Lunar Exploration Analysis Group (2015) 2022.pdf A ROBOTIC PROSPECTING ARCHITECTURE FOR THE MOON. Paul D. Spudis, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston TX 77058 [email protected] Introduction. The use of the resources of the Moon to have complete monostatic radar coverage of the poles create new space capabilities has been long considered, from orbit [7] and some bistatic data [8], we do not but only in recent years we have found the most criti- have complete bistatic coverage of the polar deposits. cal resource (water) near the poles [1]. In addition, Bistatic radar can eliminate the ambiguity of radar areas near both poles have been found that are in sun- CPR because ice and blocky surfaces have different light for significant fractions of the year [2,3], permit- responses to radar as a function of bistatic angle [8]. ting sustained human presence on the Moon. These are An instrument concept to obtain such data uses two exciting possibilities, but we remain ignorant of the identical instruments on two satellites to simultane- quantities, locations and states of lunar water and of ously map the poles of the Moon. The spacecraft the environment and operating conditions of the polar would be placed in lunar orbit, physically joined to locales. The acquisition of such knowledge is possible each other and map the poles over a lunar day. The two through the use of robotic spacecraft to map regional spacecraft would then separate into two, independently variations, local concentrations, and physical condi- operated satellites to map the poles, gradually increas- tions of ice deposits. Although we have made some ing their separation (and bistatic angle) over succeed- progress, detailed information for mineable quantities ing months to map the poles at bistatic angles between of water ice is needed. 1-12°. These images will give us maps of bistatic CPR Knowledge Needs. Although water exists in the polar in which ice and rock can be distinguished. regions, it is heterogeneously distributed and we are Neutron maps of polar hydrogen concentrations ignorant of its lateral and vertical distribution on km- come from several missions, but such data have low and m-scales, its physical state(s), and the relation of resolution; higher resolution data could be obtained ice deposits to local thermal and topographic condi- through the use of low altitude orbiters [9]. One tech- tions. We must also determine the nature of regolith in nique provides both high resolution (~100 m) and pre- the permanently shadowed regions, in particular, me- cision (± 10 ppm) data – active neutron sensing from chanics properties such as soil density and trafficabil- orbit. The Double Eagle concept [10] uses a neutral ity. To access and harvest lunar water, we need to trav- particle beam to illuminate small spots (few hundred erse the cold traps, acquire and manipulate ice-laden meters) on the surface, which are then analyzed by regolith, and process it into a relatively pure state. sensors in orbit [11] (on the same or a different space- Models suggest that the near subsurface in partly lit craft). The production of such beam in space has been areas may also contain ice [4], an important relation documented on a suborbital flight [12]. This mission that must be confirmed. These activities require both could be conducted to provide prospecting data for mobility and manipulation of materials and we have no hydrogen in the upper meter of polar soils. experience with such at the extremely low tempera- Impactors and Hard Landers. LCROSS demonstrated tures found in the polar areas. that a collision on the Moon can excavate and expose Needed knowledge cannot be obtained from one volatile material to assess the presence and quantity of technique, from a single observational location or from ice [13]. Additional impactors could provide more data a single mission. We need new data from both orbit points for promising areas, but as this approach re- and the surface, using a variety of sensing techniques. quires considerable resources for a single data point, it Thus, although some of the currently planned robotic is not a preferred method for prospecting. A swarm of missions to the poles [5,6] will provide new and im- hard-landing (i.e., tens of meters per second impact portant information, they are inadequate to plan for velocity) probes could provide multiple data points large-scale harvesting and use of lunar water. In terres- quickly and inexpensively. Each probe would be en- trial mining, prospecting and ore assessment is a pro- cased in a crushable shell to absorb the landing shock; tracted and intensive process, in which detailed maps the shell must be made of a hydrogen-free substance and operational plans are made, refined and tested. We (e.g., aluminum foam). A small instrument package, must undertake a comparable campaign on the Moon such as a neutron spectrometer, could provide spot to fully understand the nature of the prospect and its measurements of hydrogen. A bus of about 12 hard architectural implications. landers could be de-orbited with a solid rocket directly Techniques and Missions. Different missions give over a targeted shadowed area and then free-fall to the unique perspective and data return. What additional surface (a drop from 10 km would last 90 seconds and information can be obtained from the various vantage hit the Moon at approximately 150 m/s). These hard points around and on the Moon? landers would be designed to survive for only a couple Orbital missions. Existing orbital data are inadequate of hours; they would make their measurements, send to address our strategic knowledge needs. Although we them to the orbiter and die, producing a map of multi- Lunar Exploration Analysis Group (2015) 2022.pdf ple data points for within the PSRs. Combined with at scales of 5-20 km. Ideally, active neutron sensing other data sets, such a map would yield valuable in- (e.g., Double Eagle mission concept) could produce a sight into the distribution of polar water. hydrogen map with resolution approaching ~100 m Fixed soft-landers. Soft-landing spacecraft offer the and precision of a few tens of ppm [10]. ability to make extended and sensitive measurements After these maps are obtained, a series of hard at a single locality. From such a mission, we could landers could be deployed to survey a site of high in- investigate surface and subsurface conditions, water terest on the ground. A pallet of 12 hard landers can be amounts and determine geotechnical properties of po- de-orbited by a solid rocket motor and then scatter- lar regolith. Extended life landers can measure tempo- deployed (e.g., spring-release mechanism) in order to ral phenomena, such as electrostatic charging of the free-fall to the surface over a wide area, impacting the surface. Each lander involves considerable expense, so Moon at 100-200 m/s. These probes should carry a it makes the most sense to use them carefully and spar- small neutron spectrometer to measure promising areas ingly. Fixed landers should be designed such that they and to ground truth the orbital neutron mapping data. could be accessed and used for parts by future lunar The possible inclusion of additional instruments (e.g., inhabitants. Commercial lunar landers also offer op- XRF, imaging) should be investigated. portunities to obtain new data. From these data, the most promising sites would be Rovers and Hoppers. Even with these new types of investigated from the ground by landers, some of missions, we still need extended surface exploration which will deliver a surface rover. The lander is con- with considerable mobility. Hoppers have the advan- figured to study long-term environmental conditions, tage of being able to reconnoiter distant, widely sepa- including thermal, electrical and plasma environments. rated places of interest and are uniquely suited to in- The rovers contain a power system designed for long- vestigate sites with different and variable potential life (trade between RTG and rechargeable fuel cell). (e.g., small craters on the floor of Peary; [7]). Rovers They should conduct random walk traverses over pros- are able to traverse to interesting points, but can also pects to map ice concentrations at meter- and cm- characterize the terrain between such points, thus per- scales, laterally and vertically. Subsurface drill sam- mitting the possibility of unsuspected and significant ples should be taken and analyzed. While in motion, discoveries. Hoppers would be able to travel to only a the rovers make soil mechanics measurements to char- few stations (probably less than 6), so landing sites acterize the physical properties of polar regolith. must be considered carefully. A long-lived rover (pref- After these survey missions, a series of increasing erably using an RTG for power) could be sent to inves- more ambitious and sophisticated landers, rovers, and tigate the most promising resource sites identified by diggers should be sent to conduct ISRU tests, including other techniques. A rover can and should be equipped demonstrations of excavation, processing, and product with considerable analytical capability, including the storage. All surface machines used on the Moon should means to sample depths up to a couple of meters below be designed for maximum compatibility, including the surface. Additionally, the rover must be equipped interchangeable parts and manipulation systems to to evaluate trafficability and mechanical properties enable remote teleoperated- and self-repair. From this within and around potential prospects. series of missions, we will know where to begin our A Robotic Prospecting Architecture. We want to retire harvesting of lunar water, a game-changing technology unknowns about the location and state of polar vola- that opens up the Moon and cislunar space to industrial tiles as expeditiously as possible.
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