Global list of National Bioethics Committees with contact details This list will shortly be available in a searchable format on the Ethics website at http://www.who.int/ethics/en/ For further information or if you wish to add/modify information in this document, please contact Dr Marie Charlotte Bouësseau at [email protected] Department of Ethics, Trade, Human Rights and Health Law (ETH) World Health Organization Geneva National bioethics Committees Draft August 2004 2 National bioethics Committees Draft August 2004 Country Name of Institution Contacts Conseil National de l'Éthique Prof. Said Slimane - Taleb (Président ) des Sciences de la Santé Ministère de la santé, de la population et de la réforme hospitalière, 125 Boulevard Abderrahmane LAALA, EL-MADANIA, Alger, ALGERIE Algeria Tel: +(213) (2) 127 9831 (secrétariat du Ministre),+ (213) (2) 127 9964 (secrétariat du Conseil)/Fax: +(213) (2) 127 9641 http://www.sante.dz National Health and Medical Dr Kerry Breen (Chairperson) Research Council, Australian Ms Cathy Clutton (General Secretary) Health Ethics Committee, Health Ethics Section, G.P.O. Box 9848, Canberra, ACT 2601, AUSTRALIA Australia NHMRC - AHEC Tel: +(61)(2) 6289 9807/Fax: +(61)(2) 6289 9898 [email protected] http://www.health.gov.au/nhmrc The Bioethics Commission Prof. Johannes Huber (Chairman) Dr. Robert Gmeiner (Head of the Secretariat ) Bioethikkommission beim Bundeskanzleramt - Geschäftsstelle 1010 Wien, Hohenstaufengasse 3, Austria AUSTRIA Tel: +(43)1 53115-4319 /Fax: +(43)1 53115-4307 [email protected] http://www.bka.gv.at/bioethik/ Comité consultatif de Prof. Léon Cassiers (President) Bioéthique de Belgique 4, Rue de l'Autonomie- 1er étage. 1070 Bruxelles, BELGIUM Belgium (Belgian Advisory Committee on Tel: +(32)(0)27525.09.11/Fax: +(32)(0)27525.09.12 Bioethics) [email protected]/bioeth www.health.fgov.be/bioeth Science and Technology Ethics André Beauchamp (Président) Committee (CEST) Commission de l'éthique de la science et de la technologie, 1200 route de l'Église, 3rd floor, Suite 3.45, Sainte-Foy QUEBEC G1V 4Z2, CANADA Tel: +(418) 528-0965/Fax: +(418) 646-0920 [email protected] http://www.ethique.gouv.qc.ca/eng/home.html Canada Canadian Institutes of Health Dr. Françoise Baylis (Co-Chair) Research, CIHR Dr. Michael McDonald (Co-Chair) Standing Committee on Ethics, 410 Laurier Avenue W., 9th Floor, Address Locator 4209A, Ottawa ON K1A 0W9, CANADA Tel: +(613) 946-5622 [email protected] http://www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca 3 National bioethics Committees Draft August 2004 National Council on Ethics in Dr Richard Carpentier (Executive Director) Human Research 774 promenade Echo Drive, Ottawa, Canada, K1S 5N8 (Conseil National d'Ethique en Tel: +613 730 62 25/Fax: +6137308251 Recherche chez l'Humain) [email protected] http://ncehr-cnerh.org Comité Consultatif National de Prof. Lazare Poamé Bioéthique de la République de Tel:+(225)(05) 835 830/+(225)(20) 324 825/Fax:+(225)(20) 218 123 Côte d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire [email protected] Comité Nacional Cubano de Dr Ismael Clark Arxer Bioética (Cuban National Comité Nacional Cubano de Bioética, Academia de Ciencias de Cuba, Cuba Commission for Bioethics) Capitolio Nacional, Prado y San José, Habana Vieja, La Habana 12400, CUBA Tel:+(1) (537) 862 6545/+(1)(537) 867 0599/Fax:+(1)(537) 338 654 [email protected] OR: [email protected] Centralni Eticka Komise Pri Prof. Jan Payne (President) Ministerstvu Zdravotnictvi Ms Dominika Grundova (General Secretary) Ceske Republiky Central Ethics Committee of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, (Central Ethics Committee of the Palackého nám.4, 128 01 Prague 2, CZECH REPUBLIC Tel: +(420)(2) 2497 Ministry of Health of the Czech 2471/Fax:+(420) (2) 2491 5977 Republic) [email protected] Bioeticka Komise Rada Vlady Dr Vladimír Viklicky (President) Czech Republic Ceské Republiky pro Vyzkum a Jana Zoubková (General Secretary) Vyvoj, BIOETICKA KOMISE RVV Office of the Government of the Czech Republic, Nabrezi Edvarda Benese 4, (Bioethical Commission 118 01 Prague 1, CZECH REPUBLIC Associated to the Research and Tel. +420-224 002 358/Fax: 53 24 68, Development Council of the [email protected] Government of the Czech http://www.vlada.cz/1250/eng/vrk/rady/rvv/rvv.eng.shtml Republic) Comité National d'Ethique Dr Evariste Likinda Democratic Republic of Congo [email protected] Danish Council of Ethics Berit Andersen Faber ( Head of Secretariat) The Danish Council of Ethics Ravnsborggade 2-4; 2200 Copenhagen DENMARK Phone:+(45) 3537 5833/Fax:+(45) 3537 5755 Denmark [email protected] [email protected], http://www.etiskraad.dk 4 National bioethics Committees Draft August 2004 Comision Nacional de Bioetica Mr Andres Peralta (President) (Dominican Republic) National Comisión Nacional Dominicana de la UNESCO, SEEC, Avenida Máximo Gomez, Dominican Republic Bioethics Commission Santo Domingo, DOMINICA REPUBLIC UNESCO Comité Nacional de Bioética del Mr Arvelio García-Rivas, UNESCO Quito, Foch 265, Apartado 17-07-8998, Ecuador (Ecuador National Quito, Ecuador Ecuador Commission for Bioethics) Tel:+(593) (2) 529 085/Fax:+(593) (2) 504 435 UNESCO Egyptian National Committee Prof. Ibrahim Gamil BADRAN (Chairman) for Bioethics, EGY/NCB Egyptian National Commission for UNESCO, 17 sh. El - Kuwait, Dokki, Cairo, EGYPT Tel:+(20) (2) 335 6659/Fax:+(20) (2) 335 6947 Egypt [email protected] [email protected] ma - [email protected] http://www.egnatcom.org.eg Eesti Bioeetika Noukogu, EBN Prof. Arvo Tikk (President) (Estonian Council on Bioethics) Pille Saar (General Secretary) University of Tartu, Department of Neurology and Neuroscience, 2, Ludwig Estonia Puusepp Street, 51014 Tartu, ESTONIA Tel:+(372)(7) 318 532/Fax:+(372)(7) 318 509 [email protected] National Bio-Ethics Committee Dr Yemane Teklay (Secretary) Health Research Department, Ethiopian Science and Technology Commission, Ethiopia P.O. Box 2490, ETHIOPIA Fax:+(251)(1) 52 44 00 National Advisory Board on Paula Kokkonen (Chairman) Health Care Ethics (ETENE) Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, P.O. Box 33 (Kirkkokatu 14, Helsinki), 00023, Valtioneuvosto; FINLAND Finland Tel:+(358)(9)16001 (switch board)/Fax:+(358)(9)16074312 etene(at)stm.fi ; http://www.etene.org/e/index.shtml 5 National bioethics Committees Draft August 2004 Comité Consultatif National Prof.Didier Sicard (Président) d'Ethique pour les sciences de Comité consultatif national d'éthique pour les sciences de la vie et de la la vie et de la santé santé, 71, rue Saint-Dominique 75007 Paris, FRANCE (CCNE) Tel: +(33)(1)44 42 48 52/53/Fax:+(33)(1)44 42 48 48 France (National Consultative Ethics [email protected] Committee for Health and Life http://www.ccne-ethique.fr/ Science) National Bioethics Council of Dr Tamar Dekanosidze (President) Georgia, NBCG National Health Management Centre, 51 Javahishvili St., Tbilisi-38002, Georgia GEORGIA Tel:+(995) 3294 0160/Fax:+(995) 3294 0160 [email protected] Nationaler Ethikrat Prof. Spiros Simitis (Chair) (German National Ethics Council) Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Berlin-Brandeburgische Akademie der Wissenschaft, Geschäftsstelle de Nationalen Germany Ethikrates, Jägerstrasse 22/23, D-10117 Berlin, GERMANY Tel:+(49)(30)2037 0242/Fax:+(49)(30) 2037 0252 [email protected] http://www.ethikrat.org Hellenic National Bioethics Prof.George Koumantos (Chairman) Commission Evelpidon 47, 113 62 Athens, GREECE Greece Tel:+(30)210 88 47 700/Fax:+(30)210 88 47 701 [email protected] http://www.bioethics.gr National Bioethics Committee Ministry of Science and Technology, Department of Biotechnology, Govt of India, Block-2, 8th Floor, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003, INDIA Tel:+(91)(11) 436 0718/Fax:+(91)(11) 436 0718. India [email protected] Central Ethics Committee on Prof. M.N. Venkatachaliah Human Research (CECHR) Indian Council of Medical Research, Ansari Nogai, PO Box No. 4508, New Delhi 110029, INDIA 6 National bioethics Committees Draft August 2004 Irish Council for Bioethics Mr Dermot Gleesonm (Chair) Irish Council for Bioethics Academy House, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin 2, IRELAND Ireland Tel:+(353)16611901/Fax:+(353)16762346 info bioethics.ie http://www.bioethics.ie Committee of Bioethics, Dr Khojasteh Arefnia (General Secretary) National Committee for Ethics c/o Iranian National Commission for UNESCO, No 17, 1st St., Shahid Hesari Islamic Republic of Iran in Science and Technology St., Mirdamad Blvd., 1548946111, Tehran P.O. Box 11365-4498, IRAN (UNESCO) Tel:+(98) (21) 222 2852/225 1364/Fax:+(98)(21) 225 2536 [email protected] Comitato Nazionale Italiano di Prof. Francesco D'Agostino (Chairman) Bioetica, CNB Via della Mercede, 9600187 Roma, ITALY Italy (The National Bioethics Tel:+(39)(6)67794601/Fax:+(39)(6)67794686 Committee) [email protected] http://www.governo.it/bioetica/ Bioethics Committee of Japan Prof. Hiroo Imura (President) Japan Kyoto University, Faculty of Medicine, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-01, JAPAN National Bioethics Committee of Prof. Mohammad Hamdan (Chairman) Jordan Jordan (UNESCO) Conseil National de la Mr Marwan Hamadé (President) Recherche Scientifique, Comité B.P. 11-8281, Beirut, LEBANON de Bioéthique, CNRS (or Comité Tel:+(961) (1) 822 665. Lebanon Consultatif National Libanais [email protected] d’Ethique pour les Sciences de la http://www.cnrs.edu.lb/directory.html Vie et de la Santé) Lietuvos bioetikos komitetas, Prof. Eugenijus Gefenas (Chair) LBEK Vilniaus g. 33-230, 2001 Vilnius, LITHUANIA Lithuania (Lithuanian Bioethics Committee) Tel/Fax:+(8 5) 212 45 65 [email protected] www.sam.lt/bioetika 7 National bioethics Committees Draft August 2004 Commission Consultative Prof. Edmond, Wagner(Président) Nationale d'Ethique pour les Ministère de la culture, de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, 20, Luxembourg Sciences de la Vie et de la Montée de la Pétrusse, L-2912 Luxembourg, Luxembourg Santé du Grand-Duché de Tel: +(352) 478 6628/Fax:+(352) 295 551 Luxembourg, CNE [email protected] Comité d'éthique biomédicale Dr. Jean Rubis Andriantsoa du Ministère de la santé VK.61 E Ambohitsoa Antananarivo 101, MADAGASCAR Madagascar Tel:GSM.+(261)3311 71080/261 20 22 25576/Fax 261 2022 49185 [email protected] National Committee Prof.
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