PAGE FOUR THE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW, BtSBEE, ARIZONA, FRIDAY MORING, JULY 31, 1908. DEMOCRATIC BARBECUE tackle any one of the numerous sub- - MAKING BEAUTY c- isSMtfiaMMSMisiswisissjiatsewisMwesMisisieMsieisisissiiiesMWSMisisiew THE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW FOR RATIFICATION concerning which one so well In- - A CRIME The Warren Democratic. Club has formed may write without leg work. What is in effect a bill to abolish1 -- All the News That's Fit to Print." already determined upon a grand bar There would always be the uudiscov- - matrimony has been introduced in the; Published at Bisbee, Arizona, the bocuo to be gives at Lewis Spiinus ered north pole ai which to dash and (leorgia legislature by Assemblyman est Mining City In the West, at the - anthropoid to Review Building, corner O. K. Street sometime after the territorial conven- our ancestor, the ujie, Glenn. The measure provides that Bank Bisboe mo Review Avenue. ,o August wilds, and If any woman, maid or of on The tion be held at Prescott studv in his native the' whether i i 8th. It is the purpose of the club to Andes and the Alps and the nioun- - widow, shall betray into matrimony, BISBEE, ARIZONA CONSOLIDATED PRINTING k PUB- ? climb write any unsuspecting the1 LISHING COMPANY. arrange to have Hon. Man Smith as tains of the moon to and male subject of W. H. BROPHY, President M. J. CUNNINGHAM, Cashier the principal orator and it is pro- - from. The mine of material Is inex- - state by scents, paints, powder or J. 8. DOUGLAS, H. A. SCHWARTZ, Ass't. Cashier CO. H. KELLY President W. B. KELLY General Manager posed to make the occasion a ratifica- - hausiible to the pen of a writer whose perfume, cosmetics waters, artificial! lion of the nomination of William' name is one with which to conjure teeth, false hair, iron stays, corsets,1 PHONE (Business Office) :3 Jennnings Bryan for president and subscribers and advertisers. .... pads or paddiug, hoops or high-heeled- ! PHONE (Editorial Rooms) Zt-t- Capital, the nomination of Hon. Mart Smith For President Roosevelt to barter shoes, waists, lace, variegated, Surplus and Profits $200,000 UBBCRIPTION RATES IN AD- - congress pen for a paltry drop-stitche- hosiery, VANCE. for delegate to from Arizona. the product of his or rainbow or It is the Intention to invite the dem dollar a word when lie could almost by any other deceitful means or art-- ' BRANCHES AT NACO AND LOWELL, ARIZONA. (By Mall or Carrier.) of county to an build up a million ful practices, the marriage, upon con-- j ONE MONTH $.75 ocrats the entire be without effort IX MONTHS 4.SO present and participate in the barbe- aire magazine, Is reckless thriftless- - viction shall be null and void, ONE YEAR 1.00 ceremonies attending it. ness. Possibly H too for him' Is this the spirit of 7" One Year's Subscription Paid In cue and the is late the 'new south Advance 7.50 The proposition of the Warren Dis- to avail himself of the incalculable asks the New York World. The bill touching at San Bernardino and Agua trict club should arouse the enthu- profits that might arise frqjn the adop- - viiolates the most sacred traditions of Prieta, to Cananea. Entered at the Bisbee, Arizona, AMUSEMENTS throughout well-mean- t perfectly chivalry. by If the report be true that President postofflce for transmission through siasm of democrats the tion of this and southern It was framed the mails as second-clas- s matter. county and make the gathering the sound advice. If so it Is regrettable a misogynist, and if passed will indict, Nickerson has secured the necessary largest ever witnessed in the territory that the man of all men who is equip- - the Georgia legislature for ungallantrj capital for the carrying out of the ex- A complete job printing, binding immensely sue- - tension plaus of bis company may we and ruling establishment m connec- of Arizona The railroads no doubt led to establish an and for hostility not only to the fait tion. Blank books, etc would be glad to make a low rate for cessful magazi. e should content him- - sex but to the author of my policies not expect that he will soon be able to take up the matter of building the Address all comnriuicaticas to this democratic barbecue and demo- :th being a mera contributor. Under such a law matrimony would THE DAILY REVIEW, languish ; east from Guzman. ORPHEUM BISBEE crats would no doubt come to it from and race suicide become iise Bisbee, Arizona. M. M. KING, Mgr. Santa Cruz. Graham and Pima coun- 3REVITY IN real peril- Kings and parliaments s may pro- NOTICE. ties POLITICAL SPEECH nave sought to regulate female cos-Tail'- President Roosevelt now never ceed with the work of writing the let- A reward of 5.00 will be paid tor speech m acknowledging the tume' but so drastically or with The companion piece to "The information leading o Hie arrest and " oallous disregard of the con- - ter of acceptance for his candidate. conviction of the parties stealing The ROOSEVELT SHOULD toLficiatlon of his nomination handed Girl of the Golden West" Review from subscribers. START A MAGAZINE. by him by the committee named by Be1unces THE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW. Assembly man Glenn's bill is con Jupiter Pluvius continues to do It is announced from Oyster Bay the republican national convention fori trary to the law of nature which business in Arizona, much to the de- ANNOUNCEMENTS. that President Roosevelt has con- that purpose was of sufficient h brings "a livelier iris" to the "burn- - light of the cattlemen and ranchers. sell his African output to a to fill one page of the average news- - Rose tracted to The ished dove'" au-- i puts rainbow plum- - FOR SUPERVISOR. prominent magazine at prices which - We advise the national committee ove,- - !,v - !aSe on other lrd8 in the mating sea- th.. LinH.,... Slivered.. -- ., :,nvV .n 1 desire to announce myself s.s a Mr. Loeb does not quote. This Is a .. son. It subverts the law of sex attrac of the Hearst independence party to taadidate for to the office s mistake of the fist magni- didate for president in this country of the Ranch of supervisor of Cochise county. tion. It attacks an inalienable right place no limit on the amount of any VWuiJAM M. RKJGS, tude Before going to Africa Presi- Modern American politics is getting of women and is al'ogether revolu- - man's subscription to the campaign Dos Cabezos, Arizona. dent Roosevelt should establish a mag- to be wretchedly verboose. IfTaft'sle; tionary. fund and to reach deep into the pocket $10 in Gold Given Away to the lucky FOR SHERIFF. azine and get all of the profit upon ter of acceptance is comparatively as Shall little feet no longer like mice! of William Randolph. his popularity. m his speech it will require sev- number Saturday Night I desire to announce myself as a peep in and out? Must they be shod! candidate for the office of sheriff of President Roosevelt is today the eral newspaper pages to hold it. as in brogans? Shall no sweet With copper at 15 cents per pound, Candy Matinee Saturday Cochise county, subject to tie decis- world. of acceptance is supposed disorder 2:30 county conven- best advertised man in the No the letter ion of the Democratic in the dress kindle in cloths a wanton-- ; which price is predicted before the tion. publication could hope to compete to be the medium used by a candidate ness'.' Shall be no winning wave; end of the year, with bountiful crops ERNEST E. HUGHES. with a magazine boasting Theodore to state his views and give reason for there in tempestuous petticoat? Not even all over the territory of Arizona and FOR CONSTABLE. the faith which is in him at length I Roosevelt as editor says the -- . CANANEA ADV ERTISEMENTS. a Marcel wave in the hair? Maud with the long grass growing on all the Courier-Journa- l. in detail. I desire to announce myself as a Louisville and Muller in the field when the judge cattle ranges certainly the outlook candidate for the office of constable What fitter field for the actiwtics In a recent editorial the New York No. 2, Bisbee, subject to rides by veil for future prosperity in this neck o' of Precinct a World thus spoke concerning brevity must her charms. The tht decision of the Democratic con- of man of President Roosevelt's var- NATIONAL THEATRE j Georgia legislative prudes Indeed the woods could not be better. vention JOHN H. JAMES. ied capabilities and naturally editor- in political speech: CANANEA, SONORA, MEXICO condemn stage coryphees, summer STEPHEN D. BROWN, MANAGER FOR SHBR1FF. ial mind than the headship of a per- Platforms are too long; speeches girls, society women, stenographers, Willie Hearst has named his candi- iodical devoted to subjects with which are too long; letters are too long; J hereby announce myself as a can- all womankind alike, to a uniform date for president on the Hearst in- The Home of Life Motion Pictures in Sonora didate for the office of sheriff subject he is conversant and upon which he messages are too long. The repub Chinese costume indistinguishable dependence ticket. The Hearst papers to tb" action of the Democratic county delights to write such as, for instance, lican platform of 1860 was considered convention. M. C. UN TOM. from masculine are making as much noise over this SHOW EVERY NIGHT politics, domestic science, finance, hy- formidable at length and justly sub- attire. FOR Fie on legislation incident as they did over the candi- SHERIFF.
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