f^. WESTERN EUROPE EDITION One Year Ago Today The Weather Today American counter-attacks re- PARIS: Fog—max. temp. 38 capture third of Bulge. Hungary declares war on Germany. Nazis THE STARS A S. FRANCE: Fair to cloudy—43 TRIPES DOVER: Heavy fog—38 denounced for Malmedy mass- murder. Spies trapped in Paris. GERMANY: Partly cloudy—38 Unofficial Newspaper at U.S. Farces In the European Theater Vol. 2—No. 168 2Fr. Id. Tuesday, Jan. 1, 1946 Hirohito Sheds Divinity M'Arthur Keeps Free Hand, Says Byrnes Conception False, He my «| Parisians Queue Up for Last Ration-Free Bread Vodka Loaded Lorry Flies Like Spitfire Tells Japan Won't Block LONDON,, Dec. 31 (UP).— Fueled with vodka, a British General's Rule Army truck ran like a Spitfire, TOKYO, Dec. 31 (AP).— a British private said today in Emperor Hirohito told the Germany. The private ran out WASHINGTON, Dec. 31 of gas in the Russian zone, ask- Japanese people today that (Reuter).—Secretary of State ed for fuel, but couldn't make there existed "a false concep- James F. Byrnes defended the himself understood. Finally he tion that the Emperor is Moscow Foreign Ministers' talked two Red Army men out divine," something that none of a bottle of vodka and poured Conference decision on Japan half into the carburetor. of Japan's rulers ever dared in a nationwide broadcast "When I pressed the self-star- to say before. last night and assured the ter, the engine roared and we In a New Year rescript that country that the authority of took off like a Spitfire," he said. tore aside the awesome aura Gen. Douglas MacArthur that long had enveloped the Im- perial throne, ihe Emperor also would not be obstructed by Allied World informed his subjects that they inability of the Far Eastern Cora- were not "destined to rule the mission to agree on policies. world. In a 15-minute review of all Greets 1946 "Ties between us and our people phases of the conference, Byrnes always stood upon mutual trust and" further promised Gen. MacArthur affection," the rescript said. "They that his authority would not be do not depend upon mere legends obstructed by failure of the Far With Thanks and myths. They are not predicated Eastern Commission to carry out on the false conception that the these policies. Emperor is divine and the Japanese "Proposals we offered regarding All over the world, victorious na- people superior to other races and Japan make it clear that we intend tions yesterday were planning to fated to rule the world." celebrate their first peace-time New Warns of Despair to co-operate with our allies and Year in many years with revelry we expect them to co-operate with Seeking to lay in an extra supply of bread before rationing again The Emperor used the word "de- becomes effective in France Jan. 1, men, women and children line and gaiety befitting the occasion. us," Byrnes said. "But, at the same In the U.S., hilarity was expected feat" for the first time and ex- time, our agreement safeguards effi- up before Paris bakeries. Yesterday was the last day bread could be pressed concern over what he purchased without ration tickets. to reach a new height, as New cient administration which has Yorkers entered the peaceful New termed "spreading radical tenden- been set up in Japan under the Year on a golden tide of cham- cies" in Japan. Supreme Allied Commander.'- pagne bubbles. Wine stores report "We feel deeply concerned that as Mac Arthur's Denial ed the largest sale in years. Price a result of the war ending in our Holiday Air trashes Kill 16 defeat, our people are likely to grow %/ controls were dropped a few (Earlier yesterday MacArthur de- restless and to fall into the slough nied a statement by the Far East- months ago on imported cham- pagnes, wines, and brandies. of despond," said the message which ern Advisory Commission, issued in was given to the foreign press hy Washington, implying that he ap- In Europe, America, Africa Night club reservations will cost more and taxi drivers will expect the U.S. Army. proved of the Moscow conference The Emperor said the govern- decision on Japan. bigger tips, but New Yorkers don't Sixteen were killed and 13 were injured in plane crashes seem to mind. ment should make every effort to ' (Saying "my views have not been alleviate the plight of the people. sought," MacArthur added that in Europe, Africa and the United States during the holidays. Los Angeles' premature revelers nevertheless he had radioed Wash got a premature dampening when . ington his "final disapproval" of Five crew members and one passenger, all U.S. Army per- police held a surprise drill and joint Allied administration of sonnel, perished Saturday when a B-17 Flying Fortress arrested 338 persons on drunken- FDR Ordered Japan.) ness and drunken-driving charges. On the basis of the Japan deci- crashed into a mountain 15 miles north of Frankfurt, Ger- They had announced the drive—for sion. Byrnes explained that only many. Names of victims were with- New Year's Eve, Sentences of up three questions were exempted from held pending notification of rela- to 60 days' imprisonment were im- '41 Azores Stab tives. at LaGuardia, New York field, and posed. U.S. authority to issue interim di- plunged into Flushing Bay. rectives : Six passengers and three crew New Zealanders. first to welcome WASHINGTON, Dec. 31 (AP).— Killed in the accident was Mis. 1946 because of their proximity to 1—Those dealing with changes members of a French Paris-to J. M. Scully, 49, of New York, President Roosevelt gave instruc- Madagascar mail plane died when the international date line.* started tions, May 5, 1941, that an ex- (Continued on Page 8, Col. I) known in business circles as "Grace the plane fell in an inaccessible Teichholtz." drinking toasts and dancing in city pedition should be ready to sail region of French Equatorial Africa streets at noon Monday (GMT). in 30 days to take the Azores, the Nine other passengers and three They found a good stock of most on Dec. 24. Everyone aboard the crew members were treated for Senate-House committee investigat- plane perished in the resulting fire liquors but no Scotch. ing the Japanese attack on Pearl submersion. Cecelia Durham, daugh- A magnificent present for the 600,000 More All were believed to be French ter of Rep. Carl F. Durham (D- Harbor learned today. One was killed and 13 others in- coming year—the abolition of all The committee received a letter N.C.), received treatment for bruises Russian war taxes—will make jured Sunday night when a Miami- of the right foot and shock. written by Adm. Harold R. Stark, Eligible Today New York plane of Eastern Air New Year's parties in millions of then Chief of Naval Operations, to An airline spokesman said none Russian homes gayer. It also in- Adm. Husband E. Kimmel, Pacific Lines attempting to land in a lasJi- of the survivors was in a serious mg rainstorm, overshot the runway spired more last-minute shopping fleet commander, on May 24 that WASHINGTON. Dec. 31 (ANS). condition. in overcrowded stores. —An additional 600.000 men in the year, which said: Army become eligible for discharge "The day before yesterday, the today under revisions in the Aemy President gave me an over-all limit discharge system which lower -'.he OUCH—HERE'S THAT KID '46 of 30 days to prepare and have point score for enlisted men to 50. ready an expedition of 25.000 men The discharge score was dropped to sail for and take the Azores. from 73 to 70 for male officers, "Whether or not there would be except those in the medical service. scythe. If you see little men, you opposition, I do not know, but we Length of service required for If You're Seeing Little Green Men should make a resolution. And have to be fully prepared for separation was reduced from 48 to this is just the time to do it. New strenuous opposition. You can vi»- 42 months for enlisted men and Now's the Time forThoseResolutions Year's Day is traditionally a special ualise the job, particularly when I from 51 to 48 months for male of- day for making resolutions. tell you that the Azores have ficers, except medical officers. What people resolve on New recently been greatly reinforced." For the first time, length of serv- By E. A. McQuaid enough picture, calling for a strong Year's are things intended to make Other Pearl Harbor news on page 5. ice will be a criterion for dis- Stars and Stripes Stafi Writer drink, but a good deal worse is to them better people, such as not charge of Wac personnel. Enlisted In case you have forgotten what see a file of little men in green beating the wife during the coming Wacs will be discharged after 30 it was you celebrated last night, felt hats. year, or not robbing the kid's bank The Stars and Stripes months and Wac officers after 39 today is New Year's Day. If you These little men are not peculiar to buy liquor, etc. Most such resolu- will not be published to- months of service. are accustomed to seeing things, to New Year's. They can be seen tions have a "not" in them Very morrow, Jan. 2. Public- Medical and Dental Corps of- what you should see this morning, on Jan. 2, as well as Jan.
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