La'cui Lapa'tuc Hawaii: No Ka Wa Kahiko A No Heia Ao Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs 21st ANNUAL CONVENTION November 6, 7, 8, 1980 WaiIua, Kauai We dedicate the XXlst Annual Convention Program of the Association of Hawaiian Civic' Clubs to the Memory of THEODORE "TEDDY"AK'ANA 1 Serving Kauai's real estate needs ... Raymond E. Hoe Realtor, Inc. located in the Menehune Shopping Village 3501 Rice Street Nawiliwili, Kauai; ill Phone: 245-8515 KINIPOPO GENERAL STORE Grocery n:» Beer Wine Liquor PEN 7-DAYS PER WEEK ••• 7:00 AM - 11:00 PM • • 822-3630 - ~rJi~ . _I,~ ~ Kuhio Highway ._•:", 1 'C.l'c. Kapaa, Hawaii 96746 A HOUSEHOLD WORD IN HAWAII 2 HAWAIIAN CIVIC CLUB OF HILO Hila, Hawaii Charter Date: Apri l, 1966 Club Song: Hawaii Aloh a Club Colors: Red and Gold Club Motto: Ua Mau Ka Ea 0 Ka Aina 0 Ka Pono PRESIDENT: E.C. Hobron Van Gieso n; VICE-PRESIDENT: George Apele ; RECORDING SECRETARY: Lily Pa; CORRE­ SPONDING SECRETARY: Violet Makuakan e; TREASURER: Martha McNicoll; DIRECTORS: Joh n Makuakane, Bernard Akana ,Harriet Nahale-a, Anna Brown, Moses Aniu. Activ ities and achievemen ts during the year included participation in the annual Karnaharneha Day Festivities in Kohala, 1979 and 1980, partic ipated in the Hawaii County activities for the Society of American Travel Writers con vention held in November. Participated in the Aloha Week Festivities. Sch olarship project - Hawaiian Food Booth at the annual five-day Hawaii Jaycee County Fair, 1979 and 1980. Awarded six sch olarship grants.The highlight of the year centered around voter regis tration for OHA, getting members to explain to their Ohana the importance of registerin g to vote as well as what OHA is and encouraging as many members to becom e voter registrars.A total of 12 members are signing up eligible voters. It will be interesting to see how many Hawaiians these members have registered. KAILUA HAWAIIAN CIVIC CLUB Kailua, Hawaii Date Organized: November, 1961 Charter Date: April, 1966 Colors: Ilima Gold and Blac k Club Motto: E Ala E Na Mano, E Ola Na Pua PRESIDENT: Hannie Anderson;VICE-PRESIDENT: Criss Howard;SECRETARY: Mikilani Ching;CHAPLI N: Alec Kekahuna; HISTORIAN: Blanc he Keahi; DIRECTORS: Nita Chang, Clara Kekah una ,Wing Chow, B. Chow, Lani Joaquin, Abby McG urn. Founded by ten determined men and women led by the late Louis "Papa" Mahoe near Kailua Beach. During the year the Club co ntinued to take an active role in parades. Built the King 's float for Kamehameha Day Parade.Awarded Scho larships to five students at the Annua l Ho'okupu . Sponos red three stud ents at Kamehame ha Schools Exploration 1979/1980. Moneta ry donat ions to Alu Like and Oahu District Counci l's Kuhio Day Parade . Participated in the Oahu Counci l's Ho Ike Ike 1980. Congratulations CONGRATULATIONS and and BEST WISHES Best Wishes GARY'S SERVICE STATION Kauai Island 3187 KUHIO HIGHWAY - LIHUE TELEPHONE 245-2221 Resorts " .UIGEI Congratulations .IOTHEIS and HOME OF THE Best Wishes BIG MEL and BROTHER BURGER PLATELUN CHES Chandler's Rental & Marine OPEN FOR BREAKFAST Kilauea, Kauai Hours 6:30 a.m. till 10:30 p.m. Kapaa. Kaual 3 Salutes The Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs .. Coco Palms Resort Hotel raA\mnrn c; Res r s la~~ 4 ASSOCIATION OF HAWAIIAN CIVIC CLUBS We lcome to t he Garden I sland of Kaua l. Th e l a s t time we gat hered here we had a bless i ng that l a s t e d f o r days . The rains kept c oming a nd c oming. But the Dist ric t Pr e s ide n t ha s p ro­ mi s e d not t o ha ve a repeat performance . Our theme , La' au Lapa I au Hawa ii: No Ka Wa Kah iko A No H e ia Ao (Hawaiian Herbs o f Med icinal Va lue: Ancien t and Modern), i s a fitt ing s u bject to explore at t h is time because t he Hawaiians were well a wa re of different kin d s of roo ts a nd herbs t o cure their i llne s s e s. Bu t l ate r on in history , when we l o s t almost ou r whole ethnic group (The Ha wa iians ), we turned to t he f or e i g n me dic i n e for cure because our a nces ­ tors kn e w not hing o f t he i llness and therefore could not treat it with o ur own herbs . This Isl and is still abundant with r o o t s and herbs t hat our ancestors used and some of u s stil l u s e some of these he r b s t o d a y . We ha v e a lso been fortunate t hat some Ha wa iia n s, because of their con­ cern for t he Hawaiian people and the people of the State of Hawaii , a re doctors today. And i t i s my understanding that the oldest l i ving prac­ t iei ng physician of Hawaiian ancestry lives here on t he I sla nd of Kauai - Dr. Pat Cockett. • So you see, medicines of old or new has always been a part of Hawa i i for the betterment o f Ha wa i i a n s and the people of Hawaii. Again, we lcome to the Garden I s l a nd . The Kauai Council has worked very ha r d in p lanning the event t o assure a good time for all - so relax - and enjoy. ehana "~~~~~n~,~pre s i de nt 5 ALOHA & BEST WISHES HAWAIIAN CIVIC CLUBS -- ... ,~ ~ • , .: .-- ....-.:-..: .-..~~- --~ • .o' ' r-:--'~ '. " L _ ----..........._-:-... '< - . -- WN¥EA1E• Budget Rent A Car Systems, Inc. Bo~Tol1~$,INC. et P. O. Box 1292 .(!) Uhue, Kauai 96766 TAlwamenca~ W AILUA MARINA KAPAA, KAVAl, HAWAII 96746 Telepho ne 808·R22·4908 Congratulations & Best Wishes to the Hawiian Civic Clubs 3156 HOOLAKO STREET LIHUE, KAUAI, HAWAII 96766 KAUAI PLYMOUTH-DODGE&HONDA (808) 245 -4788 6 EX ECUTIVE CHAMBERS HONOLUL.U GEORGI!: R . ARIYOSHI OOVIlIt NOIt MESSAGE FROM GOVERNOR GEORGE R. ARIYOSHI ANNUAL CONVENTION ASSOCIATION OF HAWAllAN CNIC CWBS 1980 I am very pleased to extend, on behalf of the people of Hawaii, congratula­ tions and best wishes to all whose meritorious effort and enthusiasm have made possible the Annual Convention of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs, scheduled for November 6, 7, and 8, 1980, on the Garden Island of Kauai. This impressive annual gathering has selected as this year's theme, "Hawaiian Herbs of Medicinal Value, Ancient and Modern." It is eminently fitting that the marvels of medicinal herbs of Hawaii be better known and lOlderstood, so that a still greater respect will be shown for Hawaiian culture and Hawaiian wisdom and practical science. To all who will be attending this Annual Convention, we ertend our warmest aloha. We wish you every success in all the good work of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs, and the choicest of Gods blessings in coming years. Best Wishes KINIPOPO from PIZZA & SUB SHOP DELICIOUS PIZZA AND SANDWICHES HOME DELIVERY SERVICE 822-9222 MINIATURE GOLF BREAD - PASTRIES - CAKES WEDDING CAKES - COOKIES Kuhio Highway Kapaa, Hawaii 96746 Phone 822-4541 - Kapaa, Kauai Printing Services Corp. OFFSET/LETTERPRESS Full Color Printing QUALITY PRINTING AT REASONABLE PRICES ... PERSONALIZED SERVICE • FLYERS • BUSINESS CARDS • BULLETINS • POSTCARDS • LETTERHEADS • BROCHURES Tony's • OFFICE FORMS • PRICE LISTS • N.C.R. FORMS • CATALOGUES Economy Rent-A-Car • ENVELOPES • RUBBER STAMPS • MANUALS • LAMINATING Taxi &Tours FULL LINE OF INVITATIONS AND ALL WEDDING ACCESSORIES Reasonable Rates Z45-2631 or 245-2642 245-2774 3-31~2B KUHIO HWY. (Back of Lihue Appliance) LIHUE 8 EDUARDO E. MALAPIT CAYETANO GERARDO MAYOIl ADMINISTRATIVE ASST. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 4396 RICE STREET LIHUE, KAUAI, HAWAII 96766 July 10, 1980 Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs Annual Meeting, 1980 Dear Conferees: Since Kauai and all Hawaii is truly home to all of you, rather than a welcome home, permit me to extend to you Kauai's warmest greetings. Perhaps there is a tendency to assume ancient practices as obsolete and modern as efficient. I will not be sur­ prised to learn that the assumption is unfounded as far as it relates to Hawaiian herbs of medicinal value, ancient and modern. May you have a productive conference, and naturally an enjoyable one. Very truly yours, ~f.27(~~ EDUARDO E. MALAPIT Mayor, County of Kauai 9 KAUAI HAWAIIAN CIVIC CLUB Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii Charter Date: April 16, 1966 Club Song: Nani Wale Lihue Club Colors: Purple & White Club Flowers: Mokihana CLUB OFFICERS PRESIDENT: Gabriel I;VICE-PRESIDENT: (Mrs.) MaryAhana; SECRETARY/TREASURER: Bernard Thompson; DIRECTORS: (Mrs.) Juliette Wong, Hartwell Blake, Victor Punua, Sr. Since Judge Alfred Lauretta, Fifth Circuit Court Judge, was appointed to serve in the Northern Marianas, he invited John Iialaole to join him as Court Administrator. Which John accepted. A farewell dinner honoring Mr. and Mrs. lIalaole was enjoyed by club members and friends. We sponsored two students to the Kamehameha Schools Summer Exploration Program, a Hawaiiana Cultural program, participated in the Memorial Service for Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole, and assisted with the registration of Hawaiians for OHA. We received a Certificate of Appreciation for services rendered, and a "Thank You" letter from the County Clerk's Office. 1979 was a busy and fruitful year. MAKAKILO HAWAIIAN CIVIC CLUB Makakilo, Oahu President Mike Crozier ELEELE SERVICE CENTER SEA SAGE Charles Konishi, Dealer SKIN • SCUBA DIVING CENTERS ELEELE, KAUAI, HI 96705 HANALEI Downtown KAPAA Kukui St.
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