VOLUME 2, NO. 3 • www.woodsborotimes.com • mARCH 2014 New life for an old mill ason Boyer of Woodsboro re- started freelance woodworking, be his first priority. He is consider- Jcently purchased the build- and when word of a pending lay- ing his options for the remainder ing that served as the Glade Val- off came, Jason set off on his own. of the building. ley Mill and an adjacent two-story That was about 7 years ago, and house on Woodsboro Creager- Jason says business has been im- Jason, a member of the Wood- stown Rd. at auction for $70,000. proving every year since. sboro Historical Society, is very Jason is the sole proprietor of JSB aware of the historical signifi- Woodworking Inc. He lives next Jason’s work ranges from “a cigar cance of the building built in the to the property and will use the box to custom kitchens.” The ma- late 19th century. The building still mill to expand his home-run busi- jority of his work involves built-in contains a large collection of mill ness. He plans to renovate the custom features such as cabinetry, machinery, much of it manufac- house and rent it out. libraries, shelving, entertainment tured by the Allis Chalmers Com- centers, and home bars. He covers pany which did business from Only 33 years-old, Jason is deep quite a geographic range, work- 1914 to 1985. The Glade Valley into his second decade of a ca- ing regularly in Frederick, Carroll, Mill operated from the 1890’s to reer in woodworking. He began Howard, and Montgomery coun- the 1950’s. Jason plans to preserve with career and technical courses ties. the historical look of the building at Frederick and Thomas Johnson The old mill building has over and will retain some of the ma- High Schools. After graduating, 15,000 square feet of floor space. chinery for display and sell the re- he spent about 7½ years at Stock- Jason said the building is very mainder. man Woodworking in Jefferson sound. He expects his woodwork- then 3½ year at Brunswick Wood- ing business will take up the en- A historical feature of Woods- years now has a new owner with it indefinitely. Well played Mr. working. While at Brunswick, he tire first floor, and that appears to boro that sat neglected for many the skills and interest to maintain Boyer! living history activities. Musical age, and general disruption in the entertainment is also planned. town. These concerns appeared to War coming to Woodsboro? be counter-balanced by a strong Details remain to be worked out desire to support the re-enactors. he General Staff’s of the Con- Monocacy for its 150th anniversary. at the Woodsboro Fire Company before a final go ahead. The re- A website has been set up for the Tfederacy and the Army of If approved, the event would take Activity Complex and the Town enactors are aiming for well over envisioned event at http://gen- the Potomac have approached place June 28 and 29 with prepa- park. The battle would occur in 1000 soldiers. The large scale of kemper1865.wix.com/150th-ani- the Town of Woodsboro and the rations occurring on June 26 and the park. The event is planned to the event raised concerns among versary Woodsboro Volunteer Fire depart- 27. The actual battle took place on be interactive with the public and the Town commissioners. Con- ment to re-enact the Battle of the July 9, 1864. Troops would camp will include demonstrations and cerns included traffic, park dam- Justin Kiska running for At-Large County Council seat FREDERICK, MD – Freder- didate,” he added, “I am looking abeth Dole’s office in 2000 where self. His years in business have ick County businessman Justin forward to being able to lay the he served as Secretary Dole’s Spe- only strengthened his belief that M. Kiska has filed with the Board ground work for a successful cam- cial Assistant and Scheduler for practical, common sense solutions of Elections to run as a candidate paign that is going to help take the next two years. are what are needed in a leader. in the Republican primary to fill Frederick into the future.” one of the two At-Large County Having “grown up” at the feet Active in the community, Justin Council seats in this year’s elec- Justin M. Kiska is a 34 year- of such luminaries and true public is the President of the Golden Mile tion. old business executive and the- servants like Jack Kemp, Bill Ben- Alliance, an organization created ater producer. Frederick Coun- nett, and Bob and Elizabeth Dole, to help revitalize the Golden Mile An official public campaign ty has been Justin’s home since he he learned how service and doing Corridor. Justin was appointed to kick-off event is being planned for was five years old. Growing up what is right is far more important the organization by Mayor Randy April. in Walkersville, he graduated from than politics. Serving one’s com- McClement who originally creat- Walkersville High School then at- munity, at any level, is a serious re- ed it as an ad hoc committee of Earlier this week, Justin said, tended The George Washington sponsibility. the City of Frederick. Upon the “This year’s election is extremely University where he earned a de- group’s incorporation into an in- important. With Frederick’s new gree in communications and stud- While always interested in busi- dependent non-profit, Justin was form of government, it is impor- ied political science. ness and government, Justin was elected the GMA’s first Secretary tant for the new County Coun- also very involved with the area’s of the Board of Directors in 2012. cil to have leaders ready to guide While still in college, Jus- theater community. He returned Frederick into the future. The tin joined the Presidential Cam- to Frederick when his family took “This year’s election is extreme- members of the County Council paign of Former Transportation over The Way Off Broadway Din- ly important,” says Justin. “With will be faced with countless deci- and Labor Secretary Elizabeth ner Theatre twelve years ago, Frederick’s new form of govern- Justin Kiska sions over the next four years, and Dole, starting as a volunteer and where he is currently the compa- ment, it is important for the new they need to be willing to do what working his way up to joining the ny’s President and Managing Di- County Council to have lead- be willing to do what is best for is best for the people of Frederick Campaign Finance team. Fol- rector. He is also the Chairman ers ready to guide Frederick into the people of Frederick regardless regardless of politics. Practical, lowing the campaign, he went to of WOB LIVE! Entertainment, the future. The members of the of politics. Practical, common common sense leadership is key to work for Jack Kemp and Bill Ben- the division of Way Off Broadway County Council will be faced sense leadership is key to Freder- Frederick’s future success. nett as a policy intern at Empow- that handles all of the company’s with countless decisions over the ick’s future success.” “Now that I am an official can- er America. He returned to Eliz- activities outside of the theater it- next four years, and they need to dividuals can prosper.” for Maryland’s future,” Vogt con- cluded. Vogt makes candidacy official “This Marine is ready to fight Brunswick, Maryland (Febru- “My family and I are extreme- this campaign is to outline a plan ary 20, 2014)-- David Vogt, Ma- ly excited to take this next step,” for making Maryland one of the PRE-SORTED rine combat veteran and 2010 Vogt remarked. “For years, our most business-friendly and con- STANDARD Marine of the Year, made his can- elected officials in Annapolis have sumer-friendly states in the na- didacy for House of Delegates of- told us that a big government, tion. Lower taxes across-the- U.S. Postage ficial on Thursday morning in tax-and-spend agenda is the best board, fewer regulations, and tax Postal Customer PAID Annapolis. Vogt filed as a Repub- course of action. I’m here to say incentives are necessary for in- Westminster, MD lican in Maryland’s 4th Legisla- ‘No.’” creased job growth and an envi- tive District. “My number one priority in ronment where businesses and in- Permit No. 94 2 | WOODSBORO WALKERSVILLE TIMES | MARCH 2014 NEWS Deadly drug combination Woodsboro Walkersville altimore, MD --- Maryland formed about this dangerous and also seen overdose deaths due to BDepartment of Health and deadly trend,” said Dr. Gayle Jor- fentanyl mixed with cocaine.” Mental Hygiene (DHMH) an- dan Randolph, Deputy Secretary Times nounced a report by the Mary- for DHMH Behavioral Health Fentanyl-related deaths have P.o.box 502 land Office of the Chief Medical Services. “We will support the lo- been reported from western woodsboro, maryland 21798 Examiner (OCME) stating that cal authorities as they adapt their Maryland to the Eastern Shore, office Number 240-446-9797 there is an increase in the num- overdose prevention plans in re- and throughout central Mary- E-mail: [email protected] ber of deaths linked to a potent sponse to this deadly trend.” land. Recent reports indicate that and deadly batch of heroin that is heroin-fentanyl overdose deaths Why the change to Woodsboro-Walkersville Times? “The Times” has tainted with fentanyl, a powerful According to the federal Cen- have also been seen in Washing- synthetic opioid.
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