A Newspaper Devoted :,,. Community Interest Presented Fairly, dearly |MI|| Local Coverage And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pictures 1 . 28 V ' {JartmCARTERET, N. J., FRIDAYt, NOVEMBER 2, 1962 •DMXd u tad OlMl IUB At P O, Outarat, n., J. PRICE TEN CENTS Fair Share Parade Appeal for Spirited Campaign Fund Drive Prizes CARTERET — E. Michael Near End; Voters to li)onnelly. Chairman of the (,'arteret Division of the United Listed Fund, Raritan Bay area, who is vice president of the Carteret More Than 3,000 in Branch of the Perth Aroboy Nittionai Bank, announced to- Line of March at Decide on Tuesday day that the Carteret Division 1ms started active solicitation Halloween Fete among Carteret businessess and CARTERET- — The annual public employees for FAIR Halloween parade sponsored by IHARE giving to the combined the Carteret Recreation De- The Candidates Irive. partment was the largest and Indicate Mr. Donnelly pointed out m°st suc«cwful Halloween pa- hat the annual United Fund rade neId thuus s farfar-- OveOverr 3,003,0000 appeall is ththe largesltt andd most marchers participateprticipateparticipated in the I'l.ANT parad€paad Jig Vote • T M;l f l 1 ldi i • ih- first flv, ,h.r f "7". .' "''"" " ""• "<' ' P'a"« of IMC Corporation (formerly Important charitable appeal ' deluding 10 bands and I,,..., Hi, Iln.1 flv, Miarrs of ,l,,,k in th, new Juninr Achievement rompany "UAMSCO." Making the sale .hat is held in the borougorough frvm & Bu^e «>n». six drill R.,b,r« l.,srh,k. 2lfi Randolph Slr,,t. l.,,.,ki,,g „„ Wr IMC advisers Otto Taddti and Edward Pollack 116 ;ach year. "The records," heteams, 10 floats, representations Ih, .IA company, composed nr t*enty-l«ur Carlrrrt lllKh School „,„!„„ Und juniors, mm, each Monday laid, "will show that thousands from the local schools as well at the FMC plant. of Carteret citizens benefit each as many individual partici- In Boro rear from the services that are pants. The parade was viewed extended by United Fund by an estimated 15.000 people CARTERET — With a hec- i agencies, Our boys, our girlson a bright, sunny afternoon. tic election campaign nearing a\cees is Named to Jr. Achievement use and The winners of the various I the end borough voters will go programs. , _. to the polls next Tuesday to Boan Girl Scouts, In YM.C.A. actlvi- select their favorite candidates. Clinic Unit Gets Going; While the principal interest l °f s focused on the local ticket, o CARTERET - Norman W Dr. Sam Breslow, Perth Am- V ML IS ijDOIlSOr he Congressional and County Und.nmm of 72 Ha^ammi b(iy; Ml'-S- MiU'-v Slovak, Edi- :onlests also are expected to CARTERET — The Junior f Hlrert has been alined to ^: MartinJlaskey. Perth Am- snd Family Coun- play a big role in getting out a A. Achievement Company spon- bi vote. More than 10,000 are plant oflservi^gg eligible to cast their votes. Polls uorp 'imey Amboy Mental Health . Amboy climes board PMC Corporation (formerly f " will be open from 7 A.M. to 8 Junior Division it was aimouiUTd at th..unit's Landstrom, a fret lance art- iWestvaco. is well underway, P.M. iThe JA company prize, Sacred Heart Cru , « i.-ii in his spare time, is a mem- members Locally, Mayor Stephen Skiba I „ Onm 600 twenty - four Carteret High Drum in Bugle Corps, UndMrom, maleml< coordi- b,b r of Ule Carteret Junior Incumbent Democrat, is seeking 1 School seniors and juniors, id prize, Carteret High School |reclection. He ls opposed by •mi. mi Local nator at the Continenta Can Chamber of Commerce and has The trophies for the besi Company plant in Carton, re-jbwn named Jaycee of th,have e incorporated and will op- Andrew Banick, who heads the erate under the company name the U.S.O. Our local United appearing band or drum an placet John J. 8udia of tins!Month of September for his [Fund is the sole support for bugle corps were awarded t jRcpublican ticket. borough. lie win romi)lrte;-Aoric durma the Little Miss'[of "RAMSCO". u Councilmen Thomas Deverin j At an early meeting the stu- U.S.O. in this area" the Guadalcanal Coastaliers for A community 8uai»'» unexplred term svhtch Caru-ret contest. Mr. Donnelly expressed the the senior division and the and Alexander Such, also Dem- •ulucte. .. d• iin .» rtitu unill K^i, 11 iriiij .... dents decided that the product ocrats, incumbents, are being Married to the former Flor- they will manufacture this year hope that darteretT bushie«>|Sacred Heart Crusaders "for the • o-we*k period ence Lorsong. he Ls the father people will remember the im-junior division. opposed for the two council | will be a shampoo which they posts by Charles Boncelet and , II, tt the of two sons. He Ls active in »hiwile l sell under the portance of generous giving be- Drill Teams . tot «« Council of Civic Clubs cause the campaign with Us South Bound Brook Julius Kovaes, Republicans. s as a Little goal of $227^02 is for the sup- Drillettes; .._ prize, . Patten a Favorite rturins the summer : • , , Teen Age Drill Team; 3rd prize. Unusual interest also is be- | very successful. port of our fifteen local agen- cies for the entire year. He em- All Girl Rifllettes. jinR manifested in the congres- manag r phasized that cash largest Delegation in Cot- sional battle between Edward Jinic Parish Slates f °! J. I'.ittnn, Democrat and Ber- mffiptl jout that this is the eleventh to contribute is by making a School; prize, Columbus nard Rodger.s, Rtpublican.'flur- year FMC has sponsored a Car- 001 3r Elmer E. Brown, of .his Hied subjects,! 1 Fai,r. SnarSharee pledgpledge anand payinpayingg B** ; <l PriM, LincolLincolnn Junior 3cho 1 and Nat h, Democrat, is getitmR J the Cv- m convenient installments ° te"» Hale School Set for Nov. 13 Annual Diimer^™" ^ "We are it { Ire-election and is opposed by .ui 1 Aonutvprnpnt. oughoutthayeara. T&- - A d»Bv.-« cv iFH " . .vitmbmn andlPleased". fce said, "to |john T. McCarthy. Repuoll^a)),, 1 : •'»•'' ' '-.•- '* of i,t. Hungarian .M-H—* «. ^.^.t, «.»w.u u Patten an«,.Brorr ^i»HB5e!j' * Borouph. Tu<sdav Novwn- foinu-d Cnurch of Carteret w illjyouriRer citizens about our Am pi'!1 t;c iitr^arHt vot^'rf any T IS from 11:30 A. Landiflates in CartCTet. Patten in>t be to 3.«uthrr for the traditional An- erican business system. *Leara- M and from 7 PM. er Lester Sabo, Chairman, Pro- since to 9 nual Thanksgiving Dinner fjat-'ing by doinft' is a very effective and Mrs. Santa Claus and has many friends in Carteret M urday November 10 at Bfth-Jway to understand the basis fessional Unit; Alex Comba, (Continued on Page 2) 'and over a long period of vents sumbers -were Health Officer Micliae Ym- Icn Hall. for our American free enter Chairman, Municipal Em- thexe has be"n hardly, a swial .;. i'i'es n ' '"""'fcheski said the charge for tills rise . Police Chief Charles L. or church affair at whicn he sillied by thei . „.,„ ^ Thi> 2Kth Annual Diimer'P ws^m. Too many high Mn lrt 50 W1)t8 and th ' " L annivers "es1 «hool graduates enter adul Maklwiruki, chairman of Tav- Adopt Measure was not one of the frufisw, , fe without an erns; and Eugene Brown, " .in if« Ilni"*""* of thl< tfsls arP cotlfi-'t«>' UdieK~o7 fh7"Lo™ntfy1ta i'» llfc without anyy realizati realizatioo n Brown al.so is held In nish tnat <free Chairman of Commercial Unit. esteem in Carteret. ...iup nan nojd<1,llm, and tepotieA only to z,lUMn:.a gocie-.y will be hon- enterprise' is one o our names of additional lead- Favoring Labor County Contests hi jw-rson and his physician 0!ed 0I, tl]e occasion that their greatest freedoms, one tha ne ed malce our will be announced shortly. Mr tarcheski urged all adult:uroup vas founded 40 yeais lP country wha CARTERET — Without op- Other county contests in- «m..Wh residents to partici- as0. Ti...er o( ihp oni,inai char.jit is ^°" " position or discussion, Borough clude the post of sheriff, held in the prouri by Robert H. Jamison. Demo- •nod, members The students have elected Council last night approved on mated there arc more than 100 0[ t|,, society They are Mrsthei. r own officers for this busi Reunion Draws 'final reading an ordinance crat, who is opposed by Thor- person* in CarUTot sutli'img john [ vald E. Olsen, Republican. \.ii I. Baloih, Mrs. Michael ness year. They are: Robert banning the recruitment of la- .'from diabetes and do not know p,>tnk Alexander Uschek. president; Donald Sas bor at places of employment Democratic freeholders seeking P n ." ^ ™f ' '»• • Toth *1«, is the present treas- ovetz,, vice ppresident for sales Large Attendance where a strike is in progress. [re-election are William J. War- 111(1 ren, Joseph R Costa and John i-ancret Tlie clinic ha.s been an,inncd ure) Other officers include Victor Lisnyczyj, vic« presiden CARTERET — The class of The ordinance was urged by A. Phillips. Their Republican •mi the Jayceem cooperation with Mr.^ Joan Mr, William Bin Sr., presi- for manufacUiring; Barbara 1942. Carteret High School re- the Carteret Labor Council Its opponents are Thomas F. Mil- *ill be do-Qiuh, . toordmator o--f th—.• Di-—a urjelnl . Ms.s. Stephen Katko, Brown, treasurer, and Carolyn cently celebrated its twenty president, Stephen Trosko Sr.j •let nrst Aid-befcs Detection Pronram tor vio-pivMtleh! and Mrs.
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