doi: 10.3304/JMES.2019.002 Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences 11 (2019), 15-29 Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences Pleistocene mammals from Sa Cona Cave (Teulada, south-western Sardinia, Italy) Daniel Zoboli *, Alexandra Pala, Arianna Pirellas, Gian Luigi Pillola Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche e Geologiche, Università di Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy * Corresponding author: [email protected] ABSTRACT - Quaternary fossil vertebrates are reported from numerous deposits of Sardinia and can be a suitable tool to correlate localities in different depositional contexts (e.g. fissure fillings, caves, aeolian deposits). Here, a mammal assemblage collected from a deposit within Sa Cona Cave (Teulada, south-western Sardinia, Italy) is described. The sample is primarily represented by small mammal remains and a few, badly preserved remains of large mammals. The following taxa have been identified: Cynotherium sardous, Praemegaceros cazioti, Prolagus sardus, Microtus (Tyrrhenicola) henseli, Rhagamys orthodon, and “Asoriculus” similis. Similar faunal assemblages, known from some localities of Sardinia and Corsica, have been generally regarded as Late Pleistocene in age (Dragonara Faunal Sub-Complex). The sequence of Sa Cona Cave represents to date one of the most rich Quaternary mammal deposits known from the extreme south- western Sardinia. Keywords: insular fauna; vertebrate palaeontology; biochronology; systematic. Submitted: 20 September 2018-Accepted: 3 December 2018 1. INTRODUCTION Early Pleistocene-Early Holocene), including the Orosei 2 and Dragonara Faunal Sub-Complexes. Sardinia is an important source of data for our Quaternary mammal remains of the island are mainly knowledge of the evolution of insular vertebrates. Several recovered from bone breccias localised in karstic fissures mammalian taxa have been reported from Paleogene and caves (e.g. among several others Studiati, 1857; deposits (Major, 1891; Bosco, 1902; Dal Piaz, 1929; Dehaut, 1911; Comaschi Caria, 1968; Malatesta, 1954, Mennecart et al., 2017) and different insular mammalian 1970, 1977; Caloi and Malatesta, 1974; Engesser, 1976; assemblages are known to have existed here during the Brandy, 1978; Kotsakis, 1981; Willemsen and Malatesta, Neogene (Pecorini et al., 1974; Van der Made, 1999, 1987; Gliozzi, 1985; Palombo et al., 2003; Sondaar, 2000; 2008; Angelone and Kotsakis, 2001; Abbazzi et al., 2008a, Abbazzi et al., 2004; Melis et al., 2016; Palombo and 2008b; Zoboli and Pillola, 2017a; Mennecart et al., 2018) Rozzi, 2014; Palombo and Zedda, 2016; Rook et al., 2018) and Quaternary (Van der Made, 1999; Sondaar, 2000; and subordinately from aeolian deposits (e.g. Acconci, Palombo, 2009, 2018). 1881; Major, 1883; Comaschi Caria, 1955a, 1955b, 1965; Quaternary mammals from the Sardinia-Corsica Ambrosetti, 1972; Melis et al., 2001; Chesi at al., 2007; Massif have been studied since the early part of the XIX Fanelli et al., 2007; Palombo et al., 2017a; Zoboli et al., century by several palaeontologists (e.g. Cuvier, 1812; 2018). The bone breccias and cave deposits are principally Wagner, 1829; Studiati, 1857). Fossil deposits localised situated from the karst areas of the central and western in several localities testify several turnovers of terrestrial subregions of Sardinia (e.g. Barbagia, Baronie, Ogliastra, mammalian species characterised by the arrivals of Nurra, Monreale, Sulcis-Iglesiente) (Comaschi Caria, new taxa from the mainland and the contemporaneous 1970; Malatesta, 1954, 1970, 1977; Ulzega et al., 1980; disappearance of endemic elements (e.g. Van der Made, Gliozzi et al., 1984; Minieri et al., 1995; Palombo et al., 1999; Sondaar, 2000; Palombo, 2006, 2009, 2018). 2003; Abbazzi et al., 2004; Madurell-Malapeira et al., Palombo (2006, 2009, 2018) recognised two main mam- 2015; Zoboli et al., 2016). However, bone breccias rich in malian faunal complexes: the oldest “Nesogo ral” Faunal mammal remains were also recorded at small calcareous Complex (Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene), including outcrops (e.g. eastern Gallura, Marghine, central and two subcomplexes (Mandriola Faunal Sub-Complex and southern Campidano) (Studiati, 1857; Dehaut, 1911; Capo Figari/Orosei 1 Faunal Sub-Complex) and the more Azzaroli, 1946; Engesser, 1976; Zoboli and Pillola, 2016). recent “Microtus (Tyrrhenicola)” Faunal Complex (late The aim of this study is to give notice of a mammalian 16 D. Zoboli et al. / Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences 11 (2019), 15-29 assemblage from a sedimentary sequence located in Sa from Surconis, MDLCA23622-23630 from Su Concali), Cona Cave (Teulada, SW Sardinia) and to propose its R. orthodon (MDLCA14042/1-9 from Grotta dei Fiori, biochronological assignment. MDLCA14865 from Bonaria, MDLCA23568-23571 from Surconis, MDCLA23618-23620 from Su Concali), 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS P. cazioti (MDLCA23578-23582 from Surconis, MDLCA23608-23613 from Su Concali), “Asoriculus” We collected sediments from different levels of the sp. (MDLCA14044/1-13 from Grotta dei Fiori, sedimentary sequence in order to recover fossil remains. MDLCA23634-23635 from Su Concali). Sixty-one lower The studied material was collected from an uncemented first (m1) of the cricetid rodent Microtus (Tyrrhenicola) sandy-clay level (thickness about 30 cm) rich in small henseli (Major, 1905) have been preliminary studied. mammal remains (Fig. 1). The sampled sediments were Comparison was made with samples of M. (Tyrrhenicola) wet-sifted using sieves with mesh 2.5-0.5 mm after which spp. from different cave deposits and fissure fillings of the dried residues were inspected using a Leica DMS1000 Sardinia (data from Mezzabotta et al., 1995; Minieri et al., digital microscope. Photographs and measurements 1995; Marcolini et al., 2005, 2006; Boldrini, 2008; Boldrini of the retrieved fossils were taken with a Nikon D5000 et al., 2010; Palombo et al., 2017b; Zoboli and Pillola, 2016, digital camera and a Leica DMS1000 digital microscope 2017b). Measurements and morphological indices of the respectively. We used an air engraving pen (3400BPM) m1 of M. (Tyrrhenicola) henseli were taken according to to prepare the macromammal remains. Afterwards, Van der Meulen (1973) and Marcolini et al. (2006) with several bones were consolidated using Paraloid further modifications as proposed by Boldrini (2008). The B-72. Subsequently, we used a digital caliper (Rupac nomenclature, the measurements and the comparisons 0-150mm/0.01 ABS) to measure the macromammal used for the teeth of the other micromammals follow López remains. Comparison was made using data from the Martínez (1989) and Angelone (2007) for Ochotonidae, literature and material housed at the Museo Sardo di Michaux (1971) for Muridae, and Reumer (1984) for Geologia e Paleontologia D. Lovisato (acronym MDLCA) of Soricidae. Large mammal bones were measured according the University of Cagliari: P. s ardu s (MDLCA14820-14823 to Von den Driesch (1976). All measurements are given in from Bonaria, MDLCA23535-23559 from Surconis, mm. The studied material is stored at the MDLCA. MDLCA23631-23633 from Su Concali), M. (Tyrrhenicola) henseli (MDLCA14043/1-9 from Grotta dei Fiori, 3. GEOLOGICAL SETTING MDLCA14844 from Bonaria, MDLCA23560-23567 Sa Cona is a karstic cave located in the south-western Sardinia (Italy), about 1 km SW of the village of Teulada (38°57’33”N/8°45’21”E, Fig. 2a). The cave developed in the karstic complex of Mt. Sa Cona in marginally metamorphosised lower Cambrian limestone and dolostone of the Gonnesa Group (Pillola, 1991). The cave is characterised by a complex speleogenetical evolution (Grussu et al., 2001). Morphological features of halls, galleries and deposits suggest different cycles of sedimentation, erosion and collapsing phases. Quaternary deposits are present in different sectors of the cave and are generally represented by coarse as well as fine sediments. The studied sedimentary sequence is located about 30 m from the principal entrance (Fig. 2b). 3.1. STRATIGRAPHY The sequence (about 1 m thick) includes several levels (A- G, Fig. 1) from which vertebrate and invertebrate remains were collected. The nature of the sediments indicates a transport into the cave by water flows during different phases. Moreover, the alternation of levels characterised by angular and sub-angular clasts (maximum length of about 10 cm) of Cambrian rocks (levels A, C, F) and clayey and sandy-clay sediments (levels B, D, E) indicates Fig. 1 - Stratigraphic sketch of the studied sedimentary sequence: different energy of transport from the surrounding area. 1, clayey sediments; 2, sandy-clay sediments; 3, angular and The presence of a clay level of about 30 cm thick (level B) sub-angular clasts of carbonate rocks; 4, flowstone; 5, vertebrate in the lower part of the sequence indicates a very scarce remains; 6, pulmonata remains. A-G: levels. The arrow indicates water energy that allowed an abundant accumulation of the vertebrate-rich level B. small mammal remains. Scarce vertebrate remains are D. Zoboli et al. / Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences 11 (2019), 15-29 17 Fig. 1 - a) Location map of Sa Cona Cave; b) planimetry of northern part of the cave and location of the studied deposit. Cave planimetry modified from Grussu et al. (2001). also present in the levels A and E, while the level D is The absence of the proximal epiphysis due to incomplete characterised by the abundance of pulmonate gastropod ossification indicates an immature specimen. The deltoid remains. A flowstone layer 10 cm thick (level G) closes ridge is not large as observed
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