growth and expan- liivnse plates keep the following mayors of Farmington. South Lyon. Masonic lodge for 64 years and al­ Dailies and the metropolitan {taper.- IMilitical and tdyic mutters. suggestion in mind when applying Howell and Saline, to be presem Cxuon is assured. Not only have the ways has lieen inferestixi in Ils af­ in the stfitn to take'part in the Existing veterau’s organizations now accounts opened been many for plates. Get your plates now! and tell what the experiences have fairs discussion; and see if some work- o|H*i"ating under rules prohibiting liecn in those communities which in number, but they are substan­ His health, which has always abb* plant cannot he devised to F RE DFSIROYS ™ ; ixilitical discussions lntve for some have within the past few year** tial in size as well," said .1. B. produce worthwhile results. I lime Iwen compelled to take cog- Hulierr. president of the bank been good, will lie an important Ex'Service Men Seek adopted the city form of govern factor, doctors state, in bringing Gt*orge Averill, well known Bir­ 1 nizance of a growing interest <»u. un-itl. Not. only the mayors of these yesterday. mingham publisher, has been named about an early recovery. His large M.W.WKR HARRY LUSH FINDS j the par, of uiauj- in such mutters Employment-Have yoa four cities 1m* present, but the city The plan of the First National chairman I of this important tax­ wobig i while at the same time having no circle of friends hope to « him K rr NECESSARY TO TAKE clerks will also attend tin* meet worked out for the benefit of Its ation commit tec with Vern Brown, about liefore many weeks. THIS ACTION right io allow such ■'lisciissiotis. Something To Offer? lug. depositors has caused considerable ptrhllshor of the Ingham County Farmer Living On Eight The I'uitcd Veterans organization favorable comment among finan­ News, Fruuk Brown, publisher of is foriniil io step iu/o this breach It the purp,,sc "1 I'K‘ '"illagi- Road Suffers Seven user Harry Ixish of the Pen Have you got a job tlial yon S-an official' ro throw rile next meet cial Detroit paji«r To fall tin* Bellevue Gazette and Thomas uiman-Allen theatre has announce! .uni at tin* same time fraiiklj- lay commenting favorably upon Ci.nliu of Crystal Falls, as mem­ Loss Monday fll its cards on tin* table s« the give to a worthy ex-service man - ing. which will be held in the high that tin* Northville theatre will fc a bit. of repair work—something ,sch(Kil auditorium, open to a gen action taken. Plymouth is safe!) Its A bers. Tin* two Browns are memla-r* tin- pr. sent In* closed. This adim world may kaow it’s alms. over the top, an«l on the way to a >f the state legislature and during The principal s|>enker of tl>* eve­ yon newl to have done but have eral discussion of the question ju-i by the tnanagemen neglected doing? was done at the last meeting. prosperous future A very delightful afternoon is Hu- Lis, were .n-tltn In sop , ........ lay wb cmnjrt-tely dewroyml ning will tu- a .veteran of the IK.n i.f nil hndnlntlnn that meant, i»" Mb tan. on tin- Fred Kmer in llh. ,hratr, Archangel campaign ami now Vom- Ii so. get in touch with any e.x- It is their desire that every one living planned for the next meet­ thoroughly familiar with Colonial Tea Will ing of the Woman's club for March I I.,W,.,-lower intniinn.taxation. 1, Meatallocated on Un-the RislitEight MiloMill XwtbviNorthville„,. rnnnini a ,„ss ,„r mandei* of polar Bear Post. Vet­ servicc man you hapjieu to know- 4 nt 2:15. celebrating the 39th an-| ■ill d and northwest of the Wil­ sonx- time, Mr. Lush states that it erans ,.f Foreign Wars, co-mradc of drop letter m the Plymouth i*slion so that when they niversjiry of the dub. The noon i taken steps to weld into one forc<* liam 11. Mayfmry Sanitorlum. As is Impossible to maintain a high Roland V:n»dcnbnrg. Mail and this pai»er will lie pleased o vote on March 14. they Be Givenon Sunday Inndieon has been changed to a i all tlie publication organizations in no .me was living on the farm at class picture entertainment in Ail veterans ar- invit. d ;»• .it: md io turn ii over to the proper offi­ will lx*‘ fully advised as to just Michigan and doubtless by the time present, the origin of the flames Northville under present conditions this meeiing and to intone them- cial the -!e| ilny are taking. social hour with refreshments. A is a mystery. Afternoon At Hotel f'tn* program is being planned and the s|M*citil session of the legis­ ami lie regrets that he has found solves as t.. tin working- this The effo. tin The Plymouth Mail wishes agai ' lembc in. pr lature is called, tliis special news­ People who discovered ir. devlnr it mx-cssjivy to temiHwarlly close iirganir-iiioai. s in keeping with to state that it will lie pleased to The Business and Professional paper taxation committee will have, ed that the fife broke out in both the Northville theatre. lioilal c.'impaign is bein, t con- publish without a cent of dXDeu-si* Women's Club will entertain at.
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