~----- -- Free to Employees aod Stockholders Price to Others Sc pe r copy. 50c per year JJD.Acc¾Il@llil ~ 'J;fe New 234 ''.;i(ac.i/ne Il • _ afJnunder Bay D/v,:n'oll, Ne-w No.1 .ha.chine I ~ f - :-:============================·= Attend the Second Annual Pageant and Homecoming Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. September 1, 2 : I"The GARDEN of MEMORY" I Given Under a Big Waterproof Tent Gorgeous Costumes Spectacular Lighting Beautiful Music Marvelous Settings A Pageant of Colonial Days with cast of local talent. The scenario of this presentation was written express­ ly for the occasion by Prof. H. P. Boody of Ripon Col­ lege. A brilliant bit of Pageantry with lighting effects that beggar description. An extraordinary entertain1nent. 50 Piece Orchestra Colonial Dances Plantation Darkies Talented Artists Cast of 500 LINCOLN AT.HLETIC FIELD General Admission 50c 8 O'clock P. 1VI. Sharp :-::====================-'==-_.;.....-==-----:: Free to· Employees and Stockholders Price to Others Sc per copy. SOc per year Published in the interest of those connected with Consolidated Water Power & Paper Co. and its subsidiaries: Thunder Bay Paper Co., Newaygo Co., Ltd. and Newaygo Tug Line. Developments and Improvements In Paper 9¥Ca~ing Machinery By C. 1'. R amsden, Sales E!lgi!leer, Beloit 1 1'011 Works The building of Paper Making Ma- chine carries a symbol number. Every ern manufacturing policies. "Beloit" chinery, we believe, is fully as com- assembly of small parts has a com- is fortunate in having Mr. Aldrich for plicated as the manufacture of paper. plete drawing giving every dimension a leader, as, through his intimate Naturally, those engaged in building and detail. For every pattern there knowledge of mill problems, his ori­ often think it is more so, as the ma- is a pattern drawing, and these draw- ginality and ability in devising and de­ chine builder not only has to know a ings are symboled. The machine shop signing new methods, Beloit machines great deal about the process of mak- abounds in jigs and t emplates where- have been placed in the lead, both ing paper, but also must have a con- by it is possible to duplicate parts from the standpoint of speed as well siderable amount of engineering abil- with amazing accuracy when one stops as economical production. ity to adapt the individual ideas and to consider the large number of parts In a future issue we will attempt to requirements of the customer, also of of different lengths, sizes, and shapes compare the machine of years ago the pract ical men who will have that are necessary in building a ma- with the machine of today, bringing charge of the m achine, to certain ac- chine. When you keep in mind that out some of the improvements that knowledged standards in the design of some machines have as many as 27 Beloit has made on different types of the machine. The builder then trans- thousand parts and that it is seldom, machines. forms his ideas from paper to ir on and if ever, that two machines are built brass, and the fi eld is thus divided in- exactly alike, you will realize that one Saves Man's Life by Applying to two distinct units, each of which of the problem s of a builder is to get Resuscitation is a complet e unit in itself. in and to keep in a position to furnish Harry Behrend, Wisconsin Rapids Early Methods Rather Crude repair parts that will fit in place Millwright, won laurels for himself Before discussing the improvements readily so as to cause no unnecessary and proved the worth of the health that have been made on the paper delay or loss of production. It will lectures given by Dr. P omainville making machines it may be of inter- give you some idea of our firm's po­ when he saved a m an's life at Silver est t o the paper makers to learn of sition in this r espect to know that we Lake, near Wautoma. H arry was some of the improvements that the have, today, over 30,000 different pat­ machine builder himself has made in terns, which, along with their respec­ order t o improve conditions in the tive drawings, represent our actual in­ manufacturing end. When the busi- vestment of over one half a million ness was more or less in its infancy, dollars. methods, syst em s, and the machine it­ - self were crude. F or man y years the Mutual Cooperation Between Builder - patterns used were not even symbol­ and Purchaser -- ed. By this we mean that they carried F rom this you will see that great no identification mark. improvements in methods and syst em Jigs, templat es, and fixtures were in on the mechanical end of the propo­ negligible quantities, and there were sition have been made by the builder, no real st andards set up as ther e are but on the building of the machine t oday. proper, when introducing improve­ Drawings of the machines in the ments and r efinements, it has been olden days were works of art but found profitable to call on the · pur­ were of no great value after the ma­ chaser and his mill men for some chine had been in use a f ew years, as " guiding light." The builder, to a t hey were not in sufficient det ail to large extent, is dependent on the mill Harry Behrend and ch ildren be useful as records ; and this, coupled men, not only because their advice is driving past the lake when he noticed with the fact that no symbols were valuable when questions arise regard­ a crowd gathered about a man who used t o identify the different parts, did ing the value of improvements, but had just taken from the water in an not leave the builder in a position to also for the reason that they must op­ unconscious condition. No one knew give the customer r epair or replace­ erat e the machine the builder has built the resuscitation method, so Harry ment parts as efficiently as can be for them. took charge. After tweny minutes, done today. It would be quite dffcult to applying the method he had learned Modern Practice Includes Details and trace the various improvements as in the health lectures previously giv­ Symbols they have been made, as no great ra­ en to Consolidated men by Dr. Po­ Today the drawings of a machine dical changes have taken place at one mainville in the Mead-Witter Hall, he are sources of a m ass of detailed in­ time, but the progress of Beloit has succeeded in making the man breathe format ion. Every piece on the ma- been, and is notable, owing to its mod- again. - 1 - CONS O L I DATED N EWS Celebrate Silver and Superintendents of Wisconsin E. B. A. Pays $2200 111 Golden Wedding Divisions Battle With Ball June and July and Chowder The silver wedding anniversary of Twenty-one members of the Em­ The "Soups" ball team of the Wis­ Mr. and Mrs. Christ Schink, and the ployees' Benefit Association received consin Rapids Division entertained the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. either hospital or sickness benefits or ball teams an d their families of the both during June, and thirteen during Stevens Point, Interlake and Biron July, according to t he Superintendent 's Divisions at a chicken chowder given regular reports for t he two months. in Robinson Park, Sun day J ul y 31. Benefits of $1,849.11, including a death Harry Miller, assisted by Tony benefit to Mrs. Cleora Potter, benefi­ Maciejewski and Harold V anderhei ciary of Ralph Potter, Appleton Divi­ spent the entire night previous pre­ sion, were paid in June, while the paring the ingredients and keeping the July benefits amounted to $357.29. home fire burning. About 200 people Besides the death benefit, large ben­ did t heir best in emptying the kettle, efits were paid as follows : Otto Sachs, and reports from the crowd indicated '90.00; Andrew Kulas, $93.29; Anton that the chowder was of the very best Preisinger, $68.00; Frank Jacoby, quality. Bill Prebbanow, Tony Molep­ $78.00; Henry Schluter, $36.00; Wm. ske and wife and Earl Otto saw Kaja, $26.00 ; Ralph Potter, $70.30; the sun rise Sunday morning before Frank J oslin, $24.00; Walter Fritz, the neces. ary dishes were washed. $20.00 ; John Novack, $20.00; Peter J ake Hube1· appeared on the scene of Wolff, $18.00; Otto Erdman, $14.00; action in time for breakfast Sunday. Frank Hanneman, $10.00; Arthur Jake held his dishes all through the Spalding $10.00. day, filling them from time to time until darkness. Lindbergh flew t o New members during the two Paris, but it took Bill Prebbanow to months are: Frank Prebbanow, Daniel put America on the map with his SaYage, Floyd Squires, Walter Vla­ and Mrs. J os. Weiss, parents and breakfast of 7 eggs, 23 doughnuts, 9 dick, Virginia Johnson, Ernest Eber­ grand parents of Chri t Schink, Loco slices of bacon, with a salad of raw hardt, Abner Atwood, Wi sconsin Rap­ Crane Operator at Interlake, were ce­ potatoes, cabbage and carrots. A ids DiYision ; Edwa rd Saeger, Asolt standing guard was placed over him Marzofka, Harry Cummings, Alfred lebrated at the h ome of Mr. Schink on F irth, Biron Division; Walter Sedo, June 22. The little Misses Frances all day so that if he should regain - consciousness science might receive J ames Taggart, Wm.
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