September 13, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1831 the largest global concert ever; seen by over TRIBUTE TO AMBASSADOR ULRIK troops there per capita, and the only country 3 billion people in over 130 countries. Electric FEDERSPIEL to have heavy armor, namely ten tanks. Factory Concerts also produced the original Mr. Speaker, upon arriving in the United LIVE AID concert in 1985, held at Philadel- HON. TOM LANTOS States in 2000, Ambassador Federspiel be- phia’s JFK Stadium. OF CALIFORNIA came actively engaged in solving trade dis- Of the 9 shows happening in 9 countries on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES putes between the EU, Denmark and the July 2nd, 2005 (U.K., Japan, Russia, South Tuesday, September 13, 2005 United States. His diplomatic skills were effec- Africa, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, tive in resolving high-profile trade disputes, in- Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, I invite my col- cluding the carousel sanctions and the import U.S.)—the U.S. show in Philadelphia held the leagues to join me in commending and bidding largest crowd. ban on pork. Mutually beneficial trade has farewell to Ambassador Ulrik Federspiel, Den- been expanded between the U.S. and Den- Larry Magid and his staff at Electric Factory mark’s Ambassador to the United States since mark through close cooperation between the Concerts were instrumental in every aspect of May 2000. Throughout his remarkable career, former U.S. Ambassador in Copenhagen Rich- this show’s phenomenal success. Magid Ambassador Federspiel has worked tirelessly ard N. Swett and Ulrik Federspiel. pulled together an extraordinary effort to make to strengthen the already close relationship Mr. Speaker, Ambassador Federspiel has sure LIVE 8 played Philadelphia, especially as between the United States and Denmark. In- brought his dynamism and passion to many other Northeast cities vied to have the show. deed, the Danes are fortunate to have had political and humanitarian issues. Since com- Once the date and location were set, EFC such an illustrious representative in Wash- pleting his military service in the Royal Danish had only six and a half weeks to plan and co- ington, and the United States has had no bet- Navy in Greenland in 1962–63, he has taken ordinate the largest show in Philadelphia’s his- ter friend and ally in the Diplomatic Corps here a keen interest in Greenland and its popu- tory. Magid and his staff, especially Adam in Washington than Ambassador Federspiel. lation. In 1984, when he became Deputy Chief Mr. Federspiel began his career in the Dan- Spivak, John Stevenson and Jim Sutcliffe, of Mission to the Danish Embassy in Wash- ish Foreign Service in 1971 and was imme- were vital to making this truly historic show a ington, D.C., the relationship between Green- diately assigned to the prestigious European rousing success for both Philadelphia and the land, the United States and Denmark became Community office within the Foreign Ministry. world. For this, Mr. Speaker, I would like to one of his priorities. The Ambassador has As we all know, Denmark became a member express my deepest gratitude and commend played an instrumental role in furthering the in- of the EC in 1973. terests of the Home Rule Government and these men for all of their hard work in the cre- His outstanding contributions on EC matters that of the Danish realm and has worked in ation of such an amazing production. earned him the post in London as First Sec- close cooperation with the U.S. government, retary of Political Affairs from 1973 to 1977. especially on Thule Air Base. He was deeply f During this time he worked in cooperation with involved in the 2002–2004 negotiations lead- several African states in the process of de- CELEBRATING THE LONE STAR ing to the so-called Igaliku-agreement between mocratizing countries including Zimbabwe, An- CIRCLE OF LIFE BIKE TOUR the U.S., Greenland and Denmark that paved gola and Namibia. Mr. Federspiel was espe- the way for upgrading the Thule radar to be cially active in supporting the anti-apartheid used in the Missile Defense System. The is- movement in South Africa. As a result, he was land and the base are strategic elements for HON. HENRY CUELLAR personally invited to the inauguration of Presi- defense and security preparedness for both OF TEXAS dent Nelson Mandela in 1993 and became a the U.S. and Europe. consultant to the modern integrated South Af- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rican administration. Ambassador Federspiel is also an accom- plished academic. He graduated from the Uni- Tuesday, September 13, 2005 In 1981, Ambassador Federspiel returned to Copenhagen to become Special Assistant to versity of Aarhus in political science in 1970 Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recog- the Permanent Secretary of State for Foreign and completed a year of post-graduate studies nize the Lone Star Circle of Life Bike Tour for Affairs, a post he held until he arrived in at the University of Pennsylvania, earning an 7 years of successful service to the people of Washington to serve as Deputy Chief of Mis- MA in 1971. He has been a visiting lecturer at San Antonio, Texas. sion at the Danish Embassy in 1984. He George Washington University and the Univer- sity of Copenhagen, and he also has served The Lone Star Circle of Life Bike Tour is an quickly developed a reputation in Washington as a quick study with an imposing intellect on the governing board of the University of annual event which promotes the gift of life. Copenhagen. Twelve cyclists spread the message of blood, combined with a personable, friendly de- meanor. Ambassador Federspiel came to un- His interest in supporting academic excel- marrow, organ, and tissue donation throughout lence has continued. He is an Honorary Trust- the community as they ride. derstand that not only does Denmark have a critical role to play in European matters, but, ee of the Crown Prince Frederick Fund for With the help of Texas donor centers, the for a small country, Denmark could ‘‘punch Harvard University that supports two scholar- twelve cyclists not only change lives but save above its weight’’ on transatlantic economic ships annually for exemplary Danish university lives too. Each participant rides over 500 miles and political issues. students. Ambassador Federspiel currently sits in a 6 day period in honor of someone need- As State Secretary for Foreign Affairs from on the advisory board of Humanity in Action ing a transplant. 1991–93, Ulrik Federspiel worked to support (HIA), a unique educational program between Each non-professional rider is chosen in the independence for the Baltic states, who were Denmark, the United States, the Netherlands, spring specifically by a committee made up of emerging from the dark years of Soviet occu- Germany and France. The HIA program pro- the tour director, tour captain, a bone marrow pation. Denmark was the first country in the vides the opportunity for outstanding university coordinator, and a former participant. The rider world to recognize the three former Soviet students to intensively study human rights and not only must be physically capable to ride the countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. democratic values, as well as to hold an in- entire tour, but their life must have been From 1993 to 1997 Ambassador ternship with the U.S. Congress. touched by a donation, meaning the rider or Federspiel’s outstanding record brought the Ambassador Federspiel’s commitment to someone from their family has made a dona- notice of the most senior members of the Dan- working for others is undoubtedly a result of tion or received one. ish government and he was asked to serve as his and his family’s experiences growing up in Chief of Staff to the Prime Minister. At the Eu- war-torn Europe. During the Nazi occupation Several stops are made along the way to ropean Union summit in June 1993 under the of Denmark, Ambassador Federspiel’s father, honor recipients, donors, and their families. Danish presidency, Mr. Federspiel drafted the Per Federspiel, was imprisoned for a year due The stops also give community members the portion of the Copenhagen Criteria that set to his involvement in the rescue of the Jews opportunity to learn about blood, marrow, standards for EU membership. Ambassador in October 1943. Needless to say, Ambas- organ, and tissue donation. This gives the Federspiel became a staunch proponent of sador Federspiel has proven himself to be a community the chance to speak with someone NATO expansion and has since taken a lead- strong and consistent supporter of the State of who has experienced a donation. ing role in the process. Among his other ac- Israel. The tour brings communities together and complishments while in the Prime Minister’s After the horrible events of September 11th, recognizes the importance of being a donor, Office, he played an important role in the Dan- Ambassador Federspiel and the Danish peo- and I am proud to have had the opportunity to ish decision to play an active part in Bosnia, ple were among the first to support the Amer- recognize this event here today. having the largest contingency of ground ican people and the cause of freedom. As a VerDate Aug 18 2005 04:31 Sep 14, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13SE8.045 E13SEPT1 E1832 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 13, 2005 NATO member, Denmark is one of the strong- drew a huge crowd and a long line of people September, I would be honored to have Con- est supporters of the United States in its cam- who wanted to congratulate him and wish gress join me in celebrating those who commit paign against terrorism.
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