FREEREEPHAM LIFE YOUR Community Newspaper www.reephamlife.co.uk No. 13 May 2014 Engineers solve Marriott’s Way badger problem NORFOLK County Council has completed work to repair an unsafe, closed section of the Marriott’s Way at Whitwell, near Reepham, after the project was given the green light by nature watchdog, Natural England. The £35,000 scheme was needed after a network of tunnels, dug by Norfolk’s biggest badger colony, had left the long-dis- tance trail, which runs along the old railway embankment there, Photo: Michael Pender-Cudlip liable to collapse at any time. That posed a real danger to the thousands of walkers, cy- clists, horses and riders who use the Marriott’s Way every year and forced NCC to close a 300-metre stretch of the popular trail two years ago, for safety reasons. But with strict badger protection rules in place and any pos- sibility of moving the colony ruled out, engineers had to go back to the drawing board when estimates for plans to solve the problem using traditional methods, such as building bridges Part of the badger sett near Whitwell Station over the affected section or creating a permanent new route for the path, showed they could have cost up to £500,000. which put limits on the investigation methods and the times The approved scheme involved the path being reinforced us- when setts can be examined, so we initially commissioned Dr ing a system used in a wide range of civil engineering appli- Jenni Turner and undergraduate Louise Christopher from the cations, from roads and airfields to construction sites and old University of East Anglia to run a geophysical survey of the area, landfills, to stabilise ground where it is prone to subsidence. which could be carried out on the surface without disturbing It involved setting layers of geotextile membrane and aggregate the badgers below. over the path to create a strong and durable new structure, safe “The initial UEA geophysics gave us good general data about enough to support heavy regular use over the long term, espe- the ground beneath and a comparison of techniques, which cially by horses and their riders, and protect the badgers beneath. we were then able to investigate further with more detailed geo- The scheme was designed by civil engineering specialists physics and by drilling cores in selected locations away from Naue Geosynthetics after a series of geophysical surveys was the badger setts when we were permitted to do so. undertaken that looked into the ground below the path to iden- “All of this gave us an accurate picture of the precise depth, tify the composition of the substructure of the soil and the pre- length and location of the tunnels. What it showed was that cise location and extent of the tunnels. the badgers have almost entirely tunnelled through a very spe- Charles Wright, NCC’s landfill strategy manager, who head- cific section of the embankment. This is made up of softer sand ed the site investigation and design team for the Marriott’s Way and gravel which was presumably backfilled between two ar- project, said: “This is a good example of a multidisciplinary ap- eas of solid clay when the embankment was originally built. proach that has resulted in a standard design using well-proven “The tunnelled section had completely undermined the path technology. That helped drive down the cost of providing a above, but the clay sections were intact, and it was this that durable long-term solution. “We had to work around the strict badger protection rules, CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 4 w sjenkinsdesign.co.uk RPS SJD Graphic Design and Marketing professionalilitlti print solutionns e: [email protected] Success Judged by Deeds... 01603 871102 Church St. Reepham Norwich NR10 4JWW Ag hip am ment Ag boorative CCoConveyan L itaanancance Coollla ce C Dep nher Ag igigenence ery Family Lawrcrcescce F eer encence CoNegliNeN RRecovRecovery covery Deputyship Depning sourcurcurces Inheritaogetheethe ebt n Resou ng T Pubub CliClinical N s DDebt Recov Livvi g ryy rrusts LeLegalegal g a andndsings d Notary b jury T tLLaw Estatervicesvicesvi Planning HumanLiceieensingensene aagesges Injury T ent Lawia Services orttgatgages anc Ad RReee-mor AAttoorneyo Problthh Financial Servicesntt Adviceanaand Lice rsrssof of Atto Wealealth e Emplo EmpEmploymentee Lawstmentstmemen Advicegesges aanand Lice R weer ststs W Investmentnvenvest rtgtgagesa a y Powe rusrru Bus nt Fixed F ÄUMoMorHUJjuryryPHninningSiingT T y Bus olvvency Inve nall Injury Planning T ruptcy Bu Inso Addvice Moeersrsorsonals Inj Taxx P nkr ng InsolvInsolvenCaree AdviceAdv P ing T uureree BaBan Ba Commer mC rcerccec P nninnn rricuricultuultuul w Comm g-termgteg CaatttD DDivorceDivorDiDivorc PnntttP PPlanPlPlanning AgTg milymiily y LaLaw Dam ongong-termns Cares at Adviceemmenmment en nnttA A Faamily ing Dam ensionse HRetiremRetireRK]PJtitiremmemenmmentL MAgraativaativeYveV F Tveyaancinga yshipDhip sPs P ty b err atatR RetiRetiremeCooollaboraollabo Conveyancing l Proper AdvicAdviced ice a a ceCoe l gegeence C very DDeputyship p Familami ntialtial Propeillls ggliggligenge egligeeegligencgl ececoveryo Wi lNeg llNe NegligeNegligenceebtbt Re ementememe W icical N ClClinlinicallinnica ts DebtD Re te PlanningPl nF Res CClinicalClinicalinic Negertyy ClinicalCl T rusruststs Debt statetat Plann /roperpHUjuryZyT TLSSZw PUs nsin Charities CliC ial Pr ent Law EEst E iiesH es Human ensin rssonal Injury ymyTm mmercia Persone mplomp ncialnc t Advice Licend R CCommerCom taanndd EEmploymeEmployEmploym FiFinancialinan SeServices H san orceorce Employ Feee stmentstmmentmme Advicertggagagesages Lice an jry agemegement a DDiDivo xedFd vestmvvestmentMo InjuryInj io;on ODiDivorceLent)PYncyyJ InvOiHce MT onalnal I solvvencyve InvestmAdviceAdviAdi MM Persersonal e ResolResolutiomploymentm loy Fixed F C niiingigT T ing ererm Care A Divorce nntt PlannPlanni C ily and Em x Planning Insolvng-tengng-teggte nsn ata Divorce en La mily ana Tax Plan tssLosLs LoLLon Lon nssionsiosionsinionioins ReRRetiremRetiremei eme it nce T entsnts Lon ssP Peens rtyyRey Retir R BBuBusinessinessi ess Law L LaC heheriheritanceh rreeeementsments*sioLns U[opopeYer L tcy B ercial La Aggr Pensension al ProperP kruptcyptcy B B mercial ther Ag blic ententialntiaia PropBaanaankruptcy gethgetherRegulated bAgy thePubP Solicitors Regulation Authideoritdndend y No 50602 Authorised and Regulated by twCowhe Fi Commercianancial Conduct Autageshority M 5VY^PJO ((``SZOHT *YVTLY 5VY[O>HSZOHT 9LLWOHT :OLYPUNOHT ;OL *SVZL 5VY^PJO 9VHK *O\YJO :[YLL[ *HUHKH/V\ZL ;OL)PYJOHT *LU[YL >H[LYIHUR/V\ZL 5VY^PJO (`SZOHT *YVTLY .YHTTHY :JOVVS 9VHK ;OL4HYRL[ 7SHJL :[H[PVU(WWYVHJO NR1 4DS NR11 6BN NR27 9ER 5VY[O>HSZOHT 59 1/ 9LLWOHT59 11 :OLYPUNOHT59 9( 01603 615 731 01263 734 313 01263 512 003 01692 404 351 01603 615 731 ty HHllHansellsHaPooperaanjurynns T selllls ^^^OHUZLSSZJV\R Reepham Life, May 2014 3 news Reepham Life is published by Reepham Community Press EDITOR Geoff Fisher A destination for interiors? ADVERTISING Judy Holland THE opening of Rococo Loco (see page ture restorers Butler & Castell (and its DISTRIBUTION Tim Fryer 9) adds to Reepham’s increasing position Reepham Antiques business, which spe- as a destination for furniture, antiques, cialises in carved and gilt furniture), and WEBSITE Jeremy Brockman and home and garden furnishings. the Norfolk branch of Bonhams auction Printed by: Colour Print, Norwich As well as the reopening later this year house, both in Market Place, and Reep- of the Dial House and its furniture retail of- ham is clearly moving up in the world of EDITORIAL ADDRESS fering in the former Old Brewery House, the interiors, both old and new. Reepham Community Press new antiques shop in Norwich Road com- It is understood that Reepham has had Homerton House, 74 Cawston Road plements the existing offerings from Kerri’s several antiques shops in operation at var- Reepham, Norfolk NR10 4LT Farmhouse Pine at the old Reepham Station, ious times over recent decades, with pos- Tel: 01603 308158 Hampton’s Home & Garden (also in Nor- sibly as many as five stores located in the Email: [email protected] wich Road) and the newly opened Coun- town at one time. Web: www.reephamlife.co.uk try Modern in nearby Great Witchingham. n Can any readers shed some light on The views expressed in Reepham Throw into the mix the antique furni- Ree pham’s “antique” past? Life are not necessarily those of the Publishers or the Editor All material is strictly copyright Economic Strategy now available and all rights reserved THE Reepham Eco- and its hinterland, and ensure that the All materials submitted for publication, nomic Strategy is town can continue to thrive in changing including letters to the editor, may be now available to the economic times. edited for reasons of space and clarity general public. To guide the development of the strat- Reepham Life is a free monthly Published in Sep- egy, a steering group was set up com- newspaper supported by Reepham tember 2013, the re- prising local groups. Town Council and Broadland District port summarises the The “Town Team” is continuing to Council’s Small Grants Fund work undertaken by progress these projects and actively wel- Ingham Pinnock As- comes new members, as Reepham will sociates involving lo- benefit from the involvement of anyone cal stakeholders, business and commu- who is willing to contribute time and nity groups to prepare an economic strat- ideas to the Team’s work. egy for the town. If you would like to know more about Commissioned by Broadland District joining the team or about the strategy, [email protected] Council in November 2012, the strategy please contact Ross Ingham on 07827 The Reepham Economic Strategy can identifies 23 projects that could support 240059/[email protected] or be downloaded from the Ingham Pinnock and enhance the economy of Reepham Kate Pinnock on 07974 363991/ website www.inghampinnock.com Ruff Stuff off-road cycle ride to take place on 10 May ICENI Velo, one of Norfolk’s most pro- es at Reepham High School & College All riders under 18 will need a parental gressive cycling clubs, is organising an and costs £5 per rider/under 18 £3.
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