Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 6-1911 The aB tes Student - volume 39 number 06 - June 1911 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 39 number 06 - June 1911" (1911). The Bates Student. 1827. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ■^» TM STVIhENT JUNE 1911 L Mi ^■^^»^mW CONTENTS •A La Bacchante James Frank Hill, '14 "Affairs of State" George H. Emmons, '13 179 The Council of Apis Irving Hill Blake, '11 181 Fashion s its Effect on Woman Grace Jarvis Conner, '13 J83 Behind the Ranges Alton Ross Hodgkms, '11 186 Editorial 187 Local 188 Athletics 197 Alumni 207 Exchanges 209 I. Spice Box 211 '■ ■ ■M^M BUSINESS DIRECTORY THE GLOBE STEAM LAUNDRY, 26-36 Temple Street, PORTLAND MUSIC HALL A. P. BIBBER, Manager The Home of High-Class Vaudeville Prices, 5 and 10 Cents Reserved Seats at Night, 1 5 Cents MOTION PICTURES CALL AT THE STUDIO of FLAGG & PLUMMER For the most up-to-date work in Photography OPP08ITE MU8IC HALL \ BATES FIRST-GLASS WORK STATIONERY AT In Box and Tablet Form Engraving for Commencement Merrill & Bubier's A SPECIALTY ,-C Berry Paper Company 189 Iain Street, Cor. Park 49 Lisbon Street, LEWISTON I BENJAMIN CLOTHES Always attract attention among the college fellows, because they have the snap and style that other lines do not have You can buy these clothes for the next thirty days at a reduction of over 20 per cent L. E. Flanders & Co. 56 Court St., AUBURN BUSINESS DIRECTORY Wright & Ditson The Fisk Teachers' Agency EVERETT O. FISK & CO., Headquarters for Proprietors Athletic Supplies Send to any of the following ad- dresses for Agency Manual Free 2 A Park Street, Boston, Mass. 156 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Base Hall College Students 1505 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D. C. Lawn and Athletes who 39 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Tennis 611 Swetland Bldg., Portland, Ore. Golf want the real, sn 816 Central Savings Bank Bldg., Denver, Col. Basket perior articles for 2142 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley, Cal. Ball the various sports 23S Douglas Building, Los Angeles, Cal. Track and should insist upon Field Sports those bearing the POCKET KNIVES, RAZORS Wright & Ditson SCISSORS and SHEARS Trade Mark Paints and Oils I Catalogue Free and all articles usually kept in a Wright & Ditson HARDWARE STORE 344 Washington St. Boston New York San Francisco Chicago Geo A. Whitney & Co. Providence Cambridge 235 Main Street, LEWISTON, ME. ALTON L. GRANT The Hatter Sign Confectioner Murphy Gold Hat Ice Cream, and CATERER COLLEGE and SCHOOL CAPS Frail and Soda 16 Lisbon Street, LEWISTON MADE TO ORDER WAKEFIELD BROTHERS The Store that Satisfies Apotforartea Hie Great Department store ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW 14 I. i.-lion St. Lewistou, Ale. LEWISTON rvi/XIfMEC Are Responsible for Three DEFECTIVE EYES Fourths of all Headaches Less than one-half of these cases are accompanied by bad vision. We remove the cause scientifically and ACCURATELY. UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE Complicated lenses replaced on short notice from largest stock of lenses and best equipped shop in Maine. We invite inspection of our shop and Methods D. S. THOMPSON OPTICAL CO, 127 LISBON STREET, LEWISTON, ME. BUSINESS DIRECTORY MELVIN KNIGHT, Agent for the GLOBE STEAM LAUNDRY H. C. LITTLE & SON, Insurance AGENCY ESTABLISHED 1857 Insurance of all Kinds Written at Current Rates 165 Main Street LEWISTON, ME. TUFTS COLLEGE TUFTS COLLEGE MEDICAL SCHOOL DENTAL SCHOOL The Luildlng has recently been enlarged and remodelled. Offers a four years' graded course including Three years' graded course, covering all all branches of Scientific and Practical Medi- branches of Dentistry. Laboratory and sci- cine. The laboratories are extensive and fully entific courses are given in connection with equipped. Clinical instruction is given in the Medical School. Clinical facilities unsur- the various hospitals of Boston which afford fiassed. 30,000 treatments being made annually facilities only to be, found in a large city. u the Infirmary. The diploma of Bates College is accepted in lieu of" entrance examinations, but candidates for the Medical School must, in addition to the diploma, present satisfactory certificates of proficiency in Latin and Physics, and niustx>ass an examination in Chemistry. For information, or a catalog, apply to FREDERIC M. HRKHiS. M.D., Secretary, Tufts College Medical and Dental Schools. 4lC HuntlngtOn Avenue, BOSTON, MASS YOUR ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES "HORNE TReFlorist STUDENTS! of all kinds can be bought at Cut Flowers and RIGHT PRICES at Floral Designs a Specialty J. H. STETSON CO. Also a Large Assortment of 65 Lisbon Street, Lewiston, Me. SOUiZENIR POSTCHRDS The Best at the Same Price Next to Long's Restaurant, Lisbon St., Lewiston BATES MEN- Benjamin's Lunch SEE 107 Main Street, Lewiston, Me. GRANT & CO. 34 LISBON STREET | I FOR HARRY L. PLUMMER s GOOD CLOTHES ai I pboto an& ■ A COMPLETE LINE OF Brt Stucno I Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases CAN BE FOUND AT Journal FOCC'S LEATHER STORE Building I Not merely stylish but durable and reason- I able equipment for traveling LEWISTON, MAINE G. M. FOGG, 117-123 Main St., Lewiston, Me. I I Elevator Service 9m I J3he NeW DeWitt IRVING E. PENDLETON, D.M.D. Lewiston, Me. Dentist G. R. PATTER, Proprietor .129 Lisbon Street LEWISTON. ME. Osgood Block BUSINESS DIRECTORY MELVIN KNIGHT, Agent for GLOBE STEAM LAUNDRY OUR BEST ADVERTISEMENTS ARE NOT WRITTEN, THEY ARE WORN \kt l_f I T E? O T*^ F^ t? LEWISTON'S NEWEST and BEST CLOTHES Vtf f4 I I §4 ^^ III ■» 1^ SHOP invites you to visit our new shop and I f 1 1 1 Lmd ^J 1 \J I \ L*i inspect our large variety of ''College Chap" Clothes We offer none but reliable clothes all marked at the very lowest prices WHITE STORE, Isaacson & Allen, Lisbon St., opp. Music Hall Entrance UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT COLLEGE OF MEDICINE This school is rated in Class A by the Council on Medical Edu- cation of the American Medical Association, which is sufficient guarantee of a satisfactory educational requirement. It is located in an ideal college city, has a new building with modern equipment, and large hospital and clinical facilities. Session opened November i, 1910. For Bulletin giving full particulars, write to DR. J. N. JENNE, Secretary, Burlington, Vt. HARPER & GOOQIN CO. FRED H. WHITE 138 Bates Street TILEPHONI 217-2 GJatlur attii Draprr 57 Whipplo Street Coal anil wood TELIPHONI 217-3 125 Main Street LEWISTON, ME. LEWISTON, MAINE Why the COLLEGE Do You Know,BOYS have always LEWISTON FRUIT MARKET LUNCH WAGON? Because they have the best of IS THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR everything, home cooked, up-to-date- Sanitary Cart, FRUIT FOR YOUR CLASS RIDES Glass Bar. We have it of all kinds, also the best line of Main St., next to Great Department Store CANDY and CIGARS Ernest Hodgkins, Barman H. L. Tarr, Manager N E. Tel. 103-52 Call and see us No. 193 Main 8treet Lewiston Steam Dye House Go. PROFESSIONAL CUSTOM TAILORS JOSEPH LEBLANC & SONS, Props. SUITS MADE TO ORDER GOODS CALLED FOR and DELIVERED Repairing. Cleansing and Pressing Opposite Empire Theatre Phone 611-62 MAX SUPOVITZ & CO. Clothing of all descriptions Cleansed, Dyed, Pressed 108 LISBON ST., LEWISTON, ME. and Neatly Repaired Tel. 637-4 D. E. MURPHY LYNNE H. DURRELL Sample Shoe Store ROOM 29, R. W. HALL SHOES REPAIRED AGBNT FOR PMICII RIGHT 173 Main Street Lewiiton, Me. American Steam Laundry BUSINESS DIRECTORY THE GLOBE STEAM LAUNDRY, Special Rates to College Students Our Agent E. H. BRUNQUIST A. G. SPALDING & BROS. a6 Parker Hall are the Largest You can get the latest things in OS** Manufacturers Tailor-Made Suits at Mangan's SPALDING in the world of CALL AND SEE TJS. Trade-Mark CORRECT PRESSING AND TAILORING OFFICIAL At Prices that Suit EQUIPMENT Care of Clothes—$1.00 Per Month FOR ALL ATHLETIC MICHAEL* JWA^GflN SPORTS AND 119 Lisbon Street PASTIMES N. E. Phone 679-2 ^wrwe* are inter- ested in is known throughout A thletio the world as a II YOB Sportyou DO YOU KNOW should have a copy of the Spalding Catalog. DOINDERO? Guarantee of It's a complete ency- clopedia o/WHAT'S NEW IF NOT, Quality IN SPORT '""' is sent COME IN—Let's Get Acquainted free on request. Fruit, Confectionery and Cigars A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 169 MAIN STREET 141 Federal Street, BOSTON Lewiston Monumental Works '•RJE2fHV Wholesale Dealers and Workers of " ' ' ' GRANITE and MARBLE; Near Upper M. C. R. R. Depot Estimates Furnished on Application LEWISTON, IVIE. Telephone No. 410-24 Between sessions or any time go up to PINCPONCSTUDIO H. B. King & Son SMALL For LUNCH, CANDIES, CIGARS, and TOBACCO 30 ImmPICTURES 25 «* Two minutes walk from Campus, up College Street 1J5 Lisbon Street LEWISTON, ME. OPEN EVENINGS Boston University Metropolitan Advantages of every kind W. E. HUNTINGTON, President College of Liberal Arts, opens sept. .7. New Building, Enlarged Facilities, Science Lab- oratories and Gymnasium. Address, The Dean, 688 Boylston Street. John G. (gburn School of Theology, opens sept. 16. Address, The Dean, 72 Mt. Vernon Street. School of Law. opens Oct. ■. College Graduates of high rank may take the three Sailor years'course in two years. Address, The Dean, Ashburton Place. School of Medicine opens o«. i. Address, The Dean, 302 Beacon Street. Swell College Clothing Graduate Department, opens Sept.
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