WORLD. PAGE 6. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2016 THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 DAILYIOWAN.COM 50¢ ELECTION 2016 ‘Hateful’ fliers Iowa, where early disturb UI voting community grows By EMILY KRESSE Members of the UI community condemn hate messages contained in fliers [email protected] distributed around campus. Early voting in Iowa has been in full swing for nearly a month, and the numbers in Johnson County are beat- ing those in 2008, yet down from 2012. BY MARISSA PAYNE | [email protected] and policy-enforcement agencies,” said the That is in part because Johnson statement from UISG. County has grown in population, said University of Iowa student leaders and UISG President Rachel Zuckerman said John Deeth, an election technician in members of minority groups are speaking out she believes the actions of those who have the Johnson County Auditor’s Office. against the sudden rise of hateful messages posted the fliers — acts of “some people with County auditors oversee elections, around campus. a lot of hate in their hearts” — do not reflect but Johnson County Auditor Travis Fliers featuring racist, anti-Semitic, and the attitudes of a majority of UI students. Weipert is on the ballot and there- homophobic messages have been posted “[The groups of students targeted by the fore not allowed in the ballot room, around the UI cultural and resource centers, fliers] are supported and loved by myself and Deeth said. as well as an unnamed residence hall, in re- so many people on campus, so don’t take the Recent allegations of a rigged elec- cent weeks. actions of this small minority of people to be tion by Republican presidential candi- According to a statement released by the representative of how other students on cam- date Donald Trump have caused some university, the fliers were immediately re- pus feel about them,” she said. to worry, but Deeth said elections in moved upon discovery and the UI police are Elliot Smith, a transgender UI student, Johnson County are, and always have investigating the incidents. said he fears a larger population of students been, secure. “The University of Iowa is … committed to holds views similar to those who posted these “We’re just doing our job like we’ve maintaining an environment that recogniz- fliers than the UI community may realize. always done our job,” he said. “This es the inherent worth and dignity of every “It’s still continuing to pick up ground; year’s no different, except for the al- person and that fosters tolerance, sensitivi- this idea that white men are becoming an legations.” ty, understanding, and mutual respect,” said oppressed class, and I feel like that’s a lot Iowans interested in voting early Tom Rocklin, the UI vice president for Stu- of what’s behind making it OK to post these can do so by mail, many counties have dent Life, in the statement. “We encourage fliers against other groups,” he said. arranged satellite voting at accessible our campus community to embrace diversity, Similar but unconnected events occurred locations to “be where the people are,” demonstrate leadership, and be respectful of at the UI last week when people stood on the Deeth said. everyone who uses our shared space.” T. Anne Cleary walkway to preach homopho- Johnson County is prepared for The UI Student Government released a state- bic views. Smith said this event, combined more than 80,000 voters this year, ment Monday in response to the fliers that con- with the posting of the fliers, has created a with most voting before Election Day, demned the spread of “hate and intolerance.” “dark atmosphere” on campus. he said. “Acts of this kind, intended to stir up “A lot of sort of negative things have been So far, there have been satellite loca- hate and intolerance, have absolutely no happening all at once,” he said. “I think [these tions at the Iowa City Public Library, place at the University of Iowa and will events] are maybe emboldening each other Old Capitol Town Center, Petersen be investigated by the appropriate law- and encouraging other copycats to go ahead Residence Hall, the University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics, and the Iowa Me- morial Union. The IMU will continue to be an early SEE HATE, 2 voting site through Friday. As of Mon- SEE VOTING, 2 Recipes for walking in an urban landscape Jeff Speck, a city planner and urban designer, discussed the issue of walkability in Iowa City at the Iowa City Public Library. By NAOMI HOFFERBER “My argument for the with walkability, and [email protected] walkable city is now no how suburbs and cul-de- longer a planner’s ar- sacs are not conducive to Despite Iowa City gument, it’s the econ- that and lead to the need being widely accessi- omist’s argument, the for mass infrastructure. ble to pedestrians, city environmentalist’s ar- “For some, [living in officials continue to gument, and the epide- suburbs] is the Ameri- look into ways to im- miologist’s argument,” can dream, although the prove walkability. Speck said. “People want number of people who Jeff Speck, the author to be in walkable plac- say they want to live of Walkable City, ad- es now and are paying in a house where they dressed a full meeting more to live there.” can’t walk to stores and room Monday night at A walkable city has restaurants and other the Iowa City Public Li- most of the daily needs things is about 10 per- brary. Several city coun- of an individual resid- cent,” Speck said. “This cilors were in atten- ing in the city, Speck is the vision for many dance, including Mayor said, including a place in the American Dream, Jim Throgmorton, and to live, a place to work, but it’s a two-part deal.” City Manager Geoff a place to shop, a place In order to allow for Fruin also attended. for recreation, and a walkability, there must Speck discussed rea- place for worship. When be an increase in hous- sons for walkability and things are within walk- ing in cities so the ratio ways a city can become ing distance, the need of jobs to housing allows more walkable, and he for other forms of trans- for individuals to live said there must be a rea- portation is cut down, within walking distance son to walk, safety while which is both economi- of their jobs. walking, a sense of com- cally and environmen- “My main frustra- fortability when walk- tally beneficial. tion being here is that ing, and walking must Speck also addressed City planner and urban designer Jeff Speck talks about walkable and sustainable cities in the Iowa City Public Library be interesting. the issue of urban sprawl SEE WALKING, 2 on Monday. Speck described ways in which Iowa City could become more sustainable. 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Katelyn Weisbrod If a report is wrong or misleading, a Opinions Editor 335-5863 request for a correction or a clarification Jack Dugan may be made. Sports Editor 335-5848 Blake Dowson PUBLISHING INFO Assistant Sports Editor The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is pub- Courtney Baumann lished by Student Publications Inc., E131 Pregame Editor 335-5848 Adler Journalism Building, Iowa City, Iowa Jordan Hansen 52242-2004, daily except Saturdays, Sun- Copy Chief 335-6063 days, legal and university holidays, and Beau Elliot university vacations. Periodicals postage Photo Editors 335-5852 paid at the Iowa City Post Office under the Joseph Cress Act of Congress of March 2, 1879. Anthony Vazquez Visual Arts Director 335-6030 SUBSCRIPTIONS Margaret Kispert Call: Juli Krause at 335-5783 Politics Editor 335-5855 Email: [email protected] Mitch McAndrew Subscription rates: 80 Hours Editor 335-5863 Dance Marathon Executive Chairman Ross Palme hands out fliers for Smallpools on Monday on the Pentacrest. Smallpools and special guest APOLLO LTD will playing Iowa City and Coralville: $20 for one Girindra Selleck Wednesday in the IMU Second-Floor Ballroom; doors will open at 7 p.m. (The Daily Iowan/Alex Kroeze) semester, $40 for two semesters, $10 TV News Director 335-6063 for summer session, $50 for full year. Cole Johnson Out of town: $40 for one sememster, $80 Convergence Editor 335-6030 for two semesters, $20 for summer Elona Neal session, $100 all year. Web Editor 335-5829 norance,” Joaquin said. students from speaking making students aware Send address changes to: The Daily Iowan, Tony Phan HATE “Now, I wouldn’t be sur- their minds. of resources and ways to 100 Adler Journalism Building, Iowa City, Business Manager 335-5786 CONTINUED FROM FRONT prised if it was a large “It’s just like, ‘sit back report sightings of fliers, Iowa 52242-2004 Debra Plath group of people that has down; you did enough; university officials need Classifed Ads/Circulation Manager those same feelings or you were heard, but to ensure affected stu- Juli Krause 335-5784 with similar things.” was behind this.” learn your place again,’ dents are empowered to Production Manager 335-5789 Smith and Zuckerman, Also alarming to ” she said.
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