2016 Products available through US Foods Culinary Equipment & Supplies®. To place an order, log on to your US Foods Online account, or contact your US Foods sales representative. Please allow up to 5 business days for delivery. What sets a great Chef apart from his or‘‘ her comrades is the ability to be unique. ’’ Food Innovations is a Chef driven, Chef operated company dedicated to assisting culinary creativity by sourcing and supplying the best specialty products in the world. Items include fresh sustainable seafood from around the world, all natural meats, game and sausages, exotic fruits and vegetables, Japanese imports, hand crafted chocolates, artisan cheeses. Food Innovations has the ability to source and procure the most exotic and hard to find products in the world. 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These products are not stocked in local US Foods inventory, and will not arrive with your normal US Foods delivery. PERISHABLE PRODUCTSÊ­vÀià ÊÀÊvÀâi®Ê >ÀiÊ`iÛiÀi`ÊÜÌ Ê{nÊ ÕÀÃÊvÊÀiVi«ÌÊvÊ À`iÀ]Ê>ÌÊ`ÊÛ>ÌÃ]Ê>`Ê`iÛiÀi`Ê LÞÊi` ÝÊ"ÛiÀ} Ì°ÊÊ*i>ÃiÊV>ÊÌÊVwÀÊ ÀiVi«ÌÊvÊÀ`iÀÃÊÌÊiÃÕÀiÊÌ iÀiÊÜ>ÃÊÊ`i>ÞÊ ÊÌ iÊÃÞÃÌi° NON PERISHABLE ITEMS (shelf stable or «>ÌÀÞ®Ê>ÀiÊ`iÛiÀi`ÊÜÌ ÊÎÊqÊxÊLÕÃiÃÃÊ `>ÞÃÊvÊÀiVi«ÌÊvÊÀ`iÀ]>ÌÊ`ÊÛ>ÌÃ]Ê >`Ê`iÛiÀi`ÊLÞÊi` ÝÊÀÕ`°ÊÊ*i>ÃiÊV>ÊÌÊ VwÀÊÀÊÌÊ`ÃVÕÃÃÊëiVwVÊà ««}Êii`ð CHEFS, PURCHASERS AND FOODSERVICE PROFESSIONALS are iVÕÀ>}i`ÊÌÊVÌ>VÌÊÌ iÀÊ`ÊÛ>ÌÃÊ Õ>ÀÞÊ`ÛÃÀÊ«iÀÃ>Þ°ÊÊ/ iÞÊV>Ê assist with detailed product information, >Û>>LÌÞʵÕiÃÌÃ]ÊÀÊ>``Ì>ÊÕÌÀÌ>Ê vÀ>Ì°ÊÊÊ Õ>ÀÞÊ`ÛÃÀÊÜÊ>ÃÜiÀÊ Ì iÊ« iÊÛi]ÊLiÌÜiiÊnÊ>Ê>`ÊÈÊ«Ê -/Ê `>ÞÊÌ ÀÕ} Ê/ ÕÀÃ`>Þ]Ê>`ÊÕ«ÊÌÊxÊ«Ê -/ÊÊÀ`>Þ° FOOD INNOVATIONSÊÀiVi`ÃÊÌ >ÌÊÞÕÊ V>ÊÊÞÕÀÊwÀÃÌÊviÜÊÀ`iÀÃÊÌÊ>Ê Õ>ÀÞÊ `ÛÃÀ]ÊÊÀ`iÀÊÌÊiÃÕÀiÊÀ`iÀÊ>VVÕÀ>VÞ]Ê>`Ê understanding of the label minimums. View our online catalogue at www.foodinno.com or contact us at 888-352-3663 View the online catalogue on our new website: www.foodinno.com Cheese Cut Cheese Program 10# Min 3430634 Cheese, Rqfrt Societe Ref 1 LBA Belgium 6430672 Cheese, Tomme Crayeuse Wheel 1 LBA A-Code Description Pack Size 1381466 Cheese, Tomme De Svoie Imp 1 LBA 2381416 Cheese, Chimay W/ Beer Imp 1 LBA Germany Canada A-Code Description Pack Size A-Code Description Pack Size 2430593 Cheese, Blu Cmbzla Ref 1 LBA 3634797 Cheese, Chedr Vintg Log Ref 1 LBA 7430671 Cheese, Limbg Ref Crmy 8 OZ 8430647 Cheese, Chedr Sharp Ref Wht 1 LBA Greece Cyprus A-Code Description Pack Size A-Code Description Pack Size 2381465 Cheese, Kssri Imp Grece Ref 1 LBA 9507484 Cheese, Halloumi Ref 8.8 OZ 5430764 Cheese, Feta Ref Greek Brrl 1 LBA Denmark Holland A-Code Description Pack Size A-Code Description Pack Size 4381067 Cheese, Gouda Aged Wdg Imp 1 LBA 3430592 Cheese, Blu Goat Capra Verde 1 LBA 0014613 Cheese, Hvrti Crmy Ref 1 LBA 5381066 Cheese, Gouda Imp Hlnd Ref 1 LBA 2430676 Cheese, Hvrti Crmy Carwy Ref 1 LBA 3485919 Cheese, Leydn Bloc Imp Hlnd 1 LBA 4430674 Cheese, Hvrti Dill Ref Crmy 1 LBA 1430628 Cheese, Prima Donna Bloc Imp 1 LBA 3381068 Cheese, Gouda Aged Wdg Imp 1 LBA 7430788 Cheese, Gouda Smkd Ref 1 LBA England 7696339 Cheese, Gouda Trufl Imp Hlnd 1 LBA A-Code Description Pack Size Ireland 6833818 Cheese, Blacksticks Blu Wheel 1 LBA A-Code Description Pack Size 2430601 Cheese, Glstr Dbl Stltn Ref 1 LBA 7696743 Cheese, Blu Cashl Imp Irlnd 1 LBA 3430618 Cheese, Blu Stltn Ref Royal 1 LBA Italy 8430761 Cheese, Glstr Dbl W/ Onion & 1 LBA A-Code Description Pack Size 5482575 Cream, Clotd Dary Ref 6 OZ 7381064 Cheese, Asigo D Allevo Ref Imp 1 LBA 1497361 Cheese, Derby Sage Ref 1 LBA 0020065 Cheese, Caciotta Al Trtfo Ref 1 LBA 7694953 Cheese, Chedr Ref Tradl Frmhs 1 LBA 7430705 Cheese, Castel Rosso Wheel Imp 1 LBA 3381431 Cheese, Red Drgon Imp Engld 1 LBA 0313866 Cheese, Robiola Bosina Ref 8 OZ 4381430 Cheese, Blu Shpsh Imp Engld 1 LBA 9381070 Cheese, Fntna Val D'aosta Imp 1 LBA France 1381086 Cheese, Gorzl Dolce Imp Italy 1 LBA A-Code Description Pack Size 8430738 Cheese, Parm Grana Padno Ref 1 LBA 8381436 Cheese, Mimol Aged Imp Frnce 1 LBA 2430742 Cheese, Parm Rggno Ref 1 LBA 2381440 Cheese, Blu Dauv Imp Frnce Ref 1 LBA 8754236 Cheese, Moliterno Imp Italy 1 LBA 3635745 Cheese, Blu Imp Frnce Foil 1 LBA 3635810 Cheese, Mntso Imp Italy Ref 1 LBA 7696180 Cheese, Brie De Meaux Wheel 7 LBA 2381085 Cheese, Gorzl Mtn Imp Italy 1 LBA 4381448 Cheese, Brie Imp Frnce Ref 2.2 LB 3381084 Cheese, Mozz Buflo Ref Imp 8.8 OZ 1513407 Cheese, Bucheron Log Imp Frnce 3.86 LBA 7430606 Cheese, Parm Rggno Ref Red Cow 1 LBA 6381446 Cheese, Cambrt Imp Frnce Ref 8 OZ 7699754 Cheese, Pecor Gran Cru Imp 1 LBA 8381444 Cheese, Chaource Imp Frnce Ref 8 OZ 4430617 Cheese, Piave Vchio Imp Italy 1 LBA 6430763 Cheese, Comte Bloc Imp Frnce 1 LBA 7381080 Cheese, Ricot Salta Imp Italy 1 LBA 7514722 Cheese, Gorny Grlc & Herb 5 OZ 7703937 Cheese, Rocchetta Imp Italy 10 OZ 6833883 Cheese, Brllt Svrin Imp Frnce 17.5 OZA 2430759 Cheese, Prov Piccante Ref 1 LBA 2507630 Cheese, Epoisses De Brgndy Ref 8.5 OZ 6430771 Cheese, Cacio Di Roma Ref 1 LBA 1507631 Cheese, Munst Ref Crmy 1 LBA 7430770 Cheese, Pecor Toscn Imp Italy 1 LBA 6381107 Cheese, Pierr Robt Ref Crmy 1 LBA 6430730 Cheese, Rmno Ref Fulvi 1 LBA 5514732 Cheese, Pont L'eveque Ref Crmy 9 OZ 6430649 Cheese, Sottocenere W/ Trufl 1 LBA 5507777 Cheese, St Andre Ref Crmy 1 LBA 8381089 Cheese, Tlgio Imp Italy Ref 1 LBA 4381455 Cheese, Blu Fourm D'ambert Imp 1 LBA 7707342 Cheese, Ubriaco Al Prosecco 1 LBA 9430703 Cheese, Crotn Ball Imp Frnce 2.1 OZ 0020057 Cheese, Ubriaco Ref Aged In 1 LBA 7430689 Cheese, Bethmale Ref Goat 1 LBA Norway 1430701 Cheese, Cornilly Imp Frnce Ref 8.8 OZ A-Code Description Pack Size 0018416 Cheese, Chevr Log Imp Frnce 10 OZ 6430714 Cheese, Ekte Gjost Ref Goat 1.1 LB 6430664 Cheese, Chevr Grlc Herb Log 10.5 OZ 3942604 Cheese, Gjost Ref Ski Queen 8 OZ 8697823 Cheese, La Bonde D'antan Wheel 8 OZ 9381419 Cheese, Jrlbg Bloc Imp Nrwy 1 LBA 1430602 Cheese, Langres Imp Frnce Ref 6 OZ Spain 5381454 Cheese, Livarot Imp Frnce Ref 9 OZ A-Code Description Pack Size 8703126 Cheese, Montboissie Imp Frnce 1 LBA 7430614 Cheese, Blu Ref Valdeon 1 LBA 3430600 Cheese, Morbr Imp Frnce Ref 1 LBA 7430762 Cheese, Comte Bloc Imp Frnce 1 LBA 6381453 Cheese, Petit Basq Imp Frnce 1.4 LB 4430716 Cheese, Garrotxa Ref Goat 1 LBA 4491494 Cheese, Port Salut Ref 1 LBA 9430588 Cheese, Montcabrer Imp Spain 1 LBA 5430798 Cheese, Raclt Ref 1 LBA 5430590 Cheese, Montenebro Bloc Imp 1 LBA 8381451 Cheese, St Nctre Wheel Imp 1 LBA 8430720 Cheese, Chevr Red Wine Soaked 1 LBA 7430754 Cheese, Ossau Iraty Wdg Imp 1 LBA 3635224 Cheese, Wheel Imp Spain Ref 1 LBA 2430635 Cheese, Rqfrt Papillion Ref 1 LBA 2381093 Cheese, Idzbl Imp Spain Ref 1 LBA Some items may be out of stock or price may change due to availability, seasonality and environmental conditions.
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