* r -;" T5 ' y: An Elegant Line of Bookletts, Etchings ami Photogravures, Gift ami Miscellaneous Books, Albums, etc., at LITTELL’S (l£L) The 1 VOL XXVI—NO. i\V ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 10, 1891. WHOLE NO.—13lV 2^ The Mercantile Company's lilndir for 1891. —On Monday morning last, Chandler merchants in St. Johns, and too well I Notice, An elegant line of Juvenile Books Ferguson fell upon the avenue in a fit. and favorably known to require any ex- The regular session of Clinton county at Fn.D EW & Millman ’s. —Dr. S. E. Gillam’s growing business tended words of commendation at our Pomona Grange will be held at the Olive has made it necessary ror him to add to hands. Grange hall, on December 16th. At Wanted. his office room. Fowler & Ball, proprietors of the old this meeting the election of offi- A middle-aged woman to do house- —The electric lights, with the aid of AND ST. JOHNS MERCHANTS ARK reliable, double mammoth hardware cers will occur, hence a full attend- W’ork in a country family of three. A the snow, light up Clinton avenue in a READY FOR IT. house of Clinton county, still hang out ance of Pomona members is desired, good home for the right party. Ref­ very satisfactory manner. their sign over there on the corner, and An interesting program will be pre ­ erences exchanged. Address box 118, —Loren Stone has returned to this continue to supply the multitude with pared, with the discussion of such St. Johns, Mich. 1309wtf , The Show Window* In the Store* Occu­ county and will occupy the Hathaway goods in their line. In their extensive questions as may be presented, followed Have you tried Fildew & Millman ’k Bcff'To all new subscribers, farm, south of the village. pied by the Leading, Pushing Merchant* stock, they always have something de-1 by an entertainment in the evening —H. N. Heller, formerly of this village Furnish an Index to What There la sirable for a Christmas present. Some­ under the management of the Olive Pure Baking Powder ? ^ • , . as well as to those who will and late of Detroit, has removed to Stacked up Further Back. thing that will not only make the heart Grange. J. F. C lemons. Sec’y The Boss $1.50 Fountain Pen at pay up all arrearages, we will Toledo, O., 120 18th street. We take pleasure in inviting the at­ glad on that day, but for many years to ___________ Allison’s. —Joe McGough has gone to New come. BUSINESS LOCALS send The Independent and the York with another carload of live poul ­ tention of our readers to the goods of­ Thomas Padley, the acknowledged One second hand Birdsel Clover Detroit Free Press and House­ try, for the Brown Brothers. fered by the following named firms and leading harness-maker and dealer in To Debtors. Iluller for sale cheap. Inquire of ‘ , . —“Aunt Hannah ’s Quilting Bee,” is business men who are advertisers in horse goods, has some pretty robes, All persons with accounts past due, John II. Fedewa or ‘ hold, one year for $1.75, cash, the title of the next entertainment to blankets and whips, which would be must call and settle at ouce and save 1298-tf Edwin II. Lyon . The Independent, and feel safe in very acceptable as a Christmas present. be given by the ladies’ library associ­ vouching for the truthfulness of their costs. Itespectfullv, ation. Tom is here to stay, and what ne tells 121 lw4 H* J. Woodruff . To Riley Tax-payers. •* HOME MATTEHS. —The revelations brought to light in statements and the quality of their you and sells you, you may store it away I will be at the following named last week’s slander suit, is indeed a sad goods : in your memory as truth. places during the month of December Brevities. comment on social affairs in DeVVitt The St. Johns Mercantile Co., who A box of those “El Triunfo ” cigars A lady apprentice at the West side receive taxes : South Riley school- —The bon tons give a party at The township. have earned a large and envied trade manufactured by II. V. Weeden, over Photo Rooms. house, Saturday, December 12; Jason Steel Christmas night. —Charles Cowles, of Essex, and a through liberal advertising and keeping there in the corner cigar store, would school-house, Saturday, December 19; graduate of St. Johns high school, is at­ make a very acceptable Christmas pres ­ Music Room. Boughton school-house, Saturday, De­ —The Essex Farmers’ Club will meet in stock a complete line of goods in their Miss Petsch is located over Travis & with Mr. R. B. Caruss next Saturday, at tending Yerrick’s business college at various departments, are at this partic ­ ent to any smoker and good judge of cember 26th ; Kincaid school-house, ’ Grand Rapids. cigars. We know we should not “kick” Baker’s store, where she will continue Saturday. January 2d, and at my resi­ 9:30 a. m. ular season offering to an appreciative instructions in music and aesthetic —A national convention of State, —,The „ Gypsiest . have elegant«? „ fancy, people, many rare inducements to trade if old Santa put a box of them in our dence on every Friday during Decem­ Boards of Health will be held in Lansing ^uods for sale and you cannot afford to with them. stocking. drills. 1311tf ber. _________ Peter Fung . next June. miss a of them, December 10th, at Geo. II. Judd, wrell and favorably Foster, Post & Co., of the New York known as “Little Judd, the Tailor,” is Try those nice sweet juicy. Picnic Pictures 10x20 —The state board of health reports Newton Ilall. ... Bazaar have, in consequence of the still serving the people with that same Hams at C. M. Johnson’s. can now be executed in fine style at the that not a single case of small pox ex- I ~A change of time of running trains abundant harvests, put in an unusually West Side Gallery. O. G. Flunkett . ists in Michigan on the D. G. H. & M. R. R. went into large stock of desirable goods in their degree of satisfaction, as in many years Banner Restaurant, —Six new names were added to the effect, Sunday, December 6th. See line, all of which will cause even the gone by. Dow ’ happy a parent, husband Cor. Clinton avenue and State-st., west Anticipating membership of the Baptist church time card in another column. poorest persons to smile and buy freely. or brother wrould be to find one of Judd’s side—in basement. Farmers’ Head­ Some changes in my business, I have society last Sunday morning. —Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Havens now re­ Thelen & Dever, the artistic mer­ srfect-fitting suits in his stocking on quarters. Meals, 25 cents ; 5 tickets, $1. concluded to make special inducements —There are 31* pupils in the inter- joice over the advent of the first grand chants, have their store decked out with ehristmas morning. Oysters and hot Coffee a specialty. in carpets until further notice. My born to Dr. and Mrs. McDonald & Co., the new down-towm 131 ltf W. H. Watts , Prop ’r. mediate department of Maple Rapids ’ I §on, born to Dr. and Mrs. George new an d stylish fancy and staple dry druggists, are buildii g up a very ehvi- stock is very large and the most attract­ public schools representing 28 families. Havens, at rowler, December 5th. | goods, in a manner which elicits com- able trade. Their goods are all new ’, Carpets. ive in St. Johns. Do not fail to -see This paper tins week sidvertises the I “A-b°ut three inches of snow fell up- ment and admiration from all w ho visit fresh and reliable, and visitors to their Hemp Carpets, what we can do for you before you buy. queen of Cnristmas presents —a Bissell ®n this fair section of Michigan last their place or pass that way. place of business will receive a hearty Rag Carpets. Respectfully, Carpet Sweeper. Sold by Fowler & Ball. Sunday, and the eager owners of sleighs John Hicks, the oldest dry goods mer­ reception. Ingrain Carpets, II. L. Kendrick . -Stop and think ! Christmas two were out bright and early pounding chant in St. Johns, and Known by the J. E. Littell, the wide-awake book, Brussels Carpets, weeks from to-morrow. We’re growing around over the hubs. trading public as keeping the best goods At John Hicks ’. An Iufant Industry. ' old and our presence (presents) will —Recollect that Wm. A. College will for the money, is this season showing new ’s and stationery dealer, 2nd door deliver the second lecture in the Y. P. from the post-office, is showing the Dealers who buy their cigars at home soon be no more. _ _ _ , _ .an unusually attractive line of rich finest lot of holiday goods for the ex ­ A choice lot of nice sweet Florida for their retail trade, as well as smokers, —C. C. Vaughan, E. E. White and E. S. C. E. course, l riday evening. Decern- fanC y goods for the holiday trade. It is pense, of any In tow n. Oranges received this wreek at will encourage a home industry by buy ­ A. Durkee, left last Thursday evening her 18th. Subject : “Tropical Africa, like putting money at interest to buy of C. M. Johxson ’8. Reserved seats at Littells on Wendes- Fred R. Jackson, the merchant tailor, ing at Weeden ’s Corner Cigar Store. for Mississippi, with the view of pur ­ in the Union Block, is showing a very i Travis & Baker chasing a large tract of pine land.
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